blob: 81343af94b636e5e49032eb0d2cc95035dfbd14c [file] [log] [blame]
//=- IslNodeBuilder.cpp - Translate an isl AST into a LLVM-IR AST -*- C++ -*-=//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains the IslNodeBuilder, a class to translate an isl AST into
#include "polly/CodeGen/BlockGenerators.h"
#include "polly/CodeGen/IslExprBuilder.h"
#include "polly/ScopDetectionDiagnostic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h"
#include "isl/ctx.h"
#include "isl/isl-noexceptions.h"
namespace polly {
using llvm::LoopInfo;
using llvm::SmallSet;
struct InvariantEquivClassTy;
struct SubtreeReferences {
LoopInfo &LI;
ScalarEvolution &SE;
Scop &S;
ValueMapT &GlobalMap;
SetVector<Value *> &Values;
SetVector<const SCEV *> &SCEVs;
BlockGenerator &BlockGen;
// In case an (optional) parameter space location is provided, parameter space
// information is collected as well.
isl::space *ParamSpace;
/// Extract the out-of-scop values and SCEVs referenced from a ScopStmt.
/// This includes the SCEVUnknowns referenced by the SCEVs used in the
/// statement and the base pointers of the memory accesses. For scalar
/// statements we force the generation of alloca memory locations and list
/// these locations in the set of out-of-scop values as well.
/// We also collect an isl::space that includes all parameter dimensions
/// used in the statement's memory accesses, in case the ParamSpace pointer
/// is non-null.
/// @param Stmt The statement for which to extract the information.
/// @param UserPtr A void pointer that can be casted to a
/// SubtreeReferences structure.
/// @param CreateScalarRefs Should the result include allocas of scalar
/// references?
void addReferencesFromStmt(ScopStmt *Stmt, void *UserPtr,
bool CreateScalarRefs = true);
class IslNodeBuilder {
IslNodeBuilder(PollyIRBuilder &Builder, ScopAnnotator &Annotator,
const DataLayout &DL, LoopInfo &LI, ScalarEvolution &SE,
DominatorTree &DT, Scop &S, BasicBlock *StartBlock)
: S(S), Builder(Builder), Annotator(Annotator),
ExprBuilder(S, Builder, IDToValue, ValueMap, DL, SE, DT, LI,
BlockGen(Builder, LI, SE, DT, ScalarMap, EscapeMap, ValueMap,
&ExprBuilder, StartBlock),
RegionGen(BlockGen), DL(DL), LI(LI), SE(SE), DT(DT),
StartBlock(StartBlock), GenDT(&DT), GenLI(&LI), GenSE(&SE) {}
virtual ~IslNodeBuilder() = default;
void addParameters(__isl_take isl_set *Context);
/// Generate code that evaluates @p Condition at run-time.
/// This function is typically called to generate the LLVM-IR for the
/// run-time condition of the scop, that verifies that all the optimistic
/// assumptions we have taken during scop modeling and transformation
/// hold at run-time.
/// @param Condition The condition to evaluate
/// @result An llvm::Value that is true if the condition holds and false
/// otherwise.
Value *createRTC(isl_ast_expr *Condition);
void create(__isl_take isl_ast_node *Node);
/// Allocate memory for all new arrays created by Polly.
void allocateNewArrays(BBPair StartExitBlocks);
/// Preload all memory loads that are invariant.
bool preloadInvariantLoads();
/// Finalize code generation.
/// @see BlockGenerator::finalizeSCoP(Scop &S)
virtual void finalize() { BlockGen.finalizeSCoP(S); }
IslExprBuilder &getExprBuilder() { return ExprBuilder; }
/// Get the associated block generator.
/// @return A reference to the associated block generator.
BlockGenerator &getBlockGenerator() { return BlockGen; }
/// Return the parallel subfunctions that have been created.
const ArrayRef<Function *> getParallelSubfunctions() const {
return ParallelSubfunctions;
Scop &S;
PollyIRBuilder &Builder;
ScopAnnotator &Annotator;
IslExprBuilder ExprBuilder;
/// Maps used by the block and region generator to demote scalars.
/// See BlockGenerator::ScalarMap.
BlockGenerator::AllocaMapTy ScalarMap;
/// See BlockGenerator::EscapeMap.
BlockGenerator::EscapeUsersAllocaMapTy EscapeMap;
/// The generator used to copy a basic block.
BlockGenerator BlockGen;
/// The generator used to copy a non-affine region.
RegionGenerator RegionGen;
const DataLayout &DL;
LoopInfo &LI;
ScalarEvolution &SE;
DominatorTree &DT;
BasicBlock *StartBlock;
/// Relates to the region where the code is emitted into.
/// @{
DominatorTree *GenDT;
LoopInfo *GenLI;
ScalarEvolution *GenSE;
/// @}
/// The current iteration of out-of-scop loops
/// This map provides for a given loop a llvm::Value that contains the current
/// loop iteration.
MapVector<const Loop *, const SCEV *> OutsideLoopIterations;
// This maps an isl_id* to the Value* it has in the generated program. For now
// on, the only isl_ids that are stored here are the newly calculated loop
// ivs.
IslExprBuilder::IDToValueTy IDToValue;
/// A collection of all parallel subfunctions that have been created.
SmallVector<Function *, 8> ParallelSubfunctions;
/// Generate code for a given SCEV*
/// This function generates code for a given SCEV expression. It generated
/// code is emitted at the end of the basic block our Builder currently
/// points to and the resulting value is returned.
/// @param Expr The expression to code generate.
Value *generateSCEV(const SCEV *Expr);
/// A set of Value -> Value remappings to apply when generating new code.
/// When generating new code for a ScopStmt this map is used to map certain
/// llvm::Values to new llvm::Values.
ValueMapT ValueMap;
/// Materialize code for @p Id if it was not done before.
/// @returns False, iff a problem occurred and the value was not materialized.
bool materializeValue(__isl_take isl_id *Id);
/// Materialize parameters of @p Set.
/// @returns False, iff a problem occurred and the value was not materialized.
bool materializeParameters(__isl_take isl_set *Set);
/// Materialize all parameters in the current scop.
/// @returns False, iff a problem occurred and the value was not materialized.
bool materializeParameters();
// Extract the upper bound of this loop
// The isl code generation can generate arbitrary expressions to check if the
// upper bound of a loop is reached, but it provides an option to enforce
// 'atomic' upper bounds. An 'atomic upper bound is always of the form
// iv <= expr, where expr is an (arbitrary) expression not containing iv.
// This function extracts 'atomic' upper bounds. Polly, in general, requires
// atomic upper bounds for the following reasons:
// 1. An atomic upper bound is loop invariant
// It must not be calculated at each loop iteration and can often even be
// hoisted out further by the loop invariant code motion.
// 2. OpenMP needs a loop invariant upper bound to calculate the number
// of loop iterations.
// 3. With the existing code, upper bounds have been easier to implement.
isl::ast_expr getUpperBound(isl::ast_node_for For,
CmpInst::Predicate &Predicate);
/// Return non-negative number of iterations in case of the following form
/// of a loop and -1 otherwise.
/// for (i = 0; i <= NumIter; i++) {
/// loop body;
/// }
/// NumIter is a non-negative integer value. Condition can have
/// isl_ast_op_lt type.
int getNumberOfIterations(isl::ast_node_for For);
/// Compute the values and loops referenced in this subtree.
/// This function looks at all ScopStmts scheduled below the provided For node
/// and finds the llvm::Value[s] and llvm::Loops[s] which are referenced but
/// not locally defined.
/// Values that can be synthesized or that are available as globals are
/// considered locally defined.
/// Loops that contain the scop or that are part of the scop are considered
/// locally defined. Loops that are before the scop, but do not contain the
/// scop itself are considered not locally defined.
/// @param For The node defining the subtree.
/// @param Values A vector that will be filled with the Values referenced in
/// this subtree.
/// @param Loops A vector that will be filled with the Loops referenced in
/// this subtree.
void getReferencesInSubtree(const isl::ast_node &For,
SetVector<Value *> &Values,
SetVector<const Loop *> &Loops);
/// Return the most up-to-date version of the llvm::Value for code generation.
/// @param Original The Value to check for an up to date version.
/// @returns A remapped `Value` from ValueMap, or `Original` if no mapping
/// exists.
/// @see IslNodeBuilder::updateValues
/// @see IslNodeBuilder::ValueMap
Value *getLatestValue(Value *Original) const;
/// Generate code for a marker now.
/// For mark nodes with an unknown name, we just forward the code generation
/// to its child. This is currently the only behavior implemented, as there is
/// currently not special handling for marker nodes implemented.
/// @param Mark The node we generate code for.
virtual void createMark(__isl_take isl_ast_node *Marker);
virtual void createFor(__isl_take isl_ast_node *For);
/// Set to remember materialized invariant loads.
/// An invariant load is identified by its pointer (the SCEV) and its type.
SmallSet<std::pair<const SCEV *, Type *>, 16> PreloadedPtrs;
/// Preload the memory access at @p AccessRange with @p Build.
/// @returns The preloaded value casted to type @p Ty
Value *preloadUnconditionally(__isl_take isl_set *AccessRange,
isl_ast_build *Build, Instruction *AccInst);
/// Preload the memory load access @p MA.
/// If @p MA is not always executed it will be conditionally loaded and
/// merged with undef from the same type. Hence, if @p MA is executed only
/// under condition C then the preload code will look like this:
/// MA_preload = undef;
/// if (C)
/// MA_preload = load MA;
/// use MA_preload
Value *preloadInvariantLoad(const MemoryAccess &MA,
__isl_take isl_set *Domain);
/// Preload the invariant access equivalence class @p IAClass
/// This function will preload the representing load from @p IAClass and
/// map all members of @p IAClass to that preloaded value, potentially casted
/// to the required type.
/// @returns False, iff a problem occurred and the load was not preloaded.
bool preloadInvariantEquivClass(InvariantEquivClassTy &IAClass);
void createForSequential(isl::ast_node_for For, bool MarkParallel);
/// Create LLVM-IR that executes a for node thread parallel.
/// @param For The FOR isl_ast_node for which code is generated.
void createForParallel(__isl_take isl_ast_node *For);
/// Create new access functions for modified memory accesses.
/// In case the access function of one of the memory references in the Stmt
/// has been modified, we generate a new isl_ast_expr that reflects the
/// newly modified access function and return a map that maps from the
/// individual memory references in the statement (identified by their id)
/// to these newly generated ast expressions.
/// @param Stmt The statement for which to (possibly) generate new access
/// functions.
/// @param Node The ast node corresponding to the statement for us to extract
/// the local schedule from.
/// @return A new hash table that contains remappings from memory ids to new
/// access expressions.
__isl_give isl_id_to_ast_expr *
createNewAccesses(ScopStmt *Stmt, __isl_keep isl_ast_node *Node);
/// Generate LLVM-IR that computes the values of the original induction
/// variables in function of the newly generated loop induction variables.
/// Example:
/// // Original
/// for i
/// for j
/// S(i)
/// Schedule: [i,j] -> [i+j, j]
/// // New
/// for c0
/// for c1
/// S(c0 - c1, c1)
/// Assuming the original code consists of two loops which are
/// transformed according to a schedule [i,j] -> [c0=i+j,c1=j]. The resulting
/// ast models the original statement as a call expression where each argument
/// is an expression that computes the old induction variables from the new
/// ones, ordered such that the first argument computes the value of induction
/// variable that was outermost in the original code.
/// @param Expr The call expression that represents the statement.
/// @param Stmt The statement that is called.
/// @param LTS The loop to SCEV map in which the mapping from the original
/// loop to a SCEV representing the new loop iv is added. This
/// mapping does not require an explicit induction variable.
/// Instead, we think in terms of an implicit induction variable
/// that counts the number of times a loop is executed. For each
/// original loop this count, expressed in function of the new
/// induction variables, is added to the LTS map.
void createSubstitutions(__isl_take isl_ast_expr *Expr, ScopStmt *Stmt,
LoopToScevMapT &LTS);
void createSubstitutionsVector(__isl_take isl_ast_expr *Expr, ScopStmt *Stmt,
std::vector<LoopToScevMapT> &VLTS,
std::vector<Value *> &IVS,
__isl_take isl_id *IteratorID);
virtual void createIf(__isl_take isl_ast_node *If);
virtual void createUser(__isl_take isl_ast_node *User);
virtual void createBlock(__isl_take isl_ast_node *Block);
/// Get the schedule for a given AST node.
/// This information is used to reason about parallelism of loops or the
/// locality of memory accesses under a given schedule.
/// @param Node The node we want to obtain the schedule for.
/// @return Return an isl_union_map that maps from the statements executed
/// below this ast node to the scheduling vectors used to enumerate
/// them.
virtual isl::union_map getScheduleForAstNode(const isl::ast_node &Node);
/// Create code for a copy statement.
/// A copy statement is expected to have one read memory access and one write
/// memory access (in this very order). Data is loaded from the location
/// described by the read memory access and written to the location described
/// by the write memory access. @p NewAccesses contains for each access
/// the isl ast expression that describes the location accessed.
/// @param Stmt The copy statement that contains the accesses.
/// @param NewAccesses The hash table that contains remappings from memory
/// ids to new access expressions.
void generateCopyStmt(ScopStmt *Stmt,
__isl_keep isl_id_to_ast_expr *NewAccesses);
/// Materialize a canonical loop induction variable for `L`, which is a loop
/// that is *not* present in the Scop.
/// Note that this is materialized at the point where the `Builder` is
/// currently pointing.
/// We also populate the `OutsideLoopIterations` map with `L`s SCEV to keep
/// track of the induction variable.
/// See [Code generation of induction variables of loops outside Scops]
Value *materializeNonScopLoopInductionVariable(const Loop *L);
} // namespace polly