blob: 77827df261b1c33c41270f4b303e68782dfd4939 [file] [log] [blame]
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
import copy
import os
import pkgutil
import pipes
import platform
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import sys
from libcxx.compiler import CXXCompiler
from libcxx.test.target_info import make_target_info
import libcxx.util
import libcxx.test.features
import libcxx.test.newconfig
import libcxx.test.params
import lit
def loadSiteConfig(lit_config, config, param_name, env_name):
# We haven't loaded the site specific configuration (the user is
# probably trying to run on a test file directly, and either the site
# configuration hasn't been created by the build system, or we are in an
# out-of-tree build situation).
site_cfg = lit_config.params.get(param_name,
if not site_cfg:
lit_config.warning('No site specific configuration file found!'
' Running the tests in the default configuration.')
elif not os.path.isfile(site_cfg):
"Specified site configuration file does not exist: '%s'" %
lit_config.note('using site specific configuration at %s' % site_cfg)
ld_fn = lit_config.load_config
# Null out the load_config function so that doesn't
# recursively load a config even if it tries.
# TODO: This is one hell of a hack. Fix it.
def prevent_reload_fn(*args, **kwargs):
lit_config.load_config = prevent_reload_fn
ld_fn(config, site_cfg)
lit_config.load_config = ld_fn
# Extract the value of a numeric macro such as __cplusplus or a feature-test
# macro.
def intMacroValue(token):
return int(token.rstrip('LlUu'))
class Configuration(object):
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
def __init__(self, lit_config, config):
self.lit_config = lit_config
self.config = config
self.cxx = None
self.cxx_is_clang_cl = None
self.cxx_stdlib_under_test = None
self.project_obj_root = None
self.libcxx_src_root = None
self.libcxx_obj_root = None
self.cxx_library_root = None
self.cxx_runtime_root = None
self.abi_library_root = None
self.link_shared = self.get_lit_bool('enable_shared', default=True)
self.debug_build = self.get_lit_bool('debug_build', default=False)
self.exec_env = dict()
self.use_clang_verify = False
def get_lit_conf(self, name, default=None):
val = self.lit_config.params.get(name, None)
if val is None:
val = getattr(self.config, name, None)
if val is None:
val = default
return val
def get_lit_bool(self, name, default=None, env_var=None):
def check_value(value, var_name):
if value is None:
return default
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError('expected bool or string')
if value.lower() in ('1', 'true'):
return True
if value.lower() in ('', '0', 'false'):
return False
"parameter '{}' should be true or false".format(var_name))
conf_val = self.get_lit_conf(name)
if env_var is not None and env_var in os.environ and \
os.environ[env_var] is not None:
val = os.environ[env_var]
if conf_val is not None:
'Environment variable %s=%s is overriding explicit '
'--param=%s=%s' % (env_var, val, name, conf_val))
return check_value(val, env_var)
return check_value(conf_val, name)
def make_static_lib_name(self, name):
"""Return the full filename for the specified library name"""
if self.target_info.is_windows() and not self.target_info.is_mingw():
assert name == 'c++' # Only allow libc++ to use this function for now.
return 'lib' + name + '.lib'
return 'lib' + name + '.a'
def configure(self):
self.target_info = make_target_info(self)
self.executor = self.get_lit_conf('executor')
self.cxx_stdlib_under_test = self.get_lit_conf('cxx_stdlib_under_test', 'libc++')
self.cxx_library_root = self.get_lit_conf('cxx_library_root', self.libcxx_obj_root)
self.abi_library_root = self.get_lit_conf('abi_library_root') or self.cxx_library_root
self.cxx_runtime_root = self.get_lit_conf('cxx_runtime_root', self.cxx_library_root)
self.abi_runtime_root = self.get_lit_conf('abi_runtime_root', self.abi_library_root)
self.lit_config.note("All available features: {}".format(self.config.available_features))
def print_config_info(self):
if self.cxx.use_modules:
self.lit_config.note('Using modules flags: %s' %
if len(self.cxx.warning_flags):
self.lit_config.note('Using warnings: %s' % self.cxx.warning_flags)
show_env_vars = {}
for k,v in self.exec_env.items():
if k not in os.environ or os.environ[k] != v:
show_env_vars[k] = v
self.lit_config.note('Adding environment variables: %r' % show_env_vars)
self.lit_config.note("Linking against the C++ Library at {}".format(self.cxx_library_root))
self.lit_config.note("Running against the C++ Library at {}".format(self.cxx_runtime_root))
self.lit_config.note("Linking against the ABI Library at {}".format(self.abi_library_root))
self.lit_config.note("Running against the ABI Library at {}".format(self.abi_runtime_root))
sys.stderr.flush() # Force flushing to avoid broken output on Windows
def get_test_format(self):
from libcxx.test.format import LibcxxTestFormat
return LibcxxTestFormat(
def configure_cxx(self):
# Gather various compiler parameters.
cxx = self.get_lit_conf('cxx_under_test')
self.cxx_is_clang_cl = cxx is not None and \
# If no specific cxx_under_test was given, attempt to infer it as
# clang++.
if cxx is None or self.cxx_is_clang_cl:
search_paths = self.config.environment['PATH']
if cxx is not None and os.path.isabs(cxx):
search_paths = os.path.dirname(cxx)
clangxx = libcxx.util.which('clang++', search_paths)
if clangxx:
cxx = clangxx
"inferred cxx_under_test as: %r" % cxx)
elif self.cxx_is_clang_cl:
self.lit_config.fatal('Failed to find clang++ substitution for'
' clang-cl')
if not cxx:
self.lit_config.fatal('must specify user parameter cxx_under_test '
'(e.g., --param=cxx_under_test=clang++)')
self.cxx = CXXCompiler(self, cxx) if not self.cxx_is_clang_cl else \
self.cxx.compile_env = dict(os.environ)
def _configure_clang_cl(self, clang_path):
def _split_env_var(var):
return [p.strip() for p in os.environ.get(var, '').split(';') if p.strip()]
def _prefixed_env_list(var, prefix):
from itertools import chain
return list(chain.from_iterable((prefix, path) for path in _split_env_var(var)))
assert self.cxx_is_clang_cl
flags = []
compile_flags = []
link_flags = _prefixed_env_list('LIB', '-L')
return CXXCompiler(self, clang_path, flags=flags,
def configure_src_root(self):
self.libcxx_src_root = self.get_lit_conf(
'libcxx_src_root', os.path.dirname(self.config.test_source_root))
def configure_obj_root(self):
self.project_obj_root = self.get_lit_conf('project_obj_root')
self.libcxx_obj_root = self.get_lit_conf('libcxx_obj_root')
if not self.libcxx_obj_root and self.project_obj_root is not None:
possible_roots = [
os.path.join(self.project_obj_root, 'libcxx'),
os.path.join(self.project_obj_root, 'projects', 'libcxx'),
os.path.join(self.project_obj_root, 'runtimes', 'libcxx'),
for possible_root in possible_roots:
if os.path.isdir(possible_root):
self.libcxx_obj_root = possible_root
self.libcxx_obj_root = self.project_obj_root
def configure_features(self):
if self.target_info.is_windows():
if self.cxx_stdlib_under_test == 'libc++':
# LIBCXX-WINDOWS-FIXME is the feature name used to XFAIL the
# initial Windows failures until they can be properly diagnosed
# and fixed. This allows easier detection of new test failures
# and regressions. Note: New failures should not be suppressed
# using this feature. (Also see
def configure_compile_flags(self):
# Configure extra flags
compile_flags_str = self.get_lit_conf('compile_flags', '')
self.cxx.compile_flags += shlex.split(compile_flags_str)
if self.target_info.is_windows():
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS']
# Don't warn about using common but nonstandard unprefixed functions
# like chdir, fileno.
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS']
# Build the tests in the same configuration as libcxx itself,
# to avoid mismatches if linked statically.
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-D_CRT_STDIO_ISO_WIDE_SPECIFIERS']
# Required so that tests using min/max don't fail on Windows,
# and so that those tests don't have to be changed to tolerate
# this insanity.
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-DNOMINMAX']
additional_flags = self.get_lit_conf('test_compiler_flags')
if additional_flags:
self.cxx.compile_flags += shlex.split(additional_flags)
def configure_default_compile_flags(self):
# Configure include paths
# Use verbose output for better errors
self.cxx.flags += ['-v']
sysroot = self.get_lit_conf('sysroot')
if sysroot:
self.cxx.flags += ['--sysroot=' + sysroot]
gcc_toolchain = self.get_lit_conf('gcc_toolchain')
if gcc_toolchain:
self.cxx.flags += ['--gcc-toolchain=' + gcc_toolchain]
# NOTE: the _DEBUG definition must preceed the triple check because for
# the Windows build of libc++, the forced inclusion of a header requires
# that _DEBUG is defined. Incorrect ordering will result in -target
# being elided.
if self.target_info.is_windows() and self.debug_build:
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-D_DEBUG']
# Add includes for support headers used in the tests.
support_path = os.path.join(self.libcxx_src_root, 'test/support')
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-I' + support_path]
# Add includes for the PSTL headers
pstl_src_root = self.get_lit_conf('pstl_src_root')
pstl_obj_root = self.get_lit_conf('pstl_obj_root')
if pstl_src_root is not None and pstl_obj_root is not None:
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-I' + os.path.join(pstl_src_root, 'include')]
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-I' + os.path.join(pstl_obj_root, 'generated_headers')]
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-I' + os.path.join(pstl_src_root, 'test')]
def configure_compile_flags_header_includes(self):
support_path = os.path.join(self.libcxx_src_root, 'test', 'support')
if self.cxx_stdlib_under_test != 'libstdc++' and \
not self.target_info.is_windows() and \
not self.target_info.is_zos():
self.cxx.compile_flags += [
'-include', os.path.join(support_path, 'nasty_macros.h')]
if self.cxx_stdlib_under_test == 'msvc':
self.cxx.compile_flags += [
'-include', os.path.join(support_path,
if self.target_info.is_windows() and self.debug_build and \
self.cxx_stdlib_under_test != 'msvc':
self.cxx.compile_flags += [
'-include', os.path.join(support_path,
cxx_headers = self.get_lit_conf('cxx_headers')
if cxx_headers is None and self.cxx_stdlib_under_test != 'libc++':
self.lit_config.note('using the system cxx headers')
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-nostdinc++']
if not os.path.isdir(cxx_headers):
self.lit_config.fatal("cxx_headers='{}' is not a directory.".format(cxx_headers))
(path, version) = os.path.split(cxx_headers)
(path, cxx) = os.path.split(path)
triple = self.get_lit_conf('target_triple', None)
if triple is not None:
cxx_target_headers = os.path.join(path, triple, cxx, version)
if os.path.isdir(cxx_target_headers):
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-I' + cxx_target_headers]
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-I' + cxx_headers]
if self.libcxx_obj_root is not None:
cxxabi_headers = os.path.join(self.libcxx_obj_root, 'include',
if os.path.isdir(cxxabi_headers):
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-I' + cxxabi_headers]
def configure_link_flags(self):
# Configure library path
# Configure libraries
if self.cxx_stdlib_under_test == 'libc++':
if self.target_info.is_mingw():
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-nostdlib++']
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-nodefaultlibs']
# FIXME: Handle MSVCRT as part of the ABI library handling.
if self.target_info.is_windows() and not self.target_info.is_mingw():
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-nostdlib']
elif self.cxx_stdlib_under_test == 'libstdc++':
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lstdc++fs', '-lm', '-pthread']
elif self.cxx_stdlib_under_test == 'msvc':
# FIXME: Correctly setup debug/release flags here.
elif self.cxx_stdlib_under_test == 'cxx_default':
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-pthread']
self.lit_config.fatal('invalid stdlib under test')
link_flags_str = self.get_lit_conf('link_flags', '')
self.cxx.link_flags += shlex.split(link_flags_str)
def configure_link_flags_cxx_library_path(self):
if self.cxx_library_root:
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-L' + self.cxx_library_root]
if self.target_info.is_windows() and self.link_shared:
self.add_path(self.cxx.compile_env, self.cxx_library_root)
if self.cxx_runtime_root:
if not self.target_info.is_windows():
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-Wl,-rpath,' +
elif self.target_info.is_windows() and self.link_shared:
self.add_path(self.exec_env, self.cxx_runtime_root)
additional_flags = self.get_lit_conf('test_linker_flags')
if additional_flags:
self.cxx.link_flags += shlex.split(additional_flags)
def configure_link_flags_abi_library_path(self):
# Configure ABI library paths.
if self.abi_library_root:
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-L' + self.abi_library_root]
if self.abi_runtime_root:
if not self.target_info.is_windows():
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-Wl,-rpath,' + self.abi_runtime_root]
self.add_path(self.exec_env, self.abi_runtime_root)
def configure_link_flags_cxx_library(self):
if self.link_shared:
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lc++']
if self.cxx_library_root:
libname = self.make_static_lib_name('c++')
abs_path = os.path.join(self.cxx_library_root, libname)
assert os.path.exists(abs_path) and \
"static libc++ library does not exist"
self.cxx.link_flags += [abs_path]
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lc++']
def configure_link_flags_abi_library(self):
cxx_abi = self.get_lit_conf('cxx_abi', 'libcxxabi')
if cxx_abi == 'libstdc++':
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lstdc++']
elif cxx_abi == 'libsupc++':
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lsupc++']
elif cxx_abi == 'libcxxabi':
# If the C++ library requires explicitly linking to libc++abi, or
# if we're testing libc++abi itself (the test configs are shared),
# then link it.
testing_libcxxabi = self.get_lit_conf('name', '') == 'libc++abi'
if self.target_info.allow_cxxabi_link() or testing_libcxxabi:
libcxxabi_shared = self.get_lit_bool('libcxxabi_shared', default=True)
if libcxxabi_shared:
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lc++abi']
if self.abi_library_root:
libname = self.make_static_lib_name('c++abi')
abs_path = os.path.join(self.abi_library_root, libname)
self.cxx.link_flags += [abs_path]
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lc++abi']
elif cxx_abi == 'libcxxrt':
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lcxxrt']
elif cxx_abi == 'vcruntime':
debug_suffix = 'd' if self.debug_build else ''
# This matches the set of libraries linked in the toplevel
# libcxx CMakeLists.txt if building targeting msvc.
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-l%s%s' % (lib, debug_suffix) for lib in
['vcruntime', 'ucrt', 'msvcrt', 'msvcprt']]
# The compiler normally links in oldnames.lib too, but we've
# specified -nostdlib above, so we need to specify it manually.
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-loldnames']
elif cxx_abi == 'none' or cxx_abi == 'default':
if self.target_info.is_windows():
debug_suffix = 'd' if self.debug_build else ''
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lmsvcrt%s' % debug_suffix]
'C++ ABI setting %s unsupported for tests' % cxx_abi)
def configure_extra_library_flags(self):
if self.get_lit_bool('cxx_ext_threads', default=False):
self.cxx.link_flags += ['-lc++external_threads']
def configure_coverage(self):
self.generate_coverage = self.get_lit_bool('generate_coverage', False)
if self.generate_coverage:
self.cxx.flags += ['-g', '--coverage']
self.cxx.compile_flags += ['-O0']
def quote(self, s):
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
return lit.TestRunner.quote_windows_command([s])
return pipes.quote(s)
def configure_substitutions(self):
sub = self.config.substitutions
sub.append(('%{cxx}', self.quote(self.cxx.path)))
flags = self.cxx.flags + (self.cxx.modules_flags if self.cxx.use_modules else [])
compile_flags = self.cxx.compile_flags + (self.cxx.warning_flags if self.cxx.use_warnings else [])
sub.append(('%{flags}', ' '.join(map(self.quote, flags))))
sub.append(('%{compile_flags}', ' '.join(map(self.quote, compile_flags))))
sub.append(('%{link_flags}', ' '.join(map(self.quote, self.cxx.link_flags))))
sub.append(('%{install}', self.quote(self.config.install_root)))
codesign_ident = self.get_lit_conf('llvm_codesign_identity', '')
env_vars = ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k, self.quote(v)) for (k, v) in self.exec_env.items())
exec_args = [
'--execdir %T',
'--codesign_identity "{}"'.format(codesign_ident),
'--env {}'.format(env_vars)
sub.append(('%{exec}', '{} {} -- '.format(self.executor, ' '.join(exec_args))))
def configure_env(self):
self.config.environment = dict(os.environ)
def add_path(self, dest_env, new_path):
self.target_info.add_path(dest_env, new_path)