Task Runner


The task runner tool executes user defined tasks.

Tasks are recipes for performing typical build and test actions as found on most CI systems. The task runner abstracts those so:

  • Tasks can be tracked in a version control repository.
  • Multiple tasks can share common files that come with the repository.
  • Tasks can be run locally without installing a complete CI system.
  • Tasks can be run via ssh on a separate machine without installing a CI system.

Task files describe:

  • Required inputs (source control checkouts, artifacts to download, string parameters)
  • Steps to perform the task
  • The outputs (currently everything the task produced in the result folder)
  • Tasks are written as posix shell scripts with some conventions and a well defined environment.



Tasks can be run on the local machine without a CI system running. Example:

$ ./task try hello_world3.sh

One-time Jenkins Build

We have a special jenkins job running which accepts task submission for one-time execution. Example:

$ ./task submit hello_world3.sh

Jenkins Job

Tasks can be executed as part of a normal jenkins job. This allows to use jenkins triggers like version control changes or reporting features like sending mails on failures to be used.

  • The tool assumes the CI system already performed the source code checkouts. It will therefore merely verify the expected directories exist.
  • Artifacts specified on the commandline (-a xxx=yyy) however work as usual.

The corresponding jenkins job should:

  • Check out the repository containing the task definition and task runner into ${WORKSPACE}/config
  • Checkout all dependent repositories.
  • Invoke the task tool in a jenkins shell step. Example:
config/task jenkinsrun config/hello_world3.sh

SSH Remote

Tasks can be executed on a remote machine via ssh without having a CI system installed. Requirements for this to work:

  • Make sure you can login to the remote machine via ssh without a password
  • Make sure you can login from the remote to the local machine via ssh without a password.
  • You can then run on a remote machine. Example:
$ ./task sshrun mymachine.local hello_world3.sh


  • You can use username@mymachine.local to switch user names
  • Use $HOME/.ssh/config to configure the ssh connection (see ssh docu)
  • The script uses ssh -A so ssh keys from your local machine are forwarded and available on the remote machine.

Task Tool Operation

Artifact sources

The task tool decides what inputs are use for the tasks artifact parameters before starting/submitting a build.

This is usually done by querying the repository definitions in the repos directory (and repos.try in some modes). For example for an artifact parameter called llvm we could have a repos/llvm.json configuration file to query the latest revision of a git repository:

    "url": "https://github.com/my-project.git",
    "type": "git",
    "default_rev": "refs/heads/main"

To query the latest artifact from a directory in the A2 artifact server:

    "url": "http://lab.llvm.org:8080/artifacts/clang-stage1-configure-RA",
    "type": "artifact_server"

You can specify an URL to an archive file on the commandline to override the other mechanisms:

$ lnt task try -a compiler=http://my.storage.server/my_compiler.tar.bz2

Task Files

Tasks files are written as posix shell scripts. The following describes the environment in which they are executed.


hello_world0.sh up to hello_world3.sh and hello_param.sh are considered tutorials. They are simple tasks that are well documented and show more advanced uses with each script.


Scripts execute in an empty directory called workspace:

  • The WORKSPACE environment variable contains the name of this directory.
  • This directory is exclusively to a single run: No other tasks interfere, no files remaining from previous runs.
  • Files outside the workspace directory should not be modified. There are some exceptions like creating temporary files or writing to /dev/null. See hooks/try.sb for the sandbox definition.

Task Parameters

A task can have named string and artifact parameters. An artifact is a directory conaining files and subdirectories. Typical artifact sources are git repositories or archives from artifact storage servers.

Artifacts can be queried and extracted into a workspace directory with the same name:


To extract an artifact into a directory with a different name use:


Arguments for string parameters can be queried with:

VARIABLE="$(build get arg PARAMETER_NAME)"

Parameters marked as optional don't need an argument and will then return an empty string:

VARIABLE="$(build get arg --optional PARAMETER_NAME)"

Other default values can be supplied with the usual shell tricks:

: ${VARIABLE:='DefaultValue'}
  • Abstract artifacts like refs/heads/main in a git repository or clang-stage2-cmake on an A2 server are resolved to a concrete git revision or a specific URL when the task is started.
  • A task with a set of artifact and parameter inputs is called a build.
  • task try mytask.sh resolves artifact inputs and executes a local build.
  • task submit mytask.sh resolves artifact inputs and submits a build to a queue on a jenkins server.
  • task jenkinsrun mytask.sh may be used to run the task as part of a recurring jenking project.

Config Artifact

The task files are part of a version control repository. When running a task this repository is always checked out to a subdirectory named config. This allows task files to bundle and reference additional files in the repository such as helper scripts shared between multiple tasks.