blob: 6b0bc185d900bdc3b5aa5a9fdd39a2f1b69bdd75 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Executor.h - The Executor class -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// The Executor class which represents a single device of a specific platform.
#include "streamexecutor/KernelSpec.h"
#include "streamexecutor/PlatformInterfaces.h"
#include "streamexecutor/Utils/Error.h"
namespace streamexecutor {
class KernelInterface;
class Stream;
class Executor {
explicit Executor(PlatformExecutor *PExecutor);
virtual ~Executor();
/// Gets the kernel implementation for the underlying platform.
virtual Expected<std::unique_ptr<KernelInterface>>
getKernelImplementation(const MultiKernelLoaderSpec &Spec) {
// TODO(jhen): Implement this.
return nullptr;
Expected<std::unique_ptr<Stream>> createStream();
/// Allocates an array of ElementCount entries of type T in device memory.
template <typename T>
Expected<GlobalDeviceMemory<T>> allocateDeviceMemory(size_t ElementCount) {
Expected<GlobalDeviceMemoryBase> MaybeBase =
PExecutor->allocateDeviceMemory(ElementCount * sizeof(T));
if (!MaybeBase)
return MaybeBase.takeError();
return GlobalDeviceMemory<T>(*MaybeBase);
/// Frees memory previously allocated with allocateDeviceMemory.
template <typename T> Error freeDeviceMemory(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Memory) {
return PExecutor->freeDeviceMemory(Memory);
/// Allocates an array of ElementCount entries of type T in host memory.
/// Host memory allocated by this function can be used for asynchronous memory
/// copies on streams. See Stream::thenCopyD2H and Stream::thenCopyH2D.
template <typename T> Expected<T *> allocateHostMemory(size_t ElementCount) {
Expected<void *> MaybeMemory =
PExecutor->allocateHostMemory(ElementCount * sizeof(T));
if (!MaybeMemory)
return MaybeMemory.takeError();
return static_cast<T *>(*MaybeMemory);
/// Frees memory previously allocated with allocateHostMemory.
template <typename T> Error freeHostMemory(T *Memory) {
return PExecutor->freeHostMemory(Memory);
/// Registers a previously allocated host array of type T for asynchronous
/// memory operations.
/// Host memory registered by this function can be used for asynchronous
/// memory copies on streams. See Stream::thenCopyD2H and Stream::thenCopyH2D.
template <typename T>
Error registerHostMemory(T *Memory, size_t ElementCount) {
return PExecutor->registerHostMemory(Memory, ElementCount * sizeof(T));
/// Unregisters host memory previously registered by registerHostMemory.
template <typename T> Error unregisterHostMemory(T *Memory) {
return PExecutor->unregisterHostMemory(Memory);
/// \anchor ExecutorHostSyncCopyGroup
/// \name Host-synchronous device memory copying functions
/// These methods block the calling host thread while copying data to or from
/// device memory. On the device side, these methods do not block any ongoing
/// device calls.
/// There are no restrictions on the host memory that is used as a source or
/// destination in these copy methods, so there is no need to allocate that
/// host memory using allocateHostMemory or register it with
/// registerHostMemory.
/// Each of these methods has a single template parameter, T, that specifies
/// the type of data being copied. The ElementCount arguments specify the
/// number of objects of type T to be copied.
/// For ease of use, each of the methods is overloaded to take either a
/// GlobalDeviceMemorySlice or a GlobalDeviceMemory argument in the device
/// memory argument slots, and the GlobalDeviceMemory arguments are just
/// converted to GlobalDeviceMemorySlice arguments internally by using
/// GlobalDeviceMemory::asSlice.
/// These methods perform bounds checking to make sure that the ElementCount
/// is not too large for the source or destination. For methods that do not
/// take an ElementCount argument, an error is returned if the source size
/// does not exactly match the destination size.
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
llvm::MutableArrayRef<T> Dst, size_t ElementCount) {
if (ElementCount > Src.getElementCount())
return make_error("copying too many elements, " +
llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", from a device array of element count " +
if (ElementCount > Dst.size())
return make_error(
"copying too many elements, " + llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", to a host array of element count " + llvm::Twine(Dst.size()));
return PExecutor->synchronousCopyD2H(
Src.getBaseMemory(), Src.getElementOffset() * sizeof(T),, 0,
ElementCount * sizeof(T));
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
llvm::MutableArrayRef<T> Dst) {
if (Src.getElementCount() != Dst.size())
return make_error(
"array size mismatch for D2H, device source has element count " +
llvm::Twine(Src.getElementCount()) +
" but host destination has element count " + llvm::Twine(Dst.size()));
return synchronousCopyD2H(Src, Dst, Src.getElementCount());
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src, T *Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyD2H(Src, llvm::MutableArrayRef<T>(Dst, ElementCount),
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src,
llvm::MutableArrayRef<T> Dst, size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyD2H(Src.asSlice(), Dst, ElementCount);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src,
llvm::MutableArrayRef<T> Dst) {
return synchronousCopyD2H(Src.asSlice(), Dst);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src, T *Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyD2H(Src.asSlice(), Dst, ElementCount);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
if (ElementCount > Src.size())
return make_error(
"copying too many elements, " + llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", from a host array of element count " + llvm::Twine(Src.size()));
if (ElementCount > Dst.getElementCount())
return make_error("copying too many elements, " +
llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", to a device array of element count " +
return PExecutor->synchronousCopyH2D(, 0, Dst.getBaseMemory(),
Dst.getElementOffset() * sizeof(T),
ElementCount * sizeof(T));
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst) {
if (Src.size() != Dst.getElementCount())
return make_error(
"array size mismatch for H2D, host source has element count " +
llvm::Twine(Src.size()) +
" but device destination has element count " +
return synchronousCopyH2D(Src, Dst, Dst.getElementCount());
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyH2D(T *Src, GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T>(Src, ElementCount), Dst,
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyH2D(Src, Dst.asSlice(), ElementCount);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst) {
return synchronousCopyH2D(Src, Dst.asSlice());
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyH2D(T *Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyH2D(Src, Dst.asSlice(), ElementCount);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
if (ElementCount > Src.getElementCount())
return make_error("copying too many elements, " +
llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", from a device array of element count " +
if (ElementCount > Dst.getElementCount())
return make_error("copying too many elements, " +
llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", to a device array of element count " +
return PExecutor->synchronousCopyD2D(
Src.getBaseMemory(), Src.getElementOffset() * sizeof(T),
Dst.getBaseMemory(), Dst.getElementOffset() * sizeof(T),
ElementCount * sizeof(T));
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst) {
if (Src.getElementCount() != Dst.getElementCount())
return make_error(
"array size mismatch for D2D, device source has element count " +
llvm::Twine(Src.getElementCount()) +
" but device destination has element count " +
return synchronousCopyD2D(Src, Dst, Src.getElementCount());
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyD2D(Src.asSlice(), Dst, ElementCount);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst) {
return synchronousCopyD2D(Src.asSlice(), Dst);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst, size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyD2D(Src, Dst.asSlice(), ElementCount);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst) {
return synchronousCopyD2D(Src, Dst.asSlice());
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
return synchronousCopyD2D(Src.asSlice(), Dst.asSlice(), ElementCount);
template <typename T>
Error synchronousCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst) {
return synchronousCopyD2D(Src.asSlice(), Dst.asSlice());
///@} End host-synchronous device memory copying functions
PlatformExecutor *PExecutor;
} // namespace streamexecutor