blob: 9c94c7ee97e64e8f473c3134221488dc2d99f0d9 [file] [log] [blame]
Number,Name,Assignee,Patch,Status,First released version
`P0645 <>`_,"Text Formatting",Mark de Wever,,|Partial|,
`P1652 <>`_,"Printf corner cases in std::format",Mark de Wever,`D103433 <>`__,|Review|,
`P1892 <>`_,"Extended locale-specific presentation specifiers for std::format",Mark de Wever,`D103368 <>`__,|Complete|,Clang 14
`P1868 <>`_,"width: clarifying units of width and precision in std::format (Implements the unicode support.)",Mark de Wever,"`D103413 <>`__ `D103425 <>`__ `D103670 <>`__",|Complete|,Clang 14
`P2216 <>`_,"std::format improvements",Mark de Wever,,|In Progress|,
`P2418 <>`__,"Add support for ``std::generator``-like types to ``std::format``",Mark de Wever,,|In Progress|,
`P1361 <>`_,"Integration of chrono with text formatting",,,|Not Started|,
`P2372 <>`__,"Fixing locale handling in chrono formatters",,,|Not Started|,