Push immediate function context while transforming lambdas in templates. (#89702)

The following program is [accepted](https://godbolt.org/z/oEc34Trh4) by
Clang, EDG, and MSVC, but rejected by Clang:
#include <vector>

consteval auto fn() { return std::vector {1,2,3}; }

template <typename T = int>
void fn2() {
    (void)[]() consteval {
      for (auto e : fn()) {}

void caller() {

The stated diagnostic is:
<source>:8:21: error: call to consteval function 'fn' is not a constant expression
    8 |       for (auto e : fn()) {}

The body of the lambda should be evaluated as within an immediate
function context when the lambda is marked as `consteval`.

Co-authored-by: cor3ntin <corentinjabot@gmail.com>
GitOrigin-RevId: 5e767bd7d16dcdfc1ad8b32ba399f969dd940f57
3 files changed