| ; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --function-signature |
| ; RUN: opt -S -attributor -openmpopt < %s | FileCheck %s |
| ; RUN: opt -S -passes='attributor,cgscc(openmpopt)' < %s | FileCheck %s |
| ; |
| target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" |
| |
| %struct.ident_t = type { i32, i32, i32, i32, i8* } |
| |
| @.str = private unnamed_addr constant [23 x i8] c";unknown;unknown;0;0;;\00", align 1 |
| @0 = private unnamed_addr global %struct.ident_t { i32 0, i32 2, i32 0, i32 0, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([23 x i8], [23 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0) }, align 8 |
| @1 = private unnamed_addr global %struct.ident_t { i32 0, i32 322, i32 0, i32 0, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([23 x i8], [23 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0) }, align 8 |
| @.gomp_critical_user_.reduction.var = common global [8 x i32] zeroinitializer |
| @2 = private unnamed_addr global %struct.ident_t { i32 0, i32 18, i32 0, i32 0, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([23 x i8], [23 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0) }, align 8 |
| |
| ; void delete_parallel_0(void) { |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { unknown_willreturn(); } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { readonly_willreturn(); } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { readnone_willreturn(); } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; {} |
| ; } |
| ; |
| ; We delete all but the first of the parallel regions in this test. |
| define void @delete_parallel_0() { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@delete_parallel_0() { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) [[GLOB0:@.*]], i32 noundef 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* noundef bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined.willreturn to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined.willreturn to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined.willreturn.0 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined.willreturn.1 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined.willreturn.2 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined.willreturn(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid.) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined.willreturn |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]]) [[ATTR0:#.*]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @unknown() [[ATTR0]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| call void @unknown() willreturn |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined.willreturn.0(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid.) willreturn { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined.willreturn.0 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]]) [[ATTR1:#.*]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @readonly() [[ATTR4:#.*]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| call void @readonly() |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined.willreturn.1(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid.) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined.willreturn.1 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]]) [[ATTR2:#.*]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @readnone() [[ATTR0]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| call void @readnone() willreturn |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined.willreturn.2(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid.) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined.willreturn.2 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]]) [[ATTR3:#.*]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| ; void delete_parallel_1(void) { |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { unknown(); } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { readonly(); } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { readnone(); } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; {} |
| ; } |
| ; |
| ; We delete only the last parallel regions in this test because the others might not return. |
| define void @delete_parallel_1() { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@delete_parallel_1() { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) [[GLOB0]], i32 noundef 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* noundef bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined. to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) [[GLOB0]], i32 noundef 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* noundef bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..0 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) [[GLOB0]], i32 noundef 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* noundef bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..1 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined. to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..0 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..1 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 0, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..2 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*)) |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined.(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid.) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined. |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]]) { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @unknown() |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| call void @unknown() |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined..0(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid.) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined..0 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]]) [[ATTR4]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @readonly() [[ATTR4]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| call void @readonly() |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined..1(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid.) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined..1 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]]) [[ATTR5:#.*]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @readnone() |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| call void @readnone() |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined..2(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid.) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined..2 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]]) [[ATTR3]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| ; void delete_parallel_2(void) { |
| ; int a = 0; |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { |
| ; if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0) |
| ; ++a; |
| ; } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { |
| ; #pragma omp master |
| ; ++a; |
| ; } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel |
| ; { |
| ; #pragma omp single |
| ; ++a; |
| ; } |
| ; #pragma omp parallel reduction(+: a) |
| ; { |
| ; ++a; |
| ; } |
| ; } |
| ; |
| ; FIXME: We do not realize that `a` is dead and all accesses to it can be removed |
| ; making the parallel regions readonly and deletable. |
| define void @delete_parallel_2() { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@delete_parallel_2() { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[A:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[A]] to i8* |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 noundef 4, i8* noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[TMP]]) [[ATTR0]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32 0, i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) [[GLOB0]], i32 noundef 1, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* noundef bitcast (void (i32*, i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..3 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), i32* nocapture nofree noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[A]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) [[GLOB0]], i32 noundef 1, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* noundef bitcast (void (i32*, i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..4 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), i32* nocapture noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[A]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) [[GLOB0]], i32 noundef 1, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* noundef bitcast (void (i32*, i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..5 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), i32* nocapture noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[A]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull align 8 dereferenceable(24) [[GLOB0]], i32 noundef 1, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* noundef bitcast (void (i32*, i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..6 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), i32* nocapture noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[A]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[A]] to i8* |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 noundef 4, i8* noundef nonnull [[TMP1]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| %a = alloca i32, align 4 |
| %tmp = bitcast i32* %a to i8* |
| call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %tmp) |
| store i32 0, i32* %a, align 4 |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 1, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..3 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), i32* nonnull %a) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 1, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..4 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), i32* nonnull %a) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 1, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..5 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), i32* nonnull %a) |
| call void (%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 1, void (i32*, i32*, ...)* bitcast (void (i32*, i32*, i32*)* @.omp_outlined..6 to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), i32* nonnull %a) |
| %tmp1 = bitcast i32* %a to i8* |
| call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %tmp1) |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined..3(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid., i32* dereferenceable(4) %a) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined..3 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[A:%.*]]) [[ATTR6:#.*]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CALL:%.*]] = call i32 @omp_get_thread_num() [[ATTR12:#.*]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[CALL]], 0 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[CMP]], label [[IF_THEN:%.*]], label [[IF_END:%.*]] |
| ; CHECK: if.then: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INC:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP]], 1 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[INC]], i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[IF_END]] |
| ; CHECK: if.end: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| %call = call i32 @omp_get_thread_num() |
| %cmp = icmp eq i32 %call, 0 |
| br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.end |
| |
| if.then: ; preds = %entry |
| %tmp = load i32, i32* %a, align 4 |
| %inc = add nsw i32 %tmp, 1 |
| store i32 %inc, i32* %a, align 4 |
| br label %if.end |
| |
| if.end: ; preds = %if.then, %entry |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined..4(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid., i32* dereferenceable(4) %a) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined..4 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture noundef nonnull readonly align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]], i32* nocapture noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[A:%.*]]) { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_master(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull [[GLOB0]], i32 [[TMP]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[TMP1]], 0 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP2]], label [[OMP_IF_END:%.*]], label [[OMP_IF_THEN:%.*]] |
| ; CHECK: omp_if.then: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INC:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP3]], 1 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[INC]], i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @__kmpc_end_master(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull [[GLOB0]], i32 [[TMP]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[OMP_IF_END]] |
| ; CHECK: omp_if.end: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| %tmp = load i32, i32* %.global_tid., align 4 |
| %tmp1 = call i32 @__kmpc_master(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 %tmp) |
| %tmp2 = icmp eq i32 %tmp1, 0 |
| br i1 %tmp2, label %omp_if.end, label %omp_if.then |
| |
| omp_if.then: ; preds = %entry |
| %tmp3 = load i32, i32* %a, align 4 |
| %inc = add nsw i32 %tmp3, 1 |
| store i32 %inc, i32* %a, align 4 |
| call void @__kmpc_end_master(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 %tmp) |
| br label %omp_if.end |
| |
| omp_if.end: ; preds = %entry, %omp_if.then |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| declare void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 immarg, i8* nocapture) |
| |
| declare i32 @omp_get_thread_num() inaccessiblememonly nofree nosync nounwind readonly |
| |
| declare i32 @__kmpc_master(%struct.ident_t*, i32) |
| |
| declare void @__kmpc_end_master(%struct.ident_t*, i32) |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined..5(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid., i32* dereferenceable(4) %a) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined..5 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture readonly [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]], i32* nocapture noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[A:%.*]]) { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull [[GLOB0]]) [[ATTR12]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_single(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull [[GLOB0]], i32 [[TMP]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[TMP1]], 0 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[TMP2]], label [[OMP_IF_END:%.*]], label [[OMP_IF_THEN:%.*]] |
| ; CHECK: omp_if.then: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[INC:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP3]], 1 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[INC]], i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @__kmpc_end_single(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull [[GLOB0]], i32 [[TMP]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[OMP_IF_END]] |
| ; CHECK: omp_if.end: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @__kmpc_barrier(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull [[GLOB1:@.*]], i32 [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| %omp_global_thread_num = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0) |
| %tmp = load i32, i32* %.global_tid., align 4 |
| %tmp1 = call i32 @__kmpc_single(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 %tmp) |
| %tmp2 = icmp eq i32 %tmp1, 0 |
| br i1 %tmp2, label %omp_if.end, label %omp_if.then |
| |
| omp_if.then: ; preds = %entry |
| %tmp3 = load i32, i32* %a, align 4 |
| %inc = add nsw i32 %tmp3, 1 |
| store i32 %inc, i32* %a, align 4 |
| call void @__kmpc_end_single(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @0, i32 %tmp) |
| br label %omp_if.end |
| |
| omp_if.end: ; preds = %entry, %omp_if.then |
| call void @__kmpc_barrier(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @1, i32 %omp_global_thread_num) #6 |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp_outlined..6(i32* noalias %.global_tid., i32* noalias %.bound_tid., i32* dereferenceable(4) %a) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp_outlined..6 |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i32* noalias nocapture noundef nonnull readonly align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_:%.*]], i32* noalias nocapture nofree readnone [[DOTBOUND_TID_:%.*]], i32* nocapture noundef nonnull align 4 dereferenceable(4) [[A:%.*]]) { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[A1:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[DOTOMP_REDUCTION_RED_LIST:%.*]] = alloca [1 x i8*], align 8 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[A1]] to i8* |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 noundef 4, i8* noundef nonnull align 4 [[TMP]]) [[ATTR0]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[A1]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast [1 x i8*]* [[DOTOMP_REDUCTION_RED_LIST]] to i32** |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32* [[A1]], i32** [[TMP1]], align 8 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[DOTGLOBAL_TID_]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = bitcast [1 x i8*]* [[DOTOMP_REDUCTION_RED_LIST]] to i8* |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_reduce_nowait(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull [[GLOB2:@.*]], i32 [[TMP2]], i32 noundef 1, i64 noundef 8, i8* noundef nonnull align 8 [[TMP3]], void (i8*, i8*)* noundef nonnull @.omp.reduction.reduction_func, [8 x i32]* noundef nonnull @.gomp_critical_user_.reduction.var) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: switch i32 [[TMP4]], label [[DOTOMP_REDUCTION_DEFAULT:%.*]] [ |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: i32 1, label [[DOTOMP_REDUCTION_CASE1:%.*]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: i32 2, label [[DOTOMP_REDUCTION_CASE2:%.*]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ] |
| ; CHECK: .omp.reduction.case1: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[A1]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP5]], [[TMP6]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD]], i32* [[A]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @__kmpc_end_reduce_nowait(%struct.ident_t* noundef nonnull [[GLOB2]], i32 [[TMP2]], [8 x i32]* noundef nonnull @.gomp_critical_user_.reduction.var) |
| ; CHECK: .omp.reduction.case2: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[A1]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = atomicrmw add i32* [[A]], i32 [[TMP7]] monotonic, align 4 |
| ; CHECK: .omp.reduction.default: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[A1]] to i8* |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 noundef 4, i8* noundef nonnull [[TMP9]]) |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| %a1 = alloca i32, align 4 |
| %.omp.reduction.red_list = alloca [1 x i8*], align 8 |
| %tmp = bitcast i32* %a1 to i8* |
| call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %tmp) |
| store i32 1, i32* %a1, align 4 |
| %tmp1 = bitcast [1 x i8*]* %.omp.reduction.red_list to i32** |
| store i32* %a1, i32** %tmp1, align 8 |
| %tmp2 = load i32, i32* %.global_tid., align 4 |
| %tmp3 = bitcast [1 x i8*]* %.omp.reduction.red_list to i8* |
| %tmp4 = call i32 @__kmpc_reduce_nowait(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @2, i32 %tmp2, i32 1, i64 8, i8* nonnull %tmp3, void (i8*, i8*)* nonnull @.omp.reduction.reduction_func, [8 x i32]* nonnull @.gomp_critical_user_.reduction.var) |
| switch i32 %tmp4, label %.omp.reduction.default [ |
| i32 1, label %.omp.reduction.case1 |
| i32 2, label %.omp.reduction.case2 |
| ] |
| |
| .omp.reduction.case1: ; preds = %entry |
| %tmp5 = load i32, i32* %a, align 4 |
| %tmp6 = load i32, i32* %a1, align 4 |
| %add = add nsw i32 %tmp5, %tmp6 |
| store i32 %add, i32* %a, align 4 |
| call void @__kmpc_end_reduce_nowait(%struct.ident_t* nonnull @2, i32 %tmp2, [8 x i32]* nonnull @.gomp_critical_user_.reduction.var) |
| br label %.omp.reduction.default |
| |
| .omp.reduction.case2: ; preds = %entry |
| %tmp7 = load i32, i32* %a1, align 4 |
| %tmp8 = atomicrmw add i32* %a, i32 %tmp7 monotonic |
| br label %.omp.reduction.default |
| |
| .omp.reduction.default: ; preds = %.omp.reduction.case2, %.omp.reduction.case1, %entry |
| %tmp9 = bitcast i32* %a1 to i8* |
| call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 4, i8* nonnull %tmp9) |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| define internal void @.omp.reduction.reduction_func(i8* %arg, i8* %arg1) { |
| ; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@.omp.reduction.reduction_func |
| ; CHECK-SAME: (i8* nocapture nofree nonnull readonly align 8 dereferenceable(8) [[ARG:%.*]], i8* nocapture nofree nonnull readonly align 8 dereferenceable(8) [[ARG1:%.*]]) [[ATTR9:#.*]] { |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[ARG1]] to i32** |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = load i32*, i32** [[TMP]], align 8 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[ARG]] to i32** |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = load i32*, i32** [[TMP3]], align 8 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP4]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP2]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP5]], [[TMP6]] |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD]], i32* [[TMP4]], align 4 |
| ; CHECK-NEXT: ret void |
| ; |
| entry: |
| %tmp = bitcast i8* %arg1 to i32** |
| %tmp2 = load i32*, i32** %tmp, align 8 |
| %tmp3 = bitcast i8* %arg to i32** |
| %tmp4 = load i32*, i32** %tmp3, align 8 |
| %tmp5 = load i32, i32* %tmp4, align 4 |
| %tmp6 = load i32, i32* %tmp2, align 4 |
| %add = add nsw i32 %tmp5, %tmp6 |
| store i32 %add, i32* %tmp4, align 4 |
| ret void |
| } |
| |
| declare i32 @__kmpc_single(%struct.ident_t*, i32) |
| |
| declare void @__kmpc_end_single(%struct.ident_t*, i32) |
| |
| declare void @__kmpc_barrier(%struct.ident_t*, i32) |
| |
| declare i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t*) nofree nosync nounwind readonly |
| |
| declare i32 @__kmpc_reduce_nowait(%struct.ident_t*, i32, i32, i64, i8*, void (i8*, i8*)*, [8 x i32]*) |
| |
| declare void @__kmpc_end_reduce_nowait(%struct.ident_t*, i32, [8 x i32]*) |
| |
| declare void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 immarg, i8* nocapture) |
| |
| declare !callback !2 void @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...) |
| |
| declare void @unknown() |
| |
| declare void @readonly() readonly |
| |
| declare void @readnone() readnone |
| |
| !0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4} |
| !1 = !{!"clang"} |
| !2 = !{!3} |
| !3 = !{i64 2, i64 -1, i64 -1, i1 true} |
| !4 = !{!5, !5, i64 0} |
| !5 = !{!"int", !6, i64 0} |
| !6 = !{!"omnipotent char", !7, i64 0} |
| !7 = !{!"Simple C/C++ TBAA"} |