blob: 1056b74cfa18917657224a6c1ae7856f19dcfaf8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- polly/ScheduleOptimizer.h - The Schedule Optimizer -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "polly/ScopPass.h"
namespace llvm {
class Pass;
class PassRegistry;
} // namespace llvm
namespace polly {
llvm::Pass *createIslScheduleOptimizerWrapperPass();
struct IslScheduleOptimizerPass
: llvm::PassInfoMixin<IslScheduleOptimizerPass> {
IslScheduleOptimizerPass() {}
llvm::PreservedAnalyses run(Scop &S, ScopAnalysisManager &SAM,
ScopStandardAnalysisResults &SAR, SPMUpdater &U);
struct IslScheduleOptimizerPrinterPass
: llvm::PassInfoMixin<IslScheduleOptimizerPrinterPass> {
IslScheduleOptimizerPrinterPass(raw_ostream &OS) : OS(OS) {}
PreservedAnalyses run(Scop &S, ScopAnalysisManager &,
ScopStandardAnalysisResults &SAR, SPMUpdater &);
llvm::raw_ostream &OS;
/// Build the desired set of partial tile prefixes.
/// We build a set of partial tile prefixes, which are prefixes of the vector
/// loop that have exactly VectorWidth iterations.
/// 1. Drop all constraints involving the dimension that represents the
/// vector loop.
/// 2. Constrain the last dimension to get a set, which has exactly VectorWidth
/// iterations.
/// 3. Subtract loop domain from it, project out the vector loop dimension and
/// get a set that contains prefixes, which do not have exactly VectorWidth
/// iterations.
/// 4. Project out the vector loop dimension of the set that was build on the
/// first step and subtract the set built on the previous step to get the
/// desired set of prefixes.
/// @param ScheduleRange A range of a map, which describes a prefix schedule
/// relation.
isl::set getPartialTilePrefixes(isl::set ScheduleRange, int VectorWidth);
} // namespace polly
namespace llvm {
void initializeIslScheduleOptimizerWrapperPassPass(llvm::PassRegistry &);