blob: aadf72c4c24a7126c635e71f01c549fe2fc6e32a [file] [log] [blame]
##===- TEST.libcalls.Makefile ------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
# This recursively traverses the programs, and runs the -simplify-libcalls pass
# on each *.linked.rbc bytecode file with -stats set so that it is possible to
# determine which libcalls are being optimized in which programs.
# Usage:
# make TEST=libcalls summary (short summary)
# make TEST=libcalls (detailed list with time passes, etc.)
# make TEST=libcalls report
# make TEST=libcalls report.html
CURDIR := $(shell cd .; pwd)
RELDIR := $(subst $(PROGDIR),,$(CURDIR))
$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=test.$(TEST).%): \
test.$(TEST).%: Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt
@cat $<
$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt): \
Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt: Output/%.linked.rbc $(LOPT) \
$(VERB) $(RM) -f $@
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" >> $@
@echo ">>> ========= '$(RELDIR)/$*' Program" >> $@
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" >> $@
@-$(LOPT) -simplify-libcalls -stats -debug-only=simplify-libcalls \
-time-passes -disable-output $< 2>>$@
@$(MAKE) TEST=libcalls | egrep '======|simplify-libcalls -'
.PHONY: summary