blob: e1d86295cdfbe5933fbcf6a2b51e0d6711243918 [file] [log] [blame]
# Tasks can also produce result files. The task runner will check if
# `${WORKSPACE}/result` exists after the task is finished.
# The contents will be packed into an archive. Depending on the mode:
# - `task try` and `task sshrun` will place the archive into the results folder
# of the llvm-ci-tasks checkout
# - `task submit` will upload the archive to the A2 server
# - `task jenkinsrun` does nothing; jenkins is responsible for archiving
# the results folder.
# Get the compiler as usual.
build get compiler --from=clang-stag1-configure-RA
. ${TASKDIR}/utils/
# Compile an example program.
compiler/bin/clang ${TASKDIR}/hello_world.c -o hello
# Place the resuling executable into the results folder.
# You should get an archive containing the "hello" executable when the task is
# finished.
mkdir result
mv hello result