blob: 3f57830db23b96ccb299273ed95d9d6aaef81d41 [file] [log] [blame]
/* translation of file "occur.k" */
/* generated by:
* @(#)$Author$
#define KC_FUNCTIONS_occur_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "k.h"
#include "occur.h"
namespace kc { }
using namespace kc;
/* included stuff */
// The Termprocessor Kimwitu++
// Copyright (C) 1991 University of Twente, Dept TIOS.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Humboldt-University of Berlin, Institute of Informatics
// All rights reserved.
// Kimwitu++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Kimwitu++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Kimwitu++; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
static char occur_kAccesSid[] = "@(#)$Id$";
inline static void
NF(ID id, problem prob)
v_report(NonFatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ), prob));
/* end included stuff */
namespace kc {
static void do_v_extendoccur (ID id, IDtype it, bool warn);
static bool occurlanguagename (ID id);
void v_defoccur(ID id, IDtype it)
uniqID uid;
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( id );
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID _uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
uid = _uid;
} else
kc_no_default_in_with( "v_defoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
id->type = it;
IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( id->type);
IDtype kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
uid->type = it; uid->line = id->line; uid->file = id->file; return;
} else
IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( id->type);
IDtype kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_DestructorFn)) {
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_ConstructorFn)) {
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_MemberFn)) {
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn)) {
const fnclass it_fnc = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->fnclass_1;
fnclass kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<fnclass>( it_fnc );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_StaticFn)) {
if (uid->file->eq(id->file ))
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of local function:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_GlobalFn)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of local function:", id ));
} else
kc_no_default_in_with( "v_defoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->fnclass_1->prod_sel() == sel_GlobalFn)) {
const fnclass it_fnc = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserFunction*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->fnclass_1;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
const integer i_s = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
const integer id_s = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->integer_1;
if (i_s == id_s)
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of pattern variable:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of rewrite view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined rewrite view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of rewrite view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined rewrite view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of unparse view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined unparse view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of unparse view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined unparse view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of phylum:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of predefined phylum:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of phylum:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of predefined phylum:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
const integer i_s = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as pattern variable", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as rewrite view", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as rewrite view", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as unparse view", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as unparse view", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as function", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as storage class", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of ", uid->type, "as phylum:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal predefinition of ", uid->type, "as phylum:", id ));
} else
kc_no_default_in_with( "v_defoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
void v_extendoccur(ID id, IDtype it)
{ do_v_extendoccur( id, it, true);
void v_extendoccur_nowarning(ID id, IDtype it)
{ do_v_extendoccur( id, it, false);
static void do_v_extendoccur(ID id, IDtype it, bool warn)
uniqID uid;
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>( id );
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID _uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
uid = _uid;
} else
kc_no_default_in_with( "do_v_extendoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
id->type = it;
IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( id->type);
IDtype kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
uid->type = it; uid->line = id->line; uid->file = id->file; return;
} else
IDtype kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( id->type);
IDtype kc_selvar_0_2 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
const ID id_id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
const integer id_scope = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
const ID uid_id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->ID_1;
const integer uid_scope = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_2)->integer_1;
if (id_scope == uid_scope) {
if (! id_id->eq( uid_id )) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID1S1ID1S1ID( "type mismatch in redefinition of pattern variable:", id, "old type", uid_id, "new type", id_id ));
} else {
uid->scopeinfo = Consscopetypefilelinestack( ScopeTypeFileLine(id_scope, uid->type, uid->file, mkinteger(uid->line)), uid->scopeinfo );
uid->type = it;
uid->line = id->line;
uid->file = id->file;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
if (warn) NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "superfluous redeclaration of rewrite view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
if (warn) NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "superfluous redeclaration of predefined rewrite view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of rewrite view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined rewrite view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
if (warn) NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "superfluous redeclaration of unparse view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
if (warn) NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "superfluous redeclaration of predefined unparse view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of unparse view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined unparse view:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of function:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
/* EMPTY */
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
/* EMPTY */
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal redefinition of operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
/* EMPTY */
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of predefined phylum:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "illegal extension of phylum:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum) && (kc_selvar_0_2->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
/* EMPTY */
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
const ID t_id = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
const integer t_scope = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITPatternVariable*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->integer_1;
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of", uid->type, "as pattern variable:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as rewrite view", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as rewrite view", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as unparse view", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as unparse view", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserFunction)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of", uid->type, "as function:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as storage class:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as operator:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as phylum:", id ));
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1t1S1ID( "illegal extension of ", uid->type, "as phylum", id ));
} else
kc_no_default_in_with( "do_v_extendoccur", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
bool f_useoccuroperator(ID id)
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserOperator)) {
return true;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedOperator)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "undefined operator (it's predefined, you're not supposed to use those):", id ));
return false;
} else
NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined operator", id )); return false;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccuroperator", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
bool f_warnifnotvariable(ID id)
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUnknown)) {
return false;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
return false;
} else
NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "variable expected:", id )); return true;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_warnifnotvariable", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
bool f_useoccurphylum(ID id)
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
return true;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedPhylum)) {
return true;
} else
NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined phylum", id )); return false;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
bool f_useoccurlistphylum(ID id)
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserPhylum)) {
const phylumdeclaration pd = phylum_cast<const impl_IDtype_ITUserPhylum*>(kc_selvar_1_1)->phylumdeclaration_1;
phylumdeclaration kc_selvar_2_1 = phylum_cast<phylumdeclaration>( pd );
if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_PredefinedAlternatives)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "undefined list phylum (it's a predefined phylum):", id ));
return false;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_NonlistAlternatives)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "undefined list phylum (it's a non-list phylum):", id ));
return false;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_ListAlternatives)) {
return true;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_2_1->prod_sel() == sel_PhylumDeclaration) && (phylum_cast<const impl_phylumdeclaration_PhylumDeclaration*>(kc_selvar_2_1)->productionblock_1->prod_sel() == sel_Emptyproductionblock)) {
NF(id, Problem1S1ID( "undefined list phylum (the productionblock is empty):", id ));
return false;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurlistphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
} else
NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined list phylum", id )); return false;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurlistphylum", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
bool f_useoccuruviewname(ID id)
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserUView)) {
return true;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedUView)) {
return true;
} else
NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined unparse view:", id )); return false;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccuruviewname", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
bool f_useoccurrviewname(ID id)
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITUserRView)) {
return true;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedRView)) {
return true;
} else
NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined rewrite view:", id )); return false;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurrviewname", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
bool f_useoccurstorageclass(ID id)
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITStorageClass)) {
return true;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPredefinedStorageClass)) {
return true;
} else
NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined storage class:", id )); return false;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurstorageclass", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
static bool occurlanguagename(ID id)
languagenames kc_fe_selvar_1 = Thelanguages;
kc_fe_selvar_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conslanguagenames
) {
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->ID_1;
const ID l_id = kc_selvar_0_1;
if(id->eq(l_id)) {
return true;
kc_fe_selvar_1 = kc_fe_selvar_1->languagenames_1;
v_report(Fatal( FileLine( id->file, id->line ),
Problem1S1tID( "undefined language name:", id )));
return false;
bool f_useoccurlanguagename(languagenames names)
languagenames kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<languagenames>(names);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Nillanguagenames)) {
return true;
} else
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Conslanguagenames)) {
const ID id = (kc_selvar_0_1)->ID_1;
const languagenames tail = (kc_selvar_0_1)->languagenames_1;
bool res=f_useoccurlanguagename( tail );
return occurlanguagename( id ) && res;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurlanguagename", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
bool f_useoccurpatternvariable(ID id)
ID kc_selvar_0_1 = phylum_cast<ID>(id);
if ((kc_selvar_0_1->prod_sel() == sel_Id)) {
const uniqID uid = phylum_cast<const impl_ID_Id*>(kc_selvar_0_1)->uniqID_1;
IDtype kc_selvar_1_1 = phylum_cast<IDtype>( uid->type );
if ((kc_selvar_1_1->prod_sel() == sel_ITPatternVariable)) {
return true;
} else
NF(id, Problem1S1tID( "undefined pattern variable:", id )); return false;
} else
{ kc_no_default_in_with( "f_useoccurpatternvariable", __LINE__, __FILE__ );
return static_cast<bool>(0); }
} // namespace kc