blob: 2af4ecca7ba60502df7f427f008d03e01309918a [file] [log] [blame]
# Program:
# Synopsis: This script is used to provide a sandbox for SPEC programs to
# execute in. It provides an isolated environment, the input files
# necessary, and then finally runs the program.
# Syntax: ./ <uid> <output_file> <ref input> <program> <arguments>
mkdir Output/$TEST_UID 2> /dev/null
cd Output/$TEST_UID
rm -rf *
# Copy all of the test input files into the current directory.
cp -r $INPUT_DIR/* .
# If there is an "all" input directory, take it as well. This
# effectively copies over $INPUT_DIR/../../all/input, but works if the
# actual $INPUT_DIR directory doesn't exist, as is the case with 444.namd.
UP1=`dirname $INPUT_DIR`
UP2=`dirname $UP1`
cp -r $UP2/all/input/* . > /dev/null 2>&1
# If any of the input files is a .bz2 file, uncompress it now.
bunzip2 *.bz2 > /dev/null 2>&1
# Run the program now.
echo Running: "$@"
exec "$@"