| ===================================== |
| The PDB File Format |
| ===================================== |
| |
| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
| |
| .. _pdb_intro: |
| |
| Introduction |
| ============ |
| |
| PDB (Program Database) is a file format invented by Microsoft and which contains |
| debug information that can be consumed by debuggers and other tools. Since |
| officially supported APIs exist on Windows for querying debug information from |
| PDBs even without the user understanding the internals of the file format, a |
| large ecosystem of tools has been built for Windows to consume this format. In |
| order for Clang to be able to generate programs that can interoperate with these |
| tools, it is necessary for us to generate PDB files ourselves. |
| |
| At the same time, LLVM has a long history of being able to cross-compile from |
| any platform to any platform, and we wish for the same to be true here. So it |
| is necessary for us to understand the PDB file format at the byte-level so that |
| we can generate PDB files entirely on our own. |
| |
| This manual describes what we know about the PDB file format today. The layout |
| of the file, the various streams contained within, the format of individual |
| records within, and more. |
| |
| We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Microsoft, without whom we |
| would not be where we are today. Much of the knowledge contained within this |
| manual was learned through reading code published by Microsoft on their `GitHub |
| repo <https://github.com/Microsoft/microsoft-pdb>`__. |
| |
| .. _pdb_layout: |
| |
| File Layout |
| =========== |
| |
| .. important:: |
| Unless otherwise specified, all numeric values are encoded in little endian. |
| If you see a type such as ``uint16_t`` or ``uint64_t`` going forward, always |
| assume it is little endian! |
| |
| .. toctree:: |
| :hidden: |
| |
| MsfFile |
| PdbStream |
| TpiStream |
| DbiStream |
| ModiStream |
| PublicStream |
| GlobalStream |
| HashTable |
| CodeViewSymbols |
| CodeViewTypes |
| |
| .. _msf: |
| |
| The MSF Container |
| ----------------- |
| A PDB file is an MSF (Multi-Stream Format) file. An MSF file is a "file system |
| within a file". It contains multiple streams (aka files) which can represent |
| arbitrary data, and these streams are divided into blocks which may not |
| necessarily be contiguously laid out within the MSF container file. |
| Additionally, the MSF contains a stream directory (aka MFT) which describes how |
| the streams (files) are laid out within the MSF. |
| |
| For more information about the MSF container format, stream directory, and |
| block layout, see :doc:`MsfFile`. |
| |
| .. _streams: |
| |
| Streams |
| ------- |
| The PDB format contains a number of streams which describe various information |
| such as the types, symbols, source files, and compilands (e.g. object files) |
| of a program, as well as some additional streams containing hash tables that are |
| used by debuggers and other tools to provide fast lookup of records and types |
| by name, and various other information about how the program was compiled such |
| as the specific toolchain used, and more. A summary of streams contained in a |
| PDB file is as follows: |
| |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | Name | Stream Index | Contents | |
| +====================+==============================+===========================================+ |
| | Old Directory | - Fixed Stream Index 0 | - Previous MSF Stream Directory | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | PDB Stream | - Fixed Stream Index 1 | - Basic File Information | |
| | | | - Fields to match EXE to this PDB | |
| | | | - Map of named streams to stream indices | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | TPI Stream | - Fixed Stream Index 2 | - CodeView Type Records | |
| | | | - Index of TPI Hash Stream | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | DBI Stream | - Fixed Stream Index 3 | - Module/Compiland Information | |
| | | | - Indices of individual module streams | |
| | | | - Indices of public / global streams | |
| | | | - Section Contribution Information | |
| | | | - Source File Information | |
| | | | - References to streams containing | |
| | | | FPO / PGO Data | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | IPI Stream | - Fixed Stream Index 4 | - CodeView Type Records | |
| | | | - Index of IPI Hash Stream | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | /LinkInfo | - Contained in PDB Stream | - Unknown | |
| | | Named Stream map | | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | /src/headerblock | - Contained in PDB Stream | - Summary of embedded source file content | |
| | | Named Stream map | (e.g. natvis files) | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | /names | - Contained in PDB Stream | - PDB-wide global string table used for | |
| | | Named Stream map | string de-duplication | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | Module Info Stream | - Contained in DBI Stream | - CodeView Symbol Records for this module | |
| | | - One for each compiland | - Line Number Information | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | Public Stream | - Contained in DBI Stream | - Public (Exported) Symbol Records | |
| | | | - Index of Public Hash Stream | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | Global Stream | - Contained in DBI Stream | - Single combined master symbol-table | |
| | | | - Index of Global Hash Stream | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | TPI Hash Stream | - Contained in TPI Stream | - Hash table for looking up TPI records | |
| | | | by name | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| | IPI Hash Stream | - Contained in IPI Stream | - Hash table for looking up IPI records | |
| | | | by name | |
| +--------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |
| |
| More information about the structure of each of these can be found on the |
| following pages: |
| |
| :doc:`PdbStream` |
| Information about the PDB Info Stream and how it is used to match PDBs to EXEs. |
| |
| :doc:`TpiStream` |
| Information about the TPI stream and the CodeView records contained within. |
| |
| :doc:`DbiStream` |
| Information about the DBI stream and relevant substreams including the |
| Module Substreams, source file information, and CodeView symbol records |
| contained within. |
| |
| :doc:`ModiStream` |
| Information about the Module Information Stream, of which there is one for |
| each compilation unit and the format of symbols contained within. |
| |
| :doc:`PublicStream` |
| Information about the Public Symbol Stream. |
| |
| :doc:`GlobalStream` |
| Information about the Global Symbol Stream. |
| |
| :doc:`HashTable` |
| Information about the serialized hash table format used internally to |
| represent things such as the Named Stream Map and the Hash Adjusters in the |
| :doc:`TPI/IPI Stream <TpiStream>`. |
| |
| CodeView |
| ======== |
| CodeView is another format which comes into the picture. While MSF defines |
| the structure of the overall file, and PDB defines the set of streams that |
| appear within the MSF file and the format of those streams, CodeView defines |
| the format of **symbol and type records** that appear within specific streams. |
| Refer to the pages on :doc:`CodeViewSymbols` and :doc:`CodeViewTypes` for |
| more information about the CodeView format. |