blob: 55fd5e6b621e761bff0dbb5ac04aaf7785408ad7 [file] [log] [blame]
$ cat f.c
int f() {
volatile int i;
return i;
$ cat g.c
int g() {
volatile int i;
return i;
$ cat main.c
int f();
int g();
int main() {
return f() + g();
$ clang -g f.c -c -o f/foo.o
$ clang -g g.c -c -o g/foo.o
$ libtool -static f/foo.o g/foo.o -o foo.a
$ clang main.o foo.a -o main.out
RUN: dsymutil -oso-prepend-path %p/../Inputs %p/../Inputs/private/tmp/collision/main.out --dump-debug-map 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
CHECK: skipping debug map object with duplicate name and timestamp: {{.*}} /private/tmp/collision/foo.a(foo.o)
CHECK-NOT: could not find symbol '_g'
CHECK-NOT: could not find symbol '_f'