blob: f2852f1d7c2c6a72c653833716e522cdf48da935 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file rdopt.c
* \brief
* Rate-Distortion optimized mode decision
* \author
* - Heiko Schwarz <>
* - Valeri George <>
* - Lowell Winger <>
* - Alexis Michael Tourapis <>
* \date
* 12. April 2001
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "rdopt_coding_state.h"
#include "memalloc.h"
#include "mb_access.h"
#include "elements.h"
#include "intrarefresh.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "transform8x8.h"
#include "cabac.h"
#include "vlc.h"
#include "me_umhex.h"
#include "ratectl.h" // head file for rate control
#include "mode_decision.h"
#include "fmo.h"
#include "macroblock.h"
#include "symbol.h"
imgpel pred[16][16];
#define FASTMODE 1
//#define RESET_STATE
extern const int LEVELMVLIMIT[17][6];
extern int QP2QUANT[40];
const int AdaptRndCrPos[2][5] =
// P, B, I, SP, SI
{ 4, 7, 1, 4, 1}, // Intra MB
{ 10, 13, 10, 10, 10} // Inter MB
const int AdaptRndPos[4][5] =
// P, B, I, SP, SI
{ 3, 6, 0, 3, 0}, // 4x4 Intra MB
{ 1, 2, 0, 1, 2}, // 8x8 Intra MB
{ 9, 12, 9, 9, 9}, // 4x4 Inter MB
{ 3, 4, 3, 3, 3}, // 8x8 Inter MB
imgpel rec_mbY[16][16], rec_mbU[16][16], rec_mbV[16][16]; // reconstruction values
int lrec_rec[16][16],lrec_rec_U[16][16],lrec_rec_V[16][16]; // store the transf. and quantized coefficients for SP frames
static int diff[16];
static int diff4x4[64];
static int diff8x8[64];
RD_8x8DATA tr4x4, tr8x8;
int **bestInterFAdjust4x4=NULL, **bestIntraFAdjust4x4=NULL;
int **bestInterFAdjust8x8=NULL, **bestIntraFAdjust8x8=NULL;
int ***bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr=NULL, ***bestIntraFAdjust4x4Cr=NULL;
int **fadjust8x8=NULL, **fadjust4x4=NULL, ***fadjust4x4Cr=NULL, ***fadjust8x8Cr=NULL;
int ****cofAC=NULL, ****cofAC8x8=NULL; // [8x8block][4x4block][level/run][scan_pos]
int ***cofDC=NULL; // [yuv][level/run][scan_pos]
int **cofAC4x4=NULL, ****cofAC4x4intern=NULL; // [level/run][scan_pos]
int cbp, cbp8x8, cnt_nonz_8x8;
int64 cbp_blk;
int cbp_blk8x8;
signed char frefframe[4][4], brefframe[4][4];
int b8mode[4], b8pdir[4];
short best8x8mode [4]; // [block]
signed char best8x8pdir [MAXMODE][4]; // [mode][block]
signed char best8x8fwref [MAXMODE][4]; // [mode][block]
signed char best8x8bwref [MAXMODE][4]; // [mode][block]
CSptr cs_mb=NULL, cs_b8=NULL, cs_cm=NULL, cs_imb=NULL, cs_ib8=NULL, cs_ib4=NULL, cs_pc=NULL;
int best_c_imode;
int best_i16offset;
short best_mode;
short bi_pred_me;
//mixed transform sizes definitions
int luma_transform_size_8x8_flag;
short all_mv8x8[2][2][4][4][2]; //[8x8_data/temp_data][LIST][block_x][block_y][MVx/MVy]
short pred_mv8x8[2][2][4][4][2];
int ****cofAC_8x8ts = NULL; // [8x8block][4x4block][level/run][scan_pos]
int64 cbp_blk8_8x8ts;
int cbp8_8x8ts;
int cost8_8x8ts;
int cnt_nonz8_8x8ts;
// adaptive langrangian parameters
double mb16x16_cost;
double lambda_mf_factor;
void StoreMV8x8(int dir);
void RestoreMV8x8(int dir);
// end of mixed transform sizes definitions
//Adaptive Rounding update function
void update_offset_params(int mode, int luma_transform_size_8x8_flag);
signed char b4_ipredmode[16], b4_intra_pred_modes[16];
* \brief
* delete structure for RD-optimized mode decision
void clear_rdopt ()
free_mem_DCcoeff (cofDC);
free_mem_ACcoeff (cofAC);
free_mem_ACcoeff (cofAC8x8);
free_mem_ACcoeff (cofAC4x4intern);
if (input->Transform8x8Mode)
free_mem_ACcoeff (cofAC_8x8ts);
if (input->AdaptiveRounding)
free_mem3Dint(bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr, 2);
free_mem3Dint(bestIntraFAdjust4x4Cr, 2);
free_mem3Dint(fadjust4x4Cr, 2);
free_mem3Dint(fadjust8x8Cr, 2);
// structure for saving the coding state
delete_coding_state (cs_mb);
delete_coding_state (cs_b8);
delete_coding_state (cs_cm);
delete_coding_state (cs_imb);
delete_coding_state (cs_ib8);
delete_coding_state (cs_ib4);
delete_coding_state (cs_pc);
* \brief
* create structure for RD-optimized mode decision
void init_rdopt ()
rdopt = NULL;
get_mem_DCcoeff (&cofDC);
get_mem_ACcoeff (&cofAC);
get_mem_ACcoeff (&cofAC8x8);
get_mem_ACcoeff (&cofAC4x4intern);
cofAC4x4 = cofAC4x4intern[0][0];
if (input->Transform8x8Mode)
get_mem_ACcoeff (&cofAC_8x8ts);
switch (input->rdopt)
case 0:
encode_one_macroblock = encode_one_macroblock_low;
case 1:
encode_one_macroblock = encode_one_macroblock_high;
case 2:
encode_one_macroblock = encode_one_macroblock_highfast;
case 3:
encode_one_macroblock = encode_one_macroblock_highloss;
encode_one_macroblock = encode_one_macroblock_high;
if (input->AdaptiveRounding)
get_mem2Dint(&bestInterFAdjust4x4, 16, 16);
get_mem2Dint(&bestIntraFAdjust4x4, 16, 16);
get_mem2Dint(&bestInterFAdjust8x8, 16, 16);
get_mem2Dint(&bestIntraFAdjust8x8, 16, 16);
get_mem3Dint(&bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr, 2, img->mb_cr_size_y, img->mb_cr_size_x);
get_mem3Dint(&bestIntraFAdjust4x4Cr, 2, img->mb_cr_size_y, img->mb_cr_size_x);
get_mem2Dint(&fadjust8x8, 16, 16);
get_mem2Dint(&fadjust4x4, 16, 16);
get_mem3Dint(&fadjust4x4Cr, 2, img->mb_cr_size_y, img->mb_cr_size_x);
get_mem3Dint(&fadjust8x8Cr, 2, img->mb_cr_size_y, img->mb_cr_size_x);
// structure for saving the coding state
cs_mb = create_coding_state ();
cs_b8 = create_coding_state ();
cs_cm = create_coding_state ();
cs_imb = create_coding_state ();
cs_ib8 = create_coding_state ();
cs_ib4 = create_coding_state ();
cs_pc = create_coding_state ();
if (input->CtxAdptLagrangeMult == 1)
lambda_mf_factor = 1.0;
* \brief
* Updates the pixel map that shows, which reference frames are reliable for
* each MB-area of the picture.
* \note
* The new values of the pixel_map are taken from the temporary buffer refresh_map
void UpdatePixelMap()
int mx,my,y,x,i,j;
if (img->type==I_SLICE)
for (y=0; y<img->height; y++)
for (x=0; x<img->width; x++)
for (my=0; my<img->height >> 3; my++)
for (mx=0; mx<img->width >> 3; mx++)
j = my*8 + 8;
i = mx*8 + 8;
if (refresh_map[my][mx])
for (y=my*8; y<j; y++)
for (x=mx*8; x<i; x++)
pixel_map[y][x] = 1;
for (y=my*8; y<j; y++)
for (x=mx*8; x<i; x++)
pixel_map[y][x] = imin(pixel_map[y][x] + 1, input->num_ref_frames+1);
* \brief
* Checks if a given reference frame is reliable for the current
* macroblock, given the motion vectors that the motion search has
* returned.
* \return
* If the return value is 1, the reference frame is reliable. If it
* is 0, then it is not reliable.
* \note
* A specific area in each reference frame is assumed to be unreliable
* if the same area has been intra-refreshed in a subsequent frame.
* The information about intra-refreshed areas is kept in the pixel_map.
int CheckReliabilityOfRef (int block, int list_idx, int ref, int mode)
int y,x, block_y, block_x, dy, dx, y_pos, x_pos, yy, xx, pres_x, pres_y;
int maxold_x = img->width-1;
int maxold_y = img->height-1;
int ref_frame = ref+1;
int by0 = (mode>=4?2*(block >> 1):mode==2?2*block:0);
int by1 = by0 + (mode>=4||mode==2?2:4);
int bx0 = (mode>=4?2*(block & 0x01):mode==3?2*block:0);
int bx1 = bx0 + (mode>=4||mode==3?2:4);
for (block_y=by0; block_y<by1; block_y++)
for (block_x=bx0; block_x<bx1; block_x++)
y_pos = img->all_mv[block_y][block_x][list_idx][ref][mode][1];
y_pos += (img->block_y + block_y) * BLOCK_SIZE * 4;
x_pos = img->all_mv[block_y][block_x][list_idx][ref][mode][0];
x_pos += (img->block_x + block_x) * BLOCK_SIZE * 4;
/* Here we specify which pixels of the reference frame influence
the reference values and check their reliability. This is
based on the function Get_Reference_Pixel */
dy = y_pos & 3;
dx = x_pos & 3;
y_pos = (y_pos-dy) >> 2;
x_pos = (x_pos-dx) >> 2;
if (dy==0 && dx==0) //full-pel
for (y=y_pos ; y < y_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; y++)
for (x=x_pos ; x < x_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; x++)
if (pixel_map[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y)][iClip3(0,maxold_x,x)] < ref_frame)
return 0;
else /* other positions */
if (dy == 0)
for (y = y_pos ; y < y_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; y++)
pres_y = iClip3(0,maxold_y,y);
for (x = x_pos ; x < x_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; x++)
for(xx = -2 ; xx < 4 ; xx++) {
pres_x = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x + xx);
if (pixel_map[pres_y][pres_x] < ref_frame)
return 0;
else if (dx == 0)
for (y = y_pos ; y < y_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; y++)
for (x=x_pos ; x < x_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; x++)
pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x,x);
for(yy=-2;yy<4;yy++) {
pres_y = iClip3(0,maxold_y, yy + y);
if (pixel_map[pres_y][pres_x] < ref_frame)
return 0;
else if (dx == 2)
for (y = y_pos ; y < y_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; y++)
for (x = x_pos ; x < x_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; x++)
for(yy=-2;yy<4;yy++) {
pres_y = iClip3(0,maxold_y, yy + y);
for(xx=-2;xx<4;xx++) {
pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x, xx + x);
if (pixel_map[pres_y][pres_x] < ref_frame)
return 0;
else if (dy == 2)
for (y = y_pos ; y < y_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; y++)
for (x = x_pos ; x < x_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; x++)
for(xx=-2;xx<4;xx++) {
pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x, xx + x);
for(yy=-2;yy<4;yy++) {
pres_y = iClip3(0,maxold_y, yy + y);
if (pixel_map[pres_y][pres_x] < ref_frame)
return 0;
for (y = y_pos ; y < y_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; y++)
for (x = x_pos ; x < x_pos + BLOCK_SIZE ; x++)
pres_y = dy == 1 ? y : y + 1;
pres_y = iClip3(0,maxold_y,pres_y);
pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x,xx + x);
if (pixel_map[pres_y][pres_x] < ref_frame)
return 0;
pres_x = dx == 1 ? x : x + 1;
pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x,pres_x);
pres_y = iClip3(0,maxold_y, yy + y);
if (pixel_map[pres_y][pres_x] < ref_frame)
return 0;
return 1;
* \brief
* R-D Cost for an 4x4 Intra block
double RDCost_for_4x4IntraBlocks (int* nonzero,
int b8,
int b4,
int ipmode,
double lambda,
double min_rdcost,
int mostProbableMode)
double rdcost;
int dummy, x, y, rate;
int64 distortion = 0;
int block_x = 8*(b8 & 0x01)+4*(b4 & 0x01);
int block_y = 8*(b8 >> 1)+4*(b4 >> 1);
int pic_pix_x = img->pix_x+block_x;
int pic_pix_y = img->pix_y+block_y;
int pic_opix_y = img->opix_y+block_y;
imgpel **imgY = enc_picture->imgY;
Slice *currSlice = img->currentSlice;
SyntaxElement se;
const int *partMap = assignSE2partition[input->partition_mode];
DataPartition *dataPart;
//===== perform DCT, Q, IQ, IDCT, Reconstruction =====
dummy = 0;
*nonzero = dct_luma (block_x, block_y, &dummy, 1);
else if(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator)
*nonzero = dct_luma_sp(block_x, block_y, &dummy);
*nonzero = dct_luma_sp2(block_x, block_y, &dummy);
//===== get distortion (SSD) of 4x4 block =====
for (y=0; y<4; y++)
for (x=pic_pix_x; x<pic_pix_x+4; x++)
distortion += img->quad [imgY_org[pic_opix_y+y][x] - imgY[pic_pix_y+y][x]];
se.value1 = (mostProbableMode == ipmode) ? -1 : ipmode < mostProbableMode ? ipmode : ipmode-1;
//--- set position and type ---
se.context = 4*b8 + b4;
//--- choose data partition ---
dataPart = &(currSlice->partArr[partMap[SE_INTRAPREDMODE]]);
//--- encode and update rate ---
writeIntraPredMode (&se, dataPart);
rate = se.len;
if (input->symbol_mode == UVLC)
rate += writeCoeff4x4_CAVLC (LUMA, b8, b4, 0);
rate += writeLumaCoeff4x4_CABAC (b8, b4, 1);
//reset_coding_state (cs_cm);
rdcost = (double)distortion + lambda*(double)rate;
return rdcost;
* \brief
* Mode Decision for an 4x4 Intra block
int Mode_Decision_for_4x4IntraBlocks (int b8, int b4, double lambda, int* min_cost)
int ipmode, best_ipmode = 0, i, j, k, y, cost, dummy;
int c_nz, nonzero = 0;
imgpel rec4x4[4][4];
double rdcost;
int block_x = 8 * (b8 & 0x01) + 4 * (b4 & 0x01);
int block_y = 8 * (b8 >> 1) + 4 * (b4 >> 1);
int pic_pix_x = img->pix_x + block_x;
int pic_pix_y = img->pix_y + block_y;
int pic_opix_x = img->opix_x + block_x;
int pic_opix_y = img->opix_y + block_y;
int pic_block_x = pic_pix_x >> 2;
int pic_block_y = pic_pix_y >> 2;
double min_rdcost = 1e30;
int left_available, up_available, all_available;
signed char upMode;
signed char leftMode;
int mostProbableMode;
PixelPos left_block;
PixelPos top_block;
int lrec4x4[4][4];
int fixedcost = (int) floor(4 * lambda );
int best_nz_coeff = 0;
int best_coded_block_flag = 0;
int bit_pos = 1 + ((((b8>>1)<<1)+(b4>>1))<<2) + (((b8&1)<<1)+(b4&1));
static int64 cbp_bits;
if (b8==0 && b4==0)
cbp_bits = 0;
getLuma4x4Neighbour(img->current_mb_nr, block_x - 1, block_y, &left_block);
getLuma4x4Neighbour(img->current_mb_nr, block_x, block_y-1, &top_block);
// constrained intra pred
if (input->UseConstrainedIntraPred)
left_block.available = left_block.available ? img->intra_block[left_block.mb_addr] : 0;
top_block.available = top_block.available ? img->intra_block[top_block.mb_addr] : 0;
upMode = top_block.available ? img->ipredmode[top_block.pos_y ][top_block.pos_x ] : -1;
leftMode = left_block.available ? img->ipredmode[left_block.pos_y][left_block.pos_x] : -1;
mostProbableMode = (upMode < 0 || leftMode < 0) ? DC_PRED : upMode < leftMode ? upMode : leftMode;
*min_cost = INT_MAX;
intrapred_luma (pic_pix_x, pic_pix_y, &left_available, &up_available, &all_available);
for (ipmode=0; ipmode<NO_INTRA_PMODE; ipmode++)
int available_mode = (ipmode==DC_PRED) ||
((ipmode==VERT_PRED||ipmode==VERT_LEFT_PRED||ipmode==DIAG_DOWN_LEFT_PRED) && up_available ) ||
((ipmode==HOR_PRED||ipmode==HOR_UP_PRED) && left_available ) ||(all_available);
if (input->IntraDisableInterOnly==0 || img->type != I_SLICE)
if (input->Intra4x4ParDisable && (ipmode==VERT_PRED||ipmode==HOR_PRED))
if (input->Intra4x4DiagDisable && (ipmode==DIAG_DOWN_LEFT_PRED||ipmode==DIAG_DOWN_RIGHT_PRED))
if (input->Intra4x4DirDisable && ipmode>=VERT_RIGHT_PRED)
if( available_mode)
if (!input->rdopt)
for (k=j=0; j<4; j++)
int jj = pic_opix_y+j;
for (i=0; i<4; i++, k++)
diff[k] = imgY_org[jj][pic_opix_x+i] - img->mprr[ipmode][j][i];
cost = (ipmode == mostProbableMode) ? 0 : fixedcost;
cost += distortion4x4 (diff);
if (cost < *min_cost)
best_ipmode = ipmode;
*min_cost = cost;
// get prediction and prediction error
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
memcpy(&img->mpr[block_y+j][block_x], img->mprr[ipmode][j], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
img->m7[j][i] = (int) (imgY_org[pic_opix_y+j][pic_opix_x+i] - img->mprr[ipmode][j][i]);
//===== store the coding state =====
//store_coding_state (cs_cm);
// get and check rate-distortion cost
img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].cbp_bits = cbp_bits;
if ((rdcost = RDCost_for_4x4IntraBlocks (&c_nz, b8, b4, ipmode, lambda, min_rdcost, mostProbableMode)) < min_rdcost)
//--- set coefficients ---
memcpy(cofAC4x4[0],img->cofAC[b8][b4][0], 18 * sizeof(int));
memcpy(cofAC4x4[1],img->cofAC[b8][b4][1], 18 * sizeof(int));
//--- set reconstruction ---
for (y=0; y<4; y++)
memcpy(rec4x4[y],&enc_picture->imgY[pic_pix_y+y][pic_pix_x], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if(img->type==SP_SLICE &&(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator))
memcpy(lrec4x4[y],&lrec[pic_pix_y+y][pic_pix_x], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));// stores the mode coefficients
//--- flag if dct-coefficients must be coded ---
nonzero = c_nz;
//--- set best mode update minimum cost ---
min_rdcost = rdcost;
best_ipmode = ipmode;
best_nz_coeff = img->nz_coeff [img->current_mb_nr][block_x4][block_y4];
best_coded_block_flag = (int)((img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].cbp_bits>>bit_pos)&(int64)(1));
//store_coding_state (cs_ib4);
if (img->AdaptiveRounding)
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
memcpy(&fadjust4x4[block_y+j][block_x],&img->fadjust4x4[1][block_y+j][block_x], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));
reset_coding_state (cs_cm);
img->nz_coeff [img->current_mb_nr][block_x4][block_y4] = best_nz_coeff;
cbp_bits &= (~(int64)(1<<bit_pos));
cbp_bits |= (int64)(best_coded_block_flag<<bit_pos);
//===== set intra mode prediction =====
img->ipredmode[pic_block_y][pic_block_x] = (signed char) best_ipmode;
img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].intra_pred_modes[4*b8+b4] =
(signed char) (mostProbableMode == best_ipmode ? -1 : (best_ipmode < mostProbableMode ? best_ipmode : best_ipmode-1));
if (!input->rdopt)
// get prediction and prediction error
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
int jj = pic_opix_y+j;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
img->mpr[block_y+j][block_x+i] = img->mprr[best_ipmode][j][i];
img->m7[j][i] = imgY_org[jj][pic_opix_x+i] - img->mprr[best_ipmode][j][i];
nonzero = dct_luma (block_x, block_y, &dummy, 1);
//===== restore coefficients =====
for (j=0; j<2; j++)
memcpy (img->cofAC[b8][b4][j],cofAC4x4[j], 18 * sizeof(int));
//===== restore reconstruction and prediction (needed if single coeffs are removed) =====
for (y=0; y<BLOCK_SIZE; y++)
memcpy (&enc_picture->imgY[pic_pix_y+y][pic_pix_x],rec4x4[y], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy (&img->mpr[block_y+y][block_x],img->mprr[best_ipmode][y], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if(img->type==SP_SLICE &&(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator))
memcpy (&lrec[pic_pix_y+y][pic_pix_x],lrec4x4[y], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));//restore coefficients when encoding primary SP frame
if (img->AdaptiveRounding)
for (j=0; j<BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy (&img->fadjust4x4[1][block_y+j][block_x],&fadjust4x4[block_y+j][block_x], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));
return nonzero;
* \brief
* Mode Decision for an 8x8 Intra block
int Mode_Decision_for_8x8IntraBlocks(int b8,double lambda,int *cost)
int nonzero=0, b4;
int cost4x4;
*cost = (int)floor(6.0 * lambda + 0.4999);
for (b4=0; b4<4; b4++)
if (Mode_Decision_for_4x4IntraBlocks (b8, b4, lambda, &cost4x4))
nonzero = 1;
*cost += cost4x4;
//reset_coding_state (cs_cm);
return nonzero;
* \brief
* 4x4 Intra mode decision for an macroblock
int Mode_Decision_for_Intra4x4Macroblock (double lambda, int* cost)
int cbp=0, b8, cost8x8;
for (*cost=0, b8=0; b8<4; b8++)
if (Mode_Decision_for_8x8IntraBlocks (b8, lambda, &cost8x8))
cbp |= (1<<b8);
*cost += cost8x8;
return cbp;
* \brief
* R-D Cost for an 8x8 Partition
double RDCost_for_8x8blocks (int* cnt_nonz, // --> number of nonzero coefficients
int64* cbp_blk, // --> cbp blk
double lambda, // <-- lagrange multiplier
int block, // <-- 8x8 block number
int mode, // <-- partitioning mode
short pdir, // <-- prediction direction
short l0_ref, // <-- L0 reference picture
short l1_ref) // <-- L1 reference picture
int i, j, k;
int rate=0;
int64 distortion=0;
int dummy = 0, mrate;
int fw_mode, bw_mode;
int cbp = 0;
int pax = 8*(block & 0x01);
int pay = 8*(block >> 1);
int i0 = pax >> 2;
int j0 = pay >> 2;
int bframe = (img->type==B_SLICE);
int direct = (bframe && mode==0);
int b8value = B8Mode2Value (mode, pdir);
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
SyntaxElement se;
Slice *currSlice = img->currentSlice;
DataPartition *dataPart;
const int *partMap = assignSE2partition[input->partition_mode];
EncodingEnvironmentPtr eep_dp;
if (direct)
if (direct_pdir[img->block_y+j0][img->block_x+i0]<0) // mode not allowed
return (1e20);
*cnt_nonz = LumaResidualCoding8x8 (&cbp, cbp_blk, block, direct_pdir[img->block_y+j0][img->block_x+i0], 0, 0,
if (pdir == 2 && active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 1)
int weight_sum = (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 1)? wbp_weight[0][l0_ref][l1_ref][0] + wbp_weight[1][l0_ref][l1_ref][0] : 0;
if (weight_sum < -128 || weight_sum > 127)
return (1e20);
fw_mode = (pdir==0||pdir==2 ? mode : 0);
bw_mode = (pdir==1||pdir==2 ? mode : 0);
*cnt_nonz = LumaResidualCoding8x8 (&cbp, cbp_blk, block, pdir, fw_mode, bw_mode, l0_ref, l1_ref);
//===== get residue =====
if (input->rdopt==3 && img->type!=B_SLICE)
// We need the reconstructed prediction residue for the simulated decoders.
compute_residue_b8block (block, -1);
if (input->rdopt==3 && img->type!=B_SLICE)
for (k=0; k<input->NoOfDecoders ;k++)
decode_one_b8block (k, P8x8, block, mode, l0_ref);
for (j=img->opix_y+pay; j<img->opix_y+pay+8; j++)
for (i=img->opix_x+pax; i<img->opix_x+pax+8; i++)
distortion += img->quad[imgY_org[j][i] - decs->decY[k][j][i]];
distortion /= input->NoOfDecoders;
for (j=pay; j<pay+8; j++)
for (i=img->pix_x+pax; i<img->pix_x+pax+8; i++)
distortion += img->quad [imgY_org[img->opix_y+j][i] - enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][i]];
//===== GET RATE
//----- block 8x8 mode -----
if (input->symbol_mode == UVLC)
ue_linfo (b8value, dummy, &mrate, &dummy);
rate += mrate;
se.value1 = b8value;
se.type = SE_MBTYPE;
dataPart = &(currSlice->partArr[partMap[se.type]]);
writeB8_typeInfo(&se, dataPart);
rate += se.len;
//----- motion information -----
if (!direct)
if ((img->num_ref_idx_l0_active > 1 ) && (pdir==0 || pdir==2))
rate += writeReferenceFrame (mode, i0, j0, 1, l0_ref);
if(img->num_ref_idx_l1_active > 1 && img->type== B_SLICE)
if (pdir==1 || pdir==2)
rate += writeReferenceFrame (mode, i0, j0, 0, l1_ref);
if (pdir==0 || pdir==2)
rate += writeMotionVector8x8 (i0, j0, i0+2, j0+2, l0_ref,LIST_0, mode);
if (pdir==1 || pdir==2)
rate += writeMotionVector8x8 (i0, j0, i0+2, j0+2, l1_ref, LIST_1, mode);
//----- coded block pattern (for CABAC only) -----
if (input->symbol_mode == CABAC)
dataPart = &(currSlice->partArr[partMap[SE_CBP]]);
eep_dp = &(dataPart->ee_cabac);
mrate = arienco_bits_written (eep_dp);
writeCBP_BIT_CABAC (block, ((*cnt_nonz>0)?1:0), cbp8x8, currMB, 1, eep_dp);
mrate = arienco_bits_written (eep_dp) - mrate;
rate += mrate;
//----- luminance coefficients -----
if (*cnt_nonz)
rate += writeLumaCoeff8x8 (block, mode, currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag);
return (double)distortion + lambda * (double)rate;
* \brief
* Gets mode offset for intra16x16 mode
int I16Offset (int cbp, int i16mode)
return (cbp&15?13:1) + i16mode + ((cbp&0x30)>>2);
* \brief
* Sets modes and reference frames for a macroblock
void SetModesAndRefframeForBlocks (int mode)
int i,j,k,l;
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
int bframe = (img->type==B_SLICE);
int block_x, block_y;
int cur_ref[2];
//--- macroblock type ---
currMB->mb_type = mode;
currMB->bi_pred_me= (mode == 1 ? img->bi_pred_me[mode] : 0);
//--- block 8x8 mode and prediction direction ---
switch (mode)
case 0:
currMB->b8mode[i] = 0;
currMB->b8pdir[i] = (bframe ? direct_pdir[img->block_y + (i >> 1)*2][img->block_x + (i & 0x01)*2] : 0);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
currMB->b8mode[i] = mode;
currMB->b8pdir[i] = best8x8pdir[mode][i];
case P8x8:
currMB->b8mode[i] = best8x8mode[i];
currMB->b8pdir[i] = best8x8pdir[mode][i];
case I4MB:
currMB->b8mode[i] = IBLOCK;
currMB->b8pdir[i] = -1;
case I16MB:
currMB->b8mode[i] = 0;
currMB->b8pdir[i] = -1;
case I8MB:
currMB->b8mode[i] = I8MB;
currMB->b8pdir[i] = -1;
//switch to 8x8 transform
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = 1;
case IPCM:
currMB->b8mode[i] = IPCM;
currMB->b8pdir[i] = -1;
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = 0;
printf ("Unsupported mode in SetModesAndRefframeForBlocks!\n");
exit (1);
#define IS_FW ((best8x8pdir[mode][k]==0 || best8x8pdir[mode][k]==2) && (mode!=P8x8 || best8x8mode[k]!=0 || !bframe))
#define IS_BW ((best8x8pdir[mode][k]==1 || best8x8pdir[mode][k]==2) && (mode!=P8x8 || best8x8mode[k]!=0))
//--- reference frame arrays ---
if (mode==0 || mode==I4MB || mode==I16MB || mode==I8MB)
if (bframe)
if (!mode)
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + 4; j++)
memcpy(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][img->block_x],&direct_ref_idx[LIST_0][j][img->block_x], 4 * sizeof(char));
memcpy(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][j][img->block_x],&direct_ref_idx[LIST_1][j][img->block_x], 4 * sizeof(char));
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + 4; j++)
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][img->block_x],-1, 4 * sizeof(char));
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][j][img->block_x],-1, 4 * sizeof(char));
if (!mode)
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + 4; j++)
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][img->block_x],0, 4 * sizeof(char));
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + 4; j++)
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][img->block_x],-1, 4 * sizeof(char));
if (bframe)
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
block_y = img->block_y + j;
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
block_x = img->block_x + i;
k = 2*(j >> 1) + (i >> 1);
l = 2*(j & 0x01) + (i & 0x01);
if(mode == P8x8 && best8x8mode[k]==0)
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = direct_ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x];
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = direct_ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x];
else if (mode ==1 && currMB->bi_pred_me && IS_FW && IS_BW)
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = (IS_FW ? best8x8fwref[mode][k] : -1);
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = (IS_BW ? best8x8bwref[mode][k] : -1);
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
block_y = img->block_y + j;
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
block_x = img->block_x + i;
k = 2*(j >> 1) + (i >> 1);
l = 2*(j & 0x01) + (i & 0x01);
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = (IS_FW ? best8x8fwref[mode][k] : -1);
if (bframe)
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + 4; j++)
for (i = img->block_x; i < img->block_x + 4;i++)
cur_ref[LIST_0] = (int) enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][i];
cur_ref[LIST_1] = (int) enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][j][i];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][j][i] = (cur_ref[LIST_0]>=0
? enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + currMB->list_offset][cur_ref[LIST_0]]
: -1);
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][j][i] = (cur_ref[LIST_1]>=0
? enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + currMB->list_offset][cur_ref[LIST_1]]
: -1);
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + 4; j++)
for (i = img->block_x; i < img->block_x + 4;i++)
cur_ref[LIST_0] = (int) enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][i];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][j][i] = (cur_ref[LIST_0]>=0
? enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + currMB->list_offset][cur_ref[LIST_0]]
: -1);
#undef IS_FW
#undef IS_BW
* \brief
* Intra 16x16 mode decision
void Intra16x16_Mode_Decision (Macroblock* currMB, int* i16mode)
intrapred_luma_16x16 (); /* make intra pred for all 4 new modes */
find_sad_16x16 (i16mode); /* get best new intra mode */
currMB->cbp = dct_luma_16x16 (*i16mode);
* \brief
* Sets Coefficients and reconstruction for an 8x8 block
void SetCoeffAndReconstruction8x8 (Macroblock* currMB)
int block, k, j, i;
int cur_ref[2];
//============= MIXED TRANSFORM SIZES FOR 8x8 PARTITION ==============
int l;
int bframe = img->type==B_SLICE;
if (currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag)
//============= set mode and ref. frames ==============
for(i = 0;i<4;i++)
currMB->b8mode[i] = tr8x8.part8x8mode[i];
currMB->b8pdir[i] = tr8x8.part8x8pdir[i];
if (bframe)
for (j = 0;j<4;j++)
for (i = 0;i<4;i++)
k = 2*(j >> 1)+(i >> 1);
l = 2*(j & 0x01)+(i & 0x01);
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_y+j][img->block_x+i] = ((currMB->b8pdir[k] & 0x01) == 0) ? tr8x8.part8x8fwref[k] : - 1;
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_y+j][img->block_x+i] = (currMB->b8pdir[k] > 0) ? tr8x8.part8x8bwref[k] : - 1;
for (j = 0;j<4;j++)
for (i = 0;i<4;i++)
k = 2*(j >> 1)+(i >> 1);
l = 2*(j & 0x01)+(i & 0x01);
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_y+j][img->block_x+i] = tr8x8.part8x8fwref[k];
for (j = img->block_y;j<img->block_y + BLOCK_MULTIPLE;j++)
for (i = img->block_x;i<img->block_x + BLOCK_MULTIPLE;i++)
cur_ref[LIST_0] = (int) enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][i];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][j][i] =(cur_ref[LIST_0]>=0
? enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + currMB->list_offset][cur_ref[LIST_0]]
: -1);
if (bframe)
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
for (i = img->block_x;i<img->block_x + BLOCK_MULTIPLE;i++)
cur_ref[LIST_1] = (int) enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][j][i];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][j][i] = (cur_ref[LIST_1]>=0
? enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + currMB->list_offset][cur_ref[LIST_1]]
: -1);
//====== set the mv's for 8x8 partition with transform size 8x8 ======
//save the mv data for 4x4 transform
//set new mv data for 8x8 transform
//============= get pre-calculated data ==============
//restore coefficients from 8x8 transform
for (block = 0; block<4; block++)
for (k = 0; k<4; k++)
for (j = 0; j<2; j++)
memcpy (img->cofAC[block][k][j],cofAC_8x8ts[block][k][j], 65 * sizeof(int));
//restore reconstruction
if (cnt_nonz8_8x8ts <= _LUMA_8x8_COEFF_COST_ &&
((img->qp_scaled)!=0 || img->lossless_qpprime_flag==0) &&
(img->type!=SP_SLICE))// modif ES added last condition (we probably never go there so is the next modification useful ? check)
currMB->cbp = 0;
currMB->cbp_blk = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(&enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x], tr8x8.mpr8x8[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if(img->type==SP_SLICE &&(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator ))
memcpy(&lrec[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],tr8x8.lrec[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));
currMB->cbp = cbp8_8x8ts;
currMB->cbp_blk = cbp_blk8_8x8ts;
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy (&enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],tr8x8.rec_mbY8x8[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if(img->type==SP_SLICE &&(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator))
memcpy (&lrec[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],tr8x8.lrec[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));
//============= get pre-calculated data ==============
//--- restore coefficients ---
for (block = 0; block<4+img->num_blk8x8_uv; block++)
for (k = 0; k<4; k++)
for (j = 0; j<2; j++)
memcpy (img->cofAC[block][k][j],cofAC8x8[block][k][j], 65 * sizeof(int));
if (cnt_nonz_8x8<=5 && img->type!=SP_SLICE &&
((img->qp_scaled)!=0 || img->lossless_qpprime_flag==0))
currMB->cbp = 0;
currMB->cbp_blk = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy (&enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],tr4x4.mpr8x8[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if(img->type ==SP_SLICE &&(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator))
memcpy (&lrec[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],tr4x4.lrec[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int)); // restore coeff. SP frame
currMB->cbp = cbp8x8;
currMB->cbp_blk = cbp_blk8x8;
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy (&enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],tr4x4.rec_mbY8x8[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if(img->type==SP_SLICE &&(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator))
memcpy (&lrec[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],tr4x4.lrec[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));
* \brief
* Sets motion vectors for a macroblock
void SetMotionVectorsMB (Macroblock* currMB, int bframe)
int i, j, k, l, m, mode8, pdir8, ref, by, bx;
short ******all_mv = img->all_mv;
short ******pred_mv = img->pred_mv;
int bw_ref;
int jdiv, jmod;
if (!bframe)
for (j = 0; j<4; j++)
jmod = j & 0x01;
jdiv = j >> 1;
by = img->block_y+j;
for (i = 0; i<4; i++)
mode8 = currMB->b8mode[k=2*jdiv+(i>>1)];
l = 2*jmod + (i & 0x01);
bx = img->block_x+i;
pdir8 = currMB->b8pdir[k];
ref = enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][by][bx];
if (pdir8>=0)
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ ref][mode8][0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ ref][mode8][1];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][1] = 0;
for (j = 0; j<4; j++)
jmod = j & 0x01;
jdiv = j >> 1;
by = img->block_y+j;
for (i = 0; i<4; i++)
mode8 = currMB->b8mode[k=2*jdiv+(i>>1)];
l = 2*jmod + (i & 0x01);
bx = img->block_x+i;
pdir8 = currMB->b8pdir[k];
ref = enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][by][bx];
bw_ref = enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][by][bx];
if (currMB->bi_pred_me && (pdir8 == 2) && currMB->mb_type==1)
all_mv = currMB->bi_pred_me == 1 ? img->bipred_mv1 : img->bipred_mv2;
ref = 0;
bw_ref = 0;
if (pdir8==-1) // intra
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][1] = 0;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][by][bx][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][by][bx][1] = 0;
else if (pdir8==0) // list 0
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ ref][mode8][0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ ref][mode8][1];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][by][bx][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][by][bx][1] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][by][bx] = -1;
else if (pdir8==1) // list 1
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][1] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][by][bx] = -1;
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][by][bx][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode8][0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][by][bx][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode8][1];
else if (pdir8==2) // bipredictive
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ ref][mode8][0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][by][bx][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ ref][mode8][1];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][by][bx][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode8][0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][by][bx][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode8][1];
error("invalid direction mode", 255);
// copy all the motion vectors into rdopt structure
// Can simplify this by copying the MV's of the best mode (TBD)
for(i = 0;i<4;i++)
for(j = 0;j<4;j++)
for (k = 0;k<2;k++)
for(l = 0;l<img->max_num_references;l++)
for(m = 0;m<9;m++)
rdopt->all_mv [j][i][k][l][m][0] = all_mv [j][i][k][l][m][0];
rdopt->pred_mv[j][i][k][l][m][0] = pred_mv[j][i][k][l][m][0];
rdopt->all_mv [j][i][k][l][m][1] = all_mv [j][i][k][l][m][1];
rdopt->pred_mv[j][i][k][l][m][1] = pred_mv[j][i][k][l][m][1];
* \brief
* R-D Cost for a macroblock
int RDCost_for_macroblocks (double lambda, // <-- lagrange multiplier
int mode, // <-- modus (0-COPY/DIRECT, 1-16x16, 2-16x8, 3-8x16, 4-8x8(+), 5-Intra4x4, 6-Intra16x16)
double* min_rdcost, // <-> minimum rate-distortion cost
double* min_rate, // --> bitrate of mode which has minimum rate-distortion cost.
int i16mode )
int i, j, k; //, k, ****ip4;
int j1, j2;
int rate = 0, coeff_rate = 0;
int64 distortion = 0;
double rdcost;
int prev_mb_nr = FmoGetPreviousMBNr(img->current_mb_nr);
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
Macroblock *prevMB = (prev_mb_nr >= 0) ? &img->mb_data[prev_mb_nr] : NULL;
int bframe = (img->type==B_SLICE);
int tmp_cc;
int use_of_cc = (img->type!=I_SLICE && input->symbol_mode!=CABAC);
int cc_rate, dummy;
SetModesAndRefframeForBlocks (mode);
if (bframe && mode==0)
int block_x=img->pix_x>>2;
int block_y=img->pix_y>>2;
for (j = block_y;j< block_y + 4;j++)
for (i = block_x;i<block_x + 4;i++)
if (direct_pdir[j][i] < 0)
return 0;
// Test MV limits for Skip Mode. This could be necessary for MBAFF case Frame MBs.
if ((img->MbaffFrameFlag) && (!currMB->mb_field) && (img->type==P_SLICE) && (mode==0) )
if ( img->all_mv[0][0][0][0][0][0] < -8192
|| img->all_mv[0][0][0][0][0][0] > 8191
|| img->all_mv[0][0][0][0][0][1] < LEVELMVLIMIT[img->LevelIndex][4]
|| img->all_mv[0][0][0][0][0][1] > LEVELMVLIMIT[img->LevelIndex][5])
return 0;
if (img->AdaptiveRounding)
memset(&(img->fadjust4x4[0][0][0]), 0, MB_PIXELS * sizeof(int));
memset(&(img->fadjust8x8[0][0][0]), 0, MB_PIXELS * sizeof(int));
memset(&(img->fadjust4x4Cr[0][0][0][0]), 0, img->mb_cr_size_y * img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memset(&(img->fadjust4x4Cr[0][1][0][0]), 0, img->mb_cr_size_y * img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
if (mode<P8x8)
LumaResidualCoding ();
if(mode==0 && currMB->cbp!=0 && (img->type != B_SLICE || img->NoResidueDirect==1))
return 0;
if(mode==0 && currMB->cbp==0 && currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag==1) //for B_skip, luma_transform_size_8x8_flag=0 only
return 0;
else if (mode==P8x8)
SetCoeffAndReconstruction8x8 (currMB);
else if (mode==I4MB)
currMB->cbp = Mode_Decision_for_Intra4x4Macroblock (lambda, &dummy);
else if (mode==I16MB)
Intra16x16_Mode_Decision (currMB, &i16mode);
else if(mode==I8MB)
currMB->cbp = Mode_Decision_for_new_Intra8x8Macroblock(lambda, &dummy);
else if(mode==IPCM)
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
j1 = j + img->opix_y;
j2 = j + img->pix_y;
for (i=img->opix_x; i<img->opix_x+MB_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
enc_picture->imgY[j2][i] = imgY_org[j1][i];
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
for (j = 0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
j1 = j + img->opix_c_y;
j2 = j + img->pix_c_y;
for (i=img->opix_c_x; i<img->opix_c_x+img->mb_cr_size_x; i++)
enc_picture->imgUV[0][j2][i] = imgUV_org[0][j1][i];
enc_picture->imgUV[1][j2][i] = imgUV_org[1][j1][i];
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
for (i=0; i<(4+img->num_blk8x8_uv); i++)
img->nz_coeff[img->current_mb_nr][j][i] = 16;
if (input->rdopt==3 && img->type!=B_SLICE)
// We need the reconstructed prediction residue for the simulated decoders.
compute_residue_mb (mode==I16MB?i16mode:-1);
//Rate control
if (input->RCEnable)
if (mode == I16MB)
memcpy(pred,img->mprr_2[i16mode],MB_PIXELS * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(pred,img->mpr,MB_PIXELS * sizeof(imgpel));
img->i16offset = 0;
dummy = 0;
if ((img->yuv_format!=YUV400) && (mode != IPCM))
ChromaResidualCoding (&dummy);
if (mode==I16MB)
img->i16offset = I16Offset (currMB->cbp, i16mode);
if (input->rdopt==3 && img->type!=B_SLICE)
for (k = 0; k<input->NoOfDecoders ;k++)
decode_one_mb (k, currMB);
for (j = 0; j<MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
for (i=img->opix_x; i<img->opix_x+MB_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
distortion += img->quad [imgY_org[img->opix_y+j][i] - decs->decY[k][img->opix_y+j][i]];
distortion /= input->NoOfDecoders;
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
for (j = 0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
j1 = j + img->opix_c_y;
j2 = j + img->pix_c_y;
for (i=img->opix_c_x; i<img->opix_c_x+img->mb_cr_size_x; i++)
distortion += img->quad [imgUV_org[0][j1][i] - enc_picture->imgUV[0][j2][i]];
distortion += img->quad [imgUV_org[1][j1][i] - enc_picture->imgUV[1][j2][i]];
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
j1 = j + img->opix_y;
j2 = j + img->pix_y;
for (i=img->opix_x; i<img->opix_x+MB_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
distortion += img->quad [imgY_org[j1][i] - enc_picture->imgY[j2][i]];
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
for (j = 0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
j1 = j + img->opix_c_y;
j2 = j + img->pix_c_y;
for (i=img->opix_c_x; i<img->opix_c_x+img->mb_cr_size_x; i++)
distortion += img->quad [imgUV_org[0][j1][i] - enc_picture->imgUV[0][j2][i]];
distortion += img->quad [imgUV_org[1][j1][i] - enc_picture->imgUV[1][j2][i]];
//===== S T O R E C O D I N G S T A T E =====
store_coding_state (cs_cm);
//===== GET RATE
//----- macroblock header -----
if (use_of_cc)
if (currMB->mb_type!=0 || (bframe && currMB->cbp!=0))
// cod counter and macroblock mode are written ==> do not consider code counter
tmp_cc = img->cod_counter;
rate = writeMBLayer (1, &coeff_rate);
ue_linfo (tmp_cc, dummy, &cc_rate, &dummy);
rate -= cc_rate;
img->cod_counter = tmp_cc;
// cod counter is just increased ==> get additional rate
ue_linfo (img->cod_counter+1, dummy, &rate, &dummy);
ue_linfo (img->cod_counter, dummy, &cc_rate, &dummy);
rate -= cc_rate;
rate = writeMBLayer (1, &coeff_rate);
//===== R E S T O R E C O D I N G S T A T E =====
reset_coding_state (cs_cm);
rdcost = (double)distortion + lambda * dmax(0.5,(double)rate);
if (rdcost >= *min_rdcost ||
((img->qp_scaled)==0 && img->lossless_qpprime_flag==1 && distortion!=0))
// Reordering RDCost comparison order of mode 0 and mode 1 in P_SLICE
// if RDcost of mode 0 and mode 1 is same, we choose best_mode is 0
// This might not always be good since mode 0 is more biased towards rate than quality.
if((img->type!=P_SLICE || mode != 0 || rdcost != *min_rdcost) || input->ProfileIDC>=FREXT_HP)
return 0;
if ((img->MbaffFrameFlag) && (mode ? 0: ((img->type == B_SLICE) ? !currMB->cbp:1))) // AFF and current is skip
if (img->current_mb_nr & 0x01) //bottom
if (prevMB->mb_type ? 0:((img->type == B_SLICE) ? !prevMB->cbp:1)) //top is skip
if (!(field_flag_inference() == currMB->mb_field)) //skip only allowed when correct inference
return 0;
//===== U P D A T E M I N I M U M C O S T =====
*min_rdcost = rdcost;
*min_rate = lambda * (double)coeff_rate;
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
for (i=0; i<(4+img->num_blk8x8_uv); i++)
gaaiMBAFF_NZCoeff[j][i] = img->nz_coeff[img->current_mb_nr][j][i];
return 1;
* \brief
* Store adaptive rounding parameters
void store_adaptive_rounding_parameters (int mode, Macroblock *currMB)
int j;
int is_inter = (mode != I4MB)&&(mode != I16MB)&&(mode != I8MB);
if (currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag)
if ((mode == P8x8))
memcpy(&(bestInterFAdjust8x8[0][0]),&(img->fadjust8x8[2][0][0]),MB_PIXELS * sizeof(int));
else if (is_inter)
memcpy(&(bestInterFAdjust8x8[0][0]),&(img->fadjust8x8[0][0][0]),MB_PIXELS * sizeof(int));
memcpy(&(bestIntraFAdjust8x8[0][0]),&(img->fadjust8x8[1][0][0]),MB_PIXELS * sizeof(int));
if ((mode == P8x8))
memcpy(&(bestInterFAdjust4x4[0][0]),&(img->fadjust4x4[3][0][0]),MB_PIXELS * sizeof(int));
else if (is_inter)
memcpy(&(bestInterFAdjust4x4[0][0]),&(img->fadjust4x4[0][0][0]),MB_PIXELS * sizeof(int));
memcpy(&(bestIntraFAdjust4x4[0][0]),&(img->fadjust4x4[1 + mode == I16MB][0][0]),MB_PIXELS * sizeof(int));
if (input->AdaptRndChroma)
if (currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag && mode == P8x8)
for (j = 0; j < img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr[0][j],img->fadjust8x8Cr[0][0][j],img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memcpy(bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr[1][j],img->fadjust8x8Cr[0][1][j],img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
else if (mode == P8x8)
for (j = 0; j < img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr[0][j],img->fadjust4x4Cr[2][0][j],img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memcpy(bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr[1][j],img->fadjust4x4Cr[2][1][j],img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
else if (is_inter)
for (j = 0; j < img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr[0][j],img->fadjust4x4Cr[0][0][j],img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memcpy(bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr[1][j],img->fadjust4x4Cr[0][1][j],img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
for (j = 0; j < img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(bestIntraFAdjust4x4Cr[0][j],img->fadjust4x4Cr[1][0][j],img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memcpy(bestIntraFAdjust4x4Cr[1][j],img->fadjust4x4Cr[1][1][j],img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
* \brief
* Store macroblock parameters
void store_macroblock_parameters (int mode)
int i, j, k, ****i4p, ***i3p;
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
int bframe = (img->type==B_SLICE);
//--- store best mode ---
best_mode = mode;
best_c_imode = currMB->c_ipred_mode;
best_i16offset = img->i16offset;
// If condition is not really necessary.
bi_pred_me = (mode == 1) ? currMB->bi_pred_me : 0;
memcpy(b8mode, currMB->b8mode, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(int));
memcpy(b8pdir, currMB->b8pdir, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(int));
memcpy(b4_intra_pred_modes,currMB->intra_pred_modes, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
memcpy(b8_intra_pred_modes8x8,currMB->intra_pred_modes8x8, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for (j = 0 ; j < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memcpy(&b4_ipredmode[j * BLOCK_MULTIPLE],&img->ipredmode[img->block_y + j][img->block_x],BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
memcpy(b8_ipredmode8x8[j],&img->ipredmode8x8[img->block_y + j][img->block_x],BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
//--- reconstructed blocks ----
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(rec_mbY[j],&enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if((img->type==SP_SLICE) && (si_frame_indicator==0 && sp2_frame_indicator==0))
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(lrec_rec[j],&lrec[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));//store coefficients SP frame
if (img->AdaptiveRounding)
store_adaptive_rounding_parameters (mode, currMB);
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
for (j = 0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(rec_mbU[j],&enc_picture->imgUV[0][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(rec_mbV[j],&enc_picture->imgUV[1][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
if((img->type==SP_SLICE) && (si_frame_indicator==0 && sp2_frame_indicator==0))
//store uv coefficients SP frame
for (j = 0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(lrec_rec_U[j],&lrec_uv[0][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memcpy(lrec_rec_V[j],&lrec_uv[1][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
//--- store results of decoders ---
if (input->rdopt==3 && img->type!=B_SLICE)
for (k = 0; k<input->NoOfDecoders; k++)
for (j=img->pix_y; j<img->pix_y+16; j++)
for (i=img->pix_x; i<img->pix_x+16; i++)
// Keep the decoded values of each MB for updating the ref frames
decs->decY_best[k][j][i] = decs->decY[k][j][i];
//--- coeff, cbp, kac ---
if (mode || bframe)
i4p=cofAC; cofAC=img->cofAC; img->cofAC=i4p;
i3p=cofDC; cofDC=img->cofDC; img->cofDC=i3p;
cbp = currMB->cbp;
cbp_blk = currMB->cbp_blk;
cbp_blk = cbp = 0;
//--- store transform size ---
luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag;
for (j = 0; j<4; j++)
memcpy(frefframe[j],&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_y+j][img->block_x], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
if (bframe)
for (j = 0; j<4; j++)
memcpy(brefframe[j],&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_y+j][img->block_x], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
* \brief
* Set stored macroblock parameters
void set_stored_macroblock_parameters ()
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
imgpel **imgY = enc_picture->imgY;
imgpel ***imgUV = enc_picture->imgUV;
int mode = best_mode;
int bframe = (img->type==B_SLICE);
int i, j, k, ****i4p, ***i3p;
int block_x, block_y;
signed char **ipredmodes = img->ipredmode;
short *cur_mv;
//===== reconstruction values =====
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(&imgY[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],rec_mbY[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if((img->type==SP_SLICE) &&(si_frame_indicator==0 && sp2_frame_indicator==0 ))
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(&lrec[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x],lrec_rec[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int)); //restore coeff SP frame
for (j = 0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(rdopt->rec_mbY[j],rec_mbY[j], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if (img->AdaptiveRounding)
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
for (j = 0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(&imgUV[0][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x],rec_mbU[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(&imgUV[1][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x],rec_mbV[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
if((img->type==SP_SLICE) &&(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator))
memcpy(&lrec_uv[0][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x],lrec_rec_U[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memcpy(&lrec_uv[1][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x],lrec_rec_V[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memcpy(rdopt->rec_mbU[j],rec_mbU[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(rdopt->rec_mbV[j],rec_mbV[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
if((img->type==SP_SLICE) &&(!si_frame_indicator && !sp2_frame_indicator))
for (j = 0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(&lrec_uv[0][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x],lrec_rec_U[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
memcpy(&lrec_uv[1][img->pix_c_y+j][img->pix_c_x],lrec_rec_V[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(int));
for (j = 0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(rdopt->rec_mbU[j],rec_mbU[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(rdopt->rec_mbV[j],rec_mbV[j], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
//===== coefficients and cbp =====
i4p=cofAC; cofAC=img->cofAC; img->cofAC=i4p;
i3p=cofDC; cofDC=img->cofDC; img->cofDC=i3p;
currMB->cbp = cbp;
currMB->cbp_blk = cbp_blk;
//==== macroblock type ====
currMB->mb_type = mode;
rdopt->mode = mode;
rdopt->i16offset = img->i16offset;
rdopt->cbp = cbp;
rdopt->cbp_blk = cbp_blk;
rdopt->mb_type = mode;
rdopt->prev_qp = currMB->prev_qp;
rdopt->prev_delta_qp = currMB->prev_delta_qp;
rdopt->delta_qp = currMB->delta_qp;
rdopt->qp = currMB->qp;
rdopt->prev_cbp = currMB->prev_cbp;
for(i = 0;i<4+img->num_blk8x8_uv;i++)
for(j = 0;j<4;j++)
for(k = 0;k<2;k++)
memcpy(rdopt->cofAC[i][j][k], img->cofAC[i][j][k], 65 * sizeof(int));
for(i = 0;i<3;i++)
for(k = 0;k<2;k++)
memcpy(rdopt->cofDC[i][k], img->cofDC[i][k], 18 * sizeof(int));
memcpy(currMB->b8mode,b8mode, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(int));
memcpy(currMB->b8pdir,b8pdir, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(int));
memcpy(rdopt->b8mode,b8mode, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(int));
memcpy(rdopt->b8pdir,b8pdir, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(int));
currMB->bi_pred_me = currMB->mb_type == 1 ? bi_pred_me : 0;
//if P8x8 mode and transform size 4x4 choosen, restore motion vector data for this transform size
if (mode == P8x8 && !luma_transform_size_8x8_flag && input->Transform8x8Mode)
//==== transform size flag ====
if (((currMB->cbp & 15) == 0) && !(IS_OLDINTRA(currMB) || currMB->mb_type == I8MB))
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = 0;
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = luma_transform_size_8x8_flag;
rdopt->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag;
if (input->rdopt==3 && img->type!=B_SLICE)
//! save the MB Mode of every macroblock
decs->dec_mb_mode[img->mb_y][img->mb_x] = mode;
//==== reference frames =====
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
block_y = img->block_y + j;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
block_x = img->block_x + i;
k = 2*(j >> 1)+(i >> 1);
// backward prediction or intra
if ((currMB->b8pdir[k] == 1) || IS_INTRA(currMB))
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
rdopt->refar[LIST_0][j][i] = -1;
if (currMB->bi_pred_me && (currMB->b8pdir[k] == 2) && currMB->mb_type==1)
cur_mv = currMB->bi_pred_me == 1
? img->bipred_mv1[j][i][LIST_0][0][currMB->b8mode[k]]
: img->bipred_mv2[j][i][LIST_0][0][currMB->b8mode[k]];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + currMB->list_offset][0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
rdopt->refar[LIST_0][j][i] = 0;
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][(short)frefframe[j][i]][currMB->b8mode[k]];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = frefframe[j][i];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + currMB->list_offset][(short)frefframe[j][i]];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
rdopt->refar[LIST_0][j][i] = frefframe[j][i];
// forward prediction or intra
if ((currMB->b8pdir[k] == 0) || IS_INTRA(currMB))
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
rdopt->refar[LIST_1][j][i] = -1;
if (bframe)
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
block_y = img->block_y + j;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
block_x = img->block_x + i;
k = 2*(j >> 1)+(i >> 1);
// forward
if (IS_INTRA(currMB)||(currMB->b8pdir[k] == 0))
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
rdopt->refar[LIST_1][j][i] = -1;
if (currMB->bi_pred_me && (currMB->b8pdir[k] == 2) && currMB->mb_type==1)
cur_mv = currMB->bi_pred_me == 1
? img->bipred_mv1[j][i][LIST_1][0][currMB->b8mode[k]]
: img->bipred_mv2[j][i][LIST_1][0][currMB->b8mode[k]];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + currMB->list_offset][0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
rdopt->refar[LIST_1][j][i] = 0;
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][(short)brefframe[j][i]][currMB->b8mode[k]];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = brefframe[j][i];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + currMB->list_offset][(short)brefframe[j][i]];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
rdopt->refar[LIST_1][j][i] = brefframe[j][i];
//==== intra prediction modes ====
currMB->c_ipred_mode = best_c_imode;
img->i16offset = best_i16offset;
if(currMB->mb_type == I8MB)
memcpy(currMB->intra_pred_modes8x8,b8_intra_pred_modes8x8, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
memcpy(currMB->intra_pred_modes,b8_intra_pred_modes8x8, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for(j = 0; j < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memcpy(&img->ipredmode[img->block_y+j][img->block_x],b8_ipredmode8x8[j], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
memcpy(&img->ipredmode8x8[img->block_y+j][img->block_x], b8_ipredmode8x8[j], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
else if (mode!=I4MB && mode!=I8MB)
memset(currMB->intra_pred_modes,DC_PRED, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for(j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memset(&img->ipredmode[j][img->block_x], DC_PRED, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
// Residue Color Transform
else if (mode == I4MB)
memcpy(currMB->intra_pred_modes,b4_intra_pred_modes, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for(j = 0; j < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memcpy(&img->ipredmode[img->block_y + j][img->block_x],&b4_ipredmode[BLOCK_MULTIPLE * j], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
rdopt->c_ipred_mode = currMB->c_ipred_mode;
rdopt->i16offset = img->i16offset;
memcpy(rdopt->intra_pred_modes,currMB->intra_pred_modes, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
memcpy(rdopt->intra_pred_modes8x8,currMB->intra_pred_modes8x8, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for(j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y +BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memcpy(&rdopt->ipredmode[j][img->block_x],&ipredmodes[j][img->block_x], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
//==== motion vectors =====
SetMotionVectorsMB (currMB, bframe);
* \brief
* Set reference frames and motion vectors
void SetRefAndMotionVectors (int block, int mode, int pdir, int fwref, int bwref)
int i, j=0;
int bslice = (img->type==B_SLICE);
int pmode = (mode==1||mode==2||mode==3?mode:4);
int j0 = ((block >> 1)<<1);
int i0 = ((block & 0x01)<<1);
int j1 = j0 + (input->part_size[pmode][1]);
int i1 = i0 + (input->part_size[pmode][0]);
int block_x, block_y;
short *cur_mv;
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
if (pdir<0)
for (j = img->block_y + j0; j < img->block_y + j1; j++)
for (i=img->block_x + i0; i<img->block_x +i1; i++)
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_0][j][i] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_1][j][i] = -1;
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][img->block_x + i0], -1, (input->part_size[pmode][0]) * sizeof(char));
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][j][img->block_x + i0], -1, (input->part_size[pmode][0]) * sizeof(char));
memset(enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][j][img->block_x + i0], 0, 2*(input->part_size[pmode][0]) * sizeof(short));
memset(enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][j][img->block_x + i0], 0, 2*(input->part_size[pmode][0]) * sizeof(short));
if (!bslice)
for (j=j0; j<j1; j++)
block_y = img->block_y + j;
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][img->block_x + i0], fwref, (input->part_size[pmode][0]) * sizeof(char));
for (i=i0; i<i1; i++)
block_x = img->block_x + i;
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][fwref][mode];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0+currMB->list_offset][fwref];
for (j=j0; j<j1; j++)
block_y = img->block_y + j;
for (i=i0; i<i1; i++)
block_x = img->block_x + i;
if (mode==0)
pdir = direct_pdir[block_y][block_x];
fwref = direct_ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x];
bwref = direct_ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x];
if ((pdir==0 || pdir==2))
if (currMB->bi_pred_me && (pdir == 2) && mode == 1)
cur_mv = currMB->bi_pred_me == 1
? img->bipred_mv1[j][i][LIST_0][0][mode]
: img->bipred_mv2[j][i][LIST_0][0][mode];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0+currMB->list_offset][0];
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][fwref][mode];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = fwref;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_0][block_y][block_x] =
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = -1;
if ((pdir==1 || pdir==2))
if (currMB->bi_pred_me && (pdir == 2) && mode == 1)
cur_mv = currMB->bi_pred_me == 1
? img->bipred_mv1[j][i][LIST_1][0][mode]
: img->bipred_mv2[j][i][LIST_1][0][mode];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1+currMB->list_offset][0];
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bwref][mode];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = bwref;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_1][block_y][block_x] =
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
* \brief
* skip macroblock field inference
* \return
* inferred field flag
int field_flag_inference()
int mb_field;
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
if (currMB->mbAvailA)
mb_field = img->mb_data[currMB->mbAddrA].mb_field;
// check top macroblock pair
if (currMB->mbAvailB)
mb_field = img->mb_data[currMB->mbAddrB].mb_field;
mb_field = 0;
return mb_field;
* \brief
* Store motion vectors for 8x8 partition
void StoreMVBlock8x8(int dir, int block8x8, int mode, int ref, int bw_ref, int pdir8, int bframe)
int i, j, i0, j0, ii, jj;
short ******all_mv = img->all_mv;
short ******pred_mv = img->pred_mv;
short (*lc_l0_mv8x8)[4][2] = all_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
short (*lc_l1_mv8x8)[4][2] = all_mv8x8[dir][LIST_1];
short (*lc_pr_mv8x8)[4][2] = NULL;
i0 = (block8x8 & 0x01) << 1;
j0 = (block8x8 >> 1) << 1;
ii = i0+2;
jj = j0+2;
if (!bframe)
if (pdir8>=0) //(mode8!=IBLOCK)&&(mode8!=I16MB)) // && ref != -1)
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][4][0];
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][4][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][4][0];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][4][1];
if (pdir8 == 0) // list0
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][0];
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][0];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][1];
else if (pdir8 == 1) // list1
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_1];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0];
lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1];
else if (pdir8==2) // bipred
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][0];
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][0];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_1];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0];
lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1];
error("invalid direction mode", 255);
* \brief
* Store motion vectors of 8x8 partitions of one macroblock
void StoreMV8x8(int dir)
int block8x8;
int bframe = (img->type == B_SLICE);
for (block8x8=0; block8x8<4; block8x8++)
StoreMVBlock8x8(dir, block8x8, tr8x8.part8x8mode[block8x8], tr8x8.part8x8fwref[block8x8],
tr8x8.part8x8bwref[block8x8], tr8x8.part8x8pdir[block8x8], bframe);
* \brief
* Restore motion vectors for 8x8 partition
void RestoreMVBlock8x8(int dir, int block8x8, RD_8x8DATA tr, int bframe)
int i, j, i0, j0, ii, jj;
short ******all_mv = img->all_mv;
short ******pred_mv = img->pred_mv;
short (*lc_l0_mv8x8)[4][2] = all_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
short (*lc_l1_mv8x8)[4][2] = all_mv8x8[dir][LIST_1];
short (*lc_pr_mv8x8)[4][2] = NULL;
short pdir8 = tr.part8x8pdir [block8x8];
short mode = tr.part8x8mode [block8x8];
short ref = tr.part8x8fwref[block8x8];
short bw_ref = tr.part8x8bwref[block8x8];
i0 = (block8x8 & 0x01) << 1;
j0 = (block8x8 >> 1) << 1;
ii = i0+2;
jj = j0+2;
if (!bframe)
if (pdir8>=0) //(mode8!=IBLOCK)&&(mode8!=I16MB)) // && ref != -1)
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][4][0] = lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][0] ;
all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][4][1] = lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][1] ;
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][4][0] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0];
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][4][1] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1];
if (pdir8==0) // forward
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][0] = lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][0] ;
all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][1] = lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][1] ;
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][0] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0];
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][1] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1];
else if (pdir8==1) // backward
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_1];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0] = lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][0] ;
all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1] = lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][1] ;
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0];
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1];
else if (pdir8==2) // bidir
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][0] = lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][0] ;
all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][1] = lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][1] ;
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][0] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0];
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][ref][mode][1] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_1];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0] = lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][0] ;
all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1] = lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][1] ;
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0];
pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1] = lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1];
error("invalid direction mode", 255);
* \brief
* Restore motion vectors of 8x8 partitions of one macroblock
void RestoreMV8x8(int dir)
int block8x8;
int bframe = (img->type == B_SLICE);
for (block8x8=0; block8x8<4; block8x8++)
RestoreMVBlock8x8(dir, block8x8, tr8x8, bframe);
* \brief
* Store predictors for 8x8 partition
void StoreNewMotionVectorsBlock8x8(int dir, int block8x8, int mode, int fw_ref, int bw_ref, int pdir8, int bframe)
int i, j, i0, j0, ii, jj;
short ******all_mv = img->all_mv;
short ******pred_mv = img->pred_mv;
short (*lc_l0_mv8x8)[4][2] = all_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
short (*lc_l1_mv8x8)[4][2] = all_mv8x8[dir][LIST_1];
short (*lc_pr_mv8x8)[4][2] = NULL;
i0 = (block8x8 & 0x01) << 1;
j0 = (block8x8 >> 1) << 1;
ii = i0+2;
jj = j0+2;
if (pdir8<0)
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
memset(&lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i0], 0, 4 * sizeof(short));
memset(&lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i0], 0, 4 * sizeof(short));
if (!bframe)
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][fw_ref][4][0];
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][fw_ref][4][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][fw_ref][4][0];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][fw_ref][4][1];
memset(&lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i0], 0, 4 * sizeof(short));
if ((pdir8==0 || pdir8==2))
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_0];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][fw_ref][mode][0];
lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_0][fw_ref][mode][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][fw_ref][mode][0];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_0][fw_ref][mode][1];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
memset(&lc_l0_mv8x8[j][i0], 0, 4 * sizeof(short));
if ((pdir8==1 || pdir8==2))
lc_pr_mv8x8 = pred_mv8x8[dir][LIST_1];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
for (i=i0; i<ii; i++)
lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][0] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0];
lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i][1] = all_mv [j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][0] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][0];
lc_pr_mv8x8[j][i][1] = pred_mv[j][i][LIST_1][bw_ref][mode][1];
for (j=j0; j<jj; j++)
memset(&lc_l1_mv8x8[j][i0], 0, 4 * sizeof(short));
* \brief
* Makes the decision if 8x8 tranform will be used (for RD-off)
int GetBestTransformP8x8()
int block_y, block_x, pic_pix_y, pic_pix_x, i, j, k;
int mb_y, mb_x, block8x8;
int cost8x8=0, cost4x4=0;
int *diff_ptr;
if(input->Transform8x8Mode==2) //always allow 8x8 transform
return 1;
for (block8x8=0; block8x8<4; block8x8++)
mb_y = (block8x8 >> 1) << 3;
mb_x = (block8x8 & 0x01) << 3;
//===== loop over 4x4 blocks =====
for (block_y=mb_y; block_y<mb_y+8; block_y+=4)
pic_pix_y = img->opix_y + block_y;
//get cost for transform size 4x4
for (block_x=mb_x; block_x<mb_x+8; block_x+=4)
pic_pix_x = img->opix_x + block_x;
//===== get displaced frame difference ======
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
for (i=0; i<4; i++, k++)
//4x4 transform size
diff4x4[k] = imgY_org[pic_pix_y+j][pic_pix_x+i] - tr4x4.mpr8x8[j+block_y][i+block_x];
//8x8 transform size
diff8x8[k] = imgY_org[pic_pix_y+j][pic_pix_x+i] - tr8x8.mpr8x8[j+block_y][i+block_x];
cost4x4 += distortion4x4 (diff_ptr);
cost8x8 += distortion8x8 (diff8x8);
return (cost8x8 < cost4x4);
* \brief
* Sets MBAFF RD parameters
void set_mbaff_parameters()
int i, j, k;
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
int mode = best_mode;
int bframe = (img->type==B_SLICE);
signed char **ipredmodes = img->ipredmode;
//===== reconstruction values =====
for (j=0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(rdopt->rec_mbY[j],&enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y + j][img->pix_x], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if (img->yuv_format != YUV400)
for (j=0; j<img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
memcpy(rdopt->rec_mbU[j],&enc_picture->imgUV[0][img->pix_c_y + j][img->pix_c_x], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy(rdopt->rec_mbV[j],&enc_picture->imgUV[1][img->pix_c_y + j][img->pix_c_x], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
//===== coefficients and cbp =====
rdopt->mode = mode;
rdopt->i16offset = img->i16offset;
rdopt->cbp = currMB->cbp;
rdopt->cbp_blk = currMB->cbp_blk;
rdopt->mb_type = currMB->mb_type;
rdopt->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag;
if(rdopt->mb_type == 0 && mode != 0)
memcpy(rdopt->cofAC[i][j][k], img->cofAC[i][j][k], 65 * sizeof(int));
memcpy(rdopt->cofDC[i][k], img->cofDC[i][k], 18 * sizeof(int));
memcpy(rdopt->b8mode,currMB->b8mode, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(int));
memcpy(rdopt->b8pdir,currMB->b8pdir, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(int));
//==== reference frames =====
if (bframe)
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memcpy(rdopt->refar[LIST_0][j],&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_y + j][img->block_x] , BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
memcpy(rdopt->refar[LIST_1][j],&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][img->block_y + j][img->block_x] , BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
rdopt->bi_pred_me = currMB->bi_pred_me;
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
memcpy(rdopt->refar[LIST_0][j],&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][img->block_y + j][img->block_x] , BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
memcpy(rdopt->intra_pred_modes,currMB->intra_pred_modes, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
memcpy(rdopt->intra_pred_modes8x8,currMB->intra_pred_modes8x8, MB_BLOCK_PARTITIONS * sizeof(char));
for (j = img->block_y; j < img->block_y + 4; j++)
memcpy(&rdopt->ipredmode[j][img->block_x],&ipredmodes[j][img->block_x], BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
* \brief
* store coding state (for rd-optimized mode decision), used for 8x8 transformation
void store_coding_state_cs_cm()
* \brief
* restore coding state (for rd-optimized mode decision), used for 8x8 transformation
void reset_coding_state_cs_cm()
* \brief
* update rounding offsets based on JVT-N011
void update_offset_params(int mode, int luma_transform_size_8x8_flag)
int is_inter = (mode != I4MB)&&(mode != I16MB) && (mode != I8MB);
int luma_pos = AdaptRndPos[(is_inter<<1) + luma_transform_size_8x8_flag][img->type];
int i,j;
int temp = 0;
int offsetRange = 1 << (OffsetBits - 1);
int blk_mask = 0x03 + (luma_transform_size_8x8_flag<<2);
int blk_shift = 2 + luma_transform_size_8x8_flag;
short **offsetList = luma_transform_size_8x8_flag ? OffsetList8x8 : OffsetList4x4;
int **fAdjust = is_inter
? (luma_transform_size_8x8_flag ? bestInterFAdjust8x8 : bestInterFAdjust4x4)
: (luma_transform_size_8x8_flag ? bestIntraFAdjust8x8 : bestIntraFAdjust4x4);
for (j=0; j < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
int j_pos = ((j & blk_mask)<<blk_shift);
for (i=0; i < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
temp = j_pos + (i & blk_mask);
offsetList[luma_pos][temp] += fAdjust[j][i];
offsetList[luma_pos][temp] = iClip3(0,offsetRange,offsetList[luma_pos][temp]);
if (input->AdaptRndChroma)
int u_pos = AdaptRndCrPos[is_inter][img->type];
int v_pos = u_pos + 1;
int jpos;
int ***fAdjustCr = is_inter ? bestInterFAdjust4x4Cr : bestIntraFAdjust4x4Cr;
for (j=0; j < img->mb_cr_size_y; j++)
jpos = ((j & 0x03)<<2);
for (i=0; i < img->mb_cr_size_x; i++)
temp = jpos + (i & 0x03);
OffsetList4x4[u_pos][temp] += fAdjustCr[0][j][i];
OffsetList4x4[u_pos][temp] = iClip3(0,offsetRange,OffsetList4x4[u_pos][temp]);
OffsetList4x4[v_pos][temp] += fAdjustCr[1][j][i];
OffsetList4x4[v_pos][temp] = iClip3(0,offsetRange,OffsetList4x4[v_pos][temp]);
void assign_enc_picture_params(int mode, signed char best_pdir, int block, int list_offset, int best_fw_ref, int best_bw_ref, int bframe)
int i,j;
int block_x, block_y;
short *cur_mv;
if (mode==1)
if (best_pdir==1)
for (j=img->block_y+(block&2); j<img->block_y+(block&2) + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_x = img->block_x+(block&1)*2;
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][block_x], -1 , BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
memset(enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][j][block_x], 0 , 2 * BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(short));
for (i=block_x; i<block_x + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][j][i] = -1;
else if (img->bi_pred_me[mode])
for (j=0; j<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_y = img->block_y+(block&2)+j;
block_x = img->block_x+(block&1)*2;
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x], 0, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
for (i=0; i<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
cur_mv = img->bi_pred_me[mode] == 1
? img->bipred_mv1[i][j][LIST_0][0][mode]
: img->bipred_mv2[i][j][LIST_0][0][mode];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x + i] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x + i][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x + i][1] = cur_mv[1];
for (j=0; j<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_y = img->block_y+(block&2)+j;
block_x = img->block_x+(block&1)*2;
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x], best_fw_ref , BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
for (i=0; i<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x + i] = enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][best_fw_ref];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x + i][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x + i][1] = cur_mv[1];
if (bframe)
if (best_pdir==0)
for (j=img->block_y+(block&2); j<img->block_y+(block&2) + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_x = img->block_x+(block&1)*2;
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][j][block_x], -1 , BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
memset(enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][j][block_x], 0 , 2 * BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(short));
for (i=block_x; i<block_x + BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][j][i] = -1;
if (img->bi_pred_me[mode])
for (j=0; j<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_y = img->block_y+(block&2)+j;
block_x = img->block_x+(block&1)*2;
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x], 0, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
for (i=0; i<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
cur_mv = img->bi_pred_me[mode] == 1
? img->bipred_mv1[i][j][LIST_1][0][mode]
: img->bipred_mv2[i][j][LIST_1][0][mode];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x + i] =
enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x + i][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x + i][1] = cur_mv[1];
for (j=0; j<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_y = img->block_y+(block&2)+j;
block_x = img->block_x+(block&1)*2;
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x], best_bw_ref, BLOCK_MULTIPLE * sizeof(char));
for (i=0; i<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x + i] =
enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][best_bw_ref];
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][i][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][block_y][block_x + i][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][block_y][block_x + i][1] = cur_mv[1];
else if (mode==2)
for (j=0; j<2; j++)
block_y = img->block_y + block * 2 + j;
for (i=0; i<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; i++)
block_x = img->block_x + i;
if (best_pdir==1)
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j+block*2][i][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = best_fw_ref;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] =
enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][best_fw_ref];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
if (bframe)
if (best_pdir==0)
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = best_bw_ref;
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j+ block*2][i][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] =
enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][best_bw_ref];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
for (j=0; j<BLOCK_MULTIPLE; j++)
block_y = img->block_y+j;
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
block_x = img->block_x + block*2 + i;
if (best_pdir==1)
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][block*2+i][LIST_0][best_fw_ref][mode];
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] = best_fw_ref;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_0][block_y][block_x] =
enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0 + list_offset][best_fw_ref];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_0][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
if (bframe)
if (best_pdir==0)
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = -1;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = 0;
enc_picture->mv [LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = 0;
enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x] = best_bw_ref;
cur_mv = img->all_mv[j][block*2+i][LIST_1][best_bw_ref][mode];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id [LIST_1][block_y][block_x] =
enc_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_1 + list_offset][best_bw_ref];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][block_y][block_x][0] = cur_mv[0];
enc_picture->mv[LIST_1][block_y][block_x][1] = cur_mv[1];
void update_refresh_map(int intra, int intra1, Macroblock *currMB)
if (input->RestrictRef==1)
// Modified for Fast Mode Decision. Inchoon Choi, SungKyunKwan Univ.
if (input->rdopt<2)
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x ] = (intra ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x+1] = (intra ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x ] = (intra ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x+1] = (intra ? 1 : 0);
else if (input->rdopt==3)
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x ] = (intra1==0 && (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB) ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x+1] = (intra1==0 && (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB) ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x ] = (intra1==0 && (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB) ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x+1] = (intra1==0 && (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB) ? 1 : 0);
else if (input->RestrictRef==2)
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x ] = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y ][2*img->mb_x+1] = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x ] = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);
refresh_map[2*img->mb_y+1][2*img->mb_x+1] = (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->mb_type==I4MB ? 1 : 0);