blob: f5a0e67eee39478852ecb2dd24eedf4382b12107 [file] [log] [blame]
! RUN: %S/ %s %t %flang_fc1
! Check for multiple symbols being defined with with same BIND(C) name
module m1
integer, bind(c, name="x1") :: x1
!ERROR: Two symbols have the same BIND(C) name 'x1'
integer, bind(c, name=" x1 ") :: x2
!ERROR: Two symbols have the same BIND(C) name 'x3'
subroutine x3() bind(c, name="x3")
end subroutine
end module
subroutine x4() bind(c, name=" x3 ")
end subroutine
! Ensure no error in this situation
module m2
subroutine x5() bind(c, name=" x5 ")
end subroutine
end interface
end module
subroutine x5() bind(c, name=" x5 ")
end subroutine