blob: 9db8c9c3d0f876fe48820162409f27c05fe6f2e4 [file] [log] [blame]
* This test stresses masking and sign-extension for operations on
* signed and unsigned types less than the machine integer reg. size.
* Several things have to happen correctly:
* -- correct constant folding if it is done at compile-time
* -- correct sign-extensions during native code generation for -, * and /.
* -- correct handling of high bits during native code generation for
* a sequence of operations involving -, * and /.
#include <stdio.h>
/* Move the value here to prevent constant folding */
unsigned long long getL()
return 0xafafafafc5c5b8a3ull;
main(int argc, char** argv)
unsigned long long UL = getL(); /* 0xafafafafc5c5b8a3 */
long long L = (long long) UL;
unsigned int ui = (unsigned int) UL; /* 0xc5c5b8a3 = 3318069411 */
int i = (int) UL; /* 0xc5c5b8a3 = -976897885 */
unsigned short us = (unsigned short) UL; /* 0xb8a3 = 47267 */
short s = (short) UL; /* 0xb8a3 = -18269 */
unsigned char ub = (unsigned char) UL; /* 0xa3 = 163 */
signed char b = ( signed char) UL; /* 0xa3 = -93 */
printf(" ui = %u (0x%x)\t\tUL-ui = %lld (0x%llx)\n", ui, ui, UL-ui, UL-ui);
printf("ui*ui = %u (0x%x)\t UL/ui = %lld (0x%llx)\n\n",
(unsigned int) ui*ui, (unsigned int) ui*ui, UL/ui, UL/ui);
printf(" i = %d (0x%x)\tL-i = %lld (0x%llx)\n", i, i, L-i, L-i);
printf(" i* i = %d (0x%x)\tL/ i = %lld (0x%llx)\n\n",
(int) i*i, (int) i*i, L/i, L/i);
printf("us = %u (0x%x)\t\tUL-us = %lld (0x%llx)\n", us, us, UL-us, UL-us);
printf("us*us = %u (0x%x)\t UL/us = %lld (0x%llx)\n\n",
(unsigned short) us*us, (unsigned short) us*us, UL/us, UL/us);
printf(" s = %d (0x%x)\tL-s = %lld (0x%llx)\n", s, s, L-s, L-s);
printf(" s* s = %d (0x%x)\tL/ s = %lld (0x%llx)\n\n",
(short) s*s, (short) s*s, L/s, L/s);
printf("ub = %u (0x%x)\t\tUL-ub = %lld (0x%llx)\n", ub, ub, UL-ub, UL-ub);
printf("ub*ub = %u (0x%x)\t\tUL/ub = %lld (0x%llx)\n\n",
(unsigned char) ub*ub, (unsigned char) ub*ub, UL/ub, UL/ub);
printf(" b = %d (0x%x)\t\tL-b = %lld (0x%llx)\n", b, b, L-b, L-b);
printf(" b* b = %d (0x%x)\t\t\tL/b = %lld (0x%llx)\n\n",
(signed char) b*b, (signed char) b*b, L/b, L/b);
/* Do some arithmetic with the small signed and unsigned values */
unsigned int uiprod = (ui+1u) * (ui+1u) /* ui*ui unless overflow! */
- (unsigned int ) (ui << 2) - (unsigned int ) 1u;
unsigned short usprod = (us+1u) * (us+1u) /* us*us unless overflow! */
- (unsigned short) (us << 2) - (unsigned short) 1u;
unsigned char ubprod = (ub+1u) * (ub+1u) /* ub*ub unless overflow! */
- (unsigned char ) (ub << 2) - (unsigned char ) 1u;
int iprod = (i+1) * (i+1) - (int ) (i << 2) - (int ) 1;
short sprod = (s+1) * (s+1) - (short) (s << 2) - (short) 1;
signed char bprod = (b+1) * (b+1) - (char) (b << 2) - (char) 1;
unsigned int uidiv = (unsigned int ) (UL/ui) * (unsigned int ) (UL/ui);
unsigned short usdiv = (unsigned short) (UL/us) * (unsigned short) (UL/us);
unsigned char ubdiv = (unsigned char ) (UL/ub) * (unsigned char ) (UL/ub);
int idiv = ( int) ( L/ i) * ( int) ( L/ i);
short sdiv = ( short) ( L/ s) * ( short) ( L/ s);
signed char bdiv = ( signed char ) ( L/ b) * ( signed char ) ( L/ b);
printf("uiprod = %u (0x%x)\t uidiv = %u (0x%x)\n\n",
uiprod, uiprod, uidiv, uidiv);
printf("usprod = %u (0x%x)\t usdiv = %u (0x%x)\n\n",
usprod, usprod, usdiv, usdiv);
printf("ubprod = %u (0x%x)\t ubdiv = %u (0x%x)\n\n",
ubprod, ubprod, ubdiv, ubdiv);
printf(" iprod = %u (0x%x)\t idiv = %u (0x%x)\n\n",
iprod, iprod, idiv, idiv);
printf(" sprod = %u (0x%x)\t sdiv = %u (0x%x)\n\n",
sprod, sprod, sdiv, sdiv);
printf(" bprod = %u (0x%x)\t bdiv = %u (0x%x)\n\n",
bprod, bprod, bdiv, bdiv);
return 0;