tree: dd0fd16b23dcfa427150401f95c8586dfc549898 [path history] [tgz]
  1. regression/
  2. torture/
  3. CMakeLists.txt
  4. compile-save-diags.cmake
  7. LICENSE.txt

Tests from the gfortran test suite

This is the top-level directory for tests imported from GCC. The test files are contained within two subdirectories:

The tests in both regression (and its subdirectories) and torture can be classified roughly as compile tests and execute tests. The compile tests generally check the compiler's error/warning messages and, in some cases, optimization logs. The execute tests are end-to-end tests that check the behavior of the binary produced by the compiler.

Currently, only the execute tests are supported in regression. Both compile and execute tests have been enabled in torture.

Of the supported tests, a number of tests have been disabled. There are four categories of such tests:

  • Unsupported: These are tests that use non-standard extensions/intrinsics that are not currently supported by flang. Unless those non-standard features are supported in the future, these tests will never be enabled.

  • Unimplemented: These tests hit a “not yet implemented” assertion within flang.

  • Skipped: These tests cause some form of compiler error. Some trigger an assertion within the compiler. Others are legal Fortran programs, but nevertheless cause a semantic error, most likely due to unimplemented features.

  • Failing: These tests fail at test-time.

    • For “execute” tests, some crash on execution, others produce incorrect/unexpected output. This could be a result of a bug in the compiler/code generator or the runtime.

    • For “compile” tests, this could be because the compilation succeeds when it is expected to fail, or vice versa.

Over time, the number of tests in the unimplemented, skipped, and failing categories should decrease. Eventually, only the unsupported category should remain.

Compile tests

The compile tests are “built” when the whole test suite is built at which time a compilation log is saved. At testing time, the log is checked to determine whether the test should pass or fail. If the test is expected to pass, but the compilation log contains errors, the test will be deemed to have failed and vice versa. The compile test are supported in torture, but not in regression.

Execute tests

The execute tests are built when the whole test suite is built and executed when the tests are run. The unsupported, unimplemented, and skipped tests fail to build for the reasons described above. The failing tests do build.


By default, the unsupported, unimplemented, skipped, and failing tests are not run. The intention is that all tests in the test suite should pass by default.

In order to enable the disabled tests, one or more of the following options can be passed to cmake:

  • TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_FORCE_ALL_TESTS: Enable all disabled tests.
  • TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_FORCE_UNSUPPORTED_TESTS: Enable only the unsupported tests.
  • TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_FORCE_UNIMPLEMENTED_TESTS: Enable only the unimplemented tests.
  • TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_FORCE_SKIPPED_TESTS: Enable only the skipped tests.
  • TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_FORCE_FAILING_TESTS: Enable only the failing tests.
  • TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_FEATURES: see the features section below

Some of the tests require the ISO_Fortran_binding.h header file. cmake will look for this file in the include directory of the flang installation prefix. When running the test from a build directory, the file will probably not be found. In that case, the TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_ISO_C_HEADER_DIR flag can be passed to cmake with the value being the directory containing the ISO_Fortran_binding.h file to use.

A cmake command that would only run the Fortran tests in the test-suite is shown below

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
      -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/clang \
      -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/clang++ \
      -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=/path/to/flang-new \
      -DTEST_SUITE_SUBDIRS=Fortran \
      -DTEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_ISO_C_HEADER_DIR=/path/to/dir/containing/header \

The tests can be run as shown from the llvm-test-suite build directory:

/path/to/llvm-lit -v -o report.json .

It may be necessary to set the NO_STOP_MESSAGE environment variable to avoid tests failures in llvm-test-suite/Fortran/UnitTests/fcvs21_f95. These are unrelated to the gfortran tests here.

Testing non-standard features/flags

Additional denylists for a particular feature can be included by creating DisabledFilesFEATURE.cmake files (in the same format as those for the default denylists), and adding FEATURE to TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_FEATURES. Additional compiler flags can be added using CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS.

For example, to test HLFIR one could use CMAKE_Fortran_Flags=-flang-experimental-hlfir and TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_FEATURES=HLFIR.

Notes for developers/maintainers

Since flang is under active development, it is expected that features will be implemented at a steady pace. The relevant tests in this directory should be enabled. This would involve building the test suite with one of the TEST_SUITE_FORTRAN_* flags described above.

The test files should be kept in sync with gfortran. This needs to be done manually periodically.

The test files in regression and torture must not be modified.


If some of the items listed here are implemented, even in part, it should allows us to make better use of the test-suite.

Several DejaGNU directives from the test files are currently ignored. In some cases, those directives check that the language feature/optimization being exercised by the tests is actually handled correctly. By ignoring them, we are simply checking that flang (or the code produced by it) does not crash at build/test time. In the case of the compile tests where this is the case, we could have situations where the test passes because the compilation succeeded, not because the compiler actually did the right thing - for instance, the tests in gfortran/regression/vect check if the code was correctly vectorized. We could pass those tests just by failing to crash - not because flang actually vectorized the code.

It is not clear how much effort would be involved in correctly handling all the DejaGNU directives.

dg-error directive

The dg-error directive indicates that the test should fail to compile with a particular error. Obviously, this is a gfortran-specific error. flang may not have a direct equivalent i.e. it may produce a more general error message (or maybe even a more specific one if gfortran is the one with the more general error message). For now, when adg-error is encountered, the test is marked as expect-error. At test time, we only check if “some” error (that was not a crash) occurred. This can cause false-negatives, particularly in the OpenMP (and perhaps even OpenACC) tests. This is where some directives/clauses are currently not implemented which results in a parse error (as opposed to the triggering of a “not-yet-implemented” assertion) which is also deemed an “error”, thereby causing the test to pass.

scan-tree-dump directive

In the compile tests, the dg-final { scan-tree-dump* ...} directives are ignored. The scan-tree-dump* checks GCC's internal tree structure to ensure that the specific language feature/optimization the test was meant to exercise was handled correctly (see, for example, regression/volatile_7.f90).

The tests instruct GCC to write out the internal representation to file and scan the file for the presence or absence of certain text. To capture the same behavior here, we would need to parse and translate the internal representation of GCC to an equivalent representation in LLVM IR.

target directive

The target directive is used to restrict tests to run on certain platforms/systems. Currently, the target directive is ignored entirely and the tests are always run. Currently, the gfortran tests are only enabled on *nix on x86-64 and aarch64 and ignoring the directive seems to be ok. As support for more systems and architectures are added, these directives will need to be handled correctly.