blob: 5991458c5732db4cc3b4157c9cf22c6684ba6f99 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CtxInstrContextNode.h - Contextual Profile Node --------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// NOTE!
// llvm/lib/ProfileData/CtxInstrContextNode.h and
// compiler-rt/lib/ctx_profile/CtxInstrContextNode.h
// must be exact copies of eachother
// compiler-rt creates these objects as part of the instrumentation runtime for
// contextual profiling. LLVM only consumes them to convert a contextual tree
// to a bitstream.
/// The contextual profile is a directed tree where each node has one parent. A
/// node (ContextNode) corresponds to a function activation. The root of the
/// tree is at a function that was marked as entrypoint to the compiler. A node
/// stores counter values for edges and a vector of subcontexts. These are the
/// contexts of callees. The index in the subcontext vector corresponds to the
/// index of the callsite (as was instrumented via llvm.instrprof.callsite). At
/// that index we find a linked list, potentially empty, of ContextNodes. Direct
/// calls will have 0 or 1 values in the linked list, but indirect callsites may
/// have more.
/// The ContextNode has a fixed sized header describing it - the GUID of the
/// function, the size of the counter and callsite vectors. It is also an
/// (intrusive) linked list for the purposes of the indirect call case above.
/// Allocation is expected to happen on an Arena. The allocation lays out inline
/// the counter and subcontexts vectors. The class offers APIs to correctly
/// reference the latter.
/// The layout is as follows:
/// [[declared fields][counters vector][vector of ptrs to subcontexts]]
/// See also documentation on the counters and subContexts members below.
/// The structure of the ContextNode is known to LLVM, because LLVM needs to:
/// (1) increment counts, and
/// (2) form a GEP for the position in the subcontext list of a callsite
/// This means changes to LLVM contextual profile lowering and changes here
/// must be coupled.
/// Note: the header content isn't interesting to LLVM (other than its size)
/// Part of contextual collection is the notion of "scratch contexts". These are
/// buffers that are "large enough" to allow for memory-safe acceses during
/// counter increments - meaning the counter increment code in LLVM doesn't need
/// to be concerned with memory safety. Their subcontexts never get populated,
/// though. The runtime code here produces and recognizes them.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace llvm {
namespace ctx_profile {
using GUID = uint64_t;
class ContextNode final {
const GUID Guid;
ContextNode *const Next;
const uint32_t NumCounters;
const uint32_t NumCallsites;
ContextNode(GUID Guid, uint32_t NumCounters, uint32_t NumCallsites,
ContextNode *Next = nullptr)
: Guid(Guid), Next(Next), NumCounters(NumCounters),
NumCallsites(NumCallsites) {}
static inline size_t getAllocSize(uint32_t NumCounters,
uint32_t NumCallsites) {
return sizeof(ContextNode) + sizeof(uint64_t) * NumCounters +
sizeof(ContextNode *) * NumCallsites;
// The counters vector starts right after the static header.
uint64_t *counters() {
ContextNode *addr_after = &(this[1]);
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(addr_after);
uint32_t counters_size() const { return NumCounters; }
uint32_t callsites_size() const { return NumCallsites; }
const uint64_t *counters() const {
return const_cast<ContextNode *>(this)->counters();
// The subcontexts vector starts right after the end of the counters vector.
ContextNode **subContexts() {
return reinterpret_cast<ContextNode **>(&(counters()[NumCounters]));
ContextNode *const *subContexts() const {
return const_cast<ContextNode *>(this)->subContexts();
GUID guid() const { return Guid; }
ContextNode *next() const { return Next; }
size_t size() const { return getAllocSize(NumCounters, NumCallsites); }
uint64_t entrycount() const { return counters()[0]; }
} // namespace ctx_profile
} // namespace llvm