blob: 6ae6f39cf1ebdb44d3b639576e6fa41b87d2ab86 [file] [log] [blame]
// See README-LCALS_license.txt for access and distribution restrictions
// Source file containing routines used to gather and report
// performance data for LCALS suite
#include "LCALSStats.hxx"
using namespace std;
// LoopStat print routine for debugging.
void LoopStat::print(ostream& os) const
os << "\nLoopStat::print..." << endl;
os << "\tloop_is_run = " << loop_is_run << endl;
os << "\tnum loop lengths = " << loop_length.size() << endl;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < loop_length.size(); ++i) {
os << "\t\t ilength = " << i << " --> " << endl;
os << "\t\t\t loop_length = " << loop_length[i] << endl;
os << "\t\t\t samples_per_pass = " << samples_per_pass[i] << endl;
os << "\t\t\t loop_run_count = " << loop_run_count[i] << endl;
if ( loop_run_count[i] > 0 ) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < loop_run_time[i].size(); ++j) {
os << "\t\t\t\t sample time = " << loop_run_time[i][j] << endl;
os << "\t\t\t\t mean = " << mean[i] << endl;
os << "\t\t\t\t std_dev = " << std_dev[i] << endl;
os << "\t\t\t\t min = " << min[i] << endl;
os << "\t\t\t\t max = " << max[i] << endl;
os << "\t\t\t\t harm_mean = " << harm_mean[i] << endl;
os << "\t\t\t\t meanrel2ref = " << meanrel2ref[i] << endl;
os << endl;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < loop_run_time[i].size(); ++j) {
os << "\t\t\t\t sample time = " << loop_run_time[i][j] << endl;
os << endl;
// File scope data holding structures needed to execute and time loops.
static LoopSuiteRunInfo* s_loop_suite_run_info = 0;
// Accessor routine for suite run info.
LoopSuiteRunInfo& getLoopSuiteRunInfo() { return *s_loop_suite_run_info; }
// Define how suite will run and initialize timing structures for loops.
void allocateLoopSuiteRunInfo(const string& host_name,
unsigned num_loops,
unsigned num_loop_lengths,
unsigned num_suite_passes,
bool run_loop_length[],
CacheIndex_type cache_size)
cout << "\n allocateLoopSuiteRunInfo..." << endl;
if ( s_loop_suite_run_info == 0 ) {
s_loop_suite_run_info = new LoopSuiteRunInfo();
s_loop_suite_run_info->host_name = host_name;
s_loop_suite_run_info->num_loops = num_loops;
s_loop_suite_run_info->num_loop_lengths = num_loop_lengths;
s_loop_suite_run_info->num_suite_passes = num_suite_passes;
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < num_loop_lengths; ++ilen) {
// To make sure all data cache levels are flushed completely, we
// define a data buffer with length equal to twice given cache size.
s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data_len =
s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data =
new double[s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data_len];
for (CacheIndex_type i = 0;
i < s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data_len; ++i) {
s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data[i] = drand48() + 0.1;
// Free data structures defining loop suite execution.
void freeLoopSuiteRunInfo()
if ( s_loop_suite_run_info ) {
if ( s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data ) {
delete [] s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data;
delete s_loop_suite_run_info;
s_loop_suite_run_info = 0;
// Routines used for loop timing...
// Flush cache before each loop is run to minimize impact of one
// loop on another's execution.
void flushCache()
for (CacheIndex_type i = 0;
i < s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data_len; ++i) {
s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data_sum +=
s_loop_suite_run_info->cache_flush_data_sum /=
// Copy loop run time to LoopStat.
void copyTimer(LoopStat& loop_stat, int ilength,
const LoopTimer& loop_timer)
if ( loop_timer.was_run ) {
#if defined(LCALS_USE_CYCLE)
long double run_time = elapsed(loop_timer.stop,
#elif defined(LCALS_USE_CLOCK)
long double run_time =
static_cast<long double>(loop_timer.stop -
loop_timer.start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
#error LCALS_TIMER_TYPE is undefined!
loop_stat.loop_run_time[ilength].push_back( run_time );
// Compute statistics for loop run for variant with given index.
void computeStats( unsigned ilv, vector<LoopStat>& loop_stats,
bool do_fom )
// compute stats for each loop...
for ( unsigned iloop = 0; iloop < loop_stats.size(); ++iloop ) {
LoopStat& stat = loop_stats[iloop];
if ( stat.loop_is_run ) {
// compute stats for each length loop is run...
for ( unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < stat.loop_length.size(); ++ilen ) {
if ( stat.loop_run_count[ilen] > 0 ) {
vector<long double>& time_sample =
unsigned sample_size = time_sample.size();
long double mean = 0.0;
long double sdev = 0.0;
long double max = -std::numeric_limits<long double>::max();
long double min = std::numeric_limits<long double>::max();
long double harm = 0.0;
for (unsigned is = 0; is < sample_size; ++is) {
mean += time_sample[is];
max = std::max(max, time_sample[is]);
min = std::min(min, time_sample[is]);
if ( time_sample[is] > 0.0 ) {
harm += 1.0/time_sample[is];
mean /= sample_size;
if ( harm > 0.0 ) { harm = sample_size/harm; }
for (unsigned is = 0; is < sample_size; ++is) {
sdev += (time_sample[is] - mean)*(time_sample[is] - mean);
sdev /= sample_size;
stat.mean[ilen] = mean;
stat.std_dev[ilen] = sdev;
stat.min[ilen] = min;
stat.max[ilen] = max;
stat.harm_mean[ilen] = harm;
} // if loop length was run
} // iterate over loop lengths
} // if loop is run
} // iterate over loops
// FOM calculations (done separately for simplicity)
if ( do_fom ) {
LoopSuiteRunInfo& suite_info = getLoopSuiteRunInfo();
LoopStat& ref_loop_stat = suite_info.ref_loop_stat;
std::vector<int> num_loops_run(suite_info.num_loop_lengths, 0);
std::vector< long double > tot_weight(suite_info.num_loop_lengths, 0.0);
std::vector< long double > tot_time(suite_info.num_loop_lengths, 0.0);
std::vector< long double > fom_rel(suite_info.num_loop_lengths, 0.0);
std::vector< long double > fom_rate(suite_info.num_loop_lengths, 0.0);
for ( unsigned iloop = 0; iloop < loop_stats.size(); ++iloop ) {
LoopStat& stat = loop_stats[iloop];
if ( stat.loop_is_run ) {
for ( unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < stat.loop_length.size(); ++ilen ) {
if ( stat.loop_run_count[ilen] > 0 ) {
tot_weight[ilen] += stat.loop_weight;
tot_time[ilen] += stat.mean[ilen];
// sum weighted loop time
fom_rel[ilen] += stat.loop_weight * stat.mean[ilen];
// sum weighted loop iteration rate
fom_rate[ilen] += (stat.loop_weight * stat.mean[ilen]) /
(stat.loop_length[ilen] * stat.samples_per_pass[ilen]);
} // if loop length was run
} // iterate over loop lengths
} // if loop is run
} // iterate over loops
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < suite_info.num_loop_lengths; ++ilen) {
suite_info.num_loops_run[ilv][ilen] = num_loops_run[ilen];
suite_info.tot_time[ilv][ilen] = tot_time[ilen];
long double ref_time = ref_loop_stat.loop_run_time[ilen][0];
if ( num_loops_run[ilen] > 0 ) {
#if 0 // this makes 0 <= fom_rel <= 1/tot_time
suite_info.fom_rel[ilv][ilen] =
ref_time * tot_weight[ilen] / ( tot_time[ilen] * fom_rel[ilen] );
#else // this makes 0 <= fom_rel <= 1
suite_info.fom_rel[ilv][ilen] =
ref_time * tot_weight[ilen] / fom_rel[ilen] ;
suite_info.fom_rate[ilv][ilen] = 1.0 / fom_rate[ilen];
// Forward declarations for routines that write loop reports.
namespace {
void writeTimingSummaryReport(
const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
ostream& os);
void writeChecksumReport(
const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
ostream& os);
void writeFOMReport(
const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
ostream& os);
void writeMeanTimeReport(const string& variant_name,
const string& output_dirname);
void writeRelativeTimeReport(const string& variant_name,
const string& output_dirname);
std::string buildVersionInfo();
}; // unnamed namespace
// Routine called from main() to generate timing report(s).
void generateTimingReport(const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
const string& output_dirname)
if ( run_loop_variants.size() == 0 ) return;
bool do_fom = true;
std::string ver_info = buildVersionInfo();
// Compute statistics for all loops.
LoopSuiteRunInfo& suite_run_info = getLoopSuiteRunInfo();
const unsigned nvariants = run_loop_variants.size();
for (unsigned ilv = 0; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
computeStats( ilv, suite_run_info.getLoopStats(run_loop_variants[ilv]),
do_fom );
// If output directory name is given, write files in that directory.
// Else, write only summary to standard output.
if (!output_dirname.empty()) {
string timing_fname(output_dirname + "/" + "timing.txt");
ofstream file(timing_fname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc);
if ( !file ) {
cout << " ERROR: Can't open output file "
<< timing_fname << endl;
cout << "\n writeTimingSummaryReport... " << timing_fname << endl;
writeTimingSummaryReport(run_loop_variants, file);
// Write mean run time file for each loop variant.
for (unsigned ilv = 0; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
writeMeanTimeReport( run_loop_variants[ilv], output_dirname );
// Write relative run time file for each loop variant.
// NOTE: We assume variant "zero" is reference.
for (unsigned ilv = 1; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
writeRelativeTimeReport( run_loop_variants[ilv], output_dirname );
} else {
writeTimingSummaryReport(run_loop_variants, cout);
// Routine called from main() to generate checksum report.
void generateChecksumReport(
const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
const string& output_dirname)
if ( run_loop_variants.size() == 0 ) return;
// If output directory name is given, write file in that directory.
// Else, write summary to standard output.
if (!output_dirname.empty()) {
string checksum_fname(output_dirname + "/" + "checksum.txt");
ofstream file(checksum_fname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc);
if ( !file ) {
cout << " ERROR: Can't open output file "
<< checksum_fname << endl;
cout << "\n writeChecksumReport... " << checksum_fname << endl;
writeChecksumReport(run_loop_variants, file);
} else {
writeChecksumReport(run_loop_variants, cout);
// Routine called from main() to generate FOM report.
void generateFOMReport(
const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
const string& output_dirname)
if ( run_loop_variants.size() == 0 ) return;
// If output directory name is given, write file in that directory.
// Else, write only summary to standard output.
if (!output_dirname.empty()) {
string fom_fname(output_dirname + "/" + "fom.txt");
ofstream file(fom_fname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc);
if ( !file ) {
cout << " ERROR: Can't open output file "
<< fom_fname << endl;
cout << "\n writeFOMReport... " << fom_fname << endl;
writeFOMReport(run_loop_variants, file);
} else {
writeFOMReport(run_loop_variants, cout);
// Implementation of file-scope routines that write loop reports.
namespace {
// Write report about loop execution timings to given output stream.
void writeTimingSummaryReport(const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
ostream& os)
LoopSuiteRunInfo& suite_run_info = getLoopSuiteRunInfo();
const unsigned nvariants = run_loop_variants.size();
const string& ref_variant = run_loop_variants[0];
vector<string>& loop_names = suite_run_info.loop_names;
// Define some strings used to print summary table.
string equal_line("===========================================================================================================\n");
string dash_line("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
string dash_line_part("-------------------------------------------------------\n");
string dot_line_part("............................................\n");
vector<string> len_id(suite_run_info.loop_length_names.size());
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < len_id.size(); ++ilen) {
len_id[ilen] = suite_run_info.loop_length_names[ilen][0];
std::string ver_info = buildVersionInfo();
// Print compilation summary information.
os << "\n\n\n";
os << equal_line;
os << equal_line;
os << "LCALS compilation summary: " << endl;
os << ver_info << endl;
// Print basic run summary information.
os << "\n\n";
os << equal_line;
os << equal_line;
os << "LCALS run summary: " << endl;
os << "sizeof(Real_type) = " << sizeof(Real_type) << endl;
os << " num suite passes = " << suite_run_info.num_suite_passes << endl;
os << " loop sample fraction = " << suite_run_info.loop_samp_frac << endl;
os << " loop variants run : ";
for (unsigned ilv = 0; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
string last_char;
if ( ilv+1 < run_loop_variants.size() ) last_char = string(" , ");
os << run_loop_variants[ilv] << last_char;
os << "\n reference variant : " << ref_variant << endl;
os << equal_line;
os << equal_line;
// Set basic table formatting.
size_t max_name_len = 0;
for (size_t iloop = 0; iloop < loop_names.size(); ++iloop) {
max_name_len = max(max_name_len, loop_names[iloop].size());
size_t max_var_name_len = 0;
for (size_t ilv = 0; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
max_var_name_len =
max(max_var_name_len, run_loop_variants[ilv].size());
string var_field("Variant(length id)");
size_t var_field_len = var_field.size();
unsigned prec = 10;
unsigned prec_buf = prec + 8;
unsigned reldiff_prec = 6;
// Print table column headers.
os << "Loop name(Loop ID) --> <length id>:(length, samples/pass), etc."
<< endl;
os <<left<< setw(var_field_len+1) << var_field;
os <<right<< setw(prec_buf) << " Mean Time ";
os <<left<< setw(prec_buf) << " Min Time";
os <<left<< setw(prec_buf) << " Max Time";
os <<left<< setw(prec_buf) << " Std. Dev.";
os <<left<< setw(prec_buf) << "Mean time rel to ref variant" << endl;
os << dash_line;
// Print timing results for all loops in a table.
for (unsigned iloop = 0; iloop < loop_names.size(); ++iloop) {
LoopStat& ref_variant_stat = suite_run_info.
vector<long double> ref_mean(ref_variant_stat.mean);
if ( !loop_names[iloop].empty() && ref_variant_stat.loop_is_run ) {
if ( iloop > 1 ) { // magic numbers are bad!!
os << endl << dash_line_part;
os <<left << loop_names[iloop] << " (" << iloop << ") --> ";
for (unsigned ilv = 0; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
LoopStat& stat = suite_run_info.
if ( stat.loop_is_run ) {
// Print separator line for new loop or new variant.
if ( ilv == 0 ) {
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < stat.loop_length.size(); ++ilen) {
os << " " << len_id[ilen] << ":("
<< stat.loop_length[ilen] << ", "
<< stat.samples_per_pass[ilen] << ")";
os << endl;
} else {
os << dot_line_part;
// Print statistics for each length of loop run.
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < stat.loop_length.size(); ++ilen) {
if ( stat.loop_run_count[ilen] > 0 ) {
string var_string(run_loop_variants[ilv] +
"(" + len_id[ilen] + ")");
os << showpoint << setprecision(prec)
<<left<< setw(var_field_len+1) << var_string;
os <<right<< setw(prec_buf) << stat.mean[ilen];
os <<right<< setw(prec_buf) << stat.min[ilen];
os <<right<< setw(prec_buf) << stat.max[ilen];
os <<right<< setw(prec_buf) << stat.std_dev[ilen];
if ( ilv > 0 ) {
// compare mean run time to reference variant
long double rel_mean_diff = 0;
if ( ref_mean[ilen] != 0.0 ) {
rel_mean_diff = 1.0 +
os <<right<< setprecision(reldiff_prec) << setw(prec_buf)
<< rel_mean_diff << endl;
stat.meanrel2ref[ilen] = rel_mean_diff;
} else {
os << endl;
} // if loop length was run
} // iterate over loop lengths
} // if loop is run
} // iterate over variants of loop run
} // if loop name is not empty
} // iterate over loops
os << dash_line;
os << "\n\n\n";
// Write report about loop chksums to given output stream.
void writeChecksumReport(const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
ostream& os)
LoopSuiteRunInfo& suite_run_info = getLoopSuiteRunInfo();
const unsigned nvariants = run_loop_variants.size();
const string& ref_variant = run_loop_variants[0];
vector<string>& loop_names = suite_run_info.loop_names;
// Define some strings used to print summary table.
string equal_line("===========================================================================================================\n");
string dash_line("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
string dash_line_part("-------------------------------------------------------\n");
string dot_line_part("............................................\n");
vector<string> len_id(suite_run_info.loop_length_names.size());
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < len_id.size(); ++ilen) {
len_id[ilen] = suite_run_info.loop_length_names[ilen][0];
std::string ver_info = buildVersionInfo();
// Print compilation summary information.
os << "\n\n\n";
os << equal_line;
os << equal_line;
os << "LCALS compilation summary: " << endl;
os << ver_info << endl;
// Print checksum information.
os << "\n\n";
os << equal_line;
os << equal_line;
// Set basic table formatting.
size_t max_name_len = 0;
for (size_t iloop = 0; iloop < loop_names.size(); ++iloop) {
max_name_len = max(max_name_len, loop_names[iloop].size());
size_t max_var_name_len = 0;
for (size_t ilv = 0; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
max_var_name_len =
max(max_var_name_len, run_loop_variants[ilv].size());
string var_field("Variant(length #)");
size_t var_field_len = var_field.size();
unsigned prec = 32;
unsigned prec_buf = prec + 8;
// Print table column headers.
os << "Loop name -->" << endl;
os <<left<< setw(var_field_len+1) << var_field;
os <<right<< setw(prec_buf) << "Check Sum ";
os <<left<< setw(prec_buf) << " Delta from reference" << endl;
os << dash_line;
// Print check sums for all loops in a table.
for (unsigned iloop = 0; iloop < loop_names.size(); ++iloop) {
LoopStat& ref_variant_stat = suite_run_info.
vector<long double> ref_chksum(ref_variant_stat.loop_chksum);
if ( !loop_names[iloop].empty() && ref_variant_stat.loop_is_run ) {
if ( iloop > 1 ) { // magic numbers are bad!!
os << endl << dash_line_part;
os <<left << loop_names[iloop] << " (" << iloop << ") --> ";
for (unsigned ilv = 0; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
LoopStat& stat = suite_run_info.
if ( stat.loop_is_run ) {
// Print separator line for new loop or new variant.
if ( ilv == 0 ) {
os << endl;
} else {
os << dot_line_part;
// Print checksum for each length of loop run.
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < stat.loop_length.size(); ++ilen) {
if ( stat.loop_run_count[ilen] > 0 ) {
string var_string(run_loop_variants[ilv] +
"(" + len_id[ilen] + ")");
os << showpoint << setprecision(prec)
<<left<< setw(var_field_len+1) << var_string;
os <<right<< setw(prec_buf) << stat.loop_chksum[ilen];
if ( ilv > 0 ) {
// compare checksum to reference variant
long double chksum_diff = fabs(
stat.loop_chksum[ilen]-ref_chksum[ilen] );
os <<right<< setw(prec_buf)
<< chksum_diff << endl;
} else {
os << endl;
} // if loop length was run
} // iterate over loop lengths
} // if loop is run
} // iterate over variants of loop run
} // if loop name is not empty
} // iterate over loops
os << dash_line;
os << "\n\n\n";
// Generate FOM report file to given output stream.
void writeFOMReport(const vector< string >& run_loop_variants,
ostream& os)
LoopSuiteRunInfo& suite_run_info = getLoopSuiteRunInfo();
const unsigned nvariants = run_loop_variants.size();
// Define some strings used to print FOM summary table.
string equal_line("===========================================================================================================\n");
string dash_line_part("-------------------------------------------------------\n");
string dot_line_part("............................................\n");
std::string ver_info = buildVersionInfo();
// Print compilation summary information.
os << "\n\n\n";
os << equal_line;
os << equal_line;
os << "LCALS compilation summary: " << endl;
os << ver_info << endl;
// Print checksum information.
os << "\n\n";
os << equal_line;
os << equal_line;
os << "LCALS FOM results: " << endl;
os << equal_line;
vector<string>& len_name = suite_run_info.loop_length_names;
unsigned prec = 32;
// Output FOM for each loop variant (and loop lengths)
for (unsigned ilv = 0; ilv < nvariants; ++ilv) {
vector< int >& num_loops_run = suite_run_info.num_loops_run[ilv];
vector< long double >& tot_time = suite_run_info.tot_time[ilv];
vector< long double >& fom_rel = suite_run_info.fom_rel[ilv];
vector< long double >& fom_rate = suite_run_info.fom_rate[ilv];
os <<left << "Loop variant -- " << run_loop_variants[ilv] << endl;
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < len_name.size(); ++ilen) {
os << "\t" << len_name[ilen]
<< " : # loops run = " << num_loops_run[ilen];
os << showpoint << setprecision(prec)
<< " , total exec time = " << tot_time[ilen] << endl;
os << "\t\tFOM_relative = " << fom_rel[ilen] << endl;
#if 0 // It's not clear what this FOM rate means...
os << "\t\tFOM_rate = " << fom_rate[ilen] << endl;
if ( ilen < len_name.size() - 1 ) {
os << dot_line_part;
if ( ilv < nvariants - 1 ) {
os << endl << dash_line_part;
os << equal_line;
os << "\n\n\n";
// Write mean run time report file.
void writeMeanTimeReport(const string& variant_name,
const string& output_dirname)
string rept_fname(output_dirname + "/");
rept_fname += variant_name;
rept_fname += string("-meantime.txt");
ofstream file(rept_fname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc);
if ( !file ) {
cout << " ERROR: Can't open output file " << rept_fname << endl;
cout << "\n writeMeanTimeReport... " << rept_fname << endl;
LoopSuiteRunInfo& suite_run_info = getLoopSuiteRunInfo();
vector<string>& loop_names = suite_run_info.loop_names;
vector<string>& len_names = suite_run_info.loop_length_names;
const string sepchr(" , ");
unsigned prec = 8;
// Print title line.
file << variant_name << " Mean Run Times ";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len_names.size(); ++i) {
file << sepchr;
file << endl;
// Print column header line.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len_names.size(); ++i) {
file << sepchr << len_names[i];
file << endl;
// Print row of times for each loop.
for (unsigned iloop = 0; iloop < loop_names.size(); ++iloop) {
LoopStat& stat = suite_run_info.
if ( !loop_names[iloop].empty() && stat.loop_is_run ) {
file << loop_names[iloop];
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < stat.loop_length.size(); ++ilen) {
file << sepchr << setprecision(prec) << stat.mean[ilen];
file << endl;
// Write relative run time report file.
void writeRelativeTimeReport(const string& variant_name,
const string& output_dirname)
string rept_fname(output_dirname + "/");
rept_fname += variant_name;
rept_fname += string("-reltime.txt");
ofstream file(rept_fname.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc);
if ( !file ) {
cout << " ERROR: Can't open output file " << rept_fname << endl;
cout << "\n writeRelativeTimeReport... " << rept_fname << endl;
LoopSuiteRunInfo& suite_run_info = getLoopSuiteRunInfo();
vector<string>& loop_names = suite_run_info.loop_names;
vector<string>& len_names = suite_run_info.loop_length_names;
const string sepchr(" , ");
unsigned prec = 6;
// Print title line.
file << variant_name << " Relative Run Times ";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len_names.size(); ++i) {
file << sepchr;
file << endl;
// Print column header line.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len_names.size(); ++i) {
file << sepchr << len_names[i];
file << endl;
// Print row of times for each loop.
for (unsigned iloop = 0; iloop < loop_names.size(); ++iloop) {
LoopStat& stat = suite_run_info.
if ( !loop_names[iloop].empty() && stat.loop_is_run ) {
file << loop_names[iloop];
for (unsigned ilen = 0; ilen < stat.loop_length.size(); ++ilen) {
file << sepchr << setprecision(prec) << stat.meanrel2ref[ilen];
file << endl;
// Build string containing LCALS compilation information from
// file created when make is invoked.
std::string buildVersionInfo()
std::ifstream infile("lcalsversioninfo.txt", std::ios::in);
std::string ver_info;
infile.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
infile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
#if 0
std::string ver_info = "LCALS compilation info: \n"
<< "\tUser = " << VER_PERSON << "\n"
<< "\tDate, Time = " << VER_DATE << " , " << VER_TIME << "\n"
<< "\tMachine = " << VER_MACHINE << "\n"
<< "\tOS = " << VER_OS << "\n"
<< "\t-----------------------------------------------" << "\n"
<< "\tCompiler + options = " << lcals_ver_info_values[0] << "\n"
<< "\tLCALS rules (defines) = " << lcals_ver_info_values[1] << "\n";
return ver_info;
}; // unnamed namespace