blob: 6c3f31d509ccd62461a4a94195914ad2bb447a1d [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc < %s | FileCheck %s
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:16:16-i32:16-i64:16-f32:16-f64:16-a:8-n8:16-S16"
target triple = "msp430"
define i16 @f(float %a, float %b) optsize {
%cmp = fcmp une float %a, %b
%conv = zext i1 %cmp to i16
; CHECK-LABEL: call #__mspabi_cmpf
; CHECK-NOT: r13
; CHECK-LABEL: mov r2
; This is quite fragile attempt to detect the return type:
; Correct:
; call #__mspabi_cmpf
; tst r12
; mov r2, r13
; Incorrect:
; call #__mspabi_cmpf
; bis r12, r13 <-- checking (R12:R13)
; tst r13
; mov r2, r13
ret i16 %conv