blob: c30360fd77d575d6e0d73dd86d97254731a15279 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-unknown -mattr=+sse2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X86
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-unknown -mattr=+avx | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64
; These tests just check that the plumbing is in place for @llvm.bswap. The
; actual output is massive at the moment as llvm.bswap is not yet legal.
declare i32 @llvm.bswap.i32(i32) readnone
declare i32 @llvm.bswap.v4i32(i32) readnone
; fold (bswap undef) -> undef
define i32 @test_undef() nounwind {
; X86-LABEL: test_undef:
; X86: # %bb.0:
; X86-NEXT: retl
; X64-LABEL: test_undef:
; X64: # %bb.0:
; X64-NEXT: retq
%b = call i32 @llvm.bswap.i32(i32 undef)
ret i32 %b
; fold (bswap (bswap x)) -> x
define i32 @test_bswap_bswap(i32 %a0) nounwind {
; X86-LABEL: test_bswap_bswap:
; X86: # %bb.0:
; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
; X86-NEXT: retl
; X64-LABEL: test_bswap_bswap:
; X64: # %bb.0:
; X64-NEXT: movl %edi, %eax
; X64-NEXT: retq
%b = call i32 @llvm.bswap.i32(i32 %a0)
%c = call i32 @llvm.bswap.i32(i32 %b)
ret i32 %c
define i32 @test_demandedbits_bswap(i32 %a0) nounwind {
; X86-LABEL: test_demandedbits_bswap:
; X86: # %bb.0:
; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
; X86-NEXT: bswapl %eax
; X86-NEXT: andl $-65536, %eax # imm = 0xFFFF0000
; X86-NEXT: retl
; X64-LABEL: test_demandedbits_bswap:
; X64: # %bb.0:
; X64-NEXT: movl %edi, %eax
; X64-NEXT: bswapl %eax
; X64-NEXT: andl $-65536, %eax # imm = 0xFFFF0000
; X64-NEXT: retq
%b = or i32 %a0, 4278190080
%c = call i32 @llvm.bswap.i32(i32 %b)
%d = and i32 %c, 4294901760
ret i32 %d