blob: 4d7c445e0a8050b83b01a01fbf543c0f5805f9a2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BufferizableOpInterface.cpp - Comprehensive Bufferize --------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/ComprehensiveBufferize/BufferizableOpInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/IR/Bufferization.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AsmState.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Value.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace linalg {
namespace comprehensive_bufferize {
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/ComprehensiveBufferize/"
} // namespace comprehensive_bufferize
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace mlir
#define DEBUG_TYPE "bufferizable-op-interface"
#define DBGS() (llvm::dbgs() << '[' << DEBUG_TYPE << "] ")
#define LDBG(X) LLVM_DEBUG(DBGS() << X)
using namespace mlir;
using namespace linalg::comprehensive_bufferize;
// BufferizationAliasInfo
BufferizationAliasInfo::BufferizationAliasInfo(Operation *rootOp) {
rootOp->walk([&](Operation *op) {
for (Value v : op->getResults())
if (v.getType().isa<TensorType>())
for (Region &r : op->getRegions())
for (Block &b : r.getBlocks())
for (auto bbArg : b.getArguments())
if (bbArg.getType().isa<TensorType>())
// Set up alias sets for OpResults that must bufferize in-place. This should
// be done before making any other bufferization decisions.
rootOp->walk([&](BufferizableOpInterface bufferizableOp) {
for (OpResult opResult : bufferizableOp->getOpResults()) {
if (opResult.getType().isa<TensorType>())
if (bufferizableOp.mustBufferizeInPlace(opResult)) {
SmallVector<OpOperand *> operands =
assert(!operands.empty() &&
"expected that OpResult has aliasing OpOperand");
for (OpOperand *operand : operands)
aliasInfo.unionSets(operand->get(), opResult);
/// Add a new entry for `v` in the `aliasInfo` and `equivalentInfo`. In the
/// beginning the alias and equivalence sets only contain `v` itself.
void BufferizationAliasInfo::createAliasInfoEntry(Value v) {
/// Insert an info entry for `newValue` and merge its alias set with that of
/// `alias`.
void BufferizationAliasInfo::insertNewBufferAlias(Value newValue, Value alias) {
aliasInfo.unionSets(newValue, alias);
/// Insert an info entry for `newValue` and merge its alias set with that of
/// `alias`. Additionally, merge their equivalence classes.
void BufferizationAliasInfo::insertNewBufferEquivalence(Value newValue,
Value alias) {
insertNewBufferAlias(newValue, alias);
equivalentInfo.unionSets(newValue, alias);
bool BufferizationAliasInfo::bufferizesToWritableMemory(Value v) const {
return bufferizeToWritableMemory.count(v) > 0;
/// Specify that the value is known to bufferize to writable memory.
void BufferizationAliasInfo::setBufferizesToWritableMemory(Value v) {
/// Return `true` if a value was marked as in-place bufferized.
bool BufferizationAliasInfo::isInPlace(OpResult opResult) const {
bool inplace = inplaceBufferized.contains(opResult);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (inplace) {
auto bufferizableOp =
assert(bufferizableOp &&
"expected that in-place bufferized op is bufferizable");
SmallVector<OpOperand *> operands =
for (OpOperand *operand : operands)
assert(areAliasingBufferizedValues(operand->get(), opResult) &&
"expected that in-place bufferized OpResult aliases with "
"aliasing OpOperand");
#endif // NDEBUG
return inplace;
/// Set the inPlace bufferization spec to true.
void BufferizationAliasInfo::bufferizeInPlace(OpResult result,
OpOperand &operand) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "bufferizeInPlace: ");
aliasInfo.unionSets(result, operand.get());
if (bufferRelation(operand) == BufferRelation::Equivalent)
equivalentInfo.unionSets(result, operand.get());
/// Set the inPlace bufferization spec to false.
void BufferizationAliasInfo::bufferizeOutOfPlace(OpResult result) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "bufferizeOutOfPlace: ");
if (inplaceBufferized.contains(result))
/// Apply `fun` to all the members of the equivalence class of `v`.
void BufferizationAliasInfo::applyOnEquivalenceClass(
Value v, function_ref<void(Value)> fun) const {
auto leaderIt = equivalentInfo.findLeader(v);
for (auto mit = leaderIt, meit = equivalentInfo.member_end(); mit != meit;
++mit) {
/// Apply `fun` to all aliases of `v`.
void BufferizationAliasInfo::applyOnAliases(
Value v, function_ref<void(Value)> fun) const {
auto leaderIt = aliasInfo.findLeader(v);
for (auto mit = leaderIt, meit = aliasInfo.member_end(); mit != meit; ++mit) {
BufferizationAliasInfo::getAliases(Value v) const {
DenseSet<Value> res;
auto it = aliasInfo.findValue(aliasInfo.getLeaderValue(v));
for (auto mit = aliasInfo.member_begin(it), meit = aliasInfo.member_end();
mit != meit; ++mit) {
return BufferizationAliasInfo::EquivalenceClassRangeType(
aliasInfo.member_begin(it), aliasInfo.member_end());
// Helper functions for BufferizableOpInterface
/// Determine which OpOperand* will alias with `result` if the op is bufferized
/// in place. Return an empty vector if the op is not bufferizable.
SmallVector<OpOperand *>
mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::getAliasingOpOperand(OpResult result) {
if (Operation *op = result.getDefiningOp())
if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op))
return bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpOperand(result);
return {};
/// Determine which OpResult will alias with `opOperand` if the op is bufferized
/// in place. Return an empty OpResult if the op is not bufferizable.
OpResult mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::getAliasingOpResult(
OpOperand &opOperand) {
if (auto bufferizableOp =
return bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpResult(opOperand);
return OpResult();
/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory read. Return `true` if the
/// op is not bufferizable.
bool mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::bufferizesToMemoryRead(
OpOperand &opOperand) {
if (auto bufferizableOp =
return bufferizableOp.bufferizesToMemoryRead(opOperand);
// Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support it.
// Conservatively return true.
return true;
/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory write. Return
/// `true` if the op is not bufferizable.
bool mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::bufferizesToMemoryWrite(
OpOperand &opOperand) {
if (auto bufferizableOp =
return bufferizableOp.bufferizesToMemoryWrite(opOperand);
// Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support it.
// Conservatively return true.
return true;
/// Return true if `opOperand` does neither read nor write but bufferizes to an
/// alias. Return false if the op is not bufferizable.
bool mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::bufferizesToAliasOnly(
OpOperand &opOperand) {
if (auto bufferizableOp =
return bufferizableOp.bufferizesToAliasOnly(opOperand);
// Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support it.
// Conservatively return false.
return false;
/// Return true if the given value is read by an op that bufferizes to a memory
/// read. Also takes into account ops that create an alias but do not read by
/// themselves (e.g., ExtractSliceOp).
bool mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::isValueRead(Value value) {
SmallVector<OpOperand *> workingSet;
for (OpOperand &use : value.getUses())
while (!workingSet.empty()) {
OpOperand *uMaybeReading = workingSet.pop_back_val();
// Skip over all ops that neither read nor write (but create an alias).
if (bufferizesToAliasOnly(*uMaybeReading))
for (OpOperand &use : getAliasingOpResult(*uMaybeReading).getUses())
if (bufferizesToMemoryRead(*uMaybeReading))
return true;
return false;
/// Return the relationship between the operand and the its corresponding
/// OpResult that it may alias with. Return None if the op is not bufferizable.
mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::bufferRelation(OpOperand &opOperand) {
if (auto bufferizableOp =
return bufferizableOp.bufferRelation(opOperand);
// Unknown op that returns a tensor. The inplace analysis does not support it.
// Conservatively return None.
return BufferRelation::None;
// Starting from `value`, follow the use-def chain in reverse, always selecting
// the aliasing OpOperands. Find and return Values for which `condition`
// evaluates to true. OpOperands of such matching Values are not traversed any
// further.
Value value, std::function<bool(Value)> condition) {
llvm::SetVector<Value> result, workingSet;
while (!workingSet.empty()) {
Value value = workingSet.pop_back_val();
if (condition(value) || value.isa<BlockArgument>()) {
OpResult opResult = value.cast<OpResult>();
SmallVector<OpOperand *> opOperands = getAliasingOpOperand(opResult);
if (opOperands.empty()) {
for (OpOperand *o : opOperands)
return result;
// Find the Value of the last preceding write of a given Value.
Value mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::findLastPrecedingWrite(
Value value) {
SetVector<Value> result =
findValueInReverseUseDefChain(value, [](Value value) {
Operation *op = value.getDefiningOp();
if (!op)
return true;
auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op);
if (!bufferizableOp)
return true;
return bufferizableOp.isMemoryWrite(value.cast<OpResult>());
// To simplify the analysis, `scf.if` ops are considered memory writes. There
// are currently no other ops where one OpResult may alias with multiple
// OpOperands. Therefore, this function should return exactly one result at
// the moment.
assert(result.size() == 1 && "expected exactly one result");
return result.front();
/// Return the result buffer (memref) for a given OpResult (tensor). Allocate
/// a new buffer and copy over data from the existing buffer if out-of-place
/// bufferization is necessary.
Value mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::getResultBuffer(
OpBuilder &b, OpResult result, BufferizationState &state) {
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(b);
Operation *op = result.getOwner();
SmallVector<OpOperand *> aliasingOperands = getAliasingOpOperand(result);
assert(!aliasingOperands.empty() && "could not get aliasing OpOperand");
OpOperand *opOperand = aliasingOperands.front();
Value operand = opOperand->get();
Value operandBuffer = state.lookupBuffer(operand);
// Make sure that all OpOperands are the same buffer. If this is not the case,
// we would have to materialize a memref value.
// TODO: Should be looking for checking for "equivalent buffers" instead of
// operator== here, but equivalent buffers for scf.if yield values are not
// set up yet.
if (!llvm::all_of(aliasingOperands, [&](OpOperand *o) {
return state.lookupBuffer(o->get()) == operandBuffer;
})) {
op->emitError("result buffer is ambiguous");
return Value();
// If bufferizing out-of-place, allocate a new buffer.
if (!state.aliasInfo.isInPlace(result)) {
// Ops with multiple aliasing operands can currently not bufferize
// out-of-place.
aliasingOperands.size() == 1 &&
"ops with multiple aliasing OpOperands cannot bufferize out-of-place");
Location loc = op->getLoc();
// Move insertion point right after `operandBuffer`. That is where the
// allocation should be inserted (in the absence of allocation hoisting).
if (auto bbArg = operandBuffer.dyn_cast<BlockArgument>()) {
} else {
// Allocate the result buffer.
Value resultBuffer = state.createAllocDeallocFn(b, loc, operandBuffer);
bool skipCopy = false;
// Do not copy if the last preceding write of `operand` is an op that does
// not write (skipping ops that merely create aliases). E.g., InitTensorOp.
// Note: If `findLastPrecedingWrite` reaches the end of the reverse SSA
// use-def chain, it returns that value, regardless of whether it is a
// memory write or not.
Value lastWrite = findLastPrecedingWrite(operand);
if (auto bufferizableOp =
if (!bufferizableOp.isMemoryWrite(lastWrite.cast<OpResult>()))
skipCopy = true;
// Do not copy if the copied data is never read.
if (!isValueRead(result))
skipCopy = true;
// Do not copy if this op does not read the data, but writes it.
if (bufferizesToMemoryWrite(*opOperand) &&
skipCopy = true;
if (!skipCopy) {
// The copy happens right before the op that is bufferized.
state.allocationFns.memCpyFn(b, loc, operandBuffer, resultBuffer);
return resultBuffer;
// Bufferizing in-place. No need to allocate a new buffer.
return operandBuffer;
mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::bufferize(Region *region,
BufferizationState &state) {
for (Block &block : *region)
if (failed(bufferize(&block, state)))
return failure();
return success();
mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::bufferize(Block *block,
BufferizationState &state) {
for (Operation &op : *block)
if (failed(bufferize(&op, state)))
return failure();
return success();
mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::bufferize(Operation *op,
BufferizationState &state) {
OpBuilder b(op->getContext());
// Skip ToMemrefOp and ToTensorOp.
if (isa<bufferization::ToMemrefOp, bufferization::ToTensorOp>(op))
return success();
// Check if op has tensor results or operands.
auto isaTensor = [](Type t) { return t.isa<TensorType>(); };
bool hasTensorResult = any_of(op->getResultTypes(), isaTensor);
bool hasTensorOperand = any_of(op->getOperandTypes(), isaTensor);
// No tensor results or operands: Simply bufferize all nested ops.
if (!hasTensorResult && !hasTensorOperand) {
for (Region &region : op->getRegions())
if (failed(bufferize(&region, state)))
return failure();
return success();
// Bufferize using `BufferizableOpInterface`. Interface implementations are
// responsible for bufferizing nested ops.
if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op))
return bufferizableOp.bufferize(b, state);
// Emit error if tensor op is not bufferizable.
return op->emitError() << "unsupported op with tensors";
// Bufferization-specific scoped alloc/dealloc insertion support.
/// Move the insertion point of the given builder to the beginning of a
/// surrounding block as much as possible, while not crossing any allocation
/// hoisting barriers.
static void moveInsertionPointToAllocationHoistingBarrier(OpBuilder &b) {
Operation *op = b.getInsertionBlock()->getParentOp();
while (op) {
if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op))
if (bufferizableOp.isAllocationHoistingBarrier())
op = op->getParentOp();
if (!op) {
// No allocation hoisting barrier found. Hoist to FuncOp.
op = b.getInsertionBlock()->getParentOp();
if (!isa<FuncOp>(op))
op = op->getParentOfType<FuncOp>();
assert(op && "could not find enclosing FuncOp");
// TODO: Handle cases where allocation hoisting barrier has more than one
// region or block.
assert(op->getNumRegions() == 1 &&
"allocation hoisting barriers with >1 regions not supported");
assert(op->getRegion(0).getBlocks().size() == 1 &&
"allocation hoisting barriers with >1 blocks not supported");
/// Compute the type of the `memref` to use for allocating the buffer for
/// `shapedValue`. Also returns (by reference in `dynShape`), the value for the
/// dynamic dimensions in the returned `memref` type. The function may also set
/// the insertion point to an earlier location, where the allocation should
/// happen ("allocation hoisting").
static MemRefType getAllocationTypeAndShape(OpBuilder &b, Location loc,
Value shapedValue,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &dynShape) {
MemRefType allocMemRefType =
// Compute the dynamic part of the shape.
bool reifiedShapes = false;
if (auto rankedOp = dyn_cast_or_null<ReifyRankedShapedTypeOpInterface>(
shapedValue.getDefiningOp())) {
ReifiedRankedShapedTypeDims resultDims;
if (succeeded(rankedOp.reifyResultShapes(b, resultDims))) {
reifiedShapes = true;
OpResult resultValue = shapedValue.dyn_cast<OpResult>();
auto &shape = resultDims[resultValue.getResultNumber()];
for (auto dim : enumerate(allocMemRefType.getShape()))
if (ShapedType::isDynamic(dim.value()))
if (!reifiedShapes) {
for (auto dim : enumerate(allocMemRefType.getShape()))
if (ShapedType::isDynamic(dim.value())) {
assert((shapedValue.getType().isa<UnrankedMemRefType>() ||
shapedValue.getType().isa<MemRefType>()) &&
"expected MemRef type");
b.create<memref::DimOp>(loc, shapedValue, dim.index()));
// If the buffer is statically shaped, try to hoist it to the first enclosing
// parallel region.
// TODO: also hoist in the dynamic case. For now this relies on subsequent
// calls to LICM and buffer hoisting which will most likely not succeed.
// TODO: when packing, allocate a static bounding box which will enable more
// hoisting.
if (dynShape.empty())
return allocMemRefType;
/// Create an Allocop/DeAllocOp pair, where the AllocOp is after
/// `shapedValue.getDefiningOp` (or at the top of the block in case of a
/// bbArg) and the DeallocOp is at the end of the block.
Value mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::
createAllocDeallocFn(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value shapedValue) {
// Take a guard before anything else.
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(b);
// 1. Create memory allocation.
MemRefType memRefType = shapedValue.getType().dyn_cast<MemRefType>();
SmallVector<Value> dynShape;
// Note: getAllocationTypeAndShape also sets the insertion point.
MemRefType allocMemRefType =
getAllocationTypeAndShape(b, loc, shapedValue, dynShape);
Optional<Value> allocated =
allocationFns.allocationFn(b, loc, allocMemRefType, dynShape);
// TODO: For now just assert the value is returned. Eventually need to
// error-propagate.
assert(allocated && "allocation failed");
Value casted = allocated.getValue();
if (memRefType && memRefType != allocMemRefType) {
casted = b.create<memref::CastOp>(loc, memRefType, allocated.getValue());
aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(casted, allocated.getValue());
// 2. Create memory deallocation.
allocationFns.deallocationFn(b, loc, allocated.getValue());
return casted;
// Bufferization-specific BlockAndValueMapping support with debugging.
/// Wrapper for better debugging.
void mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::mapBuffer(
ValueRange tensors, ValueRange buffers) {
assert(!tensors.empty() && "unexpected empty tensors");
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (Value tensor : tensors) {
assert(tensor && "unexpected empty tensor");
assert(tensor.getType().isa<TensorType>() && "unexpected non-tensor type");
for (Value buffer : buffers) {
assert(buffer && "unexpected empty buffer");
assert((buffer.getType().isa<MemRefType>() ||
buffer.getType().isa<UnrankedMemRefType>()) &&
"expected that tensor is mapped to memref");
#endif // NDEBUG
return, buffers);
/// Wrapper for better debugging.
void mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::mapBuffer(
Value tensor, Value buffer) {
assert(tensor && "unexpected empty tensor");
assert(tensor.getType().isa<TensorType>() && "unexpected non-tensor type");
assert(buffer && "unexpected empty buffer");
assert((buffer.getType().isa<MemRefType>() ||
buffer.getType().isa<UnrankedMemRefType>()) &&
"expected that tensor is mapped to memref");
return, buffer);
void mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::mapValue(
Value from, Value to) {
assert(from && "unexpected empty value");
return, to);
/// Wrapper for better debugging.
Value mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::lookupBuffer(
Value tensor) const {
// TODO: if key comes from bbArg, forward.
assert(tensor.getType().isa<TensorType>() && "unexpected non-tensor type");
Value v = mapping.lookupOrNull(tensor);
if (!v) {
// Dump tensor for easier debugging.
llvm_unreachable("tensor is not mapped");
return Value();
assert((v.getType().isa<MemRefType>() ||
v.getType().isa<UnrankedMemRefType>()) &&
"expected that tensor is mapped to memref");
return v;
Value mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::lookupValue(
Value value) const {
Value v = mapping.lookupOrNull(value);
if (!v) {
llvm_unreachable("tensor is not mapped");
return Value();
return v;
bool mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::isMapped(
Value value) const {
return mapping.contains(value);
void mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::markOpObsolete(
Operation *op) {
void mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::BufferizationState::
eraseObsoleteOps() {
for (Operation *op : obsoleteOps)
MemRefType mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::getContiguousMemRefType(
ShapedType shapedType, MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout,
Attribute memorySpace) {
return MemRefType::get(shapedType.getShape(), shapedType.getElementType(),
layout, memorySpace);
Type mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::getContiguousOrUnrankedMemRefType(
Type type, MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout, Attribute memorySpace) {
if (type.isa<RankedTensorType, MemRefType>())
return getContiguousMemRefType(type.cast<ShapedType>(), layout,
assert(!layout && "expected empty layout with UnrankedMemRefType");
return UnrankedMemRefType::get(getElementTypeOrSelf(type), memorySpace);
MemRefType mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::getDynamicMemRefType(
RankedTensorType tensorType, unsigned addressSpace) {
// TODO: address space decisions to connect with the actual alloc.
int64_t dynamicOffset = ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset;
SmallVector<int64_t> dynamicStrides(tensorType.getRank(),
AffineMap stridedLayout = makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(
dynamicStrides, dynamicOffset, tensorType.getContext());
return MemRefType::get(tensorType.getShape(), tensorType.getElementType(),
stridedLayout, addressSpace);