blob: fba70b61950363f44cb8ab0d0dc90a3b6337e316 [file] [log] [blame]
import re
import urllib
import buildbot
import buildbot.status.builder
class StandardizedTest(
# FIXME: We should process things in a test observer instead of at the end.
knownCodes = ['FAIL', 'XFAIL', 'PASS', 'XPASS',
failingCodes = set(['FAIL', 'XPASS', 'UNRESOLVED'])
warningCodes = set(['IGNORE PASS', 'IGNORE XFAIL', 'REGRESSED'])
# The list of all possible codes, including flaky and ignored codes. This is
# the display order, as well.
allKnownCodes = (knownCodes + ['IGNORE ' + c for c in knownCodes] +
['FLAKY ' + c for c in knownCodes])
testLogName = 'stdio'
def __init__(self, ignore=[], flaky=[], max_logs=20,
*args, **kwargs):, *args, **kwargs)
self.flakyTests = set(flaky)
self.ignoredTests = set(ignore)
self.maxLogs = int(max_logs)
def parseLog(self, log_lines):
"""parseLog(log_lines) -> [(result_code, test_name, test_log), ...]"""
raise RuntimeError("Abstract method.")
def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
results_by_code = {}
logs = []
lines = self.getLog(self.testLogName).readlines()
hasIgnored = False
for result,test,log in self.parseLog(lines):
test = test.strip()
if result not in self.allKnownCodes:
raise ValueError,'test command return invalid result code!'
# Convert codes for flaky and ignored tests.
if test in self.flakyTests:
result = 'FLAKY ' + result
elif test in self.ignoredTests:
result = 'IGNORE ' + result
if result.startswith('FLAKY ') or result.startswith('IGNORE '):
hasIgnored = True
results_by_code.setdefault(result, []).append(test)
# Add logs for failures.
if result in self.failingCodes and len(logs) < self.maxLogs:
if log is not None and log.strip():
# Buildbot 0.8 doesn't properly quote slashes, replace them.
test = test.replace("/", "___")
logs.append((test, log))
# Explicitly remove any ignored warnings for tests which are
# also in the an ignored failing set (some tests may appear
# twice).
ignored_failures = set()
for code in self.failingCodes:
results = results_by_code.get('IGNORE ' + code)
if results:
ignored_failures |= set(results)
for code in self.warningCodes:
results = results_by_code.get(code)
if results:
results_by_code[code] = [x for x in results_by_code[code]
if x not in ignored_failures]
# Summarize result counts.
total = failed = passed = warnings = 0
for code in self.allKnownCodes:
results = results_by_code.get(code)
if not results:
total += len(results)
if code in self.failingCodes:
failed += len(results)
elif code in self.warningCodes:
warnings += len(results)
passed += len(results)
# Add a list of the tests in each category, for everything except
if code != 'PASS':
self.addCompleteLog('tests.%s' % code,
'\n'.join(results) + '\n')
self.setTestResults(total=total, failed=failed,
passed=passed, warnings=warnings)
# Add the logs.
for test, log in logs:
self.addCompleteLog(test, log)
# Always fail if the command itself failed, unless we have ignored some
# test results (which presumably would have caused the actual test
# runner to fail).
if not hasIgnored and cmd.rc != 0:
return buildbot.status.builder.FAILURE
# Report failure/warnings beased on the test status.
if failed:
return buildbot.status.builder.FAILURE
if warnings:
return buildbot.status.builder.WARNINGS
return buildbot.status.builder.SUCCESS