blob: 50e5e0e6b2ff5b9a91ecb318d27dcb231fb445ee [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ValueTrackingTest.cpp - ValueTracking tests ------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/AssumptionCache.h"
#include "llvm/AsmParser/Parser.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ConstantRange.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/KnownBits.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Local.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
static Instruction *findInstructionByNameOrNull(Function *F, StringRef Name) {
for (Instruction &I : instructions(F))
if (I.getName() == Name)
return &I;
return nullptr;
static Instruction &findInstructionByName(Function *F, StringRef Name) {
auto *I = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, Name);
if (I)
return *I;
llvm_unreachable("Expected value not found");
class ValueTrackingTest : public testing::Test {
std::unique_ptr<Module> parseModule(StringRef Assembly) {
SMDiagnostic Error;
std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseAssemblyString(Assembly, Error, Context);
std::string errMsg;
raw_string_ostream os(errMsg);
Error.print("", os);
EXPECT_TRUE(M) << errMsg;
return M;
void parseAssembly(StringRef Assembly) {
M = parseModule(Assembly);
F = M->getFunction("test");
ASSERT_TRUE(F) << "Test must have a function @test";
if (!F)
A = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "A");
ASSERT_TRUE(A) << "@test must have an instruction %A";
A2 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "A2");
A3 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "A3");
A4 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "A4");
A5 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "A5");
A6 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "A6");
A7 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "A7");
CxtI = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "CxtI");
CxtI2 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "CxtI2");
CxtI3 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "CxtI3");
LLVMContext Context;
std::unique_ptr<Module> M;
Function *F = nullptr;
Instruction *A = nullptr;
// Instructions (optional)
Instruction *A2 = nullptr, *A3 = nullptr, *A4 = nullptr, *A5 = nullptr,
*A6 = nullptr, *A7 = nullptr;
// Context instructions (optional)
Instruction *CxtI = nullptr, *CxtI2 = nullptr, *CxtI3 = nullptr;
class MatchSelectPatternTest : public ValueTrackingTest {
void expectPattern(const SelectPatternResult &P) {
Value *LHS, *RHS;
Instruction::CastOps CastOp;
SelectPatternResult R = matchSelectPattern(A, LHS, RHS, &CastOp);
EXPECT_EQ(P.Flavor, R.Flavor);
EXPECT_EQ(P.NaNBehavior, R.NaNBehavior);
EXPECT_EQ(P.Ordered, R.Ordered);
class ComputeKnownBitsTest : public ValueTrackingTest {
void expectKnownBits(uint64_t Zero, uint64_t One) {
auto Known = computeKnownBits(A, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), One);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), Zero);
class ComputeKnownFPClassTest : public ValueTrackingTest {
void expectKnownFPClass(unsigned KnownTrue, std::optional<bool> SignBitKnown,
Instruction *TestVal = nullptr) {
if (!TestVal)
TestVal = A;
KnownFPClass Known = computeKnownFPClass(TestVal, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(KnownTrue, Known.KnownFPClasses);
EXPECT_EQ(SignBitKnown, Known.SignBit);
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, SimpleFMin) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 5.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_FMINNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_NAN, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, SimpleFMax) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float %a, 5.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 5.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_FMAXNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_OTHER, true});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, SwappedFMax) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float 5.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 5.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_FMAXNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_OTHER, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, SwappedFMax2) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float %a, 5.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float 5.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_FMAXNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_NAN, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, SwappedFMax3) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ult float %a, 5.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float 5.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_FMAXNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_OTHER, true});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FastFMin) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp nnan olt float %a, 5.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 5.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_FMINNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_ANY, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinConstantZero) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ole float %a, 0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// This shouldn't be matched, as %a could be -0.0.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinConstantZeroNsz) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp nsz ole float %a, 0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// But this should be, because we've ignored signed zeroes.
expectPattern({SPF_FMINNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_OTHER, true});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZero1) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float -0.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float 0.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZero2) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float %a, -0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float 0.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZero3) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float 0.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float -0.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZero4) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float %a, 0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float -0.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZero5) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float -0.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZero6) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float %a, -0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZero7) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float 0.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float -0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZero8) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float %a, 0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float -0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZero1) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float -0.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float 0.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZero2) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float %a, -0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float 0.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZero3) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float 0.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float -0.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZero4) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float %a, 0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float -0.0, float %a\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZero5) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float -0.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZero6) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float %a, -0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float 0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZero7) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp olt float 0.0, %a\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float -0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZero8) {
"define float @test(float %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt float %a, 0.0\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, float %a, float -0.0\n"
" ret float %A\n"
// The sign of zero doesn't matter in fcmp.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMinMismatchConstantZeroVecUndef) {
"define <2 x float> @test(<2 x float> %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt <2 x float> %a, <float -0.0, float -0.0>\n"
" %A = select <2 x i1> %1, <2 x float> <float undef, float 0.0>, <2 x float> %a\n"
" ret <2 x float> %A\n"
// An undef in a vector constant can not be back-propagated for this analysis.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, FMaxMismatchConstantZeroVecUndef) {
"define <2 x float> @test(<2 x float> %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ogt <2 x float> %a, zeroinitializer\n"
" %A = select <2 x i1> %1, <2 x float> %a, <2 x float> <float -0.0, float undef>\n"
" ret <2 x float> %A\n"
// An undef in a vector constant can not be back-propagated for this analysis.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, VectorFMinimum) {
"define <4 x float> @test(<4 x float> %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ule <4 x float> %a, \n"
" <float 5.0, float 5.0, float 5.0, float 5.0>\n"
" %A = select <4 x i1> %1, <4 x float> %a,\n"
" <4 x float> <float 5.0, float 5.0, float 5.0, float 5.0>\n"
" ret <4 x float> %A\n"
// Check that pattern matching works on vectors where each lane has the same
// unordered pattern.
expectPattern({SPF_FMINNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_NAN, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, VectorFMinOtherOrdered) {
"define <4 x float> @test(<4 x float> %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ole <4 x float> %a, \n"
" <float 5.0, float 5.0, float 5.0, float 5.0>\n"
" %A = select <4 x i1> %1, <4 x float> %a,\n"
" <4 x float> <float 5.0, float 5.0, float 5.0, float 5.0>\n"
" ret <4 x float> %A\n"
// Check that pattern matching works on vectors where each lane has the same
// ordered pattern.
expectPattern({SPF_FMINNUM, SPNB_RETURNS_OTHER, true});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, VectorNotFMinimum) {
"define <4 x float> @test(<4 x float> %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ule <4 x float> %a, \n"
" <float 5.0, float 0x7ff8000000000000, float 5.0, float 5.0>\n"
" %A = select <4 x i1> %1, <4 x float> %a,\n"
" <4 x float> <float 5.0, float 0x7ff8000000000000, float 5.0, float "
" ret <4 x float> %A\n"
// The lane that contains a NaN (0x7ff80...) behaves like a
// non-NaN-propagating min and the other lines behave like a NaN-propagating
// min, so check that neither is returned.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, VectorNotFMinZero) {
"define <4 x float> @test(<4 x float> %a) {\n"
" %1 = fcmp ule <4 x float> %a, \n"
" <float 5.0, float -0.0, float 5.0, float 5.0>\n"
" %A = select <4 x i1> %1, <4 x float> %a,\n"
" <4 x float> <float 5.0, float 0.0, float 5.0, float 5.0>\n"
" ret <4 x float> %A\n"
// Always selects the second lane of %a if it is positive or negative zero, so
// this is stricter than a min.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, DoubleCastU) {
"define i32 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %1 = icmp ult i8 %a, %b\n"
" %2 = zext i8 %a to i32\n"
" %3 = zext i8 %b to i32\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, i32 %2, i32 %3\n"
" ret i32 %A\n"
// We should be able to look through the situation where we cast both operands
// to the select.
expectPattern({SPF_UMIN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, DoubleCastS) {
"define i32 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %1 = icmp slt i8 %a, %b\n"
" %2 = sext i8 %a to i32\n"
" %3 = sext i8 %b to i32\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, i32 %2, i32 %3\n"
" ret i32 %A\n"
// We should be able to look through the situation where we cast both operands
// to the select.
expectPattern({SPF_SMIN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, DoubleCastBad) {
"define i32 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %1 = icmp ult i8 %a, %b\n"
" %2 = zext i8 %a to i32\n"
" %3 = sext i8 %b to i32\n"
" %A = select i1 %1, i32 %2, i32 %3\n"
" ret i32 %A\n"
// The cast types here aren't the same, so we cannot match an UMIN.
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotSMin) {
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp sgt i8 %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor i8 %a, -1\n"
" %bn = xor i8 %b, -1\n"
" %A = select i1 %cmp, i8 %an, i8 %bn\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_SMIN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotSMinSwap) {
"define <2 x i8> @test(<2 x i8> %a, <2 x i8> %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp slt <2 x i8> %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor <2 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8-1>\n"
" %bn = xor <2 x i8> %b, <i8 -1, i8-1>\n"
" %A = select <2 x i1> %cmp, <2 x i8> %bn, <2 x i8> %an\n"
" ret <2 x i8> %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_SMIN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotSMax) {
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp slt i8 %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor i8 %a, -1\n"
" %bn = xor i8 %b, -1\n"
" %A = select i1 %cmp, i8 %an, i8 %bn\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_SMAX, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotSMaxSwap) {
"define <2 x i8> @test(<2 x i8> %a, <2 x i8> %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp sgt <2 x i8> %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor <2 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8-1>\n"
" %bn = xor <2 x i8> %b, <i8 -1, i8-1>\n"
" %A = select <2 x i1> %cmp, <2 x i8> %bn, <2 x i8> %an\n"
" ret <2 x i8> %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_SMAX, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotUMin) {
"define <2 x i8> @test(<2 x i8> %a, <2 x i8> %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp ugt <2 x i8> %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor <2 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8-1>\n"
" %bn = xor <2 x i8> %b, <i8 -1, i8-1>\n"
" %A = select <2 x i1> %cmp, <2 x i8> %an, <2 x i8> %bn\n"
" ret <2 x i8> %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_UMIN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotUMinSwap) {
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp ult i8 %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor i8 %a, -1\n"
" %bn = xor i8 %b, -1\n"
" %A = select i1 %cmp, i8 %bn, i8 %an\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_UMIN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotUMax) {
"define <2 x i8> @test(<2 x i8> %a, <2 x i8> %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp ult <2 x i8> %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor <2 x i8> %a, <i8 -1, i8-1>\n"
" %bn = xor <2 x i8> %b, <i8 -1, i8-1>\n"
" %A = select <2 x i1> %cmp, <2 x i8> %an, <2 x i8> %bn\n"
" ret <2 x i8> %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_UMAX, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotUMaxSwap) {
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp ugt i8 %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor i8 %a, -1\n"
" %bn = xor i8 %b, -1\n"
" %A = select i1 %cmp, i8 %bn, i8 %an\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_UMAX, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotEq) {
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp eq i8 %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor i8 %a, -1\n"
" %bn = xor i8 %b, -1\n"
" %A = select i1 %cmp, i8 %bn, i8 %an\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST_F(MatchSelectPatternTest, NotNotNe) {
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %cmp = icmp ne i8 %a, %b\n"
" %an = xor i8 %a, -1\n"
" %bn = xor i8 %b, -1\n"
" %A = select i1 %cmp, i8 %bn, i8 %an\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
expectPattern({SPF_UNKNOWN, SPNB_NA, false});
TEST(ValueTracking, GuaranteedToTransferExecutionToSuccessor) {
StringRef Assembly =
"declare void @nounwind_readonly(ptr) nounwind readonly "
"declare void @nounwind_argmemonly(ptr) nounwind argmemonly "
"declare void @nounwind_willreturn(ptr) nounwind willreturn "
"declare void @throws_but_readonly(ptr) readonly "
"declare void @throws_but_argmemonly(ptr) argmemonly "
"declare void @throws_but_willreturn(ptr) willreturn "
" "
"declare void @unknown(ptr) "
" "
"define void @f(ptr %p) { "
" call void @nounwind_readonly(ptr %p) "
" call void @nounwind_argmemonly(ptr %p) "
" call void @nounwind_willreturn(ptr %p)"
" call void @throws_but_readonly(ptr %p) "
" call void @throws_but_argmemonly(ptr %p) "
" call void @throws_but_willreturn(ptr %p) "
" call void @unknown(ptr %p) nounwind readonly "
" call void @unknown(ptr %p) nounwind argmemonly "
" call void @unknown(ptr %p) nounwind willreturn "
" call void @unknown(ptr %p) readonly "
" call void @unknown(ptr %p) argmemonly "
" call void @unknown(ptr %p) willreturn "
" ret void "
"} ";
LLVMContext Context;
SMDiagnostic Error;
auto M = parseAssemblyString(Assembly, Error, Context);
assert(M && "Bad assembly?");
auto *F = M->getFunction("f");
assert(F && "Bad assembly?");
auto &BB = F->getEntryBlock();
bool ExpectedAnswers[] = {
false, // call void @nounwind_readonly(ptr %p)
false, // call void @nounwind_argmemonly(ptr %p)
true, // call void @nounwind_willreturn(ptr %p)
false, // call void @throws_but_readonly(ptr %p)
false, // call void @throws_but_argmemonly(ptr %p)
false, // call void @throws_but_willreturn(ptr %p)
false, // call void @unknown(ptr %p) nounwind readonly
false, // call void @unknown(ptr %p) nounwind argmemonly
true, // call void @unknown(ptr %p) nounwind willreturn
false, // call void @unknown(ptr %p) readonly
false, // call void @unknown(ptr %p) argmemonly
false, // call void @unknown(ptr %p) willreturn
false, // ret void
int Index = 0;
for (auto &I : BB) {
<< "Incorrect answer at instruction " << Index << " = " << I;
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, ComputeNumSignBits_PR32045) {
"define i32 @test(i32 %a) {\n"
" %A = ashr i32 %a, -1\n"
" ret i32 %A\n"
EXPECT_EQ(ComputeNumSignBits(A, M->getDataLayout()), 32u);
// No guarantees for canonical IR in this analysis, so this just bails out.
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, ComputeNumSignBits_Shuffle) {
"define <2 x i32> @test() {\n"
" %A = shufflevector <2 x i32> undef, <2 x i32> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 0>\n"
" ret <2 x i32> %A\n"
EXPECT_EQ(ComputeNumSignBits(A, M->getDataLayout()), 1u);
// No guarantees for canonical IR in this analysis, so a shuffle element that
// references an undef value means this can't return any extra information.
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, ComputeNumSignBits_Shuffle2) {
"define <2 x i32> @test(<2 x i1> %x) {\n"
" %sext = sext <2 x i1> %x to <2 x i32>\n"
" %A = shufflevector <2 x i32> %sext, <2 x i32> undef, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 2>\n"
" ret <2 x i32> %A\n"
EXPECT_EQ(ComputeNumSignBits(A, M->getDataLayout()), 1u);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_Identity) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y) {\n"
" %A = add i32 %x, %y\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_TRUE(impliesPoison(A, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_ICmp) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x) {\n"
" %A2 = icmp eq i32 %x, 0\n"
" %A = icmp eq i32 %x, 1\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_TRUE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_ICmpUnknown) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y) {\n"
" %A2 = icmp eq i32 %x, %y\n"
" %A = icmp eq i32 %x, 1\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_FALSE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_AddNswOkay) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x) {\n"
" %A2 = add nsw i32 %x, 1\n"
" %A = add i32 %A2, 1\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_TRUE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_AddNswOkay2) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x) {\n"
" %A2 = add i32 %x, 1\n"
" %A = add nsw i32 %A2, 1\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_TRUE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_AddNsw) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x) {\n"
" %A2 = add nsw i32 %x, 1\n"
" %A = add i32 %x, 1\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_FALSE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_Cmp) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y, i1 %c) {\n"
" %A2 = icmp eq i32 %x, %y\n"
" %A0 = icmp ult i32 %x, %y\n"
" %A = or i1 %A0, %c\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_TRUE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_FCmpFMF) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(float %x, float %y, i1 %c) {\n"
" %A2 = fcmp nnan oeq float %x, %y\n"
" %A0 = fcmp olt float %x, %y\n"
" %A = or i1 %A0, %c\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_FALSE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_AddSubSameOps) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y, i1 %c) {\n"
" %A2 = add i32 %x, %y\n"
" %A = sub i32 %x, %y\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_TRUE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, impliesPoisonTest_MaskCmp) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y, i1 %c) {\n"
" %M2 = and i32 %x, 7\n"
" %A2 = icmp eq i32 %M2, 1\n"
" %M = and i32 %x, 15\n"
" %A = icmp eq i32 %M, 3\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_TRUE(impliesPoison(A2, A));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, ComputeNumSignBits_Shuffle_Pointers) {
"define <2 x ptr> @test(<2 x ptr> %x) {\n"
" %A = shufflevector <2 x ptr> zeroinitializer, <2 x ptr> undef, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer\n"
" ret <2 x ptr> %A\n"
EXPECT_EQ(ComputeNumSignBits(A, M->getDataLayout()), 64u);
TEST(ValueTracking, propagatesPoison) {
std::string AsmHead =
"declare i32 @g(i32)\n"
"define void @f(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %shamt, float %fx, float %fy, "
"i1 %cond, ptr %p) {\n";
std::string AsmTail = " ret void\n}";
// (propagates poison?, IR instruction)
SmallVector<std::tuple<bool, std::string, unsigned>, 32> Data = {
{true, "add i32 %x, %y", 0},
{true, "add i32 %x, %y", 1},
{true, "add nsw nuw i32 %x, %y", 0},
{true, "add nsw nuw i32 %x, %y", 1},
{true, "ashr i32 %x, %y", 0},
{true, "ashr i32 %x, %y", 1},
{true, "lshr exact i32 %x, 31", 0},
{true, "lshr exact i32 %x, 31", 1},
{true, "fadd float %fx, %fy", 0},
{true, "fadd float %fx, %fy", 1},
{true, "fsub float %fx, %fy", 0},
{true, "fsub float %fx, %fy", 1},
{true, "fmul float %fx, %fy", 0},
{true, "fmul float %fx, %fy", 1},
{true, "fdiv float %fx, %fy", 0},
{true, "fdiv float %fx, %fy", 1},
{true, "frem float %fx, %fy", 0},
{true, "frem float %fx, %fy", 1},
{true, "fneg float %fx", 0},
{true, "fcmp oeq float %fx, %fy", 0},
{true, "fcmp oeq float %fx, %fy", 1},
{true, "icmp eq i32 %x, %y", 0},
{true, "icmp eq i32 %x, %y", 1},
{true, "getelementptr i8, ptr %p, i32 %x", 0},
{true, "getelementptr i8, ptr %p, i32 %x", 1},
{true, "getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %p, i32 %x", 0},
{true, "getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %p, i32 %x", 1},
{true, "bitcast float %fx to i32", 0},
{true, "select i1 %cond, i32 %x, i32 %y", 0},
{false, "select i1 %cond, i32 %x, i32 %y", 1},
{false, "select i1 %cond, i32 %x, i32 %y", 2},
{false, "freeze i32 %x", 0},
{true, "udiv i32 %x, %y", 0},
{true, "udiv i32 %x, %y", 1},
{true, "urem i32 %x, %y", 0},
{true, "urem i32 %x, %y", 1},
{true, "sdiv exact i32 %x, %y", 0},
{true, "sdiv exact i32 %x, %y", 1},
{true, "srem i32 %x, %y", 0},
{true, "srem i32 %x, %y", 1},
{false, "call i32 @g(i32 %x)", 0},
{false, "call i32 @g(i32 %x)", 1},
{true, "call {i32, i1} @llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call {i32, i1} @llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call {i32, i1} @llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call {i32, i1} @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call {i32, i1} @llvm.usub.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call {i32, i1} @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.sadd.sat.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.ssub.sat.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.sshl.sat.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.uadd.sat.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.usub.sat.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.ushl.sat.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.ctpop.i32(i32 %x)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %x, i1 true)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x, i1 true)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.abs.i32(i32 %x, i1 true)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.smax.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.smin.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.umax.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.umin.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.bitreverse.i32(i32 %x)", 0},
{true, "call i32 @llvm.bswap.i32(i32 %x)", 0},
{false, "call i32 @llvm.fshl.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %shamt)", 0},
{false, "call i32 @llvm.fshl.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %shamt)", 1},
{false, "call i32 @llvm.fshl.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %shamt)", 2},
{false, "call i32 @llvm.fshr.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %shamt)", 0},
{false, "call i32 @llvm.fshr.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %shamt)", 1},
{false, "call i32 @llvm.fshr.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %shamt)", 2},
{false, "call float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.powi.f32.i32(float %fx, i32 %x)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.sin.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.cos.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.pow.f32(float %fx, float %fy)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.exp.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.exp2.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.log.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.log10.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.log2.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.fma.f32(float %fx, float %fx, float %fy)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.minnum.f32(float %fx, float %fy)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.maxnum.f32(float %fx, float %fy)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.minimum.f32(float %fx, float %fy)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.maximum.f32(float %fx, float %fy)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.copysign.f32(float %fx, float %fy)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.floor.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.ceil.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.trunc.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.rint.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.nearbyint.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.round.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.roundeven.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call i32 @llvm.lround.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call i64 @llvm.llround.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call i32 @llvm.lrint.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call i64 @llvm.llrint.f32(float %fx)", 0},
{false, "call float @llvm.fmuladd.f32(float %fx, float %fx, float %fy)",
std::string AssemblyStr = AsmHead;
for (auto &Itm : Data)
AssemblyStr += std::get<1>(Itm) + "\n";
AssemblyStr += AsmTail;
LLVMContext Context;
SMDiagnostic Error;
auto M = parseAssemblyString(AssemblyStr, Error, Context);
assert(M && "Bad assembly?");
auto *F = M->getFunction("f");
assert(F && "Bad assembly?");
auto &BB = F->getEntryBlock();
int Index = 0;
for (auto &I : BB) {
if (isa<ReturnInst>(&I))
bool ExpectedVal = std::get<0>(Data[Index]);
unsigned OpIdx = std::get<2>(Data[Index]);
EXPECT_EQ(propagatesPoison(I.getOperandUse(OpIdx)), ExpectedVal)
<< "Incorrect answer at instruction " << Index << " = " << I;
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, programUndefinedIfPoison) {
parseAssembly("declare i32 @any_num()"
"define void @test(i32 %mask) {\n"
" %A = call i32 @any_num()\n"
" %B = or i32 %A, %mask\n"
" udiv i32 1, %B"
" ret void\n"
// If %A was poison, udiv raises UB regardless of %mask's value
EXPECT_EQ(programUndefinedIfPoison(A), true);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, programUndefinedIfPoisonSelect) {
parseAssembly("declare i32 @any_num()"
"define void @test(i1 %Cond) {\n"
" %A = call i32 @any_num()\n"
" %B = add i32 %A, 1\n"
" %C = select i1 %Cond, i32 %A, i32 %B\n"
" udiv i32 1, %C"
" ret void\n"
// If A is poison, B is also poison, and therefore C is poison regardless of
// the value of %Cond.
EXPECT_EQ(programUndefinedIfPoison(A), true);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, programUndefinedIfUndefOrPoison) {
parseAssembly("declare i32 @any_num()"
"define void @test(i32 %mask) {\n"
" %A = call i32 @any_num()\n"
" %B = or i32 %A, %mask\n"
" udiv i32 1, %B"
" ret void\n"
// If %A was undef and %mask was 1, udiv does not raise UB
EXPECT_EQ(programUndefinedIfUndefOrPoison(A), false);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, isGuaranteedNotToBePoison_exploitBranchCond) {
parseAssembly("declare i1 @any_bool()"
"define void @test(i1 %y) {\n"
" %A = call i1 @any_bool()\n"
" %cond = and i1 %A, %y\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %BB1, label %BB2\n"
" ret void\n"
" ret void\n"
DominatorTree DT(*F);
for (auto &BB : *F) {
if (&BB == &F->getEntryBlock())
EXPECT_EQ(isGuaranteedNotToBePoison(A, nullptr, BB.getTerminator(), &DT),
<< "isGuaranteedNotToBePoison does not hold at " << *BB.getTerminator();
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, isGuaranteedNotToBePoison_phi) {
parseAssembly("declare i32 @any_i32(i32)"
"define void @test() {\n"
" br label %LOOP\n"
" %A = phi i32 [0, %ENTRY], [, %NEXT]\n"
" = call i32 @any_i32(i32 %A)\n"
" %cond = icmp eq i32, 0\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %NEXT, label %EXIT\n"
" br label %LOOP\n"
" ret void\n"
DominatorTree DT(*F);
for (auto &BB : *F) {
if (BB.getName() == "LOOP") {
EXPECT_EQ(isGuaranteedNotToBePoison(A, nullptr, A, &DT), true)
<< "isGuaranteedNotToBePoison does not hold";
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoison) {
parseAssembly("declare void @f(i32 noundef)"
"define void @test(i32 %x) {\n"
" %A = bitcast i32 %x to i32\n"
" call void @f(i32 noundef %x)\n"
" ret void\n"
EXPECT_EQ(isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoison(A), true);
EXPECT_EQ(isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoison(UndefValue::get(IntegerType::get(Context, 8))), false);
EXPECT_EQ(isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoison(PoisonValue::get(IntegerType::get(Context, 8))), false);
EXPECT_EQ(isGuaranteedNotToBePoison(UndefValue::get(IntegerType::get(Context, 8))), true);
EXPECT_EQ(isGuaranteedNotToBePoison(PoisonValue::get(IntegerType::get(Context, 8))), false);
Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(Context);
Constant *CU = UndefValue::get(Int32Ty);
Constant *CP = PoisonValue::get(Int32Ty);
Constant *C1 = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, 1);
Constant *C2 = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, 2);
Constant *V1 = ConstantVector::get({C1, C2});
Constant *V2 = ConstantVector::get({C1, CU});
Constant *V3 = ConstantVector::get({C1, CP});
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoison_assume) {
parseAssembly("declare i1 @f_i1()\n"
"declare i32 @f_i32()\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n"
"define void @test() {\n"
" %A = call i32 @f_i32()\n"
" %cond = call i1 @f_i1()\n"
" %CxtI = add i32 0, 0\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %BB1, label %EXIT\n"
" %CxtI2 = add i32 0, 0\n"
" %cond2 = call i1 @f_i1()\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 true) [ \"noundef\"(i32 %A) ]\n"
" br i1 %cond2, label %BB2, label %EXIT\n"
" %CxtI3 = add i32 0, 0\n"
" ret void\n"
" ret void\n"
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
DominatorTree DT(*F);
EXPECT_FALSE(isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoison(A, &AC, CxtI, &DT));
EXPECT_FALSE(isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoison(A, &AC, CxtI2, &DT));
EXPECT_TRUE(isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoison(A, &AC, CxtI3, &DT));
TEST(ValueTracking, canCreatePoisonOrUndef) {
std::string AsmHead =
"@s = external dso_local global i32, align 1\n"
"declare i32 @g(i32)\n"
"declare {i32, i1} @llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %a, i32 %b)\n"
"declare {i32, i1} @llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i32(i32 %a, i32 %b)\n"
"declare {i32, i1} @llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %a, i32 %b)\n"
"declare {i32, i1} @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %a, i32 %b)\n"
"declare {i32, i1} @llvm.usub.with.overflow.i32(i32 %a, i32 %b)\n"
"declare {i32, i1} @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %a, i32 %b)\n"
"define void @f(i32 %x, i32 %y, float %fx, float %fy, i1 %cond, "
"<4 x i32> %vx, <4 x i32> %vx2, <vscale x 4 x i32> %svx, ptr %p) {\n";
std::string AsmTail = " ret void\n}";
// (can create poison?, can create undef?, IR instruction)
SmallVector<std::pair<std::pair<bool, bool>, std::string>, 32> Data = {
{{false, false}, "add i32 %x, %y"},
{{true, false}, "add nsw nuw i32 %x, %y"},
{{true, false}, "shl i32 %x, %y"},
{{true, false}, "shl <4 x i32> %vx, %vx2"},
{{true, false}, "shl nsw i32 %x, %y"},
{{true, false}, "shl nsw <4 x i32> %vx, <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>"},
{{false, false}, "shl i32 %x, 31"},
{{true, false}, "shl i32 %x, 32"},
{{false, false}, "shl <4 x i32> %vx, <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>"},
{{true, false}, "shl <4 x i32> %vx, <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 32>"},
{{true, false}, "ashr i32 %x, %y"},
{{true, false}, "ashr exact i32 %x, %y"},
{{false, false}, "ashr i32 %x, 31"},
{{true, false}, "ashr exact i32 %x, 31"},
{{false, false}, "ashr <4 x i32> %vx, <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>"},
{{true, false}, "ashr <4 x i32> %vx, <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 32>"},
{{true, false}, "ashr exact <4 x i32> %vx, <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>"},
{{true, false}, "lshr i32 %x, %y"},
{{true, false}, "lshr exact i32 %x, 31"},
{{false, false}, "udiv i32 %x, %y"},
{{true, false}, "udiv exact i32 %x, %y"},
{{false, false}, "getelementptr i8, ptr %p, i32 %x"},
{{true, false}, "getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %p, i32 %x"},
{{true, false}, "fneg nnan float %fx"},
{{false, false}, "fneg float %fx"},
{{false, false}, "fadd float %fx, %fy"},
{{true, false}, "fadd nnan float %fx, %fy"},
{{false, false}, "urem i32 %x, %y"},
{{true, false}, "fptoui float %fx to i32"},
{{true, false}, "fptosi float %fx to i32"},
{{false, false}, "bitcast float %fx to i32"},
{{false, false}, "select i1 %cond, i32 %x, i32 %y"},
{{true, false}, "select nnan i1 %cond, float %fx, float %fy"},
{{true, false}, "extractelement <4 x i32> %vx, i32 %x"},
{{false, false}, "extractelement <4 x i32> %vx, i32 3"},
{{true, false}, "extractelement <vscale x 4 x i32> %svx, i32 4"},
{{true, false}, "insertelement <4 x i32> %vx, i32 %x, i32 %y"},
{{false, false}, "insertelement <4 x i32> %vx, i32 %x, i32 3"},
{{true, false}, "insertelement <vscale x 4 x i32> %svx, i32 %x, i32 4"},
{{false, false}, "freeze i32 %x"},
{{false, false},
"shufflevector <4 x i32> %vx, <4 x i32> %vx2, "
"<4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3>"},
{{true, false},
"shufflevector <4 x i32> %vx, <4 x i32> %vx2, "
"<4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 poison>"},
{{true, false},
"shufflevector <vscale x 4 x i32> %svx, "
"<vscale x 4 x i32> %svx, <vscale x 4 x i32> poison"},
{{true, false}, "call i32 @g(i32 %x)"},
{{false, false}, "call noundef i32 @g(i32 %x)"},
{{true, false}, "fcmp nnan oeq float %fx, %fy"},
{{false, false}, "fcmp oeq float %fx, %fy"},
{{true, false}, "ashr i32 %x, ptrtoint (ptr @s to i32)"},
{{false, false},
"call {i32, i1} @llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)"},
{{false, false},
"call {i32, i1} @llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)"},
{{false, false},
"call {i32, i1} @llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)"},
{{false, false},
"call {i32, i1} @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)"},
{{false, false},
"call {i32, i1} @llvm.usub.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)"},
{{false, false},
"call {i32, i1} @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %y)"}};
std::string AssemblyStr = AsmHead;
for (auto &Itm : Data)
AssemblyStr += Itm.second + "\n";
AssemblyStr += AsmTail;
LLVMContext Context;
SMDiagnostic Error;
auto M = parseAssemblyString(AssemblyStr, Error, Context);
assert(M && "Bad assembly?");
auto *F = M->getFunction("f");
assert(F && "Bad assembly?");
auto &BB = F->getEntryBlock();
int Index = 0;
for (auto &I : BB) {
if (isa<ReturnInst>(&I))
bool Poison = Data[Index].first.first;
bool Undef = Data[Index].first.second;
EXPECT_EQ(canCreatePoison(cast<Operator>(&I)), Poison)
<< "Incorrect answer of canCreatePoison at instruction " << Index
<< " = " << I;
EXPECT_EQ(canCreateUndefOrPoison(cast<Operator>(&I)), Undef || Poison)
<< "Incorrect answer of canCreateUndef at instruction " << Index
<< " = " << I;
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, computePtrAlignment) {
parseAssembly("declare i1 @f_i1()\n"
"declare ptr @f_i8p()\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n"
"define void @test() {\n"
" %A = call ptr @f_i8p()\n"
" %cond = call i1 @f_i1()\n"
" %CxtI = add i32 0, 0\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %BB1, label %EXIT\n"
" %CxtI2 = add i32 0, 0\n"
" %cond2 = call i1 @f_i1()\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 true) [ \"align\"(ptr %A, i64 16) ]\n"
" br i1 %cond2, label %BB2, label %EXIT\n"
" %CxtI3 = add i32 0, 0\n"
" ret void\n"
" ret void\n"
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
DominatorTree DT(*F);
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
EXPECT_EQ(getKnownAlignment(A, DL, CxtI, &AC, &DT), Align(1));
EXPECT_EQ(getKnownAlignment(A, DL, CxtI2, &AC, &DT), Align(1));
EXPECT_EQ(getKnownAlignment(A, DL, CxtI3, &AC, &DT), Align(16));
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBits) {
"define i32 @test(i32 %a, i32 %b) {\n"
" %ash = mul i32 %a, 8\n"
" %aad = add i32 %ash, 7\n"
" %aan = and i32 %aad, 4095\n"
" %bsh = shl i32 %b, 4\n"
" %bad = or i32 %bsh, 6\n"
" %ban = and i32 %bad, 4095\n"
" %A = mul i32 %aan, %ban\n"
" ret i32 %A\n"
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 4278190085u, /*one*/ 10u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownMulBits) {
"define i32 @test(i32 %a, i32 %b) {\n"
" %aa = shl i32 %a, 5\n"
" %bb = shl i32 %b, 5\n"
" %aaa = or i32 %aa, 24\n"
" %bbb = or i32 %bb, 28\n"
" %A = mul i32 %aaa, %bbb\n"
" ret i32 %A\n"
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 95u, /*one*/ 32u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectPos0) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float 0.0, float 0.0"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcPosZero, false);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNeg0) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float -0.0, float -0.0"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcNegZero, true);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectPosOrNeg0) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float 0.0, float -0.0"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcZero, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectPosInf) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float 0x7FF0000000000000, float 0x7FF0000000000000"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcPosInf, false);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNegInf) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float 0xFFF0000000000000, float 0xFFF0000000000000"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcNegInf, true);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectPosOrNegInf) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float 0x7FF0000000000000, float 0xFFF0000000000000"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcInf, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNNaN) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1) {\n"
" %A = select nnan i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcNan, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNInf) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1) {\n"
" %A = select ninf i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcInf, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNNaNNInf) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1) {\n"
" %A = select nnan ninf i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~(fcNan | fcInf), std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNoFPClassArgUnionAll) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(snan ninf nsub pzero pnorm) %arg0, float nofpclass(qnan nnorm nzero psub pinf) %arg1) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNoFPClassArgNoNan) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(nan) %arg0, float nofpclass(nan) %arg1) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcNan, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNoFPClassArgNoPInf) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(inf) %arg0, float nofpclass(pinf) %arg1) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcPosInf, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNoFPClassArgNoNInf) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(ninf) %arg0, float nofpclass(inf) %arg1) {\n"
" %A = select i1 %cond, float %arg0, float %arg1"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcNegInf, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNoFPClassCallSiteNoNan) {
"declare float @func()\n"
"define float @test() {\n"
" %A = call nofpclass(nan) float @func()\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcNan, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNoFPClassCallSiteNoZeros) {
"declare float @func()\n"
"define float @test() {\n"
" %A = call nofpclass(zero) float @func()\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcZero, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNoFPClassDeclarationNoNan) {
"declare nofpclass(nan) float @no_nans()\n"
"define float @test() {\n"
" %A = call float @no_nans()\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcNan, std::nullopt);
// Check nofpclass + ninf works on a callsite
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelectNoFPClassCallSiteNoZerosNInfFlags) {
"declare float @func()\n"
"define float @test() {\n"
" %A = call ninf nofpclass(zero) float @func()\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~(fcZero | fcInf), std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FNegNInf) {
"define float @test(float %arg) {\n"
" %A = fneg ninf float %arg"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcInf, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FabsUnknown) {
"declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float)"
"define float @test(float %arg) {\n"
" %A = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg)"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcPositive | fcNan, false);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FNegFabsUnknown) {
"declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float)"
"define float @test(float %arg) {\n"
" %fabs = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg)"
" %A = fneg float %fabs"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcNegative | fcNan, true);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, NegFabsNInf) {
"declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float)"
"define float @test(float %arg) {\n"
" %fabs = call ninf float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg)"
" %A = fneg float %fabs"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass((fcNegative & ~fcNegInf) | fcNan, true);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FNegFabsNNaN) {
"declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float)"
"define float @test(float %arg) {\n"
" %fabs = call nnan float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg)"
" %A = fneg float %fabs"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcNegative, true);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, CopySignNNanSrc0) {
"declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float)\n"
"declare float @llvm.copysign.f32(float, float)\n"
"define float @test(float %arg0, float %arg1) {\n"
" %fabs = call nnan float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg0)"
" %A = call float @llvm.copysign.f32(float %fabs, float %arg1)"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcNan, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, CopySignNInfSrc0_NegSign) {
"declare float @llvm.log.f32(float)\n"
"declare float @llvm.copysign.f32(float, float)\n"
"define float @test(float %arg0, float %arg1) {\n"
" %ninf = call ninf float @llvm.log.f32(float %arg0)"
" %A = call float @llvm.copysign.f32(float %ninf, float -1.0)"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcNegFinite | fcNan, true);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, CopySignNInfSrc0_PosSign) {
"declare float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float)\n"
"declare float @llvm.copysign.f32(float, float)\n"
"define float @test(float %arg0, float %arg1) {\n"
" %ninf = call ninf float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %arg0)"
" %A = call float @llvm.copysign.f32(float %ninf, float 1.0)"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcPosFinite | fcNan, false);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, UIToFP) {
"define float @test(i32 %arg0, i16 %arg1) {\n"
" %A = uitofp i32 %arg0 to float"
" %A2 = uitofp i16 %arg1 to half"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcPosFinite & ~fcSubnormal, false, A);
expectKnownFPClass(fcPositive & ~fcSubnormal, false, A2);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SIToFP) {
"define float @test(i32 %arg0, i16 %arg1, i17 %arg2) {\n"
" %A = sitofp i32 %arg0 to float"
" %A2 = sitofp i16 %arg1 to half"
" %A3 = sitofp i17 %arg2 to half"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcFinite & ~fcNegZero & ~fcSubnormal, std::nullopt, A);
expectKnownFPClass(fcFinite & ~fcNegZero & ~fcSubnormal, std::nullopt, A2);
expectKnownFPClass(~(fcNan | fcNegZero | fcSubnormal), std::nullopt, A3);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FAdd) {
"define float @test(float nofpclass(nan inf) %nnan.ninf, float nofpclass(nan) %nnan, float nofpclass(qnan) %no.qnan, float %unknown) {\n"
" %A = fadd float %nnan, %nnan.ninf"
" %A2 = fadd float %nnan.ninf, %nnan"
" %A3 = fadd float %nnan.ninf, %unknown"
" %A4 = fadd float %nnan.ninf, %no.qnan"
" %A5 = fadd float %nnan, %nnan"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcFinite | fcInf, std::nullopt, A);
expectKnownFPClass(fcFinite | fcInf, std::nullopt, A2);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A3);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A4);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A5);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FSub) {
"define float @test(float nofpclass(nan inf) %nnan.ninf, float nofpclass(nan) %nnan, float nofpclass(qnan) %no.qnan, float %unknown) {\n"
" %A = fsub float %nnan, %nnan.ninf"
" %A2 = fsub float %nnan.ninf, %nnan"
" %A3 = fsub float %nnan.ninf, %unknown"
" %A4 = fsub float %nnan.ninf, %no.qnan"
" %A5 = fsub float %nnan, %nnan"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcFinite | fcInf, std::nullopt, A);
expectKnownFPClass(fcFinite | fcInf, std::nullopt, A2);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A3);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A4);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A5);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FMul) {
"define float @test(float nofpclass(nan inf) %nnan.ninf0, float nofpclass(nan inf) %nnan.ninf1, float nofpclass(nan) %nnan, float nofpclass(qnan) %no.qnan, float %unknown) {\n"
" %A = fmul float %nnan.ninf0, %nnan.ninf1"
" %A2 = fmul float %nnan.ninf0, %nnan"
" %A3 = fmul float %nnan, %nnan.ninf0"
" %A4 = fmul float %nnan.ninf0, %no.qnan"
" %A5 = fmul float %nnan, %nnan"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcFinite | fcInf, std::nullopt, A);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A2);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A3);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A4);
expectKnownFPClass(fcPositive | fcNan, std::nullopt, A5);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FMulNoZero) {
"define float @test(float nofpclass(zero), float nofpclass(zero nan), float nofpclass(zero nan), float nofpclass(nzero nan) %no.negzero.nan, float nofpclass(pzero nan) %no.poszero.nan, float nofpclass(inf nan) %no.inf.nan, float nofpclass(inf) %no.inf, float nofpclass(nan) %no.nan) {\n"
" %A = fmul float,"
" %A2 = fmul float,"
" %A3 = fmul float %no.poszero.nan,"
" %A4 = fmul float %no.nan,"
" %A5 = fmul float, %no.inf"
" %A6 = fmul float, %no.nan"
" %A7 = fmul float %no.nan,"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcFinite | fcInf, std::nullopt, A);
expectKnownFPClass(fcPositive | fcNan, std::nullopt, A2);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A3);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A4);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A5);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A6);
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt, A7);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, Phi) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(nan inf) %arg0, float nofpclass(nan) %arg1) {\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %bb0, label %bb1\n"
" br label %ret\n"
" br label %ret\n"
" %A = phi float [ %arg0, %bb0 ], [ %arg1, %bb1 ]\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcNan, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, PhiKnownSignFalse) {
"declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float)"
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(nan) %arg0, float nofpclass(nan) %arg1) {\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %bb0, label %bb1\n"
" %fabs.arg0 = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg0)\n"
" br label %ret\n"
" %fabs.arg1 = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg1)\n"
" br label %ret\n"
" %A = phi float [ %fabs.arg0, %bb0 ], [ %fabs.arg1, %bb1 ]\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcPositive, false);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, PhiKnownSignTrue) {
"declare float @llvm.fabs.f32(float)"
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(nan) %arg0, float %arg1) {\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %bb0, label %bb1\n"
" %fabs.arg0 = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg0)\n"
" %fneg.fabs.arg0 = fneg float %fabs.arg0\n"
" br label %ret\n"
" %fabs.arg1 = call float @llvm.fabs.f32(float %arg1)\n"
" %fneg.fabs.arg1 = fneg float %fabs.arg1\n"
" br label %ret\n"
" %A = phi float [ %fneg.fabs.arg0, %bb0 ], [ %fneg.fabs.arg1, %bb1 ]\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcNegative | fcNan, true);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, UnreachablePhi) {
"define float @test(float %arg) {\n"
" ret float 0.0\n"
" %A = phi float\n"
" ret float %A\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelfPhiOnly) {
"define float @test(float %arg) {\n"
" ret float 0.0\n"
" %A = phi float [ %A, %loop ]\n"
" br label %loop\n"
expectKnownFPClass(fcAllFlags, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelfPhiFirstArg) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(inf) %arg) {\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %loop, label %ret\n"
" %A = phi float [ %arg, %entry ], [ %A, %loop ]\n"
" br label %loop\n"
" ret float %A"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcInf, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SelfPhiSecondArg) {
"define float @test(i1 %cond, float nofpclass(inf) %arg) {\n"
" br i1 %cond, label %loop, label %ret\n"
" %A = phi float [ %A, %loop ], [ %arg, %entry ]\n"
" br label %loop\n"
" ret float %A"
expectKnownFPClass(~fcInf, std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, CannotBeOrderedLessThanZero) {
parseAssembly("define float @test(float %arg) {\n"
" %A = fmul float %arg, %arg"
" ret float %A\n"
Type *FPTy = Type::getDoubleTy(M->getContext());
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::getZero(FPTy, /*Negative=*/false), DL)
computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::getZero(FPTy, /*Negative=*/true), DL)
EXPECT_TRUE(computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::getInfinity(FPTy, false), DL)
EXPECT_FALSE(computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::getInfinity(FPTy, true), DL)
EXPECT_TRUE(computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::get(FPTy, 1.0), DL)
EXPECT_FALSE(computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::get(FPTy, -1.0), DL)
ConstantFP::get(FPTy, APFloat::getSmallest(FPTy->getFltSemantics(),
ConstantFP::get(FPTy, APFloat::getSmallest(FPTy->getFltSemantics(),
computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::getQNaN(FPTy, /*Negative=*/false), DL)
computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::getQNaN(FPTy, /*Negative=*/true), DL)
computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::getSNaN(FPTy, /*Negative=*/false), DL)
computeKnownFPClass(ConstantFP::getSNaN(FPTy, /*Negative=*/true), DL)
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FCmpToClassTest_OrdNan) {
parseAssembly("define i1 @test(double %arg) {\n"
" %A = fcmp ord double %arg, 0x7FF8000000000000"
" %A2 = fcmp uno double %arg, 0x7FF8000000000000"
" %A3 = fcmp oeq double %arg, 0x7FF8000000000000"
" %A4 = fcmp ueq double %arg, 0x7FF8000000000000"
" ret i1 %A\n"
auto [OrdVal, OrdClass] = fcmpToClassTest(
CmpInst::FCMP_ORD, *A->getFunction(), A->getOperand(0), A->getOperand(1));
EXPECT_EQ(A->getOperand(0), OrdVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNone, OrdClass);
auto [UnordVal, UnordClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_UNO, *A2->getFunction(), A2->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A2->getOperand(0), UnordVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcAllFlags, UnordClass);
auto [OeqVal, OeqClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_OEQ, *A3->getFunction(), A3->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A3->getOperand(0), OeqVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNone, OeqClass);
auto [UeqVal, UeqClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_UEQ, *A3->getFunction(), A3->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A3->getOperand(0), UeqVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcAllFlags, UeqClass);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FCmpToClassTest_NInf) {
parseAssembly("define i1 @test(double %arg) {\n"
" %A = fcmp olt double %arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A2 = fcmp uge double %arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A3 = fcmp ogt double %arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A4 = fcmp ule double %arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A5 = fcmp oge double %arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A6 = fcmp ult double %arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" ret i1 %A\n"
auto [OltVal, OltClass] = fcmpToClassTest(
CmpInst::FCMP_OLT, *A->getFunction(), A->getOperand(0), A->getOperand(1));
EXPECT_EQ(A->getOperand(0), OltVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNone, OltClass);
auto [UgeVal, UgeClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_UGE, *A2->getFunction(), A2->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A2->getOperand(0), UgeVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcAllFlags, UgeClass);
auto [OgtVal, OgtClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_OGT, *A3->getFunction(), A3->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A3->getOperand(0), OgtVal);
EXPECT_EQ(~(fcNegInf | fcNan), OgtClass);
auto [UleVal, UleClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_ULE, *A4->getFunction(), A4->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A4->getOperand(0), UleVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNegInf | fcNan, UleClass);
auto [OgeVal, OgeClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_OGE, *A5->getFunction(), A5->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A5->getOperand(0), OgeVal);
EXPECT_EQ(~fcNan, OgeClass);
auto [UltVal, UltClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_ULT, *A6->getFunction(), A6->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A6->getOperand(0), UltVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNan, UltClass);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FCmpToClassTest_FabsNInf) {
parseAssembly("declare double @llvm.fabs.f64(double)\n"
"define i1 @test(double %arg) {\n"
" %fabs.arg = call double @llvm.fabs.f64(double %arg)\n"
" %A = fcmp olt double %fabs.arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A2 = fcmp uge double %fabs.arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A3 = fcmp ogt double %fabs.arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A4 = fcmp ule double %fabs.arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A5 = fcmp oge double %fabs.arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" %A6 = fcmp ult double %fabs.arg, 0xFFF0000000000000"
" ret i1 %A\n"
Value *ArgVal = F->getArg(0);
auto [OltVal, OltClass] = fcmpToClassTest(
CmpInst::FCMP_OLT, *A->getFunction(), A->getOperand(0), A->getOperand(1));
EXPECT_EQ(ArgVal, OltVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNone, OltClass);
auto [UgeVal, UgeClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_UGE, *A2->getFunction(), A2->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(ArgVal, UgeVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcAllFlags, UgeClass);
auto [OgtVal, OgtClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_OGT, *A3->getFunction(), A3->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(ArgVal, OgtVal);
EXPECT_EQ(~fcNan, OgtClass);
auto [UleVal, UleClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_ULE, *A4->getFunction(), A4->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(ArgVal, UleVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNan, UleClass);
auto [OgeVal, OgeClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_OGE, *A5->getFunction(), A5->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(ArgVal, OgeVal);
EXPECT_EQ(~fcNan, OgeClass);
auto [UltVal, UltClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_ULT, *A6->getFunction(), A6->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(ArgVal, UltVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNan, UltClass);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, FCmpToClassTest_PInf) {
parseAssembly("define i1 @test(double %arg) {\n"
" %A = fcmp ogt double %arg, 0x7FF0000000000000"
" %A2 = fcmp ule double %arg, 0x7FF0000000000000"
" %A3 = fcmp ole double %arg, 0x7FF0000000000000"
" %A4 = fcmp ugt double %arg, 0x7FF0000000000000"
" ret i1 %A\n"
auto [OgtVal, OgtClass] = fcmpToClassTest(
CmpInst::FCMP_OGT, *A->getFunction(), A->getOperand(0), A->getOperand(1));
EXPECT_EQ(A->getOperand(0), OgtVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNone, OgtClass);
auto [UleVal, UleClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_ULE, *A2->getFunction(), A2->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A2->getOperand(0), UleVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcAllFlags, UleClass);
auto [OleVal, OleClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_OLE, *A3->getFunction(), A3->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A->getOperand(0), OleVal);
EXPECT_EQ(~fcNan, OleClass);
auto [UgtVal, UgtClass] =
fcmpToClassTest(CmpInst::FCMP_UGT, *A4->getFunction(), A4->getOperand(0),
EXPECT_EQ(A4->getOperand(0), UgtVal);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNan, UgtClass);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, SqrtNszSignBit) {
"declare float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float)\n"
"define float @test(float %arg, float nofpclass(nan) %arg.nnan) {\n"
" %A = call float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %arg)\n"
" %A2 = call nsz float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %arg)\n"
" %A3 = call float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %arg.nnan)\n"
" %A4 = call nsz float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %arg.nnan)\n"
" ret float %A\n"
const FPClassTest SqrtMask = fcPositive | fcNegZero | fcNan;
const FPClassTest NszSqrtMask = fcPositive | fcNan;
KnownFPClass UseInstrInfo =
computeKnownFPClass(A, M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*UseInstrInfo=*/true);
EXPECT_EQ(SqrtMask, UseInstrInfo.KnownFPClasses);
EXPECT_EQ(std::nullopt, UseInstrInfo.SignBit);
KnownFPClass NoUseInstrInfo =
computeKnownFPClass(A, M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*UseInstrInfo=*/false);
EXPECT_EQ(SqrtMask, NoUseInstrInfo.KnownFPClasses);
EXPECT_EQ(std::nullopt, NoUseInstrInfo.SignBit);
KnownFPClass UseInstrInfoNSZ =
computeKnownFPClass(A2, M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*UseInstrInfo=*/true);
EXPECT_EQ(NszSqrtMask, UseInstrInfoNSZ.KnownFPClasses);
EXPECT_EQ(std::nullopt, UseInstrInfoNSZ.SignBit);
KnownFPClass NoUseInstrInfoNSZ =
computeKnownFPClass(A2, M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*UseInstrInfo=*/false);
EXPECT_EQ(SqrtMask, NoUseInstrInfoNSZ.KnownFPClasses);
EXPECT_EQ(std::nullopt, NoUseInstrInfoNSZ.SignBit);
KnownFPClass UseInstrInfoNoNan =
computeKnownFPClass(A3, M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*UseInstrInfo=*/true);
EXPECT_EQ(fcPositive | fcNegZero | fcQNan,
EXPECT_EQ(std::nullopt, UseInstrInfoNoNan.SignBit);
KnownFPClass NoUseInstrInfoNoNan =
computeKnownFPClass(A3, M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*UseInstrInfo=*/false);
EXPECT_EQ(fcPositive | fcNegZero | fcQNan,
EXPECT_EQ(std::nullopt, NoUseInstrInfoNoNan.SignBit);
KnownFPClass UseInstrInfoNSZNoNan =
computeKnownFPClass(A4, M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*UseInstrInfo=*/true);
EXPECT_EQ(fcPositive | fcQNan, UseInstrInfoNSZNoNan.KnownFPClasses);
EXPECT_EQ(std::nullopt, UseInstrInfoNSZNoNan.SignBit);
KnownFPClass NoUseInstrInfoNSZNoNan =
computeKnownFPClass(A4, M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*UseInstrInfo=*/false);
EXPECT_EQ(fcPositive | fcNegZero | fcQNan,
EXPECT_EQ(std::nullopt, NoUseInstrInfoNSZNoNan.SignBit);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownFPClassTest, Constants) {
parseAssembly("declare float @func()\n"
"define float @test() {\n"
" %A = call float @func()\n"
" ret float %A\n"
Type *F32 = Type::getFloatTy(Context);
Type *V4F32 = FixedVectorType::get(F32, 4);
KnownFPClass ConstAggZero = computeKnownFPClass(
ConstantAggregateZero::get(V4F32), M->getDataLayout(), fcAllFlags, 0,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fcPosZero, ConstAggZero.KnownFPClasses);
KnownFPClass Undef =
computeKnownFPClass(UndefValue::get(F32), M->getDataLayout(),
fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fcAllFlags, Undef.KnownFPClasses);
KnownFPClass Poison =
computeKnownFPClass(PoisonValue::get(F32), M->getDataLayout(),
fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNone, Poison.KnownFPClasses);
// Assume the poison element should be 0.
Constant *ZeroF32 = ConstantFP::getZero(F32);
Constant *PoisonF32 = PoisonValue::get(F32);
KnownFPClass PartiallyPoison = computeKnownFPClass(
ConstantVector::get({ZeroF32, PoisonF32}), M->getDataLayout(),
fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fcPosZero, PartiallyPoison.KnownFPClasses);
// Assume the poison element should be 1.
Constant *NegZeroF32 = ConstantFP::getZero(F32, true);
Constant *PoisonF32 = PoisonValue::get(F32);
KnownFPClass PartiallyPoison = computeKnownFPClass(
ConstantVector::get({NegZeroF32, PoisonF32}), M->getDataLayout(),
fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNegZero, PartiallyPoison.KnownFPClasses);
// Assume the poison element should be 1.
Constant *NegZeroF32 = ConstantFP::getZero(F32, true);
Constant *PoisonF32 = PoisonValue::get(F32);
KnownFPClass PartiallyPoison = computeKnownFPClass(
ConstantVector::get({PoisonF32, NegZeroF32}), M->getDataLayout(),
fcAllFlags, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(fcNegZero, PartiallyPoison.KnownFPClasses);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, isNonZeroRecurrence) {
define i1 @test(i8 %n, i8 %r) {
br label %loop
%p = phi i8 [ -1, %entry ], [ %next, %loop ]
%next = add nsw i8 %p, -1
%cmp1 = icmp eq i8 %p, %n
br i1 %cmp1, label %exit, label %loop
%A = or i8 %p, %r
%CxtI = icmp eq i8 %A, 0
ret i1 %CxtI
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
EXPECT_TRUE(isKnownNonZero(A, SimplifyQuery(DL, /*DT=*/nullptr, &AC, CxtI)));
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, KnownNonZeroFromDomCond) {
declare ptr @f_i8()
define void @test(i1 %c) {
%A = call ptr @f_i8()
%B = call ptr @f_i8()
%c1 = icmp ne ptr %A, null
%cond = and i1 %c1, %c
br i1 %cond, label %T, label %Q
%CxtI = add i32 0, 0
ret void
%CxtI2 = add i32 0, 0
ret void
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
DominatorTree DT(*F);
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
const SimplifyQuery SQ(DL, &DT, &AC);
EXPECT_EQ(isKnownNonZero(A, SQ.getWithInstruction(CxtI)), true);
EXPECT_EQ(isKnownNonZero(A, SQ.getWithInstruction(CxtI2)), false);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, KnownNonZeroFromDomCond2) {
declare ptr @f_i8()
define void @test(i1 %c) {
%A = call ptr @f_i8()
%B = call ptr @f_i8()
%c1 = icmp ne ptr %A, null
%cond = select i1 %c, i1 %c1, i1 false
br i1 %cond, label %T, label %Q
%CxtI = add i32 0, 0
ret void
%CxtI2 = add i32 0, 0
ret void
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
DominatorTree DT(*F);
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
const SimplifyQuery SQ(DL, &DT, &AC);
EXPECT_EQ(isKnownNonZero(A, SQ.getWithInstruction(CxtI)), true);
EXPECT_EQ(isKnownNonZero(A, SQ.getWithInstruction(CxtI2)), false);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, IsImpliedConditionAnd) {
define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
%c1 = icmp ult i32 %x, 10
%c2 = icmp ult i32 %y, 15
%A = and i1 %c1, %c2
; x < 10 /\ y < 15
%A2 = icmp ult i32 %x, 20
%A3 = icmp uge i32 %y, 20
%A4 = icmp ult i32 %x, 5
ret void
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A2, DL), true);
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A3, DL), false);
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A4, DL), std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, IsImpliedConditionAnd2) {
define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
%c1 = icmp ult i32 %x, 10
%c2 = icmp ult i32 %y, 15
%A = select i1 %c1, i1 %c2, i1 false
; x < 10 /\ y < 15
%A2 = icmp ult i32 %x, 20
%A3 = icmp uge i32 %y, 20
%A4 = icmp ult i32 %x, 5
ret void
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A2, DL), true);
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A3, DL), false);
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A4, DL), std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, IsImpliedConditionAndVec) {
define void @test(<2 x i8> %x, <2 x i8> %y) {
%A = icmp ult <2 x i8> %x, %y
%A2 = icmp ule <2 x i8> %x, %y
ret void
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A2, DL), true);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, IsImpliedConditionOr) {
define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
%c1 = icmp ult i32 %x, 10
%c2 = icmp ult i32 %y, 15
%A = or i1 %c1, %c2 ; negated
; x >= 10 /\ y >= 15
%A2 = icmp ult i32 %x, 5
%A3 = icmp uge i32 %y, 10
%A4 = icmp ult i32 %x, 15
ret void
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A2, DL, false), false);
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A3, DL, false), true);
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A4, DL, false), std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, IsImpliedConditionOr2) {
define void @test(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
%c1 = icmp ult i32 %x, 10
%c2 = icmp ult i32 %y, 15
%A = select i1 %c1, i1 true, i1 %c2 ; negated
; x >= 10 /\ y >= 15
%A2 = icmp ult i32 %x, 5
%A3 = icmp uge i32 %y, 10
%A4 = icmp ult i32 %x, 15
ret void
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A2, DL, false), false);
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A3, DL, false), true);
EXPECT_EQ(isImpliedCondition(A, A4, DL, false), std::nullopt);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, KnownNonZeroShift) {
// %q is known nonzero without known bits.
// Because %q is nonzero, %A[0] is known to be zero.
"define i8 @test(i8 %p, ptr %pq) {\n"
" %q = load i8, ptr %pq, !range !0\n"
" %A = shl i8 %p, %q\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
"!0 = !{ i8 1, i8 5 }\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 1u, /*one*/ 0u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownFshl) {
// fshl(....1111....0000, 00..1111........, 6)
// = 11....000000..11
"define i16 @test(i16 %a, i16 %b) {\n"
" %aa = shl i16 %a, 4\n"
" %bb = lshr i16 %b, 2\n"
" %aaa = or i16 %aa, 3840\n"
" %bbb = or i16 %bb, 3840\n"
" %A = call i16 @llvm.fshl.i16(i16 %aaa, i16 %bbb, i16 6)\n"
" ret i16 %A\n"
"declare i16 @llvm.fshl.i16(i16, i16, i16)\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 1008u, /*one*/ 49155u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownFshr) {
// fshr(....1111....0000, 00..1111........, 26)
// = 11....000000..11
"define i16 @test(i16 %a, i16 %b) {\n"
" %aa = shl i16 %a, 4\n"
" %bb = lshr i16 %b, 2\n"
" %aaa = or i16 %aa, 3840\n"
" %bbb = or i16 %bb, 3840\n"
" %A = call i16 @llvm.fshr.i16(i16 %aaa, i16 %bbb, i16 26)\n"
" ret i16 %A\n"
"declare i16 @llvm.fshr.i16(i16, i16, i16)\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 1008u, /*one*/ 49155u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownFshlZero) {
// fshl(....1111....0000, 00..1111........, 0)
// = ....1111....0000
"define i16 @test(i16 %a, i16 %b) {\n"
" %aa = shl i16 %a, 4\n"
" %bb = lshr i16 %b, 2\n"
" %aaa = or i16 %aa, 3840\n"
" %bbb = or i16 %bb, 3840\n"
" %A = call i16 @llvm.fshl.i16(i16 %aaa, i16 %bbb, i16 0)\n"
" ret i16 %A\n"
"declare i16 @llvm.fshl.i16(i16, i16, i16)\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 15u, /*one*/ 3840u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownUAddSatLeadingOnes) {
// uadd.sat(1111...1, ........)
// = 1111....
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %aa = or i8 %a, 241\n"
" %A = call i8 @llvm.uadd.sat.i8(i8 %aa, i8 %b)\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
"declare i8 @llvm.uadd.sat.i8(i8, i8)\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 0u, /*one*/ 240u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownUAddSatOnesPreserved) {
// uadd.sat(00...011, .1...110)
// = .......1
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %aa = or i8 %a, 3\n"
" %aaa = and i8 %aa, 59\n"
" %bb = or i8 %b, 70\n"
" %bbb = and i8 %bb, 254\n"
" %A = call i8 @llvm.uadd.sat.i8(i8 %aaa, i8 %bbb)\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
"declare i8 @llvm.uadd.sat.i8(i8, i8)\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 0u, /*one*/ 1u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownUSubSatLHSLeadingZeros) {
// usub.sat(0000...0, ........)
// = 0000....
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %aa = and i8 %a, 14\n"
" %A = call i8 @llvm.usub.sat.i8(i8 %aa, i8 %b)\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
"declare i8 @llvm.usub.sat.i8(i8, i8)\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 240u, /*one*/ 0u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownUSubSatRHSLeadingOnes) {
// usub.sat(........, 1111...1)
// = 0000....
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %bb = or i8 %a, 241\n"
" %A = call i8 @llvm.usub.sat.i8(i8 %a, i8 %bb)\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
"declare i8 @llvm.usub.sat.i8(i8, i8)\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 240u, /*one*/ 0u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownUSubSatZerosPreserved) {
// usub.sat(11...011, .1...110)
// = ......0.
"define i8 @test(i8 %a, i8 %b) {\n"
" %aa = or i8 %a, 195\n"
" %aaa = and i8 %aa, 251\n"
" %bb = or i8 %b, 70\n"
" %bbb = and i8 %bb, 254\n"
" %A = call i8 @llvm.usub.sat.i8(i8 %aaa, i8 %bbb)\n"
" ret i8 %A\n"
"declare i8 @llvm.usub.sat.i8(i8, i8)\n");
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 2u, /*one*/ 0u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsPtrToIntTrunc) {
// ptrtoint truncates the pointer type. Make sure we don't crash.
"define void @test(ptr %p) {\n"
" %A = load ptr, ptr %p\n"
" %i = ptrtoint ptr %A to i32\n"
" %m = and i32 %i, 31\n"
" %c = icmp eq i32 %m, 0\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 %c)\n"
" ret void\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n");
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(
A, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC, F->front().getTerminator());
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsPtrToIntZext) {
// ptrtoint zero extends the pointer type. Make sure we don't crash.
"define void @test(ptr %p) {\n"
" %A = load ptr, ptr %p\n"
" %i = ptrtoint ptr %A to i128\n"
" %m = and i128 %i, 31\n"
" %c = icmp eq i128 %m, 0\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 %c)\n"
" ret void\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n");
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(
A, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC, F->front().getTerminator());
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsFreeze) {
parseAssembly("define void @test() {\n"
" %m = call i32 @any_num()\n"
" %A = freeze i32 %m\n"
" %n = and i32 %m, 31\n"
" %c = icmp eq i32 %n, 0\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 %c)\n"
" ret void\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n"
"declare i32 @any_num()\n");
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(A, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), 31u);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 0u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsReturnedRangeConflict) {
"declare i16 @foo(i16 returned)\n"
"define i16 @test() {\n"
" %A = call i16 @foo(i16 4095), !range !{i16 32, i16 33}\n"
" ret i16 %A\n"
// The call returns 32 according to range metadata, but 4095 according to the
// returned arg operand. Given the conflicting information we expect that the
// known bits information simply is cleared.
expectKnownBits(/*zero*/ 0u, /*one*/ 0u);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsAddWithRange) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(ptr %p) {\n"
" %A = load i64, ptr %p, !range !{i64 64, i64 65536}\n"
" %APlus512 = add i64 %A, 512\n"
" %c = icmp ugt i64 %APlus512, 523\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 %c)\n"
" ret void\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n");
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(A, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), ~(65536llu - 1));
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 0u);
Instruction &APlus512 = findInstructionByName(F, "APlus512");
Known = computeKnownBits(&APlus512, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
// We know of one less zero because 512 may have produced a 1 that
// got carried all the way to the first trailing zero.
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), (~(65536llu - 1)) << 1);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 0u);
// The known range is not precise given computeKnownBits works
// with the masks of zeros and ones, not the ranges.
EXPECT_EQ(Known.getMinValue(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.getMaxValue(), 131071);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsUnknownVScale) {
Module M("", Context);
IRBuilder<> Builder(Context);
Function *TheFn = Intrinsic::getOrInsertDeclaration(&M, Intrinsic::vscale,
CallInst *CI = Builder.CreateCall(TheFn, {}, {}, "");
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(CI, M.getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0);
// There is no parent function so we cannot look up the vscale_range
// attribute to determine the number of bits.
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), 0u);
BasicBlock *BB = BasicBlock::Create(Context);
CI->insertInto(BB, BB->end());
Known = computeKnownBits(CI, M.getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0);
// There is no parent function so we cannot look up the vscale_range
// attribute to determine the number of bits.
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), 0u);
delete CI;
delete BB;
// 512 + [32, 64) doesn't produce overlapping bits.
// Make sure we get all the individual bits properly.
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsAddWithRangeNoOverlap) {
parseAssembly("define void @test(ptr %p) {\n"
" %A = load i64, ptr %p, !range !{i64 32, i64 64}\n"
" %APlus512 = add i64 %A, 512\n"
" %c = icmp ugt i64 %APlus512, 523\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 %c)\n"
" ret void\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n");
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(A, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), ~(64llu - 1));
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 32u);
Instruction &APlus512 = findInstructionByName(F, "APlus512");
Known = computeKnownBits(&APlus512, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), ~512llu & ~(64llu - 1));
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 512u | 32u);
// The known range is not precise given computeKnownBits works
// with the masks of zeros and ones, not the ranges.
EXPECT_EQ(Known.getMinValue(), 544);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.getMaxValue(), 575);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsGEPWithRange) {
"define void @test(ptr %p) {\n"
" %A = load i64, ptr %p, !range !{i64 64, i64 65536}\n"
" %APtr = inttoptr i64 %A to float*"
" %APtrPlus512 = getelementptr float, float* %APtr, i32 128\n"
" %c = icmp ugt float* %APtrPlus512, inttoptr (i32 523 to float*)\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 %c)\n"
" ret void\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n");
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(A, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), ~(65536llu - 1));
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 0u);
Instruction &APtrPlus512 = findInstructionByName(F, "APtrPlus512");
Known = computeKnownBits(&APtrPlus512, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
// We know of one less zero because 512 may have produced a 1 that
// got carried all the way to the first trailing zero.
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), ~(65536llu - 1) << 1);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 0u);
// The known range is not precise given computeKnownBits works
// with the masks of zeros and ones, not the ranges.
EXPECT_EQ(Known.getMinValue(), 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.getMaxValue(), 131071);
// 4*128 + [32, 64) doesn't produce overlapping bits.
// Make sure we get all the individual bits properly.
// This test is useful to check that we account for the scaling factor
// in the gep. Indeed, gep float, [32,64), 128 is not 128 + [32,64).
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsGEPWithRangeNoOverlap) {
"define void @test(ptr %p) {\n"
" %A = load i64, ptr %p, !range !{i64 32, i64 64}\n"
" %APtr = inttoptr i64 %A to float*"
" %APtrPlus512 = getelementptr float, float* %APtr, i32 128\n"
" %c = icmp ugt float* %APtrPlus512, inttoptr (i32 523 to float*)\n"
" call void @llvm.assume(i1 %c)\n"
" ret void\n"
"declare void @llvm.assume(i1)\n");
AssumptionCache AC(*F);
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(A, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), ~(64llu - 1));
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 32u);
Instruction &APtrPlus512 = findInstructionByName(F, "APtrPlus512");
Known = computeKnownBits(&APtrPlus512, M->getDataLayout(), /* Depth */ 0, &AC,
EXPECT_EQ(Known.Zero.getZExtValue(), ~512llu & ~(64llu - 1));
EXPECT_EQ(Known.One.getZExtValue(), 512u | 32u);
// The known range is not precise given computeKnownBits works
// with the masks of zeros and ones, not the ranges.
EXPECT_EQ(Known.getMinValue(), 544);
EXPECT_EQ(Known.getMaxValue(), 575);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsAbsoluteSymbol) {
auto M = parseModule(R"(
@absolute_0_255 = external global [128 x i32], align 1, !absolute_symbol !0
@absolute_0_256 = external global [128 x i32], align 1, !absolute_symbol !1
@absolute_256_512 = external global [128 x i32], align 1, !absolute_symbol !2
@absolute_0_neg1 = external global [128 x i32], align 1, !absolute_symbol !3
@absolute_neg32_32 = external global [128 x i32], align 1, !absolute_symbol !4
@absolute_neg32_33 = external global [128 x i32], align 1, !absolute_symbol !5
@absolute_neg64_neg32 = external global [128 x i32], align 1, !absolute_symbol !6
@absolute_0_256_align8 = external global [128 x i32], align 8, !absolute_symbol !1
!0 = !{i64 0, i64 255}
!1 = !{i64 0, i64 256}
!2 = !{i64 256, i64 512}
!3 = !{i64 0, i64 -1}
!4 = !{i64 -32, i64 32}
!5 = !{i64 -32, i64 33}
!6 = !{i64 -64, i64 -32}
GlobalValue *Absolute_0_255 = M->getNamedValue("absolute_0_255");
GlobalValue *Absolute_0_256 = M->getNamedValue("absolute_0_256");
GlobalValue *Absolute_256_512 = M->getNamedValue("absolute_256_512");
GlobalValue *Absolute_0_Neg1 = M->getNamedValue("absolute_0_neg1");
GlobalValue *Absolute_Neg32_32 = M->getNamedValue("absolute_neg32_32");
GlobalValue *Absolute_Neg32_33 = M->getNamedValue("absolute_neg32_33");
GlobalValue *Absolute_Neg64_Neg32 = M->getNamedValue("absolute_neg64_neg32");
GlobalValue *Absolute_0_256_Align8 =
KnownBits Known_0_255 = computeKnownBits(Absolute_0_255, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(64u - 8u, Known_0_255.countMinLeadingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_255.countMinTrailingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_255.countMinLeadingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_255.countMinTrailingOnes());
KnownBits Known_0_256 = computeKnownBits(Absolute_0_256, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(64u - 8u, Known_0_256.countMinLeadingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_256.countMinTrailingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_256.countMinLeadingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_256.countMinTrailingOnes());
KnownBits Known_256_512 =
computeKnownBits(Absolute_256_512, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(64u - 8u, Known_0_255.countMinLeadingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_255.countMinTrailingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_255.countMinLeadingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_255.countMinTrailingOnes());
KnownBits Known_0_Neg1 =
computeKnownBits(Absolute_0_Neg1, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_Neg1.countMinLeadingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_Neg1.countMinTrailingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_Neg1.countMinLeadingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_Neg1.countMinTrailingOnes());
KnownBits Known_Neg32_32 =
computeKnownBits(Absolute_Neg32_32, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_32.countMinLeadingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_32.countMinTrailingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_32.countMinLeadingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_32.countMinTrailingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, Known_Neg32_32.countMinSignBits());
KnownBits Known_Neg32_33 =
computeKnownBits(Absolute_Neg32_33, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_33.countMinLeadingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_33.countMinTrailingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_33.countMinLeadingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_33.countMinTrailingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, Known_Neg32_33.countMinSignBits());
KnownBits Known_Neg32_Neg32 =
computeKnownBits(Absolute_Neg64_Neg32, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_Neg32.countMinLeadingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_Neg32.countMinTrailingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(58u, Known_Neg32_Neg32.countMinLeadingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_Neg32_Neg32.countMinTrailingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(58u, Known_Neg32_Neg32.countMinSignBits());
KnownBits Known_0_256_Align8 =
computeKnownBits(Absolute_0_256_Align8, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(64u - 8u, Known_0_256_Align8.countMinLeadingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(3u, Known_0_256_Align8.countMinTrailingZeros());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_256_Align8.countMinLeadingOnes());
EXPECT_EQ(0u, Known_0_256_Align8.countMinTrailingOnes());
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsGEPExtendBeforeMul) {
// The index should be extended before multiplying with the scale.
target datalayout = "p:16:16:16"
define void @test(i16 %arg) {
%and = and i16 %arg, u0x8000
%base = inttoptr i16 %and to ptr
%A = getelementptr i32, ptr %base, i8 80
ret void
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(A, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(~320 & 0x7fff, Known.Zero);
EXPECT_EQ(320, Known.One);
TEST_F(ComputeKnownBitsTest, ComputeKnownBitsGEPOnlyIndexBits) {
// GEP should only affect the index width.
target datalayout = "p:16:16:16:8"
define void @test(i16 %arg) {
%and = and i16 %arg, u0x8000
%or = or i16 %and, u0x00ff
%base = inttoptr i16 %or to ptr
%A = getelementptr i8, ptr %base, i8 1
ret void
KnownBits Known = computeKnownBits(A, M->getDataLayout());
EXPECT_EQ(0x7fff, Known.Zero);
EXPECT_EQ(0, Known.One);
TEST_F(ValueTrackingTest, HaveNoCommonBitsSet) {
// Check for an inverted mask: (X & ~M) op (Y & M).
auto M = parseModule(R"(
define i32 @test(i32 %X, i32 %Y, i32 noundef %M) {
%1 = xor i32 %M, -1
%LHS = and i32 %1, %X
%RHS = and i32 %Y, %M
%Ret = add i32 %LHS, %RHS
ret i32 %Ret
auto *F = M->getFunction("test");
auto *LHS = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "LHS");
auto *RHS = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "RHS");
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(LHS, RHS, DL));
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(RHS, LHS, DL));
// Check for (A & B) and ~(A | B)
auto M = parseModule(R"(
define void @test(i32 noundef %A, i32 noundef %B) {
%LHS = and i32 %A, %B
%or = or i32 %A, %B
%RHS = xor i32 %or, -1
%LHS2 = and i32 %B, %A
%or2 = or i32 %A, %B
%RHS2 = xor i32 %or2, -1
ret void
auto *F = M->getFunction("test");
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
auto *LHS = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "LHS");
auto *RHS = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "RHS");
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(LHS, RHS, DL));
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(RHS, LHS, DL));
auto *LHS2 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "LHS2");
auto *RHS2 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "RHS2");
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(LHS2, RHS2, DL));
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(RHS2, LHS2, DL));
// Check for (A & B) and ~(A | B) in vector version
auto M = parseModule(R"(
define void @test(<2 x i32> noundef %A, <2 x i32> noundef %B) {
%LHS = and <2 x i32> %A, %B
%or = or <2 x i32> %A, %B
%RHS = xor <2 x i32> %or, <i32 -1, i32 -1>
%LHS2 = and <2 x i32> %B, %A
%or2 = or <2 x i32> %A, %B
%RHS2 = xor <2 x i32> %or2, <i32 -1, i32 -1>
ret void
auto *F = M->getFunction("test");
const DataLayout &DL = M->getDataLayout();
auto *LHS = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "LHS");
auto *RHS = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "RHS");
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(LHS, RHS, DL));
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(RHS, LHS, DL));
auto *LHS2 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "LHS2");
auto *RHS2 = findInstructionByNameOrNull(F, "RHS2");
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(LHS2, RHS2, DL));
EXPECT_TRUE(haveNoCommonBitsSet(RHS2, LHS2, DL));
class IsBytewiseValueTest : public ValueTrackingTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
std::pair<const char *, const char *>> {
const std::pair<const char *, const char *> IsBytewiseValueTests[] = {
"i8 0",
"ptr null",
"i8 undef",
"ptr undef",
"i8 0",
"i8 zeroinitializer",
"i8 0",
"i8 0",
"i8 -86",
"i8 -86",
"i8 -1",
"i8 -1",
"i8 undef",
"i16 undef",
"i8 0",
"i16 0",
"i16 7",
"i8 -86",
"i16 -21846",
"i8 -1",
"i16 -1",
"i8 0",
"i48 0",
"i8 -1",
"i48 -1",
"i8 0",
"i49 0",
"i49 -1",
"i8 0",
"half 0xH0000",
"i8 -85",
"half 0xHABAB",
"i8 0",
"float 0.0",
"i8 -1",
"float 0xFFFFFFFFE0000000",
"i8 0",
"double 0.0",
"i8 -15",
"double 0xF1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1",
"i8 0",
"ptr inttoptr (i64 0 to ptr)",
"i8 -1",
"ptr inttoptr (i64 -1 to ptr)",
"i8 -86",
"ptr inttoptr (i64 -6148914691236517206 to ptr)",
"ptr inttoptr (i48 -1 to ptr)",
"i8 -1",
"ptr inttoptr (i96 -1 to ptr)",
"i8 poison",
"[0 x i8] zeroinitializer",
"i8 undef",
"[0 x i8] undef",
"i8 poison",
"[5 x [0 x i8]] zeroinitializer",
"i8 undef",
"[5 x [0 x i8]] undef",
"i8 0",
"[6 x i8] zeroinitializer",
"i8 undef",
"[6 x i8] undef",
"i8 1",
"[5 x i8] [i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1, i8 1]",
"[5 x i64] [i64 1, i64 1, i64 1, i64 1, i64 1]",
"i8 -1",
"[5 x i64] [i64 -1, i64 -1, i64 -1, i64 -1, i64 -1]",