blob: c8f8b2c546120cd22431d5ac16b4de351fb3b115 [file] [log] [blame]
module target_deallocation_m
include "object_type_m.f90"
function target_deallocation() result(outcome)
!! Test conformance with Fortran 2018 clause, paragraph 2 behavior:
!! "pointer is deallocated"
!! finalizes a target when the associated pointer is deallocated
type(object_t), pointer :: object_ptr => null()
logical outcome
integer initial_tally
allocate(object_ptr, source=object_t(dummy=0))
initial_tally = finalizations
deallocate(object_ptr) ! finalizes object
associate(finalization_tally => finalizations - initial_tally)
outcome = finalization_tally==1
end associate
end function
end module target_deallocation_m
program main
use target_deallocation_m, only : target_deallocation, report
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter :: description = "finalizes a target when the associated pointer is deallocated"
write(*,"(A)") report(target_deallocation()) // description
end program