blob: bdd269e36378011e171571f8d97e97c1a225c88f [file] [log] [blame]
//===----------- device.h - Target independent OpenMP target RTL ----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Declarations for managing devices that are handled by RTL plugins.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "omptarget.h"
#include "rtl.h"
// Forward declarations.
struct RTLInfoTy;
struct __tgt_bin_desc;
struct __tgt_target_table;
using map_var_info_t = void *;
// enum for OMP_TARGET_OFFLOAD; keep in sync with kmp.h definition
enum kmp_target_offload_kind {
tgt_disabled = 0,
tgt_default = 1,
tgt_mandatory = 2
typedef enum kmp_target_offload_kind kmp_target_offload_kind_t;
/// Map between host data and target data.
struct HostDataToTargetTy {
uintptr_t HstPtrBase; // host info.
uintptr_t HstPtrBegin;
uintptr_t HstPtrEnd; // non-inclusive.
map_var_info_t HstPtrName; // Optional source name of mapped variable.
uintptr_t TgtPtrBegin; // target info.
/// use mutable to allow modification via std::set iterator which is const.
mutable uint64_t RefCount;
static const uint64_t INFRefCount = ~(uint64_t)0;
HostDataToTargetTy(uintptr_t BP, uintptr_t B, uintptr_t E, uintptr_t TB,
map_var_info_t Name = nullptr, bool IsINF = false)
: HstPtrBase(BP), HstPtrBegin(B), HstPtrEnd(E), HstPtrName(Name),
TgtPtrBegin(TB), RefCount(IsINF ? INFRefCount : 1) {}
uint64_t getRefCount() const { return RefCount; }
uint64_t resetRefCount() const {
if (RefCount != INFRefCount)
RefCount = 1;
return RefCount;
uint64_t incRefCount() const {
if (RefCount != INFRefCount) {
assert(RefCount < INFRefCount && "refcount overflow");
return RefCount;
uint64_t decRefCount() const {
if (RefCount != INFRefCount) {
assert(RefCount > 0 && "refcount underflow");
return RefCount;
bool isRefCountInf() const { return RefCount == INFRefCount; }
typedef uintptr_t HstPtrBeginTy;
inline bool operator<(const HostDataToTargetTy &lhs, const HstPtrBeginTy &rhs) {
return lhs.HstPtrBegin < rhs;
inline bool operator<(const HstPtrBeginTy &lhs, const HostDataToTargetTy &rhs) {
return lhs < rhs.HstPtrBegin;
inline bool operator<(const HostDataToTargetTy &lhs,
const HostDataToTargetTy &rhs) {
return lhs.HstPtrBegin < rhs.HstPtrBegin;
typedef std::set<HostDataToTargetTy, std::less<>> HostDataToTargetListTy;
struct LookupResult {
struct {
unsigned IsContained : 1;
unsigned ExtendsBefore : 1;
unsigned ExtendsAfter : 1;
} Flags;
HostDataToTargetListTy::iterator Entry;
LookupResult() : Flags({0, 0, 0}), Entry() {}
/// Map for shadow pointers
struct ShadowPtrValTy {
void *HstPtrVal;
void *TgtPtrAddr;
void *TgtPtrVal;
typedef std::map<void *, ShadowPtrValTy> ShadowPtrListTy;
struct PendingCtorDtorListsTy {
std::list<void *> PendingCtors;
std::list<void *> PendingDtors;
typedef std::map<__tgt_bin_desc *, PendingCtorDtorListsTy>
struct DeviceTy {
int32_t DeviceID;
int32_t RTLDeviceID;
bool IsInit;
std::once_flag InitFlag;
bool HasPendingGlobals;
HostDataToTargetListTy HostDataToTargetMap;
PendingCtorsDtorsPerLibrary PendingCtorsDtors;
ShadowPtrListTy ShadowPtrMap;
std::mutex DataMapMtx, PendingGlobalsMtx, ShadowMtx;
// NOTE: Once libomp gains full target-task support, this state should be
// moved into the target task in libomp.
std::map<int32_t, uint64_t> LoopTripCnt;
DeviceTy(RTLInfoTy *RTL);
// The existence of mutexes makes DeviceTy non-copyable. We need to
// provide a copy constructor and an assignment operator explicitly.
DeviceTy(const DeviceTy &D);
DeviceTy &operator=(const DeviceTy &D);
// Return true if data can be copied to DstDevice directly
bool isDataExchangable(const DeviceTy &DstDevice);
uint64_t getMapEntryRefCnt(void *HstPtrBegin);
LookupResult lookupMapping(void *HstPtrBegin, int64_t Size);
void *getOrAllocTgtPtr(void *HstPtrBegin, void *HstPtrBase, int64_t Size,
map_var_info_t HstPtrName, bool &IsNew,
bool &IsHostPtr, bool IsImplicit, bool UpdateRefCount,
bool HasCloseModifier, bool HasPresentModifier);
void *getTgtPtrBegin(void *HstPtrBegin, int64_t Size);
void *getTgtPtrBegin(void *HstPtrBegin, int64_t Size, bool &IsLast,
bool UpdateRefCount, bool &IsHostPtr,
bool MustContain = false);
int deallocTgtPtr(void *TgtPtrBegin, int64_t Size, bool ForceDelete,
bool HasCloseModifier = false);
int associatePtr(void *HstPtrBegin, void *TgtPtrBegin, int64_t Size);
int disassociatePtr(void *HstPtrBegin);
// calls to RTL
int32_t initOnce();
__tgt_target_table *load_binary(void *Img);
// device memory allocation/deallocation routines
/// Allocates \p Size bytes on the device and returns the address/nullptr when
/// succeeds/fails. \p HstPtr is an address of the host data which the
/// allocated target data will be associated with. If it is unknown, the
/// default value of \p HstPtr is nullptr. Note: this function doesn't do
/// pointer association. Actually, all the __tgt_rtl_data_alloc
/// implementations ignore \p HstPtr.
void *allocData(int64_t Size, void *HstPtr = nullptr);
/// Deallocates memory which \p TgtPtrBegin points at and returns
/// OFFLOAD_SUCCESS/OFFLOAD_FAIL when succeeds/fails.
int32_t deleteData(void *TgtPtrBegin);
// Data transfer. When AsyncInfoPtr is nullptr, the transfer will be
// synchronous.
// Copy data from host to device
int32_t submitData(void *TgtPtrBegin, void *HstPtrBegin, int64_t Size,
AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo);
// Copy data from device back to host
int32_t retrieveData(void *HstPtrBegin, void *TgtPtrBegin, int64_t Size,
AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo);
// Copy data from current device to destination device directly
int32_t dataExchange(void *SrcPtr, DeviceTy &DstDev, void *DstPtr,
int64_t Size, AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo);
int32_t runRegion(void *TgtEntryPtr, void **TgtVarsPtr, ptrdiff_t *TgtOffsets,
int32_t TgtVarsSize, AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo);
int32_t runTeamRegion(void *TgtEntryPtr, void **TgtVarsPtr,
ptrdiff_t *TgtOffsets, int32_t TgtVarsSize,
int32_t NumTeams, int32_t ThreadLimit,
uint64_t LoopTripCount, AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo);
/// Synchronize device/queue/event based on \p AsyncInfoPtr and return
/// OFFLOAD_SUCCESS/OFFLOAD_FAIL when succeeds/fails.
int32_t synchronize(AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo);
// Call to RTL
void init(); // To be called only via DeviceTy::initOnce()
/// Map between Device ID (i.e. openmp device id) and its DeviceTy.
typedef std::vector<DeviceTy> DevicesTy;
extern bool device_is_ready(int device_num);
/// Struct for the data required to handle plugins
struct PluginManager {
/// RTLs identified on the host
/// Devices associated with RTLs
DevicesTy Devices;
std::mutex RTLsMtx; ///< For RTLs and Devices
/// Translation table retreived from the binary
HostEntriesBeginToTransTableTy HostEntriesBeginToTransTable;
std::mutex TrlTblMtx; ///< For Translation Table
/// Host offload entries in order of image registration
std::vector<__tgt_offload_entry *> HostEntriesBeginRegistrationOrder;
/// Map from ptrs on the host to an entry in the Translation Table
HostPtrToTableMapTy HostPtrToTableMap;
std::mutex TblMapMtx; ///< For HostPtrToTableMap
// Store target policy (disabled, mandatory, default)
kmp_target_offload_kind_t TargetOffloadPolicy = tgt_default;
std::mutex TargetOffloadMtx; ///< For TargetOffloadPolicy
extern PluginManager *PM;