blob: e2e859f3a81bd7a26bd5090531a66e351e1b318b [file] [log] [blame]
//===- FrontendActions.h -----------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Coding style:
#include "flang/Frontend/CodeGenOptions.h"
#include "flang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
#include "flang/Parser/parsing.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/semantics.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include <memory>
namespace Fortran::frontend {
// TODO: This is a copy from f18.cpp. It doesn't really belong here and should
// be moved to a more suitable place in future.
struct MeasurementVisitor {
template <typename A>
bool Pre(const A &) {
return true;
template <typename A>
void Post(const A &) {
bytes += sizeof(A);
size_t objects{0}, bytes{0};
// Custom Consumer Actions
class InputOutputTestAction : public FrontendAction {
void executeAction() override;
class InitOnlyAction : public FrontendAction {
void executeAction() override;
// Prescan Actions
class PrescanAction : public FrontendAction {
void executeAction() override = 0;
bool beginSourceFileAction() override;
class PrintPreprocessedAction : public PrescanAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugDumpProvenanceAction : public PrescanAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugDumpParsingLogAction : public PrescanAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugMeasureParseTreeAction : public PrescanAction {
void executeAction() override;
// PrescanAndParse Actions
class PrescanAndParseAction : public FrontendAction {
void executeAction() override = 0;
bool beginSourceFileAction() override;
class DebugUnparseNoSemaAction : public PrescanAndParseAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugDumpParseTreeNoSemaAction : public PrescanAndParseAction {
void executeAction() override;
// PrescanAndSema Actions
// These actions will parse the input, run the semantic checks and execute
// their actions provided that no parsing or semantic errors were found.
class PrescanAndSemaAction : public FrontendAction {
void executeAction() override = 0;
bool beginSourceFileAction() override;
class DebugUnparseWithSymbolsAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugUnparseAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugDumpSymbolsAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugDumpParseTreeAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugDumpPFTAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class DebugPreFIRTreeAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class GetDefinitionAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class GetSymbolsSourcesAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class ParseSyntaxOnlyAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override;
class PluginParseTreeAction : public PrescanAndSemaAction {
void executeAction() override = 0;
Fortran::parser::Parsing &getParsing();
/// Creates an output file. This is just a wrapper for calling
/// CreateDefaultOutputFile from CompilerInstance. Use it to make sure that
/// your plugin respects driver's `-o` flag.
/// \param extension The extension to use for the output file (ignored when
/// the user decides to print to stdout via `-o -`)
/// \return Null on error, ostream for the output file otherwise
createOutputFile(llvm::StringRef extension);
// PrescanAndSemaDebug Actions
// These actions will parse the input, run the semantic checks and execute
// their actions _regardless of_ whether any semantic errors have been found.
// This can be useful when adding new languge feature and when you wish to
// investigate compiler output (e.g. the parse tree) despite any semantic
// errors.
// NOTE: Use with care and for development only!
class PrescanAndSemaDebugAction : public FrontendAction {
void executeAction() override = 0;
bool beginSourceFileAction() override;
class DebugDumpAllAction : public PrescanAndSemaDebugAction {
void executeAction() override;
// CodeGen Actions
/// Represents the type of "backend" action to perform by the corresponding
/// CodeGenAction. Note that from Flang's perspective, both LLVM and MLIR are
/// "backends" that are used for generating LLVM IR/BC, assembly files or
/// machine code. This enum captures "what" exactly one of these backends is to
/// do. The names are similar to what is used in Clang - this allows us to
/// maintain some level of consistency/similarity between the drivers.
enum class BackendActionTy {
Backend_EmitAssembly, ///< Emit native assembly files
Backend_EmitObj, ///< Emit native object files
Backend_EmitBC, ///< Emit LLVM bitcode files
Backend_EmitLL, ///< Emit human-readable LLVM assembly
Backend_EmitFIR, ///< Emit FIR files, possibly lowering via HLFIR
Backend_EmitHLFIR, ///< Emit HLFIR files before any passes run
/// Abstract base class for actions that generate code (MLIR, LLVM IR, assembly
/// and machine code). Every action that inherits from this class will at
/// least run the prescanning, parsing, semantic checks and lower the parse
/// tree to an MLIR module.
class CodeGenAction : public FrontendAction {
void executeAction() override;
/// Runs prescan, parsing, sema and lowers to MLIR.
bool beginSourceFileAction() override;
/// Runs the optimization (aka middle-end) pipeline on the LLVM module
/// associated with this action.
void runOptimizationPipeline(llvm::raw_pwrite_stream &os);
CodeGenAction(BackendActionTy act) : action{act} {};
/// @name MLIR
/// {
std::unique_ptr<mlir::ModuleOp> mlirModule;
std::unique_ptr<mlir::MLIRContext> mlirCtx;
/// }
/// @name LLVM IR
std::unique_ptr<llvm::LLVMContext> llvmCtx;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> llvmModule;
/// Embeds offload objects given with specified with -fembed-offload-object
void embedOffloadObjects();
/// Runs pass pipeline to lower HLFIR into FIR
void lowerHLFIRToFIR();
/// Generates an LLVM IR module from CodeGenAction::mlirModule and saves it
/// in CodeGenAction::llvmModule.
void generateLLVMIR();
BackendActionTy action;
/// }
~CodeGenAction() override;
class EmitFIRAction : public CodeGenAction {
EmitFIRAction() : CodeGenAction(BackendActionTy::Backend_EmitFIR) {}
class EmitHLFIRAction : public CodeGenAction {
EmitHLFIRAction() : CodeGenAction(BackendActionTy::Backend_EmitHLFIR) {}
class EmitLLVMAction : public CodeGenAction {
EmitLLVMAction() : CodeGenAction(BackendActionTy::Backend_EmitLL) {}
class EmitLLVMBitcodeAction : public CodeGenAction {
EmitLLVMBitcodeAction() : CodeGenAction(BackendActionTy::Backend_EmitBC) {}
class EmitObjAction : public CodeGenAction {
EmitObjAction() : CodeGenAction(BackendActionTy::Backend_EmitObj) {}
class EmitAssemblyAction : public CodeGenAction {
EmitAssemblyAction() : CodeGenAction(BackendActionTy::Backend_EmitAssembly) {}
} // namespace Fortran::frontend