Flang is LLVM's Fortran frontend that can be found here. It is often referred to as “LLVM Flang” to differentiate itself from “Classic Flang” - these are two separate and independent Fortran compilers. LLVM Flang is under active development. While it is capable of generating executables for a number of examples, some functionality is still missing. See Getting Involved for tips on how to get in touch with us and to learn more about the current status.
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: ReleaseNotes
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: C++17 C++style DesignGuideline FortranForCProgrammers GettingInvolved GettingStarted ImplementingASemanticCheck PullRequestChecklist
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: Aliasing AliasingAnalysisFIR ArrayComposition AssumedRank BijectiveInternalNameUniquing Calls Character ComplexOperations ControlFlowGraph DebugGeneration Directives DoConcurrent Extensions F202X FIRArrayOperations FIRLangRef FlangCommandLineReference FlangDriver FortranFeatureHistory FortranIR FortranLLVMTestSuite HighLevelFIR IORuntimeInternals InternalProcedureTrampolines Intrinsics IntrinsicTypes LabelResolution ModFiles OpenACC OpenACC-descriptor-management.md OpenMP-4.5-grammar.md OpenMP-declare-target OpenMP-descriptor-management OpenMP-semantics OptionComparison Overview ParameterizedDerivedTypes ParserCombinators Parsing PolymorphicEntities Preprocessing ProcedurePointer RuntimeDescriptor RuntimeEnvironment RuntimeTypeInfo Semantics f2018-grammar.md fstack-arrays Real16MathSupport
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