@echo off | |
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion | |
goto begin | |
:usage | |
echo Script for building the LLVM installer on Windows, | |
echo used for the releases at https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases | |
echo. | |
echo Usage: build_llvm_release.bat --version ^<version^> [--x86,--x64, --arm64] | |
echo. | |
echo Options: | |
echo --version: [required] version to build | |
echo --help: display this help | |
echo --x86: build and test x86 variant | |
echo --x64: build and test x64 variant | |
echo --arm64: build and test arm64 variant | |
echo. | |
echo Note: At least one variant to build is required. | |
echo. | |
echo Example: build_llvm_release.bat --version 15.0.0 --x86 --x64 | |
exit /b 1 | |
:begin | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: parse args | |
set version= | |
set help= | |
set x86= | |
set x64= | |
set arm64= | |
call :parse_args %* | |
if "%help%" NEQ "" goto usage | |
if "%version%" == "" ( | |
echo --version option is required | |
echo ============================= | |
goto usage | |
) | |
if "%arm64%" == "" if "%x64%" == "" if "%x86%" == "" ( | |
echo nothing to build! | |
echo choose one or several variants from: --x86 --x64 --arm64 | |
exit /b 1 | |
) | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: check prerequisites | |
REM Note: | |
REM 7zip versions 21.x and higher will try to extract the symlinks in | |
REM llvm's git archive, which requires running as administrator. | |
REM Check 7-zip version and/or administrator permissions. | |
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('7z.exe ^| findstr /r "2[1-9].[0-9][0-9]"') do set version_7z=%%i | |
if not "%version_7z%"=="" ( | |
REM Unique temporary filename to use by the 'mklink' command. | |
set "link_name=%temp%\%username%_%random%_%random%.tmp" | |
REM As the 'mklink' requires elevated permissions, the symbolic link | |
REM creation will fail if the script is not running as administrator. | |
mklink /d "!link_name!" . 1>nul 2>nul | |
if errorlevel 1 ( | |
echo. | |
echo Script requires administrator permissions, or a 7-zip version 20.x or older. | |
echo Current version is "%version_7z%" | |
exit /b 1 | |
) else ( | |
REM Remove the temporary symbolic link. | |
rd "!link_name!" | |
) | |
) | |
REM Prerequisites: | |
REM | |
REM Visual Studio 2019, CMake, Ninja, GNUWin32, SWIG, Python 3, | |
REM NSIS with the strlen_8192 patch, | |
REM Visual Studio 2019 SDK and Nuget (for the clang-format plugin), | |
REM Perl (for the OpenMP run-time). | |
REM | |
REM | |
REM For LLDB, SWIG version 4.1.1 should be used. | |
REM | |
:: Detect Visual Studio | |
set vsinstall= | |
set vswhere=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe | |
if "%VSINSTALLDIR%" NEQ "" ( | |
echo using enabled Visual Studio installation | |
set "vsinstall=%VSINSTALLDIR%" | |
) else ( | |
echo using vswhere to detect Visual Studio installation | |
FOR /F "delims=" %%r IN ('^""%vswhere%" -nologo -latest -products "*" -all -property installationPath^"') DO set vsinstall=%%r | |
) | |
set "vsdevcmd=%vsinstall%\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" | |
if not exist "%vsdevcmd%" ( | |
echo Can't find any installation of Visual Studio | |
exit /b 1 | |
) | |
echo Using VS devcmd: %vsdevcmd% | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: start echoing what we do | |
@echo on | |
set python32_dir=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310-32 | |
set python64_dir=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310 | |
set pythonarm64_dir=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311-arm64 | |
set revision=llvmorg-%version% | |
set package_version=%version% | |
set build_dir=%cd%\llvm_package_%package_version% | |
echo Revision: %revision% | |
echo Package version: %package_version% | |
echo Build dir: %build_dir% | |
echo. | |
if exist %build_dir% ( | |
echo Build directory already exists: %build_dir% | |
exit /b 1 | |
) | |
mkdir %build_dir% | |
cd %build_dir% || exit /b 1 | |
echo Checking out %revision% | |
curl -L https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/archive/%revision%.zip -o src.zip || exit /b 1 | |
7z x src.zip || exit /b 1 | |
mv llvm-project-* llvm-project || exit /b 1 | |
curl -O https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2/-/archive/v2.9.12/libxml2-v2.9.12.tar.gz || exit /b 1 | |
tar zxf libxml2-v2.9.12.tar.gz | |
REM Setting CMAKE_CL_SHOWINCLUDES_PREFIX to work around PR27226. | |
REM Common flags for all builds. | |
set common_cmake_flags=^ | |
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^ | |
-DPACKAGE_VERSION=%package_version% ^ | |
-DCMAKE_CL_SHOWINCLUDES_PREFIX="Note: including file: " ^ | |
-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra;lld;compiler-rt;lldb;openmp" | |
REM Preserve original path | |
set OLDPATH=%PATH% | |
REM Build the 32-bits and/or 64-bits binaries. | |
if "%x86%" == "true" call :do_build_32 || exit /b 1 | |
if "%x64%" == "true" call :do_build_64 || exit /b 1 | |
if "%arm64%" == "true" call :do_build_arm64 || exit /b 1 | |
exit /b 0 | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: Build 32-bits binaries. | |
::============================================================================== | |
:do_build_32 | |
call :set_environment %python32_dir% || exit /b 1 | |
call "%vsdevcmd%" -arch=x86 || exit /b 1 | |
@echo on | |
mkdir build32_stage0 | |
cd build32_stage0 | |
call :do_build_libxml || exit /b 1 | |
REM Stage0 binaries directory; used in stage1. | |
set "stage0_bin_dir=%build_dir%/build32_stage0/bin" | |
set cmake_flags=^ | |
%common_cmake_flags% ^ | |
-DLLDB_TEST_COMPILER=%stage0_bin_dir%/clang.exe ^ | |
-DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIRS=%libxmldir%/include/libxml2 ^ | |
-DLIBXML2_LIBRARIES=%libxmldir%/lib/libxml2s.lib | |
cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b 1 | |
ninja || ninja || ninja || exit /b 1 | |
REM ninja check-llvm || ninja check-llvm || ninja check-llvm || exit /b 1 | |
REM ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b 1 | |
REM ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b 1 | |
cd.. | |
REM CMake expects the paths that specifies the compiler and linker to be | |
REM with forward slash. | |
set all_cmake_flags=^ | |
%cmake_flags% ^ | |
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%stage0_bin_dir%/clang-cl.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%stage0_bin_dir%/clang-cl.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_LINKER=%stage0_bin_dir%/lld-link.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_AR=%stage0_bin_dir%/llvm-lib.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_RC=%stage0_bin_dir%/llvm-windres.exe | |
set cmake_flags=%all_cmake_flags:\=/% | |
mkdir build32 | |
cd build32 | |
cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b 1 | |
ninja || ninja || ninja || exit /b 1 | |
REM ninja check-llvm || ninja check-llvm || ninja check-llvm || exit /b 1 | |
REM ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b 1 | |
REM ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b 1 | |
ninja package || exit /b 1 | |
cd .. | |
exit /b 0 | |
::============================================================================== | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: Build 64-bits binaries. | |
::============================================================================== | |
:do_build_64 | |
call :set_environment %python64_dir% || exit /b 1 | |
call "%vsdevcmd%" -arch=amd64 || exit /b 1 | |
@echo on | |
mkdir build64_stage0 | |
cd build64_stage0 | |
call :do_build_libxml || exit /b 1 | |
REM Stage0 binaries directory; used in stage1. | |
set "stage0_bin_dir=%build_dir%/build64_stage0/bin" | |
set cmake_flags=^ | |
%common_cmake_flags% ^ | |
-DLLDB_TEST_COMPILER=%stage0_bin_dir%/clang.exe ^ | |
-DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIRS=%libxmldir%/include/libxml2 ^ | |
-DLIBXML2_LIBRARIES=%libxmldir%/lib/libxml2s.lib | |
cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b 1 | |
ninja || ninja || ninja || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-llvm || ninja check-llvm || ninja check-llvm || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || exit /b 1 | |
cd.. | |
REM CMake expects the paths that specifies the compiler and linker to be | |
REM with forward slash. | |
set all_cmake_flags=^ | |
%cmake_flags% ^ | |
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%stage0_bin_dir%/clang-cl.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%stage0_bin_dir%/clang-cl.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_LINKER=%stage0_bin_dir%/lld-link.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_AR=%stage0_bin_dir%/llvm-lib.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_RC=%stage0_bin_dir%/llvm-windres.exe | |
set cmake_flags=%all_cmake_flags:\=/% | |
mkdir build64 | |
cd build64 | |
cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b 1 | |
ninja || ninja || ninja || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-llvm || ninja check-llvm || ninja check-llvm || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || ninja check-clang || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || ninja check-lld || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b 1 | |
ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || ninja check-clangd || exit /b 1 | |
ninja package || exit /b 1 | |
cd .. | |
exit /b 0 | |
::============================================================================== | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: Build arm64 binaries. | |
::============================================================================== | |
:do_build_arm64 | |
call :set_environment %pythonarm64_dir% || exit /b 1 | |
call "%vsdevcmd%" -host_arch=x64 -arch=arm64 || exit /b 1 | |
@echo on | |
mkdir build_arm64_stage0 | |
cd build_arm64_stage0 | |
call :do_build_libxml || exit /b 1 | |
REM Stage0 binaries directory; used in stage1. | |
set "stage0_bin_dir=%build_dir%/build_arm64_stage0/bin" | |
set cmake_flags=^ | |
%common_cmake_flags% ^ | |
-DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIRS=%libxmldir%/include/libxml2 ^ | |
-DLIBXML2_LIBRARIES=%libxmldir%/lib/libxml2s.lib ^ | |
REM We need to build stage0 compiler-rt with clang-cl (msvc lacks some builtins). | |
cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% ^ | |
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-cl.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang-cl.exe ^ | |
..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b 1 | |
ninja || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-llvm || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-clang || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-lld || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-clangd || exit /b 1 | |
cd.. | |
REM CMake expects the paths that specifies the compiler and linker to be | |
REM with forward slash. | |
REM CPACK_SYSTEM_NAME is set to have a correct name for installer generated. | |
set all_cmake_flags=^ | |
%cmake_flags% ^ | |
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%stage0_bin_dir%/clang-cl.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%stage0_bin_dir%/clang-cl.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_LINKER=%stage0_bin_dir%/lld-link.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_AR=%stage0_bin_dir%/llvm-lib.exe ^ | |
-DCMAKE_RC=%stage0_bin_dir%/llvm-windres.exe ^ | |
set cmake_flags=%all_cmake_flags:\=/% | |
mkdir build_arm64 | |
cd build_arm64 | |
cmake -GNinja %cmake_flags% ..\llvm-project\llvm || exit /b 1 | |
ninja || exit /b 1 | |
REM Check but do not fail on errors. | |
ninja check-lldb | |
::ninja check-llvm || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-clang || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-lld || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-sanitizer || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-clang-tools || exit /b 1 | |
::ninja check-clangd || exit /b 1 | |
ninja package || exit /b 1 | |
cd .. | |
exit /b 0 | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: Set PATH and some environment variables. | |
::============================================================================== | |
:set_environment | |
REM Restore original path | |
set PATH=%OLDPATH% | |
set python_dir=%1 | |
REM Set Python environment | |
%python_dir%/python.exe --version || exit /b 1 | |
set PYTHONHOME=%python_dir% | |
set "VSCMD_START_DIR=%build_dir%" | |
exit /b 0 | |
::============================================================================= | |
::============================================================================== | |
:: Build libxml. | |
::============================================================================== | |
:do_build_libxml | |
mkdir libxmlbuild | |
cd libxmlbuild | |
cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install ^ | |
../../libxml2-v2.9.12 || exit /b 1 | |
ninja install || exit /b 1 | |
set libxmldir=%cd%\install | |
set "libxmldir=%libxmldir:\=/%" | |
cd .. | |
exit /b 0 | |
::============================================================================= | |
:: Parse command line arguments. | |
:: The format for the arguments is: | |
:: Boolean: --option | |
:: Value: --option<separator>value | |
:: with <separator> being: space, colon, semicolon or equal sign | |
:: | |
:: Command line usage example: | |
:: my-batch-file.bat --build --type=release --version 123 | |
:: It will create 3 variables: | |
:: 'build' with the value 'true' | |
:: 'type' with the value 'release' | |
:: 'version' with the value '123' | |
:: | |
:: Usage: | |
:: set "build=" | |
:: set "type=" | |
:: set "version=" | |
:: | |
:: REM Parse arguments. | |
:: call :parse_args %* | |
:: | |
:: if defined build ( | |
:: ... | |
:: ) | |
:: if %type%=='release' ( | |
:: ... | |
:: ) | |
:: if %version%=='123' ( | |
:: ... | |
:: ) | |
::============================================================================= | |
:parse_args | |
set "arg_name=" | |
:parse_args_start | |
if "%1" == "" ( | |
:: Set a seen boolean argument. | |
if "%arg_name%" neq "" ( | |
set "%arg_name%=true" | |
) | |
goto :parse_args_done | |
) | |
set aux=%1 | |
if "%aux:~0,2%" == "--" ( | |
:: Set a seen boolean argument. | |
if "%arg_name%" neq "" ( | |
set "%arg_name%=true" | |
) | |
set "arg_name=%aux:~2,250%" | |
) else ( | |
set "%arg_name%=%1" | |
set "arg_name=" | |
) | |
shift | |
goto :parse_args_start | |
:parse_args_done | |
exit /b 0 |