blob: 3e59342fef8e24a819ab60ee73d4fd24e4166ab3 [file] [log] [blame]
##===- TEST.dsgraph.Makefile -------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
# This recursively traverses the programs, computing DSGraphs for each of the
# programs in the testsuite.
CURDIR := $(shell cd .; pwd)
RELDIR := $(subst $(PROGDIR),,$(CURDIR))
# We require the programs to be linked with libdummy
include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.dummylib
# PASS - The dsgraph pass to run: ds, bu, td
PASS := td
ANALYZE_OPTS := -stats -time-passes -only-print-main-ds -dsstats -instcount
MEM := -track-memory
$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt): \
Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt: Output/%.lib.bc Output/%.LOC.txt $(LANALYZE) $(LOPT)
@echo -n "LOC: " > $@
@cat Output/$*.LOC.txt >> $@
-(time -p $(LANALYZE) $(MEM) -$(PASS)datastructure $(ANALYZE_OPTS) $<)>> $@ 2>&1
-($(LOPT) -steens-aa $(MEM) -time-passes > /dev/null < $<) >> $@ 2>&1
$(PROGRAMS_TO_TEST:%=test.$(TEST).%): \
test.$(TEST).%: Output/%.$(TEST).report.txt
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo ">>> ========= '$(RELDIR)/$*' Program"
@echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
@cat $<
# Define REPORT_DEPENDENCIES so that the report is regenerated if analyze or
# dummylib is updated.