blob: 2937c5842e8ee0816df3f583a70d6a5eacfc7969 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Stream.h - A stream of execution ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// A Stream instance represents a queue of sequential, host-asynchronous work
/// to be performed on a device.
/// To enqueue work on a device, first create a Device instance then use that
/// Device to create a Stream instance. The Stream instance will perform its
/// work on the device managed by the Device object that created it.
/// The various "then" methods of the Stream object, such as thenCopyH2D and
/// thenLaunch, may be used to enqueue work on the Stream, and the
/// blockHostUntilDone() method may be used to block the host code until the
/// Stream has completed all its work.
/// Multiple Stream instances can be created for the same Device. This allows
/// several independent streams of computation to be performed simultaneously on
/// a single device.
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "streamexecutor/DeviceMemory.h"
#include "streamexecutor/Kernel.h"
#include "streamexecutor/LaunchDimensions.h"
#include "streamexecutor/PackedKernelArgumentArray.h"
#include "streamexecutor/PlatformInterfaces.h"
#include "streamexecutor/Utils/Error.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/RWMutex.h"
namespace streamexecutor {
/// Represents a stream of dependent computations on a device.
/// The operations within a stream execute sequentially and asynchronously until
/// blockHostUntilDone() is invoked, which synchronously joins host code with
/// the execution of the stream.
/// If any given operation fails when entraining work for the stream, isOK()
/// will indicate that an error has occurred and getStatus() will get the first
/// error that occurred on the stream. There is no way to clear the error state
/// of a stream once it is in an error state.
class Stream {
explicit Stream(std::unique_ptr<PlatformStreamHandle> PStream);
/// Returns whether any error has occurred while entraining work on this
/// stream.
bool isOK() const {
llvm::sys::ScopedReader ReaderLock(ErrorMessageMutex);
return !ErrorMessage;
/// Returns the status created by the first error that occurred while
/// entraining work on this stream.
Error getStatus() const {
llvm::sys::ScopedReader ReaderLock(ErrorMessageMutex);
if (ErrorMessage)
return make_error(*ErrorMessage);
return Error::success();
/// Entrains onto the stream of operations a kernel launch with the given
/// arguments.
/// These arguments can be device memory types like GlobalDeviceMemory<T> and
/// SharedDeviceMemory<T>, or they can be primitive types such as int. The
/// allowable argument types are determined by the template parameters to the
/// Kernel argument.
template <typename... ParameterTs>
Stream &thenLaunch(BlockDimensions BlockSize, GridDimensions GridSize,
const Kernel<ParameterTs...> &K,
const ParameterTs &... Arguments) {
auto ArgumentArray =
setError(PDevice->launch(ThePlatformStream.get(), BlockSize, GridSize,
K.getPlatformHandle(), ArgumentArray));
return *this;
/// \name Device memory copying functions
/// These methods enqueue a device memory copy operation on the stream and
/// return without waiting for the operation to complete.
/// Any host memory used as a source or destination for one of these
/// operations must be allocated with Device::allocateHostMemory or registered
/// with Device::registerHostMemory. Otherwise, the enqueuing operation may
/// block until the copy operation is fully complete.
/// The arguments and bounds checking for these methods match the API of the
/// \ref DeviceHostSyncCopyGroup
/// "host-synchronous device memory copying functions" of Device.
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
llvm::MutableArrayRef<T> Dst, size_t ElementCount) {
if (ElementCount > Src.getElementCount())
setError("copying too many elements, " + llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", from a device array of element count " +
else if (ElementCount > Dst.size())
setError("copying too many elements, " + llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", to a host array of element count " + llvm::Twine(Dst.size()));
setError(PDevice->copyD2H(ThePlatformStream.get(), Src.getBaseMemory(),
Src.getElementOffset() * sizeof(T),,
0, ElementCount * sizeof(T)));
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
llvm::MutableArrayRef<T> Dst) {
if (Src.getElementCount() != Dst.size())
setError("array size mismatch for D2H, device source has element count " +
llvm::Twine(Src.getElementCount()) +
" but host destination has element count " +
thenCopyD2H(Src, Dst, Src.getElementCount());
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src, T *Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyD2H(Src, llvm::MutableArrayRef<T>(Dst, ElementCount), ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src, llvm::MutableArrayRef<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyD2H(Src.asSlice(), Dst, ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src, llvm::MutableArrayRef<T> Dst) {
thenCopyD2H(Src.asSlice(), Dst);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2H(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src, T *Dst, size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyD2H(Src.asSlice(), Dst, ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
if (ElementCount > Src.size())
setError("copying too many elements, " + llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", from a host array of element count " +
else if (ElementCount > Dst.getElementCount())
setError("copying too many elements, " + llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", to a device array of element count " +
ThePlatformStream.get(),, 0, Dst.getBaseMemory(),
Dst.getElementOffset() * sizeof(T), ElementCount * sizeof(T)));
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst) {
if (Src.size() != Dst.getElementCount())
setError("array size mismatch for H2D, host source has element count " +
llvm::Twine(Src.size()) +
" but device destination has element count " +
thenCopyH2D(Src, Dst, Dst.getElementCount());
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyH2D(T *Src, GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T>(Src, ElementCount), Dst, ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyH2D(Src, Dst.asSlice(), ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyH2D(llvm::ArrayRef<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst) {
thenCopyH2D(Src, Dst.asSlice());
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyH2D(T *Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst, size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyH2D(Src, Dst.asSlice(), ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst, size_t ElementCount) {
if (ElementCount > Src.getElementCount())
setError("copying too many elements, " + llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", from a device array of element count " +
else if (ElementCount > Dst.getElementCount())
setError("copying too many elements, " + llvm::Twine(ElementCount) +
", to a device array of element count " +
ThePlatformStream.get(), Src.getBaseMemory(),
Src.getElementOffset() * sizeof(T), Dst.getBaseMemory(),
Dst.getElementOffset() * sizeof(T), ElementCount * sizeof(T)));
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst) {
if (Src.getElementCount() != Dst.getElementCount())
setError("array size mismatch for D2D, device source has element count " +
llvm::Twine(Src.getElementCount()) +
" but device destination has element count " +
thenCopyD2D(Src, Dst, Src.getElementCount());
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyD2D(Src.asSlice(), Dst, ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Dst) {
thenCopyD2D(Src.asSlice(), Dst);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyD2D(Src, Dst.asSlice(), ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> Src,
GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst) {
thenCopyD2D(Src, Dst.asSlice());
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst,
size_t ElementCount) {
thenCopyD2D(Src.asSlice(), Dst.asSlice(), ElementCount);
return *this;
template <typename T>
Stream &thenCopyD2D(GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Src, GlobalDeviceMemory<T> Dst) {
thenCopyD2D(Src.asSlice(), Dst.asSlice());
return *this;
///@} End device memory copying functions
/// Sets the error state from an Error object.
/// Does not overwrite the error if it is already set.
void setError(Error &&E) {
if (E) {
llvm::sys::ScopedWriter WriterLock(ErrorMessageMutex);
if (!ErrorMessage)
ErrorMessage = consumeAndGetMessage(std::move(E));
/// Sets the error state from an error message.
/// Does not overwrite the error if it is already set.
void setError(llvm::Twine Message) {
llvm::sys::ScopedWriter WriterLock(ErrorMessageMutex);
if (!ErrorMessage)
ErrorMessage = Message.str();
/// The PlatformDevice that supports the operations of this stream.
PlatformDevice *PDevice;
/// The platform-specific stream handle for this instance.
std::unique_ptr<PlatformStreamHandle> ThePlatformStream;
/// Mutex that guards the error state flags.
/// Mutable so that it can be obtained via const reader lock.
mutable llvm::sys::RWMutex ErrorMessageMutex;
/// First error message for an operation in this stream or empty if there have
/// been no errors.
llvm::Optional<std::string> ErrorMessage;
Stream(const Stream &) = delete;
void operator=(const Stream &) = delete;
} // namespace streamexecutor