[Clang][OpenMP] Fix mapping of structs to device (#75642)

Fix mapping of structs to device.

The following example fails:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct Descriptor {
  int *datum;
  long int x;
  int xi;
  long int arr[1][30];

int main() {
  Descriptor dat = Descriptor();
  dat.datum = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*10);
  dat.xi = 3;
  dat.arr[0][0] = 1;

  #pragma omp target enter data map(to: dat.datum[:10]) map(to: dat)

  #pragma omp target
    dat.xi = 4;
    dat.datum[dat.arr[0][0]] = dat.xi;

  #pragma omp target exit data map(from: dat)

 return 0;

This is a rework of the previous attempt:

GitOrigin-RevId: 4ef6587715bec4520332528c4a71fe5a9ac10477
1 file changed