blob: 73412530dd9a7c361b8f9719c33bcad2c2a155f9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# htmlcoldiff - Diff two files (specified on the command line) laid out in
# columns. Output a copy of the second file with differences from the first
# hi-lighted in bold (with HTML tags). This assumes that the first column of
# the file is an identifier that keys two rows of the files together.
$Input1 = $ARGV[0];
$Input2 = $ARGV[1];
open(INPUT1, $Input1) or die "Couldn't open '$Input1'!";
open(INPUT2, $Input2) or die "Couldn't open '$Input2'!";
# Read all of the lines of both files into arrays:
my @File1 = <INPUT1>;
my @File2 = <INPUT2>;
# Convert the first file from an array of lines to a hash from the key to the
# whole line.
foreach $Line (@File1) {
my $Key = (split /\s+/, $Line, 2)[0];
$File1Map{$Key} = $Line;
#print "Map '$Key' => '$Line'\n";
# Loop over the second file, outputting it, surrounding field with <B> tags if
# they differ from the first file.
foreach $Line (@File2) {
my @Fields = split /(\s+)/, $Line; # Keep the seperators as well...
my $Key = $Fields[0];
my $CompareLine = $File1Map{$Key};
my @FieldsCompare = split /\s+/, $CompareLine; # Do not keep seperators
# Loop over all of the Fields, outputting them with an optional tag...
my $FieldNo = 0;
foreach $Field (@Fields) {
if ($Field =~ /\s+/) { # If it's a seperator, just output it
print $Field;
} else { # If it's not a seperator, diff it...
my $Hilight = 0;
if (@FieldsCompare > $FieldNo) {
my $FieldComp = $FieldsCompare[$FieldNo];
if ($Field =~ /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ && $FieldComp =~ /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ &&
$Field != 0) { # Handle floating point numbers special
# They are only highlighted if they change by 20% or more...
my $Change = $FieldComp/$Field;
$Hilight = 1 if ($Change > 1.3333 || $Change < 0.666);
} elsif ($Field ne $FieldComp) {
$Hilight = 1;
print "<b>" if $Hilight;
print $Field;
print "</b>" if $Hilight;