blob: aff7296cb6e3ff18d1f95c3dc100cd7352b48ed3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------- RegisterEHFrames.cpp - Register EH frame sections ----------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/TargetProcess/RegisterEHFrames.h"
#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITSymbol.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "orc"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::orc;
using namespace llvm::orc::tpctypes;
namespace llvm {
namespace orc {
!defined(__SEH__) && !defined(__USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__)
extern "C" void __register_frame(const void *);
extern "C" void __deregister_frame(const void *);
Error registerFrameWrapper(const void *P) {
return Error::success();
Error deregisterFrameWrapper(const void *P) {
return Error::success();
// The building compiler does not have __(de)register_frame but
// it may be found at runtime in a dynamically-loaded library.
// For example, this happens when building LLVM with Visual C++
// but using the MingW runtime.
static Error registerFrameWrapper(const void *P) {
static void((*RegisterFrame)(const void *)) = 0;
if (!RegisterFrame)
*(void **)&RegisterFrame =
if (RegisterFrame) {
return Error::success();
return make_error<StringError>("could not register eh-frame: "
"__register_frame function not found",
static Error deregisterFrameWrapper(const void *P) {
static void((*DeregisterFrame)(const void *)) = 0;
if (!DeregisterFrame)
*(void **)&DeregisterFrame =
if (DeregisterFrame) {
return Error::success();
return make_error<StringError>("could not deregister eh-frame: "
"__deregister_frame function not found",
#ifdef __APPLE__
template <typename HandleFDEFn>
Error walkAppleEHFrameSection(const char *const SectionStart,
size_t SectionSize, HandleFDEFn HandleFDE) {
const char *CurCFIRecord = SectionStart;
const char *End = SectionStart + SectionSize;
uint64_t Size = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(CurCFIRecord);
while (CurCFIRecord != End && Size != 0) {
const char *OffsetField = CurCFIRecord + (Size == 0xffffffff ? 12 : 4);
if (Size == 0xffffffff)
Size = *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(CurCFIRecord + 4) + 12;
Size += 4;
uint32_t Offset = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(OffsetField);
dbgs() << "Registering eh-frame section:\n";
dbgs() << "Processing " << (Offset ? "FDE" : "CIE") << " @"
<< (void *)CurCFIRecord << ": [";
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Size; ++I)
dbgs() << format(" 0x%02" PRIx8, *(CurCFIRecord + I));
dbgs() << " ]\n";
if (Offset != 0)
if (auto Err = HandleFDE(CurCFIRecord))
return Err;
CurCFIRecord += Size;
Size = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(CurCFIRecord);
return Error::success();
#endif // __APPLE__
Error registerEHFrameSection(const void *EHFrameSectionAddr,
size_t EHFrameSectionSize) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
// On Darwin __register_frame has to be called for each FDE entry.
return walkAppleEHFrameSection(static_cast<const char *>(EHFrameSectionAddr),
EHFrameSectionSize, registerFrameWrapper);
// On Linux __register_frame takes a single argument:
// a pointer to the start of the .eh_frame section.
// How can it find the end? Because crtendS.o is linked
// in and it has an .eh_frame section with four zero chars.
return registerFrameWrapper(EHFrameSectionAddr);
Error deregisterEHFrameSection(const void *EHFrameSectionAddr,
size_t EHFrameSectionSize) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
return walkAppleEHFrameSection(static_cast<const char *>(EHFrameSectionAddr),
EHFrameSectionSize, deregisterFrameWrapper);
return deregisterFrameWrapper(EHFrameSectionAddr);
} // end namespace orc
} // end namespace llvm
extern "C" CWrapperFunctionResult
llvm_orc_registerEHFrameSectionWrapper(uint8_t *Data, uint64_t Size) {
if (Size != sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(uint64_t))
return WrapperFunctionResult::from(
"Invalid arguments to llvm_orc_registerEHFrameSectionWrapper")
uint64_t EHFrameSectionAddr;
uint64_t EHFrameSectionSize;
BinaryStreamReader ArgReader(ArrayRef<uint8_t>(Data, Size),
if (auto Err = registerEHFrameSection(
jitTargetAddressToPointer<void *>(EHFrameSectionAddr),
EHFrameSectionSize)) {
auto ErrMsg = toString(std::move(Err));
return WrapperFunctionResult::from(ErrMsg).release();
return WrapperFunctionResult().release();
extern "C" CWrapperFunctionResult
llvm_orc_deregisterEHFrameSectionWrapper(uint8_t *Data, uint64_t Size) {
if (Size != sizeof(uint64_t) + sizeof(uint64_t))
return WrapperFunctionResult::from(
"Invalid arguments to llvm_orc_registerEHFrameSectionWrapper")
uint64_t EHFrameSectionAddr;
uint64_t EHFrameSectionSize;
BinaryStreamReader ArgReader(ArrayRef<uint8_t>(Data, Size),
if (auto Err = deregisterEHFrameSection(
jitTargetAddressToPointer<void *>(EHFrameSectionAddr),
EHFrameSectionSize)) {
auto ErrMsg = toString(std::move(Err));
return WrapperFunctionResult::from(ErrMsg).release();
return WrapperFunctionResult().release();