Reland "[CMake] Bumps minimum version to 3.20.0.

This reverts commit d763c6e5e2d0a6b34097aa7dabca31e9aff9b0b6.

Adds the patch by @hans from
This patch fixes the Windows build.

d763c6e5e2d0a6b34097aa7dabca31e9aff9b0b6 reverted the reviews

D144509 [CMake] Bumps minimum version to 3.20.0.

This partly undoes D137724.

This change has been discussed on discourse

Note this does not remove work-arounds for older CMake versions, that
will be done in followup patches.

D150532 [OpenMP] Compile assembly files as ASM, not C

Since CMake 3.20, CMake explicitly passes "-x c" (or equivalent)
when compiling a file which has been set as having the language
C. This behaviour change only takes place if "cmake_minimum_required"
is set to 3.20 or newer, or if the policy CMP0119 is set to new.

Attempting to compile assembly files with "-x c" fails, however
this is workarounded in many cases, as OpenMP overrides this with
"-x assembler-with-cpp", however this is only added for non-Windows

Thus, after increasing cmake_minimum_required to 3.20, this breaks
compiling the GNU assembly for Windows targets; the GNU assembly is
used for ARM and AArch64 Windows targets when building with Clang.
This patch unbreaks that.

D150688 [cmake] Set CMP0091 to fix Windows builds after the cmake_minimum_required bump

The build uses other mechanism to select the runtime.

Fixes #62719

Reviewed By: #libc, Mordante

Differential Revision:

GitOrigin-RevId: cbaa3597aaf6273e66b3f445ed36a6458143fe6a
1 file changed
tree: 54bdba6f154f446667304c32a454312a659d3ece
  1. cmake/
  2. docs/
  3. include/
  4. test/
  5. .clang-format
  6. CMakeLists.txt
  7. CREDITS.txt

Parallel STL

Parallel STL is an implementation of the C++ standard library algorithms with support for execution policies, as specified in ISO/IEC 14882:2017 standard, commonly called C++17. The implementation also supports the unsequenced execution policy specified in Parallelism TS version 2 and proposed for the next version of the C++ standard in the C++ working group paper P1001. Parallel STL offers efficient support for both parallel and vectorized execution of algorithms. For sequential execution, it relies on an available implementation of the C++ standard library.


To use Parallel STL, you must have the following software installed:

  • C++ compiler with:
    • Support for C++11
    • Support for OpenMP* 4.0 SIMD constructs
  • Threading Building Blocks (TBB) which is available for download at

Known issues and limitations

  • unseq and par_unseq policies only have effect with compilers that support #pragma omp simd or #pragma simd.
  • Parallel and vector execution is only supported for the algorithms if random access iterators are provided, while for other iterator types the execution will remain serial.
  • The following algorithms do not allow efficient SIMD execution: includes, inplace_merge, merge, nth_element, partial_sort, partial_sort_copy, set_difference, set_intersection, set_symmetric_difference, set_union, sort, stable_partition, stable_sort, unique.
  • The initial value type for exclusive_scan, inclusive_scan, transform_exclusive_scan, transform_inclusive_scan shall be DefaultConstructible. A default constructed-instance of the initial value type shall be the identity element for the specified binary operation.
  • For max_element, min_element, minmax_element, partial_sort, partial_sort_copy, sort, stable_sort the dereferenced value type of the provided iterators shall be DefaultConstructible.
  • For remove, remove_if, unique the dereferenced value type of the provided iterators shall be MoveConstructible.
  • The following algorithms require additional O(n) memory space for parallel execution: copy_if, inplace_merge, partial_sort, partial_sort_copy, partition_copy, remove, remove_if, rotate, sort, stable_sort, unique, unique_copy.