[mlir] Refactoring a few Parser APIs

Refactored two new parser APIs parseGenericOperationAfterOperands and
 parseCustomOperationName out of parseGenericOperation and parseCustomOperation.

Motivation: Sometimes an op can be printed in a special way if certain criteria
is met. While parsing, we need to handle all the versions.
`parseGenericOperationAfterOperands` is handy in situation where we already
parsed the operands and decide to fall back to default parsing.

`parseCustomOperationName` is useful when we need to know details (dialect,
operation name etc.) about a parsed token meant to be an mlir operation.

Reviewed By: rriddle

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D113719

GitOrigin-RevId: e5a8c8c883f1f3f91f40c883dd4f613aca0f7105
5 files changed
tree: 4fcba11e5f19a4ef5357c20231c56a5a071fbb1d
  1. cmake/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. include/
  5. lib/
  6. python/
  7. test/
  8. tools/
  9. unittests/
  10. utils/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .clang-tidy
  13. CMakeLists.txt
  15. README.md

Multi-Level Intermediate Representation

See https://mlir.llvm.org/ for more information.