| ============================================= |
| Building a JIT: Per-function Lazy Compilation |
| ============================================= |
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| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
| |
| **This tutorial is under active development. It is incomplete and details may |
| change frequently.** Nonetheless we invite you to try it out as it stands, and |
| we welcome any feedback. |
| |
| Chapter 3 Introduction |
| ====================== |
| |
| **Warning: This text is currently out of date due to ORC API updates.** |
| |
| **The example code has been updated and can be used. The text will be updated |
| once the API churn dies down.** |
| |
| Welcome to Chapter 3 of the "Building an ORC-based JIT in LLVM" tutorial. This |
| chapter discusses lazy JITing and shows you how to enable it by adding an ORC |
| CompileOnDemand layer the JIT from `Chapter 2 <BuildingAJIT2.html>`_. |
| |
| Lazy Compilation |
| ================ |
| |
| When we add a module to the KaleidoscopeJIT class from Chapter 2 it is |
| immediately optimized, compiled and linked for us by the IRTransformLayer, |
| IRCompileLayer and RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer respectively. This scheme, where all the |
| work to make a Module executable is done up front, is simple to understand and |
| its performance characteristics are easy to reason about. However, it will lead |
| to very high startup times if the amount of code to be compiled is large, and |
| may also do a lot of unnecessary compilation if only a few compiled functions |
| are ever called at runtime. A truly "just-in-time" compiler should allow us to |
| defer the compilation of any given function until the moment that function is |
| first called, improving launch times and eliminating redundant work. In fact, |
| the ORC APIs provide us with a layer to lazily compile LLVM IR: |
| *CompileOnDemandLayer*. |
| |
| The CompileOnDemandLayer class conforms to the layer interface described in |
| Chapter 2, but its addModule method behaves quite differently from the layers |
| we have seen so far: rather than doing any work up front, it just scans the |
| Modules being added and arranges for each function in them to be compiled the |
| first time it is called. To do this, the CompileOnDemandLayer creates two small |
| utilities for each function that it scans: a *stub* and a *compile |
| callback*. The stub is a pair of a function pointer (which will be pointed at |
| the function's implementation once the function has been compiled) and an |
| indirect jump through the pointer. By fixing the address of the indirect jump |
| for the lifetime of the program we can give the function a permanent "effective |
| address", one that can be safely used for indirection and function pointer |
| comparison even if the function's implementation is never compiled, or if it is |
| compiled more than once (due to, for example, recompiling the function at a |
| higher optimization level) and changes address. The second utility, the compile |
| callback, represents a re-entry point from the program into the compiler that |
| will trigger compilation and then execution of a function. By initializing the |
| function's stub to point at the function's compile callback, we enable lazy |
| compilation: The first attempted call to the function will follow the function |
| pointer and trigger the compile callback instead. The compile callback will |
| compile the function, update the function pointer for the stub, then execute |
| the function. On all subsequent calls to the function, the function pointer |
| will point at the already-compiled function, so there is no further overhead |
| from the compiler. We will look at this process in more detail in the next |
| chapter of this tutorial, but for now we'll trust the CompileOnDemandLayer to |
| set all the stubs and callbacks up for us. All we need to do is to add the |
| CompileOnDemandLayer to the top of our stack and we'll get the benefits of |
| lazy compilation. We just need a few changes to the source: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| ... |
| #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/SectionMemoryManager.h" |
| #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileOnDemandLayer.h" |
| #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileUtils.h" |
| ... |
| |
| ... |
| class KaleidoscopeJIT { |
| private: |
| std::unique_ptr<TargetMachine> TM; |
| const DataLayout DL; |
| RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer ObjectLayer; |
| IRCompileLayer<decltype(ObjectLayer), SimpleCompiler> CompileLayer; |
| |
| using OptimizeFunction = |
| std::function<std::shared_ptr<Module>(std::shared_ptr<Module>)>; |
| |
| IRTransformLayer<decltype(CompileLayer), OptimizeFunction> OptimizeLayer; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<JITCompileCallbackManager> CompileCallbackManager; |
| CompileOnDemandLayer<decltype(OptimizeLayer)> CODLayer; |
| |
| public: |
| using ModuleHandle = decltype(CODLayer)::ModuleHandleT; |
| |
| First we need to include the CompileOnDemandLayer.h header, then add two new |
| members: a std::unique_ptr<JITCompileCallbackManager> and a CompileOnDemandLayer, |
| to our class. The CompileCallbackManager member is used by the CompileOnDemandLayer |
| to create the compile callback needed for each function. |
| |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| KaleidoscopeJIT() |
| : TM(EngineBuilder().selectTarget()), DL(TM->createDataLayout()), |
| ObjectLayer([]() { return std::make_shared<SectionMemoryManager>(); }), |
| CompileLayer(ObjectLayer, SimpleCompiler(*TM)), |
| OptimizeLayer(CompileLayer, |
| [this](std::shared_ptr<Module> M) { |
| return optimizeModule(std::move(M)); |
| }), |
| CompileCallbackManager( |
| orc::createLocalCompileCallbackManager(TM->getTargetTriple(), 0)), |
| CODLayer(OptimizeLayer, |
| [this](Function &F) { return std::set<Function*>({&F}); }, |
| *CompileCallbackManager, |
| orc::createLocalIndirectStubsManagerBuilder( |
| TM->getTargetTriple())) { |
| llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary::LoadLibraryPermanently(nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| Next we have to update our constructor to initialize the new members. To create |
| an appropriate compile callback manager we use the |
| createLocalCompileCallbackManager function, which takes a TargetMachine and an |
| ExecutorAddr to call if it receives a request to compile an unknown |
| function. In our simple JIT this situation is unlikely to come up, so we'll |
| cheat and just pass '0' here. In a production quality JIT you could give the |
| address of a function that throws an exception in order to unwind the JIT'd |
| code's stack. |
| |
| Now we can construct our CompileOnDemandLayer. Following the pattern from |
| previous layers we start by passing a reference to the next layer down in our |
| stack -- the OptimizeLayer. Next we need to supply a 'partitioning function': |
| when a not-yet-compiled function is called, the CompileOnDemandLayer will call |
| this function to ask us what we would like to compile. At a minimum we need to |
| compile the function being called (given by the argument to the partitioning |
| function), but we could also request that the CompileOnDemandLayer compile other |
| functions that are unconditionally called (or highly likely to be called) from |
| the function being called. For KaleidoscopeJIT we'll keep it simple and just |
| request compilation of the function that was called. Next we pass a reference to |
| our CompileCallbackManager. Finally, we need to supply an "indirect stubs |
| manager builder": a utility function that constructs IndirectStubManagers, which |
| are in turn used to build the stubs for the functions in each module. The |
| CompileOnDemandLayer will call the indirect stub manager builder once for each |
| call to addModule, and use the resulting indirect stubs manager to create |
| stubs for all functions in all modules in the set. If/when the module set is |
| removed from the JIT the indirect stubs manager will be deleted, freeing any |
| memory allocated to the stubs. We supply this function by using the |
| createLocalIndirectStubsManagerBuilder utility. |
| |
| .. code-block:: c++ |
| |
| // ... |
| if (auto Sym = CODLayer.findSymbol(Name, false)) |
| // ... |
| return cantFail(CODLayer.addModule(std::move(Ms), |
| std::move(Resolver))); |
| // ... |
| |
| // ... |
| return CODLayer.findSymbol(MangledNameStream.str(), true); |
| // ... |
| |
| // ... |
| CODLayer.removeModule(H); |
| // ... |
| |
| Finally, we need to replace the references to OptimizeLayer in our addModule, |
| findSymbol, and removeModule methods. With that, we're up and running. |
| |
| **To be done:** |
| |
| ** Chapter conclusion.** |
| |
| Full Code Listing |
| ================= |
| |
| Here is the complete code listing for our running example with a CompileOnDemand |
| layer added to enable lazy function-at-a-time compilation. To build this example, use: |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| # Compile |
| clang++ -g toy.cpp `llvm-config --cxxflags --ldflags --system-libs --libs core orcjit native` -O3 -o toy |
| # Run |
| ./toy |
| |
| Here is the code: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/Kaleidoscope/BuildingAJIT/Chapter3/KaleidoscopeJIT.h |
| :language: c++ |
| |
| `Next: Extreme Laziness -- Using Compile Callbacks to JIT directly from ASTs <BuildingAJIT4.html>`_ |