blob: 8cbdaefe87846ad0b605dd935356dd77d713c795 [file] [log] [blame]
!! This file gets `include "..."`-ed from each main program.
!! To prevent a CMake race condition, each main program also declares
!! a unique module name so that the .mod files don't clobber eachother.
!! Common object type module to be included in the test that:
!! Define tests for each scenario in which the Fortran 2018
!! standard mandates type finalization.
implicit none
public !! Needed for declaring module procedures at the top of each main program
public :: report
private :: construct_object, count_finalizations, object_t, wrapper_t, finalizations, avoid_unused_variable_warning
type object_t
integer dummy
!! Comment out the following line to prove the tests will fail
final :: count_finalizations
end type
type wrapper_t
type(object_t), allocatable :: object
end type
integer :: finalizations = 0
integer, parameter :: avoid_unused_variable_warning = 1
function construct_object() result(object)
!! Constructor for object_t
type(object_t) object
object % dummy = avoid_unused_variable_warning
end function
subroutine count_finalizations(self)
!! Destructor for object_t
type(object_t), intent(inout) :: self
finalizations = finalizations + 1
self % dummy = avoid_unused_variable_warning
end subroutine
pure function report(outcome)
logical, intent(in) :: outcome
character(len=:), allocatable :: report
report = merge("Pass: ", "Fail: ", outcome)
end function
!! No end module statement since this will be `include`d from other source files