blob: c736d138b89205a4b73e7ad688740cc1244cb76c [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: llc -x mir -mtriple powerpc-unknown-aix-xcoff --verify-machineinstrs \
# RUN: -start-before=ppc-branch-select < %s | FileCheck %s
# RUN: llc -x mir -mtriple powerpc64-unknown-aix-xcoff --verify-machineinstrs \
# RUN: -start-before=ppc-branch-select < %s | FileCheck %s
# Test uses a long branch to force printing of a branch that uses the program
# counter as an operand. ($PC + 8)
name: print_program_counter
machineFunctionInfo: {}
body: |
successors: %bb.1(0x30000000), %bb.2(0x50000000)
liveins: $r3
renamable $cr0 = CMPLWI killed renamable $r3, 0
BCC 76, killed renamable $cr0, %bb.1
renamable $r3 = LI 2
INLINEASM &".space 32760", 1
BLR implicit $lr, implicit $rm, implicit killed $r3
renamable $r3 = LI 1
INLINEASM &".space 32760", 1
BLR implicit $lr, implicit $rm, implicit killed $r3
# CHECK-LABEL: .print_program_counter:
# CHECK: cmplwi
# CHECK-NEXT: bne {{[0-9]}}, $+8