[Flang][OpenMP][Lower] Split MLIR codegen for clauses and constructs (#86963)

This patch performs several cleanups with the main purpose of
normalizing the code patterns used to trigger codegen for MLIR OpenMP
operations and making the processing of clauses and constructs
independent. The following changes are made:

- Clean up unused `directive` argument to
- Move general helper functions in OpenMP.cpp to the appropriate section
of the file.
- Create `gen<OpName>Clauses()` functions containing the clause
processing code specific for the associated OpenMP construct.
- Update `gen<OpName>Op()` functions to call the corresponding
`gen<OpName>Clauses()` function.
- Sort calls to `ClauseProcessor::process<ClauseName>()` alphabetically,
to avoid inadvertently relying on some arbitrary order. Update some
tests that broke due to the order change.
- Normalize `genOMP()` functions so they all delegate the generation of
MLIR to `gen<OpName>Op()` functions following the same pattern.
- Only process `nowait` clause on `TARGET` constructs if not compiling
for the target device.

A later patch can move the calls to `gen<OpName>Clauses()` out of
`gen<OpName>Op()` functions and passing completed clause structures
instead, in preparation to supporting composite constructs. That will
make it possible to reuse clause processing for a given leaf construct
when appearing alone or in a combined or composite construct, while
controlling where the associated code is produced.

GitOrigin-RevId: 4dd5180a2d43b088d7637c30c2654f3c01c46987
6 files changed
tree: 750d676cc650684808aa62b8f7b05db1015a23b4
  1. cmake/
  2. docs/
  3. examples/
  4. include/
  5. lib/
  6. module/
  7. runtime/
  8. test/
  9. tools/
  10. unittests/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .clang-tidy
  13. .drone.star
  14. .gitignore
  15. CMakeLists.txt
  18. README.md


Flang is a ground-up implementation of a Fortran front end written in modern C++. It started off as the f18 project (https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18) with an aim to replace the previous flang project (https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang) and address its various deficiencies. F18 was subsequently accepted into the LLVM project and rechristened as Flang.

Please note that flang is not ready yet for production usage.

Getting Started

Read more about flang in the docs directory. Start with the compiler overview.

To better understand Fortran as a language and the specific grammar accepted by flang, read Fortran For C Programmers and flang's specifications of the Fortran grammar and the OpenMP grammar.

Treatment of language extensions is covered in this document.

To understand the compilers handling of intrinsics, see the discussion of intrinsics.

To understand how a flang program communicates with libraries at runtime, see the discussion of runtime descriptors.

If you're interested in contributing to the compiler, read the style guide and also review how flang uses modern C++ features.

If you are interested in writing new documentation, follow LLVM's Markdown style guide.

Consult the Getting Started with Flang for information on building and running flang.