blob: 624d6450fb8bccfe38d944d11cab52f841a5b0cf [file] [log] [blame]
* \file img_luma.c
* \brief
* Luma interpolation functions
* \author
* Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
* - Athanasios Leontaris <>
* - Alexis Michael Tourapis <>
#include "contributors.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "img_luma.h"
const int ONE_FOURTH_TAP[2][3] =
{20, -5, 1}, // AVC Interpolation taps
{20,-4, 0}, // Experimental - not valid
* \brief
* Creates the 4x4 = 16 images that contain quarter-pel samples
* sub-sampled at different spatial orientations;
* enables more efficient implementation
* \param s
* pointer to StorablePicture structure
void getSubImagesLuma( StorablePicture *s )
int i, j;
int jj, jpad;
imgpel **imgY = s->imgY;
int size_x_minus1 = s->size_x - 1;
int size_y_minus1 = s->size_y - 1;
imgpel *wBufDst, *wBufSrc;
// 0 1 2 3
// 4 5 6 7
// 8 9 10 11
// 12 13 14 15
// sub-image 0 [0][0]
// simply copy the integer pels
for (j = -IMG_PAD_SIZE; j < s->size_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE; j++)
jj = iClip3(0, size_y_minus1, j);
jpad = j + IMG_PAD_SIZE;
wBufDst = &( s->imgY_sub[0][0][jpad][IMG_PAD_SIZE] );
wBufSrc = imgY[jj];
// left IMG_PAD_SIZE
for (i = -IMG_PAD_SIZE; i < 0; i++)
wBufDst[i] = wBufSrc[0];
// right IMG_PAD_SIZE
for (i = s->size_x; i < s->size_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE; i++)
wBufDst[i] = wBufSrc[size_x_minus1];
// center 0-(s->size_x)
memcpy(wBufDst, wBufSrc, s->size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
// sub-image 2 [0][2]
// HOR interpolate (six-tap) sub-image [0][0]
getHorSubImageSixTap( s, 0, 2, 0, 0 );
// sub-image 8 [2][0]
// VER interpolate (six-tap) sub-image [0][0]
getVerSubImageSixTap( s, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// sub-image 10 [2][2]
// VER interpolate (six-tap) sub-image [0][2]
getVerSubImageSixTap( s, 2, 2, 0, 2, 1 );
// sub-image 1 [0][1]
getHorSubImageBiLinear( s, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0 );
// sub-image 3 [0][3]
getHorSubImageBiLinear( s, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1 );
// sub-image 9 [2][1]
getHorSubImageBiLinear( s, 2, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0 );
// sub-image 11 [0][3]
getHorSubImageBiLinear( s, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1 );
// sub-image 4 [1][0]
getVerSubImageBiLinear( s, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0 );
// sub-image 6 [1][2]
getVerSubImageBiLinear( s, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0 );
// sub-image 12 [3][0]
getVerSubImageBiLinear( s, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
// sub-image 14 [3][2]
getVerSubImageBiLinear( s, 3, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 1 );
// sub-image 5 [1][1]
getDiagSubImageBiLinear( s, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// sub-image 7 [1][3]
getDiagSubImageBiLinear( s, 1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
// sub-image 13 [3][1]
getDiagSubImageBiLinear( s, 3, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
// sub-image 15 [3][3]
getDiagSubImageBiLinear( s, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 );
* \brief
* Does _horizontal_ interpolation using the SIX TAP filters
* \param s
* pointer to StorablePicture structure
* \param dst_x
* horizontal index to sub-image being generated
* \param dst_y
* vertical index to sub-image being generated
* \param src_x
* horizontal index to source sub-image
* \param src_y
* vertical index to source sub-image
* \param store_int
* store shifted integer version of picture to temporary array for
* increased fidelity during application of the six tap filter
void getHorSubImageSixTap( StorablePicture *s, int dst_y, int dst_x, int src_y, int src_x )
int is;
int jpad;
int ipad;
int ypadded_size = s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int xpadded_size = s->size_x + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int maxx = xpadded_size - 1;
imgpel *wBufSrc, *wBufDst;
int *iBufDst;
int tap0 = ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][0];
int tap1 = ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][1];
int tap2 = ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][2];
for (jpad = 0; jpad < ypadded_size; jpad++)
wBufSrc = s->imgY_sub[src_y][src_x][jpad];
wBufDst = s->imgY_sub[dst_y][dst_x][jpad];
iBufDst = imgY_sub_tmp[jpad];
// left padded area
for (ipad = 0; ipad < 2; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (wBufSrc[ipad] + wBufSrc[ipad + 1]) +
tap1 * (wBufSrc[imax (0, ipad - 1)] + wBufSrc[ipad + 2]) +
tap2 * (wBufSrc[imax (0, ipad - 2)] + wBufSrc[ipad + 3]));
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 5 ) );
iBufDst[ipad] = is;
// center
for (ipad = 2; ipad < xpadded_size - 3; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (wBufSrc[ipad] + wBufSrc[ipad + 1]) +
tap1 * (wBufSrc[ipad - 1] + wBufSrc[ipad + 2]) +
tap2 * (wBufSrc[ipad - 2] + wBufSrc[ipad + 3]));
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 5 ) );
iBufDst[ipad] = is;
// right padded area
for (ipad = xpadded_size - 3; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (wBufSrc[ipad] + wBufSrc[imin (maxx, ipad + 1)]) +
tap1 * (wBufSrc[ipad - 1] + wBufSrc[imin (maxx, ipad + 2)]) +
tap2 * (wBufSrc[ipad - 2] + wBufSrc[imin (maxx, ipad + 3)]));
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 5 ) );
iBufDst[ipad] = is;
* \brief
* Does _vertical_ interpolation using the SIX TAP filters
* \param s
* pointer to StorablePicture structure
* \param dst_x
* horizontal index to sub-image being generated
* \param dst_y
* vertical index to sub-image being generated
* \param src_x
* horizontal index to source sub-image
* \param src_y
* vertical index to source sub-image
* \param use_stored_int
* use stored shifted integer version of picture to temporary array for
* increased fidelity during application of the six tap filter
void getVerSubImageSixTap( StorablePicture *s, int dst_y, int dst_x, int src_y, int src_x, int use_stored_int )
int is;
int jpad;
int jlow1, jlow2, jhigh1, jhigh2, jhigh3;
int ipad;
int ypadded_size = s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int xpadded_size = s->size_x + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int maxy = ypadded_size - 1;
imgpel **wxBufSrc, **wxBufDst, *wxLineDst;
int tap0 = ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][0];
int tap1 = ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][1];
int tap2 = ONE_FOURTH_TAP[0][2];
wxBufSrc = s->imgY_sub[src_y][src_x];
wxBufDst = s->imgY_sub[dst_y][dst_x];
if ( !use_stored_int ) { // causes code expansion but is better since we avoid too many
// branches within the j loop
// top
for (jpad = 0; jpad < 2; jpad++)
wxLineDst = wxBufDst[jpad];
jlow1 = imax (0, jpad - 1);
jlow2 = imax (0, jpad - 2);
jhigh1 = jpad + 1;
jhigh2 = jpad + 2;
jhigh3 = jpad + 3;
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (wxBufSrc[jpad ][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh1][ipad]) +
tap1 * (wxBufSrc[jlow1][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh2][ipad]) +
tap2 * (wxBufSrc[jlow2][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh3][ipad]));
wxLineDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 5 ) );
// center
for (jpad = 2; jpad < ypadded_size - 3; jpad++)
wxLineDst = wxBufDst[jpad];
jlow1 = jpad - 1;
jlow2 = jpad - 2;
jhigh1 = jpad + 1;
jhigh2 = jpad + 2;
jhigh3 = jpad + 3;
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (wxBufSrc[jpad ][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh1][ipad]) +
tap1 * (wxBufSrc[jlow1][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh2][ipad]) +
tap2 * (wxBufSrc[jlow2][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh3][ipad]));
wxLineDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 5 ) );
// bottom
for (jpad = ypadded_size - 3; jpad < ypadded_size; jpad++)
wxLineDst = wxBufDst[jpad];
jlow1 = jpad - 1;
jlow2 = jpad - 2;
jhigh1 = imin (maxy, jpad + 1);
jhigh2 = imin (maxy, jpad + 2);
jhigh3 = imin (maxy, jpad + 3);
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (wxBufSrc[jpad ][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh1][ipad]) +
tap1 * (wxBufSrc[jlow1][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh2][ipad]) +
tap2 * (wxBufSrc[jlow2][ipad] + wxBufSrc[jhigh3][ipad]));
wxLineDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 5 ) );
// top
for (jpad = 0; jpad < 2; jpad++)
wxLineDst = wxBufDst[jpad];
jlow1 = imax (0, jpad - 1);
jlow2 = imax (0, jpad - 2);
jhigh1 = jpad + 1;
jhigh2 = jpad + 2;
jhigh3 = jpad + 3;
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jpad ][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh1][ipad]) +
tap1 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jlow1][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh2][ipad]) +
tap2 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jlow2][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh3][ipad]));
wxLineDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 10 ) );
// center
for (jpad = 2; jpad < ypadded_size - 3; jpad++)
wxLineDst = wxBufDst[jpad];
jlow1 = jpad - 1;
jlow2 = jpad - 2;
jhigh1 = jpad + 1;
jhigh2 = jpad + 2;
jhigh3 = jpad + 3;
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jpad ][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh1][ipad]) +
tap1 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jlow1][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh2][ipad]) +
tap2 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jlow2][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh3][ipad]));
wxLineDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 10 ) );
// bottom
for (jpad = ypadded_size - 3; jpad < ypadded_size; jpad++)
wxLineDst = wxBufDst[jpad];
jlow1 = jpad - 1;
jlow2 = jpad - 2;
jhigh1 = imin (maxy, jpad + 1);
jhigh2 = imin (maxy, jpad + 2);
jhigh3 = imin (maxy, jpad + 3);
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
is =
(tap0 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jpad ][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh1][ipad]) +
tap1 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jlow1][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh2][ipad]) +
tap2 * (imgY_sub_tmp[jlow2][ipad] + imgY_sub_tmp[jhigh3][ipad]));
wxLineDst[ipad] = (imgpel) iClip3 (0, img->max_imgpel_value, rshift_rnd_sf( is, 10 ) );
* \brief
* Does _horizontal_ interpolation using the BiLinear filter
* \param s
* pointer to StorablePicture structure
* \param dst_x
* horizontal index to sub-image being generated
* \param dst_y
* vertical index to sub-image being generated
* \param src_x_l
* horizontal index to "LEFT" source sub-image
* \param src_y_l
* vertical index to "LEFT" source sub-image
* \param src_x_r
* horizontal index to "RIGHT" source sub-image
* \param src_y_r
* vertical index to "RIGHT" source sub-image
* \param offset
* offset (either +0 or +1) for RIGHT sub-image HOR coordinate
void getHorSubImageBiLinear( StorablePicture *s, int dst_y, int dst_x, int src_y_l, int src_x_l, int src_y_r, int src_x_r, int offset )
int jpad;
int ipad;
int ypadded_size = s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int xpadded_size = s->size_x + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int maxx = xpadded_size - 1;
imgpel *wBufSrcL, *wBufSrcR, *wBufDst;
int xpadded_size_left = maxx - offset;
for (jpad = 0; jpad < ypadded_size; jpad++)
wBufSrcL = s->imgY_sub[src_y_l][src_x_l][jpad];
wBufSrcR = s->imgY_sub[src_y_r][src_x_r][jpad];
wBufDst = s->imgY_sub[dst_y][dst_x][jpad];
// left padded area + center
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size_left; ipad++)
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel)
rshift_rnd_sf( wBufSrcL[ipad] + wBufSrcR[ipad + offset], 1 );
// right padded area
for (ipad = xpadded_size_left; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel)
rshift_rnd_sf( wBufSrcL[ipad] + wBufSrcR[maxx], 1 );
* \brief
* Does _vertical_ interpolation using the BiLinear filter
* \param s
* pointer to StorablePicture structure
* \param dst_x
* horizontal index to sub-image being generated
* \param dst_y
* vertical index to sub-image being generated
* \param src_x_l
* horizontal index to "TOP" source sub-image
* \param src_y_l
* vertical index to "TOP" source sub-image
* \param src_x_r
* horizontal index to "BOTTOM" source sub-image
* \param src_y_r
* vertical index to "BOTTOM" source sub-image
* \param offset
* offset (either +0 or +1) for BOTTOM sub-image VER coordinate
void getVerSubImageBiLinear( StorablePicture *s, int dst_y, int dst_x, int src_y_l, int src_x_l, int src_y_r, int src_x_r, int offset )
int jpad;
int ipad;
int ypadded_size = s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int xpadded_size = s->size_x + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int maxy = ypadded_size - 1;
imgpel *wBufSrcL, *wBufSrcR, *wBufDst;
int ypadded_size_top = maxy - offset;
// top
for (jpad = 0; jpad < ypadded_size_top; jpad++)
wBufSrcL = s->imgY_sub[src_y_l][src_x_l][jpad];
wBufDst = s->imgY_sub[dst_y][dst_x][jpad];
wBufSrcR = s->imgY_sub[src_y_r][src_x_r][jpad + offset];
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel)
rshift_rnd_sf(wBufSrcL[ipad] + wBufSrcR[ipad], 1);
// bottom
for (jpad = ypadded_size_top; jpad < ypadded_size; jpad++)
wBufSrcL = s->imgY_sub[src_y_l][src_x_l][jpad];
wBufDst = s->imgY_sub[dst_y ][dst_x ][jpad];
wBufSrcR = s->imgY_sub[src_y_r][src_x_r][maxy];
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel)
rshift_rnd_sf(wBufSrcL[ipad] + wBufSrcR[ipad], 1);
* \brief
* Does _diagonal_ interpolation using the BiLinear filter
* \param s
* pointer to StorablePicture structure
* \param dst_x
* horizontal index to sub-image being generated
* \param dst_y
* vertical index to sub-image being generated
* \param src_x_l
* horizontal index to "TOP" source sub-image
* \param src_y_l
* vertical index to "TOP" source sub-image
* \param src_x_r
* horizontal index to "BOTTOM" source sub-image
* \param src_y_r
* vertical index to "BOTTOM" source sub-image
* \param offset_y_l
* Y offset (either +0 or +1) for TOP sub-image coordinate
* \param offset_x_l
* X offset (either +0 or +1) for TOP sub-image coordinate
* \param offset_y_r
* Y offset (either +0 or +1) for BOTTOM sub-image coordinate
* \param offset_x_r
* X offset (either +0 or +1) for BOTTOM sub-image coordinate
void getDiagSubImageBiLinear( StorablePicture *s, int dst_y, int dst_x, int src_y_l, int src_x_l, int src_y_r, int src_x_r, int offset_y_l, int offset_x_l,
int offset_y_r, int offset_x_r )
int jpad;
int ipad;
int ypadded_size = s->size_y + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int xpadded_size = s->size_x + 2 * IMG_PAD_SIZE;
int maxx = xpadded_size - 1;
int maxy = ypadded_size - 1;
imgpel *wBufSrcL, *wBufSrcR, *wBufDst;
// -1 explanation: offsets can be maximally one so let's assume the worst and avoid too many checks
int ypadded_size_top = ypadded_size - IMG_PAD_SIZE - 1;
for (jpad = 0; jpad < ypadded_size_top; jpad++)
wBufSrcL = s->imgY_sub[src_y_l][src_x_l][jpad + offset_y_l];
wBufSrcR = s->imgY_sub[src_y_r][src_x_r][jpad + offset_y_r];
wBufDst = s->imgY_sub[dst_y][dst_x][jpad];
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel)
rshift_rnd_sf(wBufSrcL[imin (maxx, ipad + offset_x_l)] +
wBufSrcR[imin (maxx, ipad + offset_x_r)], 1);
for (jpad = ypadded_size_top; jpad < ypadded_size; jpad++)
wBufSrcL = s->imgY_sub[src_y_l][src_x_l][imin (maxy, jpad + offset_y_l)];
wBufSrcR = s->imgY_sub[src_y_r][src_x_r][imin (maxy, jpad + offset_y_r)];
wBufDst = s->imgY_sub[dst_y][dst_x][jpad];
for (ipad = 0; ipad < xpadded_size; ipad++)
wBufDst[ipad] = (imgpel)
rshift_rnd_sf(wBufSrcL[imin (maxx, ipad + offset_x_l)] +
wBufSrcR[imin (maxx, ipad + offset_x_r)], 1);