blob: 22dd945d5828478beca3cfab46252dd15b2ac820 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* * $Module: MEMORY * */
/* * * */
/* * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute * */
/* * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * */
/* * General Public License as published by the Free * */
/* * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * */
/* * or (at your option) any later version. * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * */
/* * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * */
/* * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * */
/* * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * */
/* * License for more details. * */
/* * * */
/* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * */
/* * Public License along with this program; if not, write * */
/* * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * */
/* * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* $Revision$ * */
/* $State$ * */
/* $Date$ * */
/* $Author$ * */
/* * * */
/* * Contact: * */
/* * Christoph Weidenbach * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 * */
/* * 66123 Saarbruecken * */
/* * Email: * */
/* * Germany * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
/* $RCSfile$ */
#include "memory.h"
unsigned int memory_PAGESIZE; /* size of a page */
long memory_MAXMEM; /* amount of memory available for allocation */
static int memory__EOF = EOF; /* internal "End Of Memory" marker */
unsigned long memory_NEWBYTES; /* number of allocated bytes */
unsigned long memory_FREEDBYTES; /* number of freed bytes */
const unsigned int memory_ALIGN = sizeof(POINTER);
/* Crucial: hardware must support access to words
of size POINTER.
#ifdef CHECK
unsigned int memory_LEFTTAG; /* size of left debug mark */
unsigned int memory_OFFSET; /* alignment-correct size of left debug mark */
unsigned int memory_MARKSIZE; /* total size of debug marks */
#else /* CHECK not defined */
unsigned int memory_MARKSIZE = 0;
unsigned int memory_OFFSET = 0;
#endif /* CHECK */
const unsigned int memory_MAGICMALLOC = 1; /* "block allocated" marker */
const unsigned int memory_MAGICFREE = 2; /* "block freed" marker */
/* Internal array of resources for different block sizes */
/* ... + 1 to support odd values for memory__SHAREDPAGES like 7 */
static MEMORY_RESOURCE memory_PAGES[memory__DYNMAXSIZE/memory__SHAREDPAGES + 1];
/* Resources for all administrated block sizes */
/* double linked list for administering blocks of memory
whose size is greater or equal to memory__DYNMAXSIZE.
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
#ifdef CHECK
static BOOL memory_ManagementInitialized(void)
INPUT : None.
RETURNS: TRUE if memory management is already initialized,
else FALSE.
SUMMARY: Checks if memory_Init was called.
#endif /* CHECK */
void memory_Init(long Maxmem)
INPUT : The maximal amount of memory available in bytes
for the memory module; if Maxmem < 0 the module
allocates as much memory as available from the
SUMMARY: Initializes the memory management. It has to be
called before you can perform any module operation.
This function automatically increases the default
page size if it is too small for two objects of
size memory__DYNMAXSIZE.
int i;
int extra; /* size of internally used space on each page */
memory_FREEDBYTES = 0; /* set total number of freed bytes to zero */
memory_NEWBYTES = 0; /* set total number of allocated bytes to zero */
/* set the size of a page we allocate from the operating system */
#ifdef CHECK
/* Test if memory management has already been initialized */
if (!memory_ManagementInitialized()) {
/* if that is not the case, set check variable to TRUE */
else {
/* otherwise the user is trying initialize it for a
second time, so print an error and exit.
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_Init:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Trying to initialize memory management");
misc_UserErrorReport(" for a second time.\n");
/* Calculate the size of debug marks */
memory_LEFTTAG = sizeof(MEMORY_INFONODE) + sizeof(unsigned int);
if ((sizeof(MEMORY_INFONODE) + sizeof(unsigned int)) % memory_ALIGN == 0) {
memory_OFFSET = memory_LEFTTAG;
else {
memory_OFFSET = memory_LEFTTAG + memory_ALIGN
- (memory_LEFTTAG % memory_ALIGN);
if ((sizeof(unsigned int) % memory_ALIGN) == 0) {
memory_MARKSIZE = memory_OFFSET + sizeof(unsigned int);
else {
memory_MARKSIZE = memory_OFFSET + sizeof(unsigned int) + memory_ALIGN
- (sizeof(unsigned int) % memory_ALIGN);
/* Calculate the size of internally used space on each page */
/* extra: One pointer for chaining pages, one for EOF (+ marksize) */
extra = 2*sizeof(POINTER) + memory_MARKSIZE;
/* Test whether page size is reasonable with respect
to dynamic allocation threshold
while (memory_PAGESIZE < (2*(memory__DYNMAXSIZE + memory_MARKSIZE) + extra)) {
/* Minimum two objects per allocated page */
/* Set amount of memory available to the module for allocation */
if (Maxmem <= 0) {
/* unlimited (limited only by the operating system) */
memory_MAXMEM = memory__UNLIMITED;
else {
/* Maxmem bytes */
memory_MAXMEM = Maxmem;
/* Initialize memory_ARRAY and memory_RESOURCEs */
for (i=1; i<memory__DYNMAXSIZE; i++) {
MEMORY_RESOURCE *CurrentResource;
int TotalSize;
/* Map memory_ARRAY[i] to appropriate Resource */
memory_ARRAY[i] = &memory_PAGES[(i-1)/memory__SHAREDPAGES];
CurrentResource = memory_ARRAY[i];
CurrentResource->free = &memory__EOF; /* no blocks freed */
CurrentResource->next = &memory__EOF; /* no blocks allocated */
CurrentResource->end_of_page = &memory__EOF; /* no (end of) page */
CurrentResource->page = &memory__EOF; /* no page allocated */
/* Size of a properly aligned block of requested size i */
CurrentResource->aligned_size = memory_CalculateRealBlockSize(i);
/* Total block size including debug marks */
CurrentResource->total_size = memory_MARKSIZE
+ CurrentResource->aligned_size;
TotalSize = CurrentResource->total_size;
/* last block´s offset */
CurrentResource->offset =
+ sizeof(POINTER) + memory_OFFSET;
void memory_Restrict(long Maxmem)
INPUT : The maximal amount of memory available for further
allocation (in bytes); if Maxmem < 0 future
allocations are unrestricted.
SUMMARY: Sets the maximal amount of memory available for
future allocations. If the user tries to allocate
more memory, the module displays an error message
and terminates the program by calling the exit()
/* Reset the maximum amount of memory available */
if (Maxmem <= 0) {
/* unlimited */
memory_MAXMEM = memory__UNLIMITED;
else {
/* Maxmem bytes */
memory_MAXMEM = Maxmem;
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * CHECK CODE * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
#ifdef CHECK
static void memory_CheckIfModuleIsInitialized(const char * Function,
const char * File,
unsigned short int Line)
INPUT : The name of the function that requests the
check, the name of the file and the line,
where the requesting function was called, and
the line.
SUMMARY: Checks if the memory management module has
been properly initialized. You need to
initialize the module by calling memory_Init
before you use any functions from the module.
If the check fails, this function prints an
error message and exits the application.
if (!memory_ManagementInitialized()) {
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In %s:", Function);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Memory management is not initialized.");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n You have to call memory_Init()");
misc_UserErrorReport(" before you can use memory management functions.\n");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Error occurred in %s", Function);
misc_UserErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n",
File, Line);
static void memory_CheckIfPointerIsAlreadyFreed(POINTER Pointer,
const char * Function,
const char * File,
unsigned short int Line)
INPUT : The pointer to be checked, the name of the
function that requests the check, the name of
the file and the line, where the requesting
function was called, and the line.
SUMMARY: Checks if the pointer has already been freed.
If the check fails, this function prints an
error message and exits the application.
if ( memory_GetBlockStatus(Pointer) == memory_MAGICFREE) {
MEMORY_INFO Info; /* block´s debug information */
Info = (MEMORY_INFO) ((char *) Pointer - memory_OFFSET);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In %s:", Function);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Pointer %p was allocated in file %s at line %d.",
Pointer, Info->mallocInFile, Info->mallocAtLine);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n It has already been freed in file %s at line %d.",
Info->freeInFile, Info->freeAtLine);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Size of memory block is %d bytes.",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Error occurred in %s", Function);
misc_UserErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n",
File, Line);
static void memory_CheckPointer(POINTER Pointer, unsigned int Size)
INPUT : A pointer to a block of memory, and its size.
RETURNS: Nothing.
SUMMARY: Checks whether a pointer points to a valid
block of memory.
This function performs the following tests:
Is Pointer a NULL pointer?
Is Size equal to zero?
Is the Pointer alignment correct?
Did someone write over the memory block
Is Size still correct?
If Size is greater than memory__DYNMAXSIZE:
Is it properly administrated by the module?
If the memory block was freed: Did someone
write to it after deallocation?
unsigned int BlockSize, RealBlockSize, BlockStatus;
Info = (MEMORY_INFO) ((char *) Pointer - memory_OFFSET);
RealBlockSize = memory_LookupRealBlockSize(Size);
if (Pointer == NULL) {
/* NULL pointers must not be dereferenced */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_CheckPointer:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error. Pointer is a NULL pointer.\n");
if (Size == 0) {
/* We don´t allocate 0 byte sized blocks */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_CheckPointer:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Pointer %p points to a block of memory", Pointer);
misc_UserErrorReport(" with size 0.\n");
if ((unsigned long)Pointer % (unsigned long)memory_ALIGN){
/* we expect all pointers to be correctly aligned */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_CheckPointer:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Pointer %p is not a legal pointer.\n", Pointer);
/* BlockStatus and BlockSize are initialized after
we can be sure Pointer is properly aligned.
BlockStatus = memory_GetBlockStatus(Pointer);
BlockSize = memory_GetBlockSize(Pointer);
if (BlockStatus != memory_MAGICMALLOC
&& BlockStatus != memory_MAGICFREE) {
/* we expect block status to be either
Other values might result from overwriting,
trying to return an unallocated block,
or trying to return a block allocated with
another allocator.
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_CheckPointer:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Pointer %p was not (de)allocated by the module,",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n or the memory block was corrupted.\n");
if (BlockStatus == memory_MAGICMALLOC) {
if (BlockSize != Size) {
/* we expect block size in a block´s debug
information and given block size to match.
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_CheckPointer:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Pointer %p was apparently allocated for",
misc_UserErrorReport(" a block of size %d,",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n but it is expected to be a block of size %d.",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Probably the memory block was corrupted.\n");
/* since the left dog tag seems to be corrupted we can not safely assume
that our memory info structure is still valid so we can't print it*/
if ((Size % memory_ALIGN) || (Size % memory__SHAREDPAGES)) {
/* check the fillbytes between used storage
and dog tag for overwriting */
char * ptr, * limit;
limit = (char *)Pointer + RealBlockSize;
for (ptr = (char *)Pointer + Size; ptr < limit; ptr++) {
if (*ptr != memory__FREESHREDDER) {
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_CheckPointer:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Pointer %p was allocated in file %s at line %d,",
Pointer, Info->mallocInFile, Info->mallocAtLine);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n for a block of size %d.",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n The memory block was corrupted.\n");
if (Size >= memory__DYNMAXSIZE) {
/* we expect big blocks to be correctly linked */
BigBlockHeader = (MEMORY_BIGBLOCKHEADER) ((char *) Pointer - memory_OFFSET
/* this test might crash the program
if something is wrong with the pointers,
so you may not get a message every time.
if (((BigBlockHeader->previous != NULL)
&& (BigBlockHeader->previous->next != BigBlockHeader))
|| ((BigBlockHeader->previous == NULL)
&& (memory_BIGBLOCKS != BigBlockHeader))
|| ((BigBlockHeader->next != NULL)
&& (BigBlockHeader->next->previous != BigBlockHeader))) {
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_CheckPointer:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Pointer %p was not allocated by the module,",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n or the memory block was corrupted.\n");
if (BlockStatus == memory_MAGICFREE) {
/* test if someone wrote over freed memory */
char * ptr, * limit;
limit = (char *)Pointer + RealBlockSize;
for (ptr = (char *)Pointer + sizeof(POINTER); ptr < limit ; ptr++){
/* first sizeof(POINTER) bytes are reserved for the
pointer to the next freed block in the list. All
other bytes in the block should still have the value
if (*ptr != memory__FREESHREDDER) {
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_CheckPointer:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Pointer %p was allocated in file %s at line %d",
Pointer, Info->mallocInFile, Info->mallocAtLine);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n for a block of size %d",BlockSize);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n and freed in file %s at line %d.",
Info->freeInFile, Info->freeAtLine);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n The memory block was used after deallocation.\n");
void memory_CheckFree(POINTER Freepointer, unsigned int Size,
unsigned int RealBlockSize, const char * File,
unsigned short int Line)
INPUT : The pointer to be freed, the size of the block
it is supposed to point to, the real size of
that block, the file and line where memory_Free
was called.
SUMMARY: Checks if memory management was initialized,
the given pointer is legal, and not freed
already. It also zeroes the freed memory, and
sets the block's debug and administration
MEMORY_INFO Info; /* block´s debug information */
/* Check if memory management was initialized */
memory_CheckIfModuleIsInitialized("memory_Free", File, Line);
/* Check if given pointer is legal */
memory_CheckPointer(Freepointer, Size);
/* Check if current pointer is being freed for a second time */
memory_CheckIfPointerIsAlreadyFreed(Freepointer, "memory_Free", File, Line);
/* Set all bytes to zero, so we can detect overwriting of freed memory */
memset (Freepointer, memory__FREESHREDDER, RealBlockSize);
/* Get current block´s debug information */
Info = (MEMORY_INFO) ((char *) Freepointer - memory_OFFSET);
/* Set block´s debug and administration information */
memory_SetInfo(Info,Info->mallocInFile, Info->mallocAtLine, File, Line);
memory_SetBlockStatusAndSize(Freepointer, memory_MAGICFREE, Size);
#endif /* CHECK */
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * MALLOC * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
POINTER memory_Malloc(unsigned int Bytes)
char *mem; /* pointer to memory block obtained from malloc */
/* Pass the call through to compiler´s malloc */
mem = (char *)malloc(Bytes);
/* If malloc fails print an error message and exit */
if (mem == NULL) {
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_Malloc:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error. Out of memory.\n");
return mem;
#ifdef CHECK
POINTER memory_MallocIntern(unsigned int Bytes,
const char * File,
unsigned short int Line)
POINTER memory_Malloc(unsigned int Bytes)
INPUT : The size of the requested memory block.
RETURNS: A pointer to a block of <Bytes> bytes.
SUMMARY: Allocates a memory block of requested length.
EXCEPT : Trying to allocate 0 bytes, violating a memory
restriction, or running out of system memory
cause the function to print an error message and
call exit().
char *NewMemory; /* pointer to allocated memory */
MEMORY_RESOURCE *Resource; /* current page resource,
required if we do not allocate
a big block */
#ifdef CHECK
MEMORY_INFO NewInfo; /* Storage for file and line
of allocation */
#ifdef CHECK
/* Is the module initialized? */
memory_CheckIfModuleIsInitialized("memory_Malloc", File, Line);
/* Is it a request for a block of zero bytes? */
if (Bytes == 0) {
/* The latest draft for the ANSI C 9X standard says in section 7.20.3:
"If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is
implementation-defined: either a null pointer is returned, or
the behavior is as if the size were some nonzero value,
except that the pointer shall not be used to access an object."
We have decided to print an error and exit upon such requests
since they are often originated by a bug.
Nonstandard but hopefully helpful.
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_Malloc:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error. Tried to allocate 0 Bytes!");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Error occurred in memory_Malloc");
misc_UserErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n",
File, Line);
/* If it is a big block, then it has to be
administrated in a special way
if (Bytes >= memory__DYNMAXSIZE) {
unsigned int RealBigBlockSize; /* real block size including
and debug marks */
/* This is what a big block looks like:
| MEMORY_BIGBLOCKHEADERNODE | debug marks | char * | debug marks |
| previous and next big block |in debug mode| block |in debug mode|
/* Calculate the real size of the big block,
from the size of administration information,
the size of debug marks and the requested block size
memory_MARKSIZE + memory_CalculateRealBlockSize(Bytes);
/* Check for violation of maximum allocation limit */
if (memory_MAXMEM >= 0) {
/* there is a maximum allocation limit,
let´s see if there is enough left
if ((unsigned int)memory_MAXMEM < RealBigBlockSize) {
/* if it is not print an error message and exit */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_Malloc:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Terminated by user given memory restriction,\n");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n while trying to allocate %lu bytes.\n",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Maximum amount of memory");
misc_UserErrorReport(" left for allocation is %l bytes.\n",
#ifdef CHECK
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Error occurred in memory_Malloc");
misc_UserErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n",
File, Line);
/* otherwise subtract the real block size
from the amount of memory available for
memory_MAXMEM -= RealBigBlockSize;
/* allocate a fresh block of memory via a call to malloc */
NewMemory = (char *)malloc(RealBigBlockSize);
/* Check if allocation was successful */
if (NewMemory != NULL) {
/* if it was, then administrate the fresh block:
insert it into the big block list. The list
is double linked for fast deletion
MEMORY_BIGBLOCKHEADER NewBigBlock; /* new block´s administration
information */
/* insert the fresh block as the first list element */
NewBigBlock->next = memory_BIGBLOCKS;
NewBigBlock->previous = NULL;
/* if there are already elements in the big block list,
change the first element´s pointer to the previous block
to point to the fresh block´s administration information
if (memory_BIGBLOCKS != NULL) {
memory_BIGBLOCKS->previous = NewBigBlock;
/* reset the big block list pointer to point to the fresh block */
memory_BIGBLOCKS = NewBigBlock;
/* skip the administration information */
#ifdef CHECK
/* set the debug information address */
NewInfo = (MEMORY_INFO) NewMemory;
/* skip left debug mark */
NewMemory += memory_OFFSET;
/* add block´s real size to the total sum of allocated bytes */
memory_NEWBYTES += RealBigBlockSize;
else {
/* NewMemory == NULL.
malloc could not allocate a memory block of required size,
so we print an error message and exit
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_MallocIntern:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error. Out of memory.");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Failed to allocate %d bytes.\n",
#ifdef CHECK
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Error occurred in memory_Malloc");
misc_UserErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n",
File, Line);
else {
/* Bytes < memory__DYNMAXSIZE.
A memory request for a manageable size
/* Initialize the memory resource for the given size */
Resource = memory_ARRAY[Bytes];
/* Check if there are freed blocks of that size */
if (*((int *)Resource->free) != EOF) {
/* if that is the case, then use an already freed block */
NewMemory = (char *) Resource->free;
/* update the free blocks list for that size */
Resource->free = *((POINTER *)(NewMemory));
/* subtract block´s total size from the sum of freed bytes */
memory_FREEDBYTES -= Resource->total_size;
#ifdef CHECK
/* calculate the address of the block´s debug information */
NewInfo = (MEMORY_INFO) ((char*) NewMemory - memory_OFFSET);
/* Check if the block has been used after deallocation */
memory_CheckPointer(NewMemory, Bytes);
else {
/* there are no already freed blocks of that size */
/* Check if there is enough space left on current page */
if (Resource->next != Resource->end_of_page) {
/* if that is the case, then use a fresh block from current page */
NewMemory = (char *)Resource->next;
/* update the pointer to the next usable block */
Resource->next = NewMemory + Resource->total_size;
/* add block´s total size to the sum of allocated bytes */
memory_NEWBYTES += Resource->total_size;
#ifdef CHECK
/* Check if the fresh block´s address is sane */
if ((char *)NewMemory > (char *) Resource->end_of_page) {
/* if it is not, then we have detected an internal error
in the module itself. Oops! So we print an error message
and abort, hoping that the core dump will enable us to
trace the error back to its origin
misc_ErrorReport("\n In memory_Malloc:");
misc_ErrorReport("\n Memory Error. Address overflow %d.",Bytes);
misc_ErrorReport("\n Error occurred in memory_Malloc");
misc_ErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n", File, Line);
/* if all is well, we initialize the pointer to fresh block´s
debug information
NewInfo = (MEMORY_INFO)((char*) NewMemory - memory_OFFSET);
else {
/* Check for violation of maximum allocation limit */
if (memory_MAXMEM >=0) {
/* there is a maximum allocation limit,
let´s see if there is enough left
if ((unsigned int)memory_MAXMEM < memory_PAGESIZE) {
/* if it is not, then print an error message and exit */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_Malloc:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Terminated by user given memory restriction.\n");
#ifdef CHECK
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Error occurred in memory_Malloc");
misc_UserErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n",
File, Line);
else {
/* otherwise subtract the page size from the limit */
memory_MAXMEM -= memory_PAGESIZE;
/* try to allocate a new page via malloc */
NewMemory=(char *)malloc(memory_PAGESIZE);
/* check if allocation was successful */
if (NewMemory == NULL) {
/* if it wasn´t print an error message and exit */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_Malloc:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error.");
misc_UserErrorReport(" Terminated, ran out of system memory.\n");
#ifdef CHECK
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Error occurred in memory_Malloc");
misc_UserErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n",
File, Line);
/* otherwise administrate the fresh page,
i.e insert it as the first element of the
page list for the given size
*((POINTER *)NewMemory) = Resource->page;
Resource->page = NewMemory;
/* add block´s total size to the sum of allocated bytes */
memory_NEWBYTES += Resource->total_size;
/* set the end of page pointer for the fresh page */
Resource->end_of_page = (char *) NewMemory + Resource->offset;
/* skip the page list */
NewMemory += sizeof(POINTER);
#ifdef CHECK
/* set the debug information address */
NewInfo = (MEMORY_INFO) NewMemory;
/* skip the left debug mark */
NewMemory += memory_OFFSET;
/* update the pointer to the next usable block */
Resource->next = NewMemory + Resource->total_size;
#ifdef CHECK
/* Set block´s debug information */
memory_SetInfo(NewInfo, File, Line, NULL, 0);
memory_MAGICMALLOC, Bytes);
/* delete all block´s usable bytes with a shredder value */
memset(NewMemory, memory__FREESHREDDER,
return NewMemory;
POINTER memory_Calloc(unsigned int Elements, unsigned int Bytes)
char *mem; /* pointer to memory block obtained from calloc */
/* Pass call through to compiler´s calloc */
mem = (char *)calloc(Elements, Bytes);
/* If calloc fails print an error message and exit */
if (mem == NULL) {
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_Calloc:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error. Out of memory.\n");
return mem;
#ifdef CHECK
POINTER memory_CallocIntern(unsigned int Elements, unsigned int Bytes,
const char * File, unsigned short int Line)
POINTER memory_Calloc(unsigned int Elements, unsigned int Bytes)
INPUT : The number of requested equally huge blocks,
and each block's size.
RETURNS: A pointer to a block of (Bytes * Elements) bytes.
SUMMARY: Allocates a memory block of requested length
filled with char value '\0'.
char * mem; /* pointer to memory block obtained from the module */
/* Allocate memory via our memory management */
#ifdef CHECK
mem = (char *)memory_MallocIntern(Elements * Bytes, File, Line);
mem = (char *)memory_Malloc(Elements * Bytes);
/* If allocation was successful set all bytes to zero */
if (mem != NULL) {
memset(mem,0, Elements * Bytes);
/* otherwise print an error message and exit */
else {
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_Calloc:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error. Out of memory.\n");
#ifdef CHECK
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Error occurred in memory_Calloc");
misc_UserErrorReport(" called from file %s at line %d.\n",
File, Line);
return mem;
void memory_FreeAllMem(void)
INPUT : None.
SUMMARY: Frees all memory allocated by calls to the module.
int i;
/* delete all pages first by going through the memory_ARRAY.
This is slower than traversing the array memory_PAGES
directly, but is easier to implement correctly. Since
the only reasonable way to call memory_FreeAllMem is
before the program exits, a minimal performance penalty
should be acceptable
for (i = 1; i < memory__DYNMAXSIZE; i++) {
POINTER thispage, nextpage;
Resource = memory_ARRAY[i];
thispage = Resource->page;
if (*((int *)thispage) != EOF) {
do {
nextpage = *((POINTER *)thispage);
thispage = nextpage;
} while (*((int *)thispage) != EOF);
/* and reset the resource structure */
Resource->page = &memory__EOF;
Resource->free = &memory__EOF;
Resource->next = &memory__EOF;
Resource->end_of_page = &memory__EOF;
/* now delete all big blocks left */
if (memory_BIGBLOCKS != NULL) {
MEMORY_BIGBLOCKHEADER thisblock, nextblock;
for (thisblock = memory_BIGBLOCKS;
thisblock != NULL;
thisblock = nextblock) {
nextblock = thisblock->next;
/* and reset the list pointer */
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
void memory_Print(void)
INPUT : None.
SUMMARY: Prints module status information to stdout:
the fixed size of an internal memory page, the size
of debug marks for a block of memory, the size of
demanded and freed memory in kilobytes, remaining
memory in bytes and the number of allocated pages of
/* Call memory_FPrint to print status information to stdout */
void memory_FPrint(FILE* File)
INPUT : A file pointer.
SUMMARY: Prints module status information to given File:
the fixed size of an internal memory page, the size
of debug marks for a block of memory, the size of
demanded and freed memory in kilobytes, remaining
memory in bytes and the number of allocated pages of
int Pages; /* number of allocated pages */
int i;
POINTER ActPage; /* current page in page list for a block size */
/* Calculate the total number of pages */
Pages = 0;
for (i = 1; i < memory__DYNMAXSIZE; i+=memory__SHAREDPAGES) {
/* increase i by memory_SHAREDPAGES due to page sharing */
ActPage = memory_ARRAY[i]->page;
/* Traverse the page list */
while (*((int *)ActPage) != EOF) {
ActPage = *((POINTER *)ActPage);
/* Print status information */
fputs("\n###\n", File);
fprintf(File,"### Pagesize: %d\n",
fprintf(File,"### Marksize: %d\n",
fprintf(File,"### Memory demanded: %lu KBytes\n",
fprintf(File,"### Memory freed: %lu KBytes\n",
fprintf(File,"### Memory remaining: %lu Bytes\n",
fprintf(File,"### Pages allocated: %d Pages\n",
fputs("###\n", File);
void memory_PrintAllocatedBlocks(unsigned int Size)
INPUT : Block size.
SUMMARY: Prints addresses of allocated memory blocks with
given Size to stdout, if Size is less than
MEMORY_RESOURCE *Resource; /* current resource */
POINTER ActPage; /* current page */
POINTER ActNext; /* next usable block on current page */
POINTER ActEndOfPage; /* end of current page */
unsigned int BlockSize; /* current block size */
#ifdef CHECK
MEMORY_INFO Info; /* current block´s debug information */
/* Allocated blocks are administered
in two ways depending on their
size. If the size is less than
memory__DYNMAXSIZE the block is
allocated from the appropriate
page. Otherwise the block is
allocated directly via a call
to malloc or calloc.
Thus we have two functions to
print the allocated blocks:
memory_PrintAllocatedBlocks and
/* Check if memory_PrintAllocatedBlocks has been called for
a legal block size
if (Size >= memory__DYNMAXSIZE) {
/* if that´s not the case print an error message and exit */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_PrintAllocatedBlocks:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Parameter size is too big: %d.",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Maximal allowed value is: %d.\n",
else {
/* otherwise size is legal */
/* initialize the variables */
Resource = memory_ARRAY[Size];
ActPage = Resource->page;
ActNext = Resource->next;
ActEndOfPage = Resource->end_of_page;
BlockSize = Resource->total_size;
/* Test if there were any requests made for blocks of that size */
if (*((int *)ActPage) == EOF) {
/* Check if pointers are consistent */
if (*((int *)ActNext) == EOF) {
/* If that is true, print that information to stdout */
puts(" No request so far");
else {
/* Otherwise print an error message and abort */
misc_ErrorReport("\n In memory_PrintAllocatedBlocks:");
misc_ErrorReport("\n Memory Error. No Page entry but Next entry.\n");
else {
/* We have received some requests for blocks of that size */
#ifdef CHECK
POINTER ActData; /* current block */
/* Traverse through the page list for given block size */
while (*((int *)ActPage) != EOF) {
/* Initialize the variables */
ActData = (char *)ActPage + sizeof(POINTER) + memory_OFFSET;
ActEndOfPage = (char *)ActPage + Resource->offset;
/* Visit blocks on current page until the end of
page is reached, or an allocated block is found
while (ActData != ActNext
&& ActData != ActEndOfPage
&& memory_GetBlockStatus(ActData) != memory_MAGICMALLOC) {
ActData = (char *)ActData + BlockSize;
/* Check if there were any allocated blocks from current page */
if (ActData == ActNext || ActData == ActEndOfPage) {
/* if that´s not the case print the information to stdout */
printf("\n\n No memory allocated from page at address %p\n", ActPage);
else {
/* otherwise print address and origin of (de)allocation of
all allocated blocks on current page, starting
with the block just found
fputs("\n\n Allocated but not freed: ", stdout);
do {
Info = (MEMORY_INFO) ((char *) ActData - memory_OFFSET);
if (memory_GetBlockStatus(ActData) == memory_MAGICMALLOC
&& memory_GetBlockSize(ActData) == Size) {
printf("\n\t%p allocated in file %s at line %d ",
ActData, Info->mallocInFile, Info->mallocAtLine);
ActData = (char *)ActData + BlockSize;
} while (ActData != ActNext && ActData != ActEndOfPage);
/* go to the next page in the page list for given block size */
ActPage = *((POINTER *)ActPage);
void memory_PrintFreedBlocks(unsigned int Size)
INPUT : Block size.
SUMMARY: Prints addresses of freed memory blocks with given
Size to stdout, if Size is less than
POINTER ActFree; /* current block */
#ifdef CHECK
MEMORY_INFO Info; /* current block´s debug information */
/* since we don´t recycle blocks whose size is
greater or equal to memory__DYNMAXSIZE,
memory_PrintFreedBlocks is meaningless
for such block sizes.
/* test if given block size is legal */
if (Size >= memory__DYNMAXSIZE) {
/* if that´s not the case print an error message and exit */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_PrintFreedBlocks.");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Parameter Size is too big: %d.",
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Maximal allowed value is: %d.\n",
else {
/* otherwise size is legal */
/* start at the first element of the free block list
for the given block size
ActFree = memory_ARRAY[Size]->free;
/* test if the free block list is empty */
if (*((int *)ActFree) == EOF) {
/* if that´s true, print that information to stdout */
puts("\n\n No freed memory");
else {
/* otherwise traverse the list of freed blocks */
fputs("\n\n Free: ", stdout);
while (*((int *)ActFree) != EOF) {
#ifdef CHECK
/* in debug mode print current block´s address
and origin of (de)allocation
/* check if block´s size is correct */
if ( memory_GetBlockSize(ActFree) == Size) {
/* if that´s true than print block´s information */
Info = (MEMORY_INFO) ((char *) ActFree - memory_OFFSET);
printf("\n\t%p\tallocated in file %s at line %d",
ActFree, Info->mallocInFile, Info->mallocAtLine);
printf("\n\t\tfreed in file %s at line %d",
Info->freeInFile, Info->freeAtLine);
else {
/* otherwise if we are sharing pages among different
block sizes, the block is uncorrupted, despite not
matching assumed and real size. But if we are
not sharing pages then the block is probably corrupted,
so print an error message and exit
/* test if we are not in page sharing mode */
if (memory__SHAREDPAGES == 1) {
/* if that´s true print an error message and exit */
misc_UserErrorReport("\n In memory_PrintFreedBlocks:");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Memory Error. Memory block size mismatch.");
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Expected %d found %d for memory block at %p.\n",
Size, memory_GetBlockSize(ActFree), ActFree);
misc_UserErrorReport("\n Probably the memory block was corrupted.\n");
/* go to the next free block in list */
ActFree = *((POINTER *)ActFree);
void memory_PrintAllocatedBigBlocks(void)
INPUT : None.
SUMMARY: Prints addresses of all allocated memory blocks,
that are greater than memory_DYNMAXSIZE to stdout.
#ifdef CHECK
MEMORY_BIGBLOCKHEADER Ptr; /* current big block in list */
MEMORY_INFO Info; /* block´s debug information */
char * BlockStart; /* block´s start address */
/* start with the first block in the big block list */
Ptr = memory_BIGBLOCKS;
/* check whether big block list isn´t empty */
if (Ptr != NULL) {
/* if that´s the case traverse through the list
and print each block´s address, size and
origin of (de)allocation information
do {
BlockStart = (char *)Ptr + memory_OFFSET
Info = (MEMORY_INFO) (BlockStart - memory_OFFSET);
printf("\n\t%p %d bytes allocated in file %s at line %d ",
(void*)BlockStart, memory_GetBlockSize(BlockStart),
Info->mallocInFile, Info->mallocAtLine);
Ptr = Ptr->next;
} while (Ptr != NULL);
else {
/* otherwise there are no big blocks allocated */
puts(" No request so far");
void memory_PrintDetailed(void)
INPUT : None.
SUMMARY: Prints addresses of all pages, and allocated and freed
blocks on them.
MEMORY_RESOURCE *Resource; /* current resource */
POINTER ActPage; /* current page */
POINTER ActData; /* current block */
POINTER ActEndOfPage; /* end of current page */
unsigned int BlockSize; /* total size of a block of current size */
unsigned int PageOffset; /* current page´s offset */
unsigned int i;
/* print end-of-memory pointer´s address */
printf("\n\nEOF Pointer: %p\n", (void*)&memory__EOF);
/* for all administrated block sizes print detailed information */
for (i=1; i<memory__DYNMAXSIZE; i++) {
/* initialize variables for requested block size i */
Resource = memory_ARRAY[i];
ActPage = Resource->page;
ActData = Resource->next;
ActEndOfPage = Resource->end_of_page;
PageOffset = Resource->offset;
BlockSize = Resource->total_size;
/* print requested block size, aligned block size
and block size including debug marks
printf("\n\n Entry: %d aligned size: %d total size: %d\n",
i , Resource->aligned_size, BlockSize);
/* Check if there were any requests for blocks of size i */
if (*((int *)ActPage) == EOF) {
/* if that´s not the case check if memory management is consistent */
if (*((int *)ActData) == EOF) {
/* if that´s true, print that no requests occurred to stdout */
puts(" No request so far");
else {
/* our memory management is no longer consistent,
so print an error message and abort. We hope that
the core dump will help us to find the bug
misc_ErrorReport("\n In memory_PrintDetailed:");
misc_ErrorReport("\n Memory Error. No Page entry but Next entry.\n");
else {
/* we have received requests for blocks of size i */
/* traverse the list of pages for size i */
while (*((int *)ActPage) != EOF) {
/* print information about current page */
printf("\n\n Page: %p Next Page: %p\n",
ActPage, *((POINTER *)ActPage));
/* initialize variables for current page */
ActData = ((char *)ActPage + sizeof(POINTER) + memory_OFFSET);
ActEndOfPage = (char *)ActPage + PageOffset;
/* print addresses of all blocks on current page */
fputs(" Data: ", stdout);
while (ActData != ActEndOfPage) {
int column;
fputs("\n\t\t", stdout);
for (column = 0; column < 6; column++) {
printf("%p ", ActData);
ActData = (char *)ActData + BlockSize;
if (ActData == ActEndOfPage) {
/* go to next page in list */
ActPage = *((POINTER *)ActPage);
/* print allocated and freed blocks of size i */
#ifdef CHECK
/* print allocated blocks of size >= memory_DYNMAXSIZE */
printf("\n\n Allocated blocks of size >= %d\n",
void memory_PrintLeaks(void)
INPUT : None.
SUMMARY: Prints addresses of all allocated blocks. Should be
used at the end of a program before the call to
POINTER ActPage; /* current page */
POINTER ActNext; /* next fresh block on current page */
POINTER ActEndOfPage; /* end of current page */
MEMORY_RESOURCE *Resource; /* current resource */
unsigned int Size; /* current size */
unsigned int BlockSize; /* total block size */
/* Check if some memory is still allocated */
if (memory_UsedBytes() != 0L) {
/* If that´s true, print all allocated blocks */
/* Start with blocks administered by our memory management */
for (Size = 1; Size < memory__DYNMAXSIZE; Size++) {
/* Initialize variables for current block size */
Resource = memory_ARRAY[Size];
ActPage = Resource->page;
ActNext = Resource->next;
ActEndOfPage = Resource->end_of_page;
BlockSize = Resource->total_size;
/* Check if there were any requests for
memory blocks of that size */
if (*((int *)ActPage) != EOF) {
/* if that´s true, browse through all blocks on all pages
to find a block that is still allocated
#ifdef CHECK
BOOL LeakFound;
LeakFound = FALSE;
while (*((int *)ActPage) != EOF) {
/* search through all pages for a block that is still allocated */
ActData = (char *)ActPage + sizeof(POINTER) + memory_OFFSET;
ActEndOfPage = (char *)ActPage + Resource->offset;
while (ActData != ActNext && ActData != ActEndOfPage) {
if (memory_GetBlockStatus(ActData) == memory_MAGICMALLOC) {
LeakFound = TRUE;
ActData = (char *)ActData + BlockSize;
if (LeakFound) {
/* if we have found one, than call memory_PrintAllocatedBlocks
to print its address */
printf("\n\n Leaked blocks of size %d:", Size);
/* since memory_PrintAllocatedblocks prints
*all* allocated blocks of specific size, we can
break out of the while loop
else {
/* go to next page */
ActPage = *((POINTER *)ActPage);
#ifdef CHECK
/* Print allocated blocks of size >= memory__DYNMAXSIZE */
if (memory_BIGBLOCKS != NULL) {
printf("\n\n Leaked blocks of size >= %d\n",