blob: abf3955da3b309ab08715be5afe29a78752e0d82 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file weighted_prediction.c
* \brief
* Estimate weights for WP
* \author
* Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
* - Alexis Michael Tourapis <>
* - Athanasios Leontaris <>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "contributors.h"
#include "global.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include "image.h"
static SubImageContainer ref_pic_sub;
static SubImageContainer ref_qpic_sub;
* \brief
* Estimates reference picture weighting factors
void estimate_weighting_factor_P_slice(int select_offset)
int i, j, n;
double dc_org = 0.0;
int index;
int comp;
int default_weight[3];
int list_offset = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].mb_field))? (img->current_mb_nr & 0x01) ? 4 : 2 : 0;
int weight[2][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES][3];
int offset[2][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES][3];
int clist;
imgpel **tmpPtr;
luma_log_weight_denom = 5;
chroma_log_weight_denom = 5;
wp_luma_round = 1 << (luma_log_weight_denom - 1);
wp_chroma_round = 1 << (chroma_log_weight_denom - 1);
default_weight[0] = 1<<luma_log_weight_denom;
default_weight[1] = default_weight[2] = 1<<chroma_log_weight_denom;
/* set all values to defaults */
for (i = 0; i < 2 + list_offset; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[i]; j++)
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
weight[i][j][n] = default_weight[n];
wp_weight[i][j][n] = default_weight[n];
wp_offset[i][j][n] = 0;
offset[i][j][n] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < img->height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < img->width; j++)
dc_org += (double) imgY_org[i][j];
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (n = 0; n < listXsize[clist]; n++)
dc_ref[n] = 0.0;
ref_pic_sub.luma = listX[clist][n]->imgY_sub;
tmpPtr = ref_pic_sub.luma[0][0];
// Y
for (j = IMG_PAD_SIZE; j < img->height + IMG_PAD_SIZE; j++)
for ( i = IMG_PAD_SIZE; i < img->width + IMG_PAD_SIZE; i++ )
dc_ref[n] += (double) tmpPtr[j][i];
if (select_offset==0.0)
if (dc_ref[n] != 0)
weight[clist][n][0] = (int) (default_weight[0] * dc_org / dc_ref[n] + 0.5);
weight[clist][n][0] = default_weight[0]; // only used when reference picture is black
if (weight[clist][n][0] < -64 || weight[clist][n][0] >127)
weight[clist][n][0] = default_weight[0];
offset[clist][n][0] = (int) ((dc_org-dc_ref[n])/(img->size)+0.5);
offset[clist][n][0] = (offset[clist][n][0]<-128) ? -128: (offset[clist][n][0]>127) ? 127:offset[clist][n][0];
weight[clist][n][0] = default_weight[0];
/* for now always use default weight for chroma weight */
weight[clist][n][1] = default_weight[1];
weight[clist][n][2] = default_weight[2];
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < listXsize[clist]; index++)
for (comp=0; comp < 3; comp ++)
wp_weight[clist][index][comp] = weight[clist][index][comp];
wp_offset[clist][index][comp] = offset[clist][index][comp];
// printf("index %d component %d weight %d offset %d\n",index,comp,weight[0][index][comp],offset[0][index][comp]);
* \brief
* Estimates reference picture weighting factors
void estimate_weighting_factor_B_slice()
int i, j, n;
int tx,DistScaleFactor;
double dc_org = 0.0;
int index;
int comp;
double dc_ref[6][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES];
int log_weight_denom;
int default_weight[3];
int list_offset = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].mb_field))? (img->current_mb_nr & 0x01) ? 4 : 2 : 0;
int weight[6][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES][3];
int offset[6][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES][3];
int clist;
int wf_weight, wf_offset;
imgpel **tmpPtr;
if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 2) //! implicit mode
luma_log_weight_denom = 5;
chroma_log_weight_denom = 5;
//luma_log_weight_denom = 6;
//chroma_log_weight_denom = 6;
luma_log_weight_denom = 5;
chroma_log_weight_denom = 5;
wp_luma_round = 1 << (luma_log_weight_denom - 1);
wp_chroma_round = 1 << (chroma_log_weight_denom - 1);
default_weight[0] = 1<<luma_log_weight_denom;
default_weight[1] = 1<<chroma_log_weight_denom;
default_weight[2] = 1<<chroma_log_weight_denom;
/* set all values to defaults */
for (i = 0; i < 2 + list_offset; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[i]; j++)
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
wp_weight[i][j][n] = default_weight[n];
wp_offset[i][j][n] = 0;
offset [i][j][n] = 0;
weight [i][j][n] = default_weight[n];
for (i = 0; i < listXsize[LIST_0]; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[LIST_1]; j++)
int td, tb;
td = iClip3(-128,127,(listX[LIST_1][j]->poc - listX[LIST_0][i]->poc));
tb = iClip3(-128,127,(enc_picture->poc - listX[LIST_0][i]->poc));
for (comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++)
// implicit weights
if (td == 0)
im_weight[1][i][j][comp] = default_weight[comp];
im_weight[0][i][j][comp] = default_weight[comp];
im_offset[1][i][j][comp] = 0;
im_offset[0][i][j][comp] = 0;
tx = (16384 + iabs(td/2))/td;
DistScaleFactor = iClip3(-1024, 1023, (tx*tb + 32 )>>6);
im_weight[1][i][j][comp] = DistScaleFactor>>2;
if (im_weight[1][i][j][comp] < -64 || im_weight[1][i][j][comp] >128)
im_weight[1][i][j][comp] = default_weight[comp];
im_weight[0][i][j][comp] = 64 - im_weight[1][i][j][comp];
im_offset[1][i][j][comp] = 0;
im_offset[0][i][j][comp] = 0;
printf ("%d imp weight[%d][%d] = %d , %d (%d %d %d) (%d %d) (%d %d)\n",enc_picture->poc, i, j, im_weight[0][i][j][0], im_weight[1][i][j][0],
enc_picture->poc,listX[LIST_0][i]->poc, listX[LIST_1][j]->poc,
DistScaleFactor ,tx,td,tb);
if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 2) //! implicit mode
for (i = 0; i < listXsize[LIST_0]; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[LIST_1]; j++)
for (comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++)
log_weight_denom = (comp == 0) ? luma_log_weight_denom : chroma_log_weight_denom;
wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] = im_weight[1][i][j][comp] ;
wbp_weight[0][i][j][comp] = im_weight[0][i][j][comp];
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < listXsize[clist]; index++)
wp_weight[clist][index][0] = default_weight[0];
wp_weight[clist][index][1] = default_weight[1];
wp_weight[clist][index][2] = default_weight[2];
wp_offset[clist][index][0] = 0;
wp_offset[clist][index][1] = 0;
wp_offset[clist][index][2] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < img->height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < img->width; j++)
dc_org += (double) imgY_org[i][j];
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (n = 0; n < listXsize[clist]; n++)
dc_ref[clist][n] = 0;
ref_qpic_sub.luma = listX[clist][n]->imgY_sub;
tmpPtr = ref_qpic_sub.luma[0][0];
// Y
for (j = IMG_PAD_SIZE; j < (img->height + IMG_PAD_SIZE); j++)
for (i = IMG_PAD_SIZE; i < img->width + IMG_PAD_SIZE; i++)
dc_ref[clist][n] += (double) tmpPtr[j][i];
if (dc_ref[clist][n] != 0.0)
wf_weight = (int) (default_weight[0] * dc_org / dc_ref[clist][n] + 0.5);
wf_weight = default_weight[0]; // only used when reference picture is black
//wf_weight = iClip3(-64, 64, wf_weight);
if ( (wf_weight<-128) || (wf_weight>127) )
wf_weight = default_weight[0];
wf_offset = 0;
// printf("dc_org = %d, dc_ref = %d, weight[%d] = %d\n",dc_org, dc_ref[n],n,weight[n][0]);
weight[clist][n][0] = wf_weight;
weight[clist][n][1] = default_weight[1];
weight[clist][n][2] = default_weight[2];
offset[clist][n][0] = 0;
offset[clist][n][1] = 0;
offset[clist][n][2] = 0;
if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 1)
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < listXsize[clist]; index++)
for (comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++)
wp_weight[clist][index][comp] = weight[clist][index][comp];
wp_offset[clist][index][comp] = offset[clist][index][comp];
//printf("%d %d\n",wp_weight[clist][index][comp],wp_offset[clist][index][comp]);
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < listXsize[clist]; index++)
wp_weight[clist][index][0] = default_weight[0];
wp_weight[clist][index][1] = default_weight[1];
wp_weight[clist][index][2] = default_weight[2];
wp_offset[clist][index][0] = 0;
wp_offset[clist][index][1] = 0;
wp_offset[clist][index][2] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < listXsize[LIST_0]; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[LIST_1]; j++)
for (comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++)
log_weight_denom = (comp == 0) ? luma_log_weight_denom : chroma_log_weight_denom;
wbp_weight[0][i][j][comp] = wp_weight[0][i][comp];
wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] = wp_weight[1][j][comp];
printf ("bpw weight[%d][%d] = %d , %d (%d %d %d) (%d %d) (%d %d)\n", i, j, wbp_weight[0][i][j][0], wbp_weight[1][i][j][0],
enc_picture->poc,listX[LIST_0][i]->poc, listX[LIST_1][j]->poc,
DistScaleFactor ,tx,tx,tx);
* \brief
* Tests P slice weighting factors to perform or not WP RD decision
int test_wp_P_slice(int select_offset)
int i, j, n;
double dc_org = 0.0;
int index;
int comp;
int default_weight;
int default_weight_chroma;
int list_offset = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].mb_field))? (img->current_mb_nr & 0x01) ? 4 : 2 : 0;
int weight[2][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES][3];
int offset[2][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES][3];
int clist;
int perform_wp = 0;
imgpel **tmpPtr;
luma_log_weight_denom = 5;
chroma_log_weight_denom = 5;
wp_luma_round = 1 << (luma_log_weight_denom - 1);
wp_chroma_round = 1 << (chroma_log_weight_denom - 1);
default_weight = 1<<luma_log_weight_denom;
default_weight_chroma = 1<<chroma_log_weight_denom;
/* set all values to defaults */
for (i = 0; i < 2 + list_offset; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[i]; j++)
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
weight[i][j][n] = default_weight;
wp_weight[i][j][n] = default_weight;
wp_offset[i][j][n] = 0;
offset[i][j][n] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < img->height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < img->width; j++)
dc_org += (double) imgY_org[i][j];
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (n = 0; n < listXsize[clist]; n++)
dc_ref[n] = 0.0;
ref_pic_sub.luma = listX[clist][n]->imgY_sub;
tmpPtr = ref_pic_sub.luma[0][0];
// Y
for (j = IMG_PAD_SIZE; j < img->height + IMG_PAD_SIZE; j++)
for (i = IMG_PAD_SIZE; i < img->width + IMG_PAD_SIZE; i++)
dc_ref[n] += (double) tmpPtr[j][i];
if (select_offset==0)
if (dc_ref[n] != 0.0)
weight[clist][n][0] = (int) (default_weight * dc_org / dc_ref[n] + 0.5);
weight[clist][n][0] = default_weight; // only used when reference picture is black
if (weight[clist][n][0] < -64 || weight[clist][n][0] >127)
weight[clist][n][0] = 32;
offset[clist][n][0] = (int) ((dc_org-dc_ref[n])/(img->size)+0.5);
offset[clist][n][0] = (offset[clist][n][0]<-128) ? -128: (offset[clist][n][0]>127) ? 127:offset[clist][n][0];
weight[clist][n][0] = default_weight;
/* for now always use default weight for chroma weight */
weight[clist][n][1] = default_weight_chroma;
weight[clist][n][2] = default_weight_chroma;
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < listXsize[clist]; index++)
for (comp=0; comp < 3; comp ++)
int offset_test = input->RDPSliceBTest && active_sps->profile_idc != 66
? iabs(offset[clist][index][comp]) > 2
: offset[clist][index][comp] != 0;
if (weight[clist][index][comp] != default_weight || offset_test)
perform_wp = 1;
if (perform_wp == 1) break;
if (perform_wp == 1) break;
return perform_wp;
* \brief
* test_wp_B_slice:
* Tests B slice weighting prediction
int test_wp_B_slice(int select_method)
int i, j, n;
int tx,DistScaleFactor;
double dc_org = 0.0;
int index;
int comp;
double dc_ref[6][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES];
int log_weight_denom;
int default_weight[3];
// this needs to be fixed.
int list_offset = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].mb_field))? (img->current_mb_nr & 0x01) ? 4 : 2 : 0;
int weight[6][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES][3];
int offset[6][MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES][3];
int clist;
int wf_weight, wf_offset;
int perform_wp = 0;
imgpel **tmpPtr;
if (select_method == 1) //! implicit mode
luma_log_weight_denom = 5;
chroma_log_weight_denom = 5;
luma_log_weight_denom = 6;
chroma_log_weight_denom = 6;
wp_luma_round = 1 << (luma_log_weight_denom - 1);
wp_chroma_round = 1 << (chroma_log_weight_denom - 1);
default_weight[0] = 1<<luma_log_weight_denom;
default_weight[1] = 1<<chroma_log_weight_denom;
default_weight[2] = 1<<chroma_log_weight_denom;
/* set all values to defaults */
for (i = 0; i < 2 + list_offset; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[i]; j++)
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
wp_weight[i][j][n] = default_weight[n];
wp_offset[i][j][n] = 0;
offset [i][j][n] = 0;
weight [i][j][n] = default_weight[n];
for (i = 0; i < listXsize[LIST_0]; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[LIST_1]; j++)
int td, tb;
td = iClip3(-128,127,(listX[LIST_1][j]->poc - listX[LIST_0][i]->poc));
tb = iClip3(-128,127,(enc_picture->poc - listX[LIST_0][i]->poc));
for (comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++)
// implicit weights
if (td == 0)
im_weight[1][i][j][comp] = default_weight[comp];
im_weight[0][i][j][comp] = default_weight[comp];
im_offset[1][i][j][comp] = 0;
im_offset[0][i][j][comp] = 0;
tx = (16384 + iabs(td/2))/td;
DistScaleFactor = iClip3(-1024, 1023, (tx*tb + 32 )>>6);
im_weight[1][i][j][comp] = DistScaleFactor>>2;
if (im_weight[1][i][j][comp] < -64 || im_weight[1][i][j][comp] >128)
im_weight[1][i][j][comp] = 32;
im_weight[0][i][j][comp] = 64 - im_weight[1][i][j][comp];
im_offset[1][i][j][comp] = 0;
im_offset[0][i][j][comp] = 0;
if (select_method == 1) //! implicit mode
for (i = 0; i < listXsize[LIST_0]; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[LIST_1]; j++)
for (comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++)
log_weight_denom = (comp == 0) ? luma_log_weight_denom : chroma_log_weight_denom;
wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] = im_weight[1][i][j][comp] ;
wbp_weight[0][i][j][comp] = im_weight[0][i][j][comp];
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < listXsize[clist]; index++)
wp_weight[clist][index][0] = default_weight[0];
wp_weight[clist][index][1] = default_weight[1];
wp_weight[clist][index][2] = default_weight[2];
wp_offset[clist][index][0] = 0;
wp_offset[clist][index][1] = 0;
wp_offset[clist][index][2] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < img->height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < img->width; j++)
dc_org += (double) imgY_org[i][j];
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (n = 0; n < listXsize[clist]; n++)
dc_ref[clist][n] = 0;
ref_pic_sub.luma = listX[clist][n]->imgY_sub;
tmpPtr = ref_pic_sub.luma[0][0];
// Y
for (j = IMG_PAD_SIZE; j < img->height + IMG_PAD_SIZE; j++)
for (i = IMG_PAD_SIZE; i < img->width + IMG_PAD_SIZE; i++)
dc_ref[clist][n] += (double) tmpPtr[j][i];
if (dc_ref[clist][n] != 0.0)
wf_weight = (int) (default_weight[0] * dc_org / dc_ref[clist][n] + 0.5);
wf_weight = default_weight[0]; // only used when reference picture is black
if ( (wf_weight<-64) || (wf_weight>127) )
wf_weight = default_weight[0];
wf_offset = 0;
weight[clist][n][0] = wf_weight;
weight[clist][n][1] = default_weight[1];
weight[clist][n][2] = default_weight[2];
offset[clist][n][0] = 0;
offset[clist][n][1] = 0;
offset[clist][n][2] = 0;
if (select_method == 0) //! explicit mode
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < listXsize[clist]; index++)
for (comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++)
wp_weight[clist][index][comp] = weight[clist][index][comp];
wp_offset[clist][index][comp] = offset[clist][index][comp];
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < listXsize[clist]; index++)
wp_weight[clist][index][0] = default_weight[0];
wp_weight[clist][index][1] = default_weight[1];
wp_weight[clist][index][2] = default_weight[2];
wp_offset[clist][index][0] = 0;
wp_offset[clist][index][1] = 0;
wp_offset[clist][index][2] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < listXsize[LIST_0]; i++)
for (j = 0; j < listXsize[LIST_1]; j++)
for (comp = 0; comp < 3; comp++)
log_weight_denom = (comp == 0) ? luma_log_weight_denom : chroma_log_weight_denom;
wbp_weight[0][i][j][comp] = wp_weight[0][i][comp];
wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] = wp_weight[1][j][comp];
printf ("bpw weight[%d][%d] = %d , %d (%d %d %d) (%d %d) (%d %d)\n", i, j, wbp_weight[0][i][j][0], wbp_weight[1][i][j][0],
enc_picture->poc,listX[LIST_0][i]->poc, listX[LIST_1][j]->poc,
DistScaleFactor ,tx,tx,tx);
if (select_method == 0) //! implicit mode
int active_refs[2];
active_refs[0]=input->B_List0_refs == 0 ? listXsize[0] : imin(input->B_List0_refs,listXsize[0]);
active_refs[1]=input->B_List1_refs == 0 ? listXsize[1] : imin(input->B_List0_refs,listXsize[1]);
for (clist=0; clist<2 + list_offset; clist++)
for (index = 0; index < active_refs[clist]; index++)
for (comp=0; comp < 3; comp ++)
if (wp_weight[clist][index][comp] != default_weight[comp])
perform_wp = 1;
if (perform_wp == 1) break;
if (perform_wp == 1) break;
return perform_wp;