blob: d62469ab4b499af860a2202a6c7c712026099a69 [file] [log] [blame]
/*@z38.c:Character Mappings:Declarations@*************************************/
/* */
/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2000 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston ( */
/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
/* any later version. */
/* */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
/* */
/* FILE: z38.c */
/* MODULE: Character Mappings */
/* EXTERNS: MapLoad(), MapCharEncoding(), MapEncodingName(), */
/* MapPrintEncodings(), MapPrintResources(), MapSmallCaps() */
/* */
#include "externs.h"
#define MAX_MAP 20 /* max number of lcm files */
/* */
/* Should really be private but have been placed in externs because for */
/* efficiency they are used by z37.c and z34.c */
/* */
/* #define MAX_CHASH 353 */
/* #define MAP_UPPERCASE 0 */
/* #define MAP_LOWERCASE 1 */
/* #define MAP_UNACCENTED 2 */
/* #define MAP_ACCENT 3 */
/* #define MAPS 4 */
/* */
/* typedef struct mapvec { */
/* OBJECT file_name; */
/* FILE_NUM fnum; */
/* BOOLEAN seen_recoded; */
/* int last_page_printed; */
/* OBJECT name; */
/* OBJECT vector[MAX_CHARS]; */
/* FULL_CHAR hash_table[MAX_CHASH]; */
/* } *MAP_VEC; */
/* */
MAP_VEC MapTable[MAX_MAP]; /* the mappings */
static OBJECT notdef_word = nilobj; /* notdef word */
static int maptop = 1; /* first free slot in MapTable[] */
/* save 0 for "no mapping" */
/* */
/* static int NameInsert(cname) */
/* static FULL_CHAR NameRetrieve(cname) */
/* */
#define hash(str, pos) \
{ FULL_CHAR *p = str; \
for( pos = 2 * *p++; *p; pos += *p++); \
pos = pos % MAX_CHASH; \
static void NameInsert(FULL_CHAR *cname, int ccode, MAP_VEC map)
{ int pos;
hash(cname, pos);
while( map->hash_table[pos] != (FULL_CHAR) '\0' )
pos = (pos + 1) % MAX_CHASH;
map->vector[ccode] = MakeWord(WORD, cname, no_fpos);
map->hash_table[pos] = ccode;
} /* end NameInsert */
static FULL_CHAR NameRetrieve(FULL_CHAR *cname, MAP_VEC map)
{ int pos; FULL_CHAR ch;
hash(cname, pos);
while( (ch = map->hash_table[pos]) != (FULL_CHAR) '\0' )
if( StringEqual(string(map->vector[ch]), cname) )
return ch;
pos = (pos + 1) % MAX_CHASH;
return ch;
} /* end NameRetrieve */
/* */
/* MAPPING MapLoad(file_name, recoded) */
/* */
/* Declare file_name to be a character mapping (LCM) file. A file may be */
/* so declared more than once. Parameter recoded is true if the font that */
/* uses this mapping declares that it needs to be recoded, which in turn */
/* means that this mapping might have to be printed out. Whether or not it */
/* is actually printed depends upon whether we print a font that uses it */
/* and that requires recoding. */
/* */
MAPPING MapLoad(OBJECT file_name, BOOLEAN recoded)
{ FILE *fp; MAP_VEC map; MAPPING res;
int i, m, curr_line_num, line_pos, prev_code, dc, oc, count;
FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], cn[MAX_BUFF], ch, mapname[MAX_BUFF],
debug2(DCM,D, "MapLoad(%s, %s)", EchoObject(file_name), bool(recoded));
/* if the file name is "-", it means no mapping file is supplied */
if( StringEqual(string(file_name), AsciiToFull("-")) )
{ debug1(DCM, D, "MapLoad returning 0 (file name is %s)",
return (MAPPING) 0;
/* if seen this file name before, just update seen_recoded and return prev */
for( res = 1; res < maptop; res++ )
if( StringEqual(string(MapTable[res]->file_name), string(file_name)) )
{ Dispose(file_name);
MapTable[res]->seen_recoded = MapTable[res]->seen_recoded || recoded;
debug1(DCM, D, "MapLoad returning %d (not new)", res);
return res;
/* initialize PostScript name of all undefined characters */
if( notdef_word == nilobj )
notdef_word = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull(".notdef"), no_fpos);
/* new, so allocate a new slot in MapTable for this new mapping */
if( maptop == MAX_MAP )
Error(38, 1, "too many character mappings", FATAL, &fpos(file_name));
ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_CMAPS, 1, sizeof(struct mapvec)));
MapTable[res = maptop++] = map = (MAP_VEC) malloc( sizeof(struct mapvec) );
if( map == (MAP_VEC) NULL )
Error(38, 2, "run out of memory when loading character mapping",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name));
/* initialize all the fields */
map->file_name = file_name;
debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from MapLoad");
map->fnum = DefineFile(string(file_name), STR_EMPTY, &fpos(file_name),
fp = OpenFile(map->fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
if( fp == NULL ) Error(38, 3, "cannot open character mapping file %s",
FATAL, PosOfFile(map->fnum), FileName(map->fnum));
map->seen_recoded = recoded;
map->last_page_printed = 0;
StringCopy(buff, AsciiToFull("vec"));
StringCat(buff, StringInt(maptop));
map->name = MakeWord(WORD, buff, no_fpos);
for( m = 0; m < MAPS; m++ )
{ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ )
map->map[m][i] = '\0';
/* unaccented map is defined to be self as default */
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ )
map->map[MAP_UNACCENTED][i] = i;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ ) map->vector[i] = notdef_word;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHASH; i++ ) map->hash_table[i] = 0;
/* first pass through the file; read character codes and names only */
prev_code = -1; curr_line_num = 0;
while( fgets( (char *) buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == (char *) buff )
/* skip comment lines and blank lines */
for( i = 0; buff[i] == ' ' || buff[i] == '\t'; i++ );
if( buff[i] == '#' || buff[i] == '\n' || buff[i] == '\0' ) continue;
/* parse line and check validity of decimal and octal character codes */
count = sscanf( (char *) buff, "%d %o %s", &dc, &oc, cn);
if( count < 2 )
Error(38, 4, "character code(s) missing in mapping file (line %d)",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name));
if( dc != oc )
Error(38, 5, "decimal and octal codes disagree in mapping file (line %d)",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name));
if( dc < 1 && !StringEqual(cn, STR_NOCHAR) )
Error(38, 6, "code %d too small (min is 1) in mapping file (line %d)",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name), dc, curr_line_num);
if( dc < prev_code )
Error(38, 7, "code %d out of order in mapping file (line %d)",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name), dc, curr_line_num);
if( dc == prev_code )
Error(38, 8, "code %d repeated in mapping file (line %d)",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name), dc, curr_line_num);
if( dc > MAX_CHARS )
Error(38, 9, "code %d too large (max is %d) in mapping file (line %d)",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name), dc, MAX_CHARS, curr_line_num);
prev_code = dc;
/* insert character name, if any */
debug2(DCM, DD, " line %d: %s", curr_line_num, cn);
if( count >= 3 && !StringEqual(cn, STR_NOCHAR) )
/* insert (cn, dc) pair into hash table; name may be repeated */
if( (ch = NameRetrieve(cn, map)) != 0 )
map->vector[dc] = map->vector[ch];
NameInsert(cn, dc, map);
/* second pass through the file: read mappings */
curr_line_num = 0;
while( fgets( (char *) buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == (char *) buff )
/* skip comment lines and blank lines */
for( i = 0; buff[i] == ' ' || buff[i] == '\t'; i++ );
if( buff[i] == '#' || buff[i] == '\n' || buff[i] == '\0' ) continue;
/* parse line */
count = sscanf( (char *) buff, "%d %o %s%n",
&dc, &oc, cn, &line_pos);
/* find and insert the maps */
while( sscanf( (char *) &buff[line_pos], "%s %[^;];%n",
mapname, mapval, &i) == 2 )
debug3(DCM, DD, " line %d: %s %s", curr_line_num, mapname, mapval);
line_pos += i;
if( StringEqual(mapname, AsciiToFull("UC")) )
else if( StringEqual(mapname, AsciiToFull("LC")) )
else if( StringEqual(mapname, AsciiToFull("UA")) )
else if( StringEqual(mapname, AsciiToFull("AC")) )
Error(38, 10, "unknown mapping name %s in mapping file %s (line %d)",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name), mapname, FileName(map->fnum), curr_line_num);
ch = NameRetrieve(mapval, map);
if( ch == (FULL_CHAR) '\0' )
Error(38, 11, "unknown character %s in mapping file %s (line %d)",
FATAL, &fpos(file_name), mapval, FileName(map->fnum), curr_line_num);
map->map[m][dc] = ch;
debug1(DCM, D, "MapLoad returning %d (new mapping)", res);
return res;
} /* end MapLoad */
/*@::MapCharEncoding(), MapEncodingName(), MapPrintEncodings()@***************/
/* */
/* FULL_CHAR MapCharEncoding(str, map) */
/* */
/* Returns the character code corresponding to character name str in */
/* MAPPING enc, or 0 if not found. */
/* */
FULL_CHAR MapCharEncoding(FULL_CHAR *str, MAPPING m)
{ MAP_VEC map;
map = MapTable[m];
return (FULL_CHAR) NameRetrieve(str, map);
} /* end MapCharEncoding */
/* */
/* FULL_CHAR *MapEncodingName(m) */
/* */
/* Returns the PostScript name of the encoding vector of mapping m */
/* */
FULL_CHAR *MapEncodingName(MAPPING m)
{ assert( m < maptop, "MapEncodingName: m out of range!" );
return string(MapTable[m]->name);
} /* end MapEncodingName */
/* */
/* void MapEnsurePrinted(MAPPING m, int curr_page) */
/* */
/* Ensure that MAPPING m is printed on page curr_page, if required. */
/* It's required if it has neither been printed on the current page */
/* already, nor on page 1 (page 1 is really the entire document setup). */
/* */
void MapEnsurePrinted(MAPPING m, int curr_page)
{ MAP_VEC map = MapTable[m];
assert( map->seen_recoded, "MapEnsurePrinted: not seen_recoded!" );
if( map->last_page_printed < curr_page && map->last_page_printed != 1 )
{ map->last_page_printed = curr_page;
/* */
/* MapPrintEncodings() */
/* */
/* Print all encoding vectors in existence so far; this counts as printing */
/* them on "page 1", but in fact they will appear in the document setup */
/* section. */
/* */
void MapPrintEncodings()
for( m = 1; m < maptop; m++ )
{ if( MapTable[m]->seen_recoded )
{ BackEnd->PrintMapping(m);
map = MapTable[m];
map->last_page_printed = 1;
} /* end MapPrintEncodings */
/* */
/* MapPrintPSResources(fp) */
/* */
/* Print PostScript resource entries for all encoding vectors on file fp. */
/* */
void MapPrintPSResources(FILE *fp)
for( m = 1; m < maptop; m++ ) if( MapTable[m]->seen_recoded )
{ map = MapTable[m];
fprintf(fp, "%%%%+ encoding %s\n", string(map->name));
} /* end MapPrintPSResources */
/* */
/* OBJECT DoWord(buff, q, x, fnum) */
/* */
/* Replace WORD or QWORD x by a small caps version, based on word_font(x). */
/* */
static OBJECT DoWord(FULL_CHAR *buff, FULL_CHAR *q, OBJECT x, FONT_NUM fnum)
{ OBJECT res;
*q++ = '\0';
res = MakeWord(type(x), buff, &fpos(x));
word_font(res) = fnum;
word_colour(res) = word_colour(x);
word_outline(res) = word_outline(x);
word_language(res) = word_language(x);
word_hyph(res) = word_hyph(x);
underline(res) = UNDER_OFF;
return res;
} /* end DoWord */
/* */
/* OBJECT DoVShift(x, vshift, chld) */
/* */
/* Make an new VSHIFT object with the given shift and child. */
/* */
static OBJECT DoVShift(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH vshift, OBJECT chld)
{ OBJECT res;
New(res, VSHIFT);
FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(x));
shift_type(res) = GAP_DEC;
units(shift_gap(res)) = FIXED_UNIT;
mode(shift_gap(res)) = EDGE_MODE;
width(shift_gap(res)) = vshift;
underline(res) = UNDER_OFF;
Link(res, chld);
return res;
/* */
/* void DoAddGap(new_acat) */
/* */
/* Add a new 0i gap object to new_acat. */
/* */
static void DoAddGap(OBJECT new_acat)
{ OBJECT new_g;
New(new_g, GAP_OBJ);
FposCopy(fpos(new_g), fpos(new_acat));
hspace(new_g) = vspace(new_g) = 0;
underline(new_g) = UNDER_OFF;
Link(new_acat, new_g);
/* */
/* OBJECT MapSmallCaps(x, style) */
/* */
/* Replace WORD or QWORD x by a small caps version, based on word_font(x). */
/* */
#define INIT 0
#define ALL_NON 1
#define ALL_TRANS 2
#define MIXED_NON 3
#define MIXED_TRANS 4
#define transformable(ch) (uc[ch] != '\0')
OBJECT MapSmallCaps(OBJECT x, STYLE *style)
{ MAPPING m; int i; OBJECT new_y, new_x, new_acat, tmp;
FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *uc, *p, *q;
FONT_NUM small_font; FULL_LENGTH vshift; int state; STYLE new_style;
static OBJECT font_change_word = nilobj;
assert( is_word(type(x)), "MapSmallCaps: !is_word(type(x))" );
debug2(DCM, D, "MapSmallCaps(%s %s)", Image(type(x)), string(x));
/* get the mapping and return if there isn't one for this font */
m = FontMapping(font_num(x), &fpos(x));
if( m == 0 )
{ debug0(DCM, D, "MapSmallCaps returning unchanged (mapping is 0)");
return x;
assert( 1 <= m && m < maptop, "MapSmallCaps: mapping out of range!" );
uc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UPPERCASE];
/* if plain text, apply the mapping and exit */
if( !(BackEnd->scale_avail) )
for( i = 0; string(x)[i] != '\0'; i++ )
if( uc[string(x)[i]] != '\0' )
string(x)[i] = uc[string(x)[i]];
debug1(DCM, D, "MapSmallCaps returning (plain text) %s", EchoObject(x));
return x;
/* set up the font change word if not already done */
if( font_change_word == nilobj )
{ font_change_word = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("0.7f"), no_fpos);
state = INIT; q = buff;
for( p = string(x); *p != '\0'; p++ )
debug2(DCM, DD, " examining %c (%s)", *p,
transformable(*p) ? "transformable" : "not transformable");
switch( state )
case INIT:
/* this state is for when we are at the first character */
if( transformable(*p) )
{ *q++ = uc[*p];
/* work out what the smaller font is going to be, and the vshift */
StyleCopy(new_style, *style);
FontChange(&new_style, font_change_word);
small_font = font(new_style);
vshift = FontHalfXHeight(word_font(x)) - FontHalfXHeight(small_font);
state = ALL_TRANS;
{ *q++ = *p;
state = ALL_NON;
case ALL_NON:
/* in this state, all characters so far are non-transformable */
if( transformable(*p) )
/* work out what the smaller font is going to be */
StyleCopy(new_style, *style);
FontChange(&new_style, font_change_word);
small_font = font(new_style);
vshift = FontHalfXHeight(word_font(x)) - FontHalfXHeight(small_font);
/* make a new WORD out of the current contents of buff */
new_y = DoWord(buff, q, x, word_font(x));
/* construct the skeleton of the result to replace x */
New(new_x, ONE_COL);
FposCopy(fpos(new_x), fpos(x));
New(new_acat, ACAT);
FposCopy(fpos(new_acat), fpos(x));
Link(new_x, new_acat);
Link(new_acat, new_y);
/* start off a new buffer with *p */
q = buff;
*q++ = uc[*p];
state = MIXED_TRANS;
else *q++ = *p;
/* in this state, all characters so far are transformable */
if( transformable(*p) ) *q++ = uc[*p];
/* make a new @VShift WORD out of the current contents of buff */
tmp = DoWord(buff, q, x, small_font);
new_y = DoVShift(x, vshift, tmp);
/* construct the skeleton of the result to replace x */
New(new_x, ONE_COL);
FposCopy(fpos(new_x), fpos(x));
New(new_acat, ACAT);
FposCopy(fpos(new_acat), fpos(x));
Link(new_x, new_acat);
Link(new_acat, new_y);
/* start off a new buffer with *p */
q = buff;
*q++ = *p;
state = MIXED_NON;
/* in this state the previous char was non-transformable, but */
/* there have been characters before that that were transformable */
if( transformable(*p) )
/* make a new WORD out of the current contents of buff */
new_y = DoWord(buff, q, x, word_font(x));
/* link the new word into the growing structure that replaces x */
Link(new_acat, new_y);
/* start off a new buffer with *p */
q = buff;
*q++ = uc[*p];
state = MIXED_TRANS;
else *q++ = *p;
/* in this state the previous char was transformable, but there */
/* have been characters before that that were non-transformable */
if( transformable(*p) ) *q++ = uc[*p];
/* make a new @VShift WORD out of the current contents of buff */
tmp = DoWord(buff, q, x, small_font);
new_y = DoVShift(x, vshift, tmp);
/* link the new word into the growing structure that replaces x */
Link(new_acat, new_y);
/* start off a new buffer with *p */
q = buff;
*q++ = *p;
state = MIXED_NON;
/* now at termination, clean up the structure */
switch( state )
case INIT:
case ALL_NON:
/* original x is OK as is: either empty or all non-transformable */
/* make a new @VShift WORD and replace x with it */
tmp = DoWord(buff, q, x, small_font);
new_x = DoVShift(x, vshift, tmp);
ReplaceNode(new_x, x);
x = new_x;
/* make a new WORD, add to new_acat, and replace x */
new_y = DoWord(buff, q, x, word_font(x));
Link(new_acat, new_y);
ReplaceNode(new_x, x);
x = new_x;
/* make a new @VShift WORD, add to new_acat, and replace x */
tmp = DoWord(buff, q, x, small_font);
new_y = DoVShift(x, vshift, tmp);
Link(new_acat, new_y);
ReplaceNode(new_x, x);
x = new_x;
debug1(DCM, D, "MapSmallCaps returning %s", EchoObject(x));
return x;
} /* end MapSmallCaps */
/* */
/* BOOLEAN MapIsLowerCase(FULL_CHAR ch, MAPPING m) */
/* */
/* Returns TRUE if ch is a lower-case character in mapping m; i.e. if it */
/* has a corresponding upper-case character. */
/* */
{ BOOLEAN res;
debug2(DCM, D, "MapIsLowerCase(%c, %d)", ch, m);
res = (MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UPPERCASE][ch] != '\0');
debug1(DCM, D, "MapIsLowerCase returning %s", bool(res));
return res;
} /* end MapIsLowerCase */