blob: 0c5324ee96c939138a4ab6db078f90cc2d71ad01 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Check that if the address of a weak function is only taken through an alias,
;; it is still added to a list of exported functions and @llvm.type.test() is
;; lowered to an actual check against the generated CFI jumptable.
RUN: rm -rf %t.dir && split-file %s %t.dir && cd %t.dir
RUN: opt test.ll --thinlto-bc --thinlto-split-lto-unit -o test.bc
RUN: llvm-modextract test.bc -n 0 -o test0.bc
RUN: llvm-modextract test.bc -n 1 -o test1.bc
;; Check that a CFI jumptable is generated.
RUN: opt test1.bc -passes=lowertypetests -lowertypetests-read-summary=in.yaml \
RUN: -lowertypetests-summary-action=export -lowertypetests-write-summary=exported.yaml \
RUN: -S -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REGULAR
REGULAR: @__typeid__ZTSFvvE_global_addr = hidden alias i8, ptr @.cfi.jumptable
REGULAR: @f = alias void (), ptr @.cfi.jumptable
REGULAR: define private void @.cfi.jumptable()
;; CHECK that @llvm.type.test() is lowered to an actual check.
RUN: opt test0.bc -passes=lowertypetests -lowertypetests-read-summary=exported.yaml \
RUN: -lowertypetests-summary-action=import -S -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=THIN
THIN: define i1 @test() {
THIN-NEXT: %1 = icmp eq i64 ptrtoint (ptr @alias to i64), ptrtoint (ptr @__typeid__ZTSFvvE_global_addr to i64)
THIN-NEXT: ret i1 %1
;--- test.ll
target triple = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
@alias = alias void(), ptr @f
define weak void @f() !type !0 {
ret void
define i1 @test() {
%1 = call i1 @llvm.type.test(ptr nonnull @alias, metadata !"_ZTSFvvE")
ret i1 %1
declare i1 @llvm.type.test(ptr, metadata)
!0 = !{i64 0, !"_ZTSFvvE"}
;--- in.yaml
8346051122425466633: # guid("test")
- Live: true
Refs: [5833419078793185394] # guid("alias")
TypeTests: [9080559750644022485] # guid("_ZTSFvvE")
5833419078793185394: # guid("alias")
- Aliasee: 14740650423002898831 # guid("f")
14740650423002898831: # guid("f")