[mlir] transform.apply_patterns support more config options (#88484)

Greedy rewrite driver has options to control the number of rewrites
applies. Expose those via the corresponding transform op.

GitOrigin-RevId: 37b26bf48b9894ed0c13fd1aede23472660fb75e
3 files changed
tree: 956ce7d8e5d472fb375250a40f06f469877be2e2
  1. benchmark/
  2. cmake/
  3. docs/
  4. examples/
  5. include/
  6. lib/
  7. python/
  8. test/
  9. tools/
  10. unittests/
  11. utils/
  12. .clang-format
  13. .clang-tidy
  14. CMakeLists.txt
  16. README.md

Multi-Level Intermediate Representation

See https://mlir.llvm.org/ for more information.