[llvm-profdata] Rename show flag to --show-format

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D135127 we created the show flag
`--output-format` which was confusing because it behaved differently
than the same flag in the merge command. So, rename the flag to
`--show-format`. This also allows us to add the `text` option to mean
"normal text output" rather than "text-encoded profiles" like it does
for the merge command.

Reviewed By: wenlei

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D135467

GitOrigin-RevId: ea607d033aff54b8be0fcc6d4931b0bfc5ebb252
diff --git a/test/profile/Linux/instrprof-show-debug-info-correlation.c b/test/profile/Linux/instrprof-show-debug-info-correlation.c
index a7ea54f..f143901 100644
--- a/test/profile/Linux/instrprof-show-debug-info-correlation.c
+++ b/test/profile/Linux/instrprof-show-debug-info-correlation.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // RUN: %clang_pgogen -o %t -g -mllvm --debug-info-correlate -mllvm --disable-vp=true %s
 // RUN: llvm-profdata show --debug-info=%t --detailed-summary --show-prof-sym-list | FileCheck %s
-// RUN: llvm-profdata show --debug-info=%t --output-format=yaml | FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --check-prefix YAML
+// RUN: llvm-profdata show --debug-info=%t --show-format=yaml | FileCheck %s --match-full-lines --check-prefix YAML
 // RUN: %clang_pgogen -o %t.no.dbg -mllvm --debug-info-correlate -mllvm --disable-vp=true %s
 // RUN: not llvm-profdata show --debug-info=%t.no.dbg 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix NO-DBG