blob: 91bc5fb92a6f3383f0a1fdac21be0197ba6ef5ff [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Debugify.h - Check debug info preservation in optimizations --------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file Interface to the `debugify` synthetic/original debug info testing
/// utility.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriterPass.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRPrintingPasses.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ValueHandle.h"
using DebugFnMap = llvm::DenseMap<llvm::StringRef, const llvm::DISubprogram *>;
using DebugInstMap = llvm::DenseMap<const llvm::Instruction *, bool>;
using WeakInstValueMap =
llvm::DenseMap<const llvm::Instruction *, llvm::WeakVH>;
/// Used to track the Debug Info Metadata information.
struct DebugInfoPerPass {
// This maps a function name to its associated DISubprogram.
DebugFnMap DIFunctions;
// This maps an instruction and the info about whether it has !dbg attached.
DebugInstMap DILocations;
// This tracks value (instruction) deletion. If an instruction gets deleted,
// WeakVH nulls itself.
WeakInstValueMap InstToDelete;
/// Map pass names to a per-pass DebugInfoPerPass instance.
using DebugInfoPerPassMap = llvm::MapVector<llvm::StringRef, DebugInfoPerPass>;
namespace llvm {
class DIBuilder;
/// Add synthesized debug information to a module.
/// \param M The module to add debug information to.
/// \param Functions A range of functions to add debug information to.
/// \param Banner A prefix string to add to debug/error messages.
/// \param ApplyToMF A call back that will add debug information to the
/// MachineFunction for a Function. If nullptr, then the
/// MachineFunction (if any) will not be modified.
bool applyDebugifyMetadata(
Module &M, iterator_range<Module::iterator> Functions, StringRef Banner,
std::function<bool(DIBuilder &, Function &)> ApplyToMF);
/// Strip out all of the metadata and debug info inserted by debugify. If no
/// llvm.debugify module-level named metadata is present, this is a no-op.
/// Returns true if any change was made.
bool stripDebugifyMetadata(Module &M);
/// Collect original debug information before a pass.
/// \param M The module to collect debug information from.
/// \param Functions A range of functions to collect debug information from.
/// \param DIPreservationMap A map to collect the DI metadata.
/// \param Banner A prefix string to add to debug/error messages.
/// \param NameOfWrappedPass A name of a pass to add to debug/error messages.
bool collectDebugInfoMetadata(Module &M,
iterator_range<Module::iterator> Functions,
DebugInfoPerPassMap &DIPreservationMap,
StringRef Banner, StringRef NameOfWrappedPass);
/// Check original debug information after a pass.
/// \param M The module to collect debug information from.
/// \param Functions A range of functions to collect debug information from.
/// \param DIPreservationMap A map used to check collected the DI metadata.
/// \param Banner A prefix string to add to debug/error messages.
/// \param NameOfWrappedPass A name of a pass to add to debug/error messages.
bool checkDebugInfoMetadata(Module &M,
iterator_range<Module::iterator> Functions,
DebugInfoPerPassMap &DIPreservationMap,
StringRef Banner, StringRef NameOfWrappedPass);
} // namespace llvm
/// Used to check whether we track synthetic or original debug info.
enum class DebugifyMode { NoDebugify, SyntheticDebugInfo, OriginalDebugInfo };
llvm::ModulePass *createDebugifyModulePass(
enum DebugifyMode Mode = DebugifyMode::SyntheticDebugInfo,
llvm::StringRef NameOfWrappedPass = "",
DebugInfoPerPassMap *DIPreservationMap = nullptr);
llvm::FunctionPass *createDebugifyFunctionPass(
enum DebugifyMode Mode = DebugifyMode::SyntheticDebugInfo,
llvm::StringRef NameOfWrappedPass = "",
DebugInfoPerPassMap *DIPreservationMap = nullptr);
struct NewPMDebugifyPass : public llvm::PassInfoMixin<NewPMDebugifyPass> {
llvm::PreservedAnalyses run(llvm::Module &M, llvm::ModuleAnalysisManager &AM);
/// Track how much `debugify` information (in the `synthetic` mode only)
/// has been lost.
struct DebugifyStatistics {
/// Number of missing dbg.values.
unsigned NumDbgValuesMissing = 0;
/// Number of dbg.values expected.
unsigned NumDbgValuesExpected = 0;
/// Number of instructions with empty debug locations.
unsigned NumDbgLocsMissing = 0;
/// Number of instructions expected to have debug locations.
unsigned NumDbgLocsExpected = 0;
/// Get the ratio of missing/expected dbg.values.
float getMissingValueRatio() const {
return float(NumDbgValuesMissing) / float(NumDbgLocsExpected);
/// Get the ratio of missing/expected instructions with locations.
float getEmptyLocationRatio() const {
return float(NumDbgLocsMissing) / float(NumDbgLocsExpected);
/// Map pass names to a per-pass DebugifyStatistics instance.
using DebugifyStatsMap = llvm::MapVector<llvm::StringRef, DebugifyStatistics>;
llvm::ModulePass *createCheckDebugifyModulePass(
bool Strip = false, llvm::StringRef NameOfWrappedPass = "",
DebugifyStatsMap *StatsMap = nullptr,
enum DebugifyMode Mode = DebugifyMode::SyntheticDebugInfo,
DebugInfoPerPassMap *DIPreservationMap = nullptr);
llvm::FunctionPass *createCheckDebugifyFunctionPass(
bool Strip = false, llvm::StringRef NameOfWrappedPass = "",
DebugifyStatsMap *StatsMap = nullptr,
enum DebugifyMode Mode = DebugifyMode::SyntheticDebugInfo,
DebugInfoPerPassMap *DIPreservationMap = nullptr);
struct NewPMCheckDebugifyPass
: public llvm::PassInfoMixin<NewPMCheckDebugifyPass> {
llvm::PreservedAnalyses run(llvm::Module &M, llvm::ModuleAnalysisManager &AM);
namespace llvm {
void exportDebugifyStats(StringRef Path, const DebugifyStatsMap &Map);
struct DebugifyEachInstrumentation {
DebugifyStatsMap StatsMap;
void registerCallbacks(PassInstrumentationCallbacks &PIC);
/// DebugifyCustomPassManager wraps each pass with the debugify passes if
/// needed.
/// NOTE: We support legacy custom pass manager only.
/// TODO: Add New PM support for custom pass manager.
class DebugifyCustomPassManager : public legacy::PassManager {
DebugifyStatsMap *DIStatsMap = nullptr;
DebugInfoPerPassMap *DIPreservationMap = nullptr;
enum DebugifyMode Mode = DebugifyMode::NoDebugify;
using super = legacy::PassManager;
void add(Pass *P) override {
// Wrap each pass with (-check)-debugify passes if requested, making
// exceptions for passes which shouldn't see -debugify instrumentation.
bool WrapWithDebugify =
Mode != DebugifyMode::NoDebugify &&
!P->getAsImmutablePass() && !isIRPrintingPass(P) &&
if (!WrapWithDebugify) {
// Either apply -debugify/-check-debugify before/after each pass and collect
// debug info loss statistics, or collect and check original debug info in
// the optimizations.
PassKind Kind = P->getPassKind();
StringRef Name = P->getPassName();
// TODO: Implement Debugify for LoopPass.
switch (Kind) {
case PT_Function:
super::add(createDebugifyFunctionPass(Mode, Name, DIPreservationMap));
isSyntheticDebugInfo(), Name, DIStatsMap, Mode, DIPreservationMap));
case PT_Module:
super::add(createDebugifyModulePass(Mode, Name, DIPreservationMap));
isSyntheticDebugInfo(), Name, DIStatsMap, Mode, DIPreservationMap));
// Used within DebugifyMode::SyntheticDebugInfo mode.
void setDIStatsMap(DebugifyStatsMap &StatMap) { DIStatsMap = &StatMap; }
// Used within DebugifyMode::OriginalDebugInfo mode.
void setDIPreservationMap(DebugInfoPerPassMap &PerPassMap) {
DIPreservationMap = &PerPassMap;
void setDebugifyMode(enum DebugifyMode M) { Mode = M; }
bool isSyntheticDebugInfo() const {
return Mode == DebugifyMode::SyntheticDebugInfo;
bool isOriginalDebugInfoMode() const {
return Mode == DebugifyMode::OriginalDebugInfo;
const DebugifyStatsMap &getDebugifyStatsMap() const { return *DIStatsMap; }
DebugInfoPerPassMap &getDebugInfoPerPassMap() { return *DIPreservationMap; }
} // namespace llvm