[clang-format] Revert breaking stream operators to previous default (#89016)

Reverts commit d68826dfbd98, which changes the previous default behavior
of always breaking before a stream insertion operator `<<` if both
operands are string literals.

Also reverts the related commits 27f547968cce and bf05be5b87fc.

See the discussion in #88483.

GitOrigin-RevId: 29ecd6d50f1400e3101f27567b535eb8af905f58
diff --git a/lib/Analysis/DependenceInfo.cpp b/lib/Analysis/DependenceInfo.cpp
index 9ee004f..a530fa7 100644
--- a/lib/Analysis/DependenceInfo.cpp
+++ b/lib/Analysis/DependenceInfo.cpp
@@ -951,8 +951,8 @@
   bool runOnScop(Scop &S) override {
     DependenceInfo &P = getAnalysis<DependenceInfo>();
-    OS << "Printing analysis '" << P.getPassName() << "' for " << "region: '"
-       << S.getRegion().getNameStr() << "' in function '"
+    OS << "Printing analysis '" << P.getPassName() << "' for "
+       << "region: '" << S.getRegion().getNameStr() << "' in function '"
        << S.getFunction().getName() << "':\n";
     P.printScop(OS, S);
diff --git a/lib/Analysis/ScopBuilder.cpp b/lib/Analysis/ScopBuilder.cpp
index 214e4d3..a34f293 100644
--- a/lib/Analysis/ScopBuilder.cpp
+++ b/lib/Analysis/ScopBuilder.cpp
@@ -2715,9 +2715,10 @@
     if (NameContext != NameUserContext) {
       std::string SpaceStr = stringFromIslObj(Space, "null");
       errs() << "Error: the name of dimension " << i
-             << " provided in -polly-context " << "is '" << NameUserContext
-             << "', but the name in the computed " << "context is '"
-             << NameContext << "'. Due to this name mismatch, "
+             << " provided in -polly-context "
+             << "is '" << NameUserContext << "', but the name in the computed "
+             << "context is '" << NameContext
+             << "'. Due to this name mismatch, "
              << "the -polly-context option is ignored. Please provide "
              << "the context in the parameter space: " << SpaceStr << ".\n";